Saturday, August 30, 2014

“Fear and Doubt Can Only Live in the House You Build” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Fear and Doubt Can Only Live in the House You Build” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Fear and Doubt Can Only Live in the House You Build
August 31, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE - Wisdom For Your Soul. As we were talking about last week, we have a new tagline. Thanks to all of you who sent in all of your taglines and those of you who voted in our Tagline Contest. The one that won was "Wisdom For Your Soul". And as we were explaining is that we provide wisdom for all aspects of your life so that you, a soul having a human experience, can have the best life that you possibly can. That's why we talk about so many different subjects here on GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE - Wisdom For Your Soul. And before we get into the topic for today, I'd like to turn it over to Jennifer to discuss any Events that are happening this week.

Yes, Alfred. Hans was recently the Opening Speaker for Season 5 of Beyond The Ordinary with John Burgos. And that show is being replayed this weekend. You can check it out at That link is posted on Hans' Facebook Page. That's all I have right now. Anything else that comes up for the week ahead will, as always, be posted on both Facebook and Twitter.

Great Jennifer. Thank you for the Announcements. And of course we do our best to announce what's going on the day before or the day happening when something does happen on Facebook. And we sincerely appreciate all of you who have “Liked” us and those of you who are “Sharing” what we do. We do no traditional advertising so we rely on you to get the word out. And we are ever so appreciative of your efforts to help us help others. So for today's topic - "Fear and Doubt Can Only Live in the House You Build". Without further ado I present to you the Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King.

Hello everybody. Welcome to the show.  We are very happy to be with you today. It's a beautiful day. And you know, at a certain time of your life every day is a beautiful day. And I wish that I could help people to understand that every day is a beautiful day. We're blessed to be on the planet, we're blessed to be doing what we're supposed to be doing, and I'd like everybody to hold a thought for our dear friend Joan Rivers as she hopefully tries to regain consciousness after her medical emergency. She's brought a lot of laughs to a lot of people. Made a lot of people really angry. But I think she's pretty remarkable for 81 years old. So I am praying. I hope you all do too. A couple of days ago I tweeted, yes, Hans King is tweeting if anyone can believe that. I tweeted something that Spirit said to me. Guidance said: "I'd like them to understand that fear and doubt can only live in the house they build". I want everyone to stop for a moment and think about that. What does that mean? It means that fear and doubt are an illusion manufactured in the mind. It is not really true. Yes, there are horrific events that happen in some people's lives, wars, accidents, things of that nature... But for most people that does not happen. And some day we will talk a little bit about what happens when those events occur. But for most of us the greatest, probably most difficult thing we face in life is the illusion generated by the mind chatter. I once said to someone: Do you realize that nothing you are saying is actually going on? And she stopped me and she was quite angry and she said: Well of course it's going on. It's this and this and that and that... She went down this list and she said: I've been afraid since I was a little girl and all of these things that could have happened to me... And I stopped her. And I said: Could have happened to you, but they didn't. No, but she said: I was afraid and I was eager to get out of the circumstances. And I tried to help her to understand that she built a house to receive fear and doubt. They're old friends you know. They go out together, have lunch, what have about how they can best mess up what you're doing in life. But if you would understand that deep inside of you are a series of rooms and doors, love is one of those doors or those rooms. Fear is one of those rooms. And when you begin to understand: Oh, wait a minute! Are you saying to me that I'm attracting the fear and the doubt to myself because I actually have built the room to receive it? And I was saying: Yes. And then you begin the long journey of trying to prove to me that isn't so. Remember all that is coming towards you is coming out of your own fear, your own mind chatter. Alfred would you jump in here for a little bit and tell me of your experience. The reason I bring Alfred in is he has a much younger experience and it is different than my experience.

Fear and doubt really, from a spiritual perspective, don't exist. And what does that mean from my point of view is the worst absolute thing that can happen, that you could be fearful of, that you would be doubtful of is you leave the human body and go back to the Other Side which is reality. You're only here temporarily for the existence of the soul having a human experience.

And the illusion of being in the existence.

Yes. And the illusion and the difficulty of overcoming the illusion. So if you think about what's the worst thing you fear...what is it? Going back to the Other Side, going Home, going to a wonderful world of peace and harmony...

Well gee Alfred, aren't we all going to do that anyway?

We are. And if you put it in that perspective - what could you really fear? Oh, I may not succeed this lifetime. Okay. Well, you go back to the Other Side and say: Oh, let me give that another shot. And you come back down. There is no time. You can come back down and reincarnate as many times as you want. Just because you didn't do as well as you think you could, fine. You go back up to the Other Side and review it and you have another go at it. I think that's probably the other thing that's most worried about is: Am I going to do well this life? Well you don't have to worry about that either.

No, you don't Alfred. You couldn't be more correct. Because you see folks, this is but a "click" in time. If you've ever listened to a Grandfather Clock, "click"..."click"..."click". That's your life. The largeness of your life is that you have billions of "clicks". Now I'm not saying to you that you should hurry up and run Home. No, no, no. On the contrary, what you want to do is hurry up and learn your lessons. You've heard me often speak about: And what makes you think that anything is wrong? Things are thrown at us and... For instance, I made the mistake yesterday and I don't know what I was thinking, of turning on the News. And the 2 channels that are side-by-side are FOX and MSNBC. And I watched one for 5 minutes and watched the other for 5 minutes and turned them off. Because all they are is someone's "opinion" of what's going on. People who have absolutely no comprehension, no inside information, nothing... They're just making it up. You see? And that's what we do in our life Alfred is that the way we are trained, the way life is presented to us as a child through our family, our fears are the fears of our fathers. Our fears are the fears of our mothers, our grandmothers, our grandfathers, our siblings. Our fears were never with us when we came in. There are, children, exceptions to that rule. Always an exception to every rule. The exception being sometimes someone has suffered what you have hear me refer to as "a trauma to the soul". And when that happens, when that occurs, sometimes there's what I call a "carry-forward-memory". That's when I find the value of past life regression. Now I know Alfred you've gone for past life regression and you found some things. And I believe you found it quite helpful. Is that right?

That really was amazing because I remember a long time ago when I was in the Boy Scouts I actually had my Life Saving Merit Badge. I was a Lifeguard. But for some reason during Lifeguard training they wanted us to dive beneath the pier. And about 15 Lifeguards dived beneath the pier to check if everything was okay and popped up the other side and I sort of looked at that and I said: I'm not doing that. And I was the only one. And it just...pure white fear came over my body and I absolutely could not understand why I did not like swimming underneath things. I could swim anywhere. I could swim a mile no problem at all. But not underneath things. And finally I had a past life regression and it was because I had drowned because something had been on top of me like a ship or something.  And I specifically remember the exact same feeling when I went through my past life regression. Now, did it exist? Does it exist? It existed in the past and it's a carry-forward memory but it doesn't exist in the "now".

No, it doesn't. And folks, here's a little homework you can do over the next week. If something's bothering you, something you heard strikes a little bit of a fear cord in you, or some doubt arises on a subject, stop yourself for a minute and say: Is this true? Is any of this true? Is this an actual fact or is my mind making it up because I have a place inside of me to believe something bad could happen. But is what is going on right now actually true or is it my mind chatter's interpretation? And if you start to do that Alfred with everything that comes up that's fearful or scary, you will literally change your life forever.

And that's an interesting way to look at it is is look at fear and doubt from a spiritual perspective. Fear and doubt are "human" - I'm not going to have enough money, I'm not going to find a partner, this is not going to happen or that is going to happen. All of that is about control, security. Those things are the complete opposite of spirituality which is abundance is unlimited, love is unlimited, your soul is unlimited. The humanness of us worries about: Do I have enough time? Am I going to run out of time? Spiritually speaking Einstein knew this - there is no time. 

No. You can't run out of it then.

So if you get into a place of fear and doubt about anything, look at it and say: Am I being human? Am I looking at this from a human perspective? If I look at it from a spiritual perspective can those things I'm worrying about even exist? 

Excellent. Thank you very much. And that's the interesting thing is is what we're thinking about true? Does it actually exist? Or have I been so programmed that I've built a room in the house of my soul that provides me a space to put that fear, to put that doubt, to put that anger? You've heard me throughout the years...I love this old British saying that says: You see what you look for you know. But does anybody actually hear that? It's an old metaphysical saying that comes out of pure truth - You see what you look for you know. That's the room in the heart that you provide for the fear and the doubt to scare you. I once told you that 96-98% of everything we ever worry about - this is a scientific study - 96-98% of everything we ever worry about actually never occurs. But we spend upwards of 37% of our waking day being concerned about it. Now folks just think what you could do with that 37%.

Be peaceful. Be happy. Be joyful. Be grateful. Be in the moment.

Be peaceful. Go to the park with a loaf of cheap bread and feed the ducks. They don't care whether it's cheap or not. They love the carbohydrates. Just do something. Do something differently. Don't operate any longer out of fear and doubt because you are all baby angels having this incredible human experience. Stay off the News. We've got so many wonderful channels out there now from the Discovery Channel to HGTV. All kinds of wonderful channels doing all kinds of wonderful things. We have that now. If you want to watch TV, watch those things. I drive my folks a little crazy because I'm really fond of HGTV. And I watch how things are built, I watch how things are cooked. I like the Food Channel. That type of thing. And that's really, to me, quite enjoying. Alfred he likes his Jeep Building and Car Building Shows. So find something that's fun, that's light. But watch even when you're doing that often the mind chatter begins. Okay? Alfred talk about that a minute. That in the minute of doing something quite wonderful the little devil tends to creep in.

Well if you're in the moment usually it doesn't. But sometimes if you're out say going for a walk, there'll be something...oh your mind chatter, your ego, your program that says: Shouldn't you be thinking about this? Shouldn't you be worrying about that? And it will take you out of the moment and bring you to what possibly could happen in the future or what you should be considering doing or what you could be doing other than being in the moment.

Um hmm.

Okay? And that I think is your best spiritual defense is to say... The thing that I do is if something like that happens I say: Okay, if this is a valid thought, I kindly request the Other Side to remind me of it when I'm done being in the moment.


If it's not a valid thought then They're not going to remind me.

(Still Laughing) That's right. Get the heck away from me... Folks find always the humor in how you succumb to the mind chatter. Make it funny. Make it a joke. You know every once in awhile I'll say: Oh, there you go again silly thing! There you go again. So even in my life and all the teachers I know, to the person, I can tell you people who periodically the mind chatter gets the better of them and they forget to lock the room, the door where they are saying it's okay to come in. You've got to lock that up. Draw a picture. Get some paper, draw a picture of a room with a big lock on it. Picture yourself drawing some keys and mark that room "Fear and Doubt". This is your home for Fear and Doubt.  But as of today, this very moment, you're going to lock that door. And you're going to take that key and you're going to throw it into the woods, you're going to throw it into the ocean. And when you're doing that you are saying: I give you no more power to exist in me today and for the rest of this incarnation. I am free of this fear. I am free of the doubt. It has no home here. I am free. Now you may have to do that gentle friends, over and over and over again. But in the end you will win. Always. Because it was never attached to you in the first place. You already had all the love, all the acceptance, all the non-judgment, all the joy is your birthright in the human form as your soul entered that form. You were complete at that moment. All the rest is an add-on. It's an addendum. It has nothing to do with who you are. Now you didn't know you were building the room to hold the fear and the doubt. Because we were born into a world that segregates out humanness and replaces it with fear and doubt. I remember watching a was something out of India or Indian...I forget who it was. But I remember Professor Godbole when James Fox is running around and saying: I can't find my tie pin and all... And he says: I have to get to the court because she's up in the trial and all that. And Professor Godbole said: What are you going on about? He said: I have to be there. I have to help. And Godbole stopped him and he said: Young man what makes you think that you have anything whatsoever to do with the outcome of this trial? It has it's own life and it will proceed down that road.

That's a really good point is one of the most important aspect we're taught as human is that "you" are the person who is in control of your life, "you" are the person who can get what you need to serve out of this life. That is a very human thought. That is a very separating thought. In that line of thought you are separating yourself from the humanness you have yourself. And God's going to say: Okay great. If you think you've got it figured out, go for it. We're just going to hang back here and relax.


And as many of you know spiritually speaking, the complete opposite is to surrender the outcome. So what we're doing is we're pointing out that the reason fear and doubt exist in your life is because there is an aspect of your life that is human and simply consider applying a spiritual principle in that area such as control and surrendering.

Lock the door. Because the greatness of your spirituality far exceeds any power that any mind chatter, fear or doubt could ever have over you. When we say to you: Not my problem - we don't mean to insult you. What we're saying is your problem that you're going through is made up by you. It is not my problem. I don't wish to be upset by what you're doing. Why are you doing that? I had the pleasure to speak to a woman yesterday. She was so caught up in fear and doubt that it had literally destroyed all the possibilities in her life. She never took a partner because her mother once said: Yes, but they can leave you. Because her father did. She never got a good job because her mother said: It's a shame you're going to have to find a man someday to take care of you because you're just not bright enough. She bought that. 57 years of it. None of it was true. None of it will ever be true. But she provided a space. In other words she built a house from that sadness, that pain, that doubt to live in. And she made certain that she fed that by proving that nothing had happened good for her and what she couldn't see was that she had never allowed anything "good" to happen for her. She became a victim of her own consciousness. And when I tried very hard with Spirit to remove it, she tried very hard to put it back in place. For those of you who are healers and teachers, for those of you who work in the work that I work in, Alfred works in, sometimes folks, people have built such large homes to house their fear and doubt that you couldn't knock them down with a bulldozer. Alfred you know this to be so.

If you identify with it, if you think it is you, if you think you're past makes up who you are, there's really nothing we can do to help you.


That's it. If you understand that your past is simply that - the past. It is nothing more than a memory, if you understand that your past has made you stronger, built your character, be grateful for your past - but it is not where you are. Where you are is in the moment. Then you have a place to move out of that to say: No, this is where I am. That does not exist. It is not who I am. I am where I am in the moment. Those things are now are not me. I have choice. And that's what we're trying to teach you.

Okay, that's very good. Just hold it there for a second. Choice. Alfred do you know that most people don't believe they have a choice out of fear and doubt?

Because we're not told we have choice...


We're told you have to drink Coke and... And I just saw on a commercial today the newest thing - exercise your face to look younger.

(Hans laughing)

You have to look younger so you have to exercise your face.

Yes, that's it.

You have to look slimmer, you have to earn more money, your car has to be newer. Are you tired of driving that boring old car?

Oh my goodness...

Wouldn't you want a nice new car to show everybody how successful you are? 


Isn't that funny how we're taught from Day 1, and as most of you know I have a soapbox for this, we're taught from Day 1 - we're not quite good enough. Here's what we have to do. We have to eat Wheaties so we look like an athlete. We have to have our hair colored so we can look like the gal on the box of Clairol. We have to look and dress a certain way. Our bodies have to be a certain way. Folks, 99% of all people age and there really and truly isn't much you can do about it but watch your eating, exercise and be sure that you have a good mental attitude. Our friend Joan Rivers, whether you like her or you don't like her, has actually gotten better with age. She truly has. She's at the absolute height of her career. And for those of you who've ever watched, I think it was in 2011 or 2012, her movie - it's amazing because she is without a doubt what many of you are - Survivors. She doesn't have a place in her heart to say she can fail. I want every one of you to not have a place within you that says: I'm not good enough. You know one of the biggest products that we have out that reaches more people than anything we do is: You Are Enough. Why? Because most people don't know that's true. There is nothing you're ever going to do for the rest of your life that  will ever make you better than who you already are. You can dress differently. You can live in a big house. You can have lots of money. But it all goes away one day folks. It all goes away. And what you are left with is the essence of you. Just a divine baby angel who came to visit in the human form. You are eternal. You are love itself. You are the radiant aspect of the Spirit in human form. Therefore what you want to always understand is that Spirit is your Source. Spirit is walking with you. Spirit is holding you. Spirit is saying gently to you: Mmmmm, you deserve better than that. You see? You deserve better than that. Don't build a room or a house for fear and doubt. Build a house of love, acceptance. I am enough. Not only for today but forever. I had an interesting experience Alfred today. I had a wonderful client who had called and in speaking with her, she was still caught up in her childhood and her teens and early 20's with her family. She was so caught up with this that she actually believed that she was still in that although the parents, the grandparents, they were all dead. They were all gone. They were all back in the Other Side. But she was still living in the pain, in the doubt, in the fear, the anger, the resentment - she was still in that place screaming out: Why? Why? Why did that happen? Look what happened to my life. Rather than say: Whew! Wow, I'm glad I'm out of that! I'm not going to let that come into my life anymore. That was then. I'm not that person. I'm a different person. I'm this person here. A person in love, in light, of myself. Now folks, many of you actually believe the pain in your life. You believe it. But if you stop for just a moment and you say: You know, let me think about this for a minute. Why am I still in pain over something that happened 25 or 30 years ago? You see, you're in it because you built the house for it to stay. You built the house for it to live and you feed it continuously. And until you stop feeding the pain, the disappointment, the fear, it will continue to live in the house that you have built that you don't know you built. Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for today. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

“Being Spiritual In a Violent World” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Being Spiritual In a Violent World” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Being Spiritual In a Violent World
August 24, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. And we have a new tag-line! Now it is "Guidance For Your Life - Wisdom For Your Soul". And we thank you all for participating in our tag-line contest. We've announced on Facebook the winner who has won a free reading from Hans. And we're going to talk just a little bit about what that new tag-line means. If you're looking at it, and it says "Guidance For Your Life - Wisdom For Your Soul" is there really wisdom for your soul? No. Because your soul has everything that you really need. What we help you do is lead you back to your soul so that you can live the best life that you possibly could. What we do is we always give you information as much as we possibly can, about releasing humanness so that you can be the soul that you truly are. So that's why, not only was it our choice but it was your choice because we actually put it up to you in our Facebook Contest for you to pick the tag-line and that was the one that you chose. So welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE - Wisdom For Your Soul. As for what's happening this week, there's only one event but it is a biggy! Hans Christian King is opening up the Beyond The Ordinary Show Seminar - the fall season Hans is going to be the very first speaker. That's happening this Tuesday. The next Tuesday coming up, August 26, 2014 at 5:00pm Pacific, 8:00pm Eastern. Again stay tuned. Mark your calendars for next Tuesday, August 26, 5pm Pacific, 8:00pm Eastern. If my calculations are correct, that's 4:00 in the morning in Europe. If you do manage to get to listen, there is a very distinct chance that you could possibly talk to Hans. He is taking live callers and if you heard Hans the last time, he took a lot of live callers with John Burgos who is a warm and wonderful interviewer. Please check our Event Calendar. Please check our Facebook for information about how to dial in, how to listen to Beyond The Ordinary Show this August 26th. Again 5:00pm Pacific, 8:00pm Eastern Time. And of course, please if you haven't already "Like" us on Facebook and we're always continuing with our Random Acts of Kindness for helping us spread the word which is the only way we get the world out there through social media. We give you Random Actions of Kindness - whether they're lessons, audio lessons, video classes or other goodies, we reward you for helping us get the word out. We don't do any traditional advertising so we really do appreciate when you "Share" or "Re-tweet"  what we post up to social media. And that's it for the housekeeping. So without further ado, I present to you the Modern Day Mystic himself Hans Christian King.

Hello everyone, how are you? Nice to be with all of you. Alfred, I think we forgot to mention the topic for the day.

Well it's sort of an interesting topic Hans. How would you like to describe it?

How does a spiritual being live in a world that seems so violent? What do you think?

That's pretty much it. What we were talking about before the show was all the violence that's going on in the world. Whether it's in Russia, Somalia, Israel,  Palestine...all the violence that's going on. How do you deal with that in a spiritual sense?

Well the most important thing everybody to realize is remember when I taught you for years that: They themselves are makers of themselves. There's a reason to teach you this. What you see going on in the world today, in our country, in Russia, the Ukraine, some African countries...what you're seeing is a man-made illusion. Is there pain? Absolutely. Is there suffering? Absolutely. Man's inhumanity to his fellow man is shocking at best. But remember that you're just a baby angel having a human experience. And the only way, the only way you can be hurt by this is if you open yourself up to the appearance of the pain. What you can do is Bless it. You can take your energy, add your light, your energy and send it out into the world and say to Spirit: Please use this energy to try to heal, to try to help. Remember that Spirit and the Godforce are working tirelessly every single day trying to bring harmony and peace. Now you say to me: Well Hans it doesn't seem to be working. On the contrary, my good friends, it is working. Many of you don't remember that just 70 years ago the world literally tore itself apart. 200,000,000 people died. Not 5,000 here, or 3,000 there. We lost in World War II 456,000 boys and girls. We lost another 50,000 in Korea. We lost another 48,000 people in Vietnam. So it's getting "better". What we have today that we have today that we didn't used to have is social media. We have instantaneous... You can take a picture now and literally send it around the world. So it's constantly up in our face. Are there tragedies? You're darn right there are. Of course there are. But you don't have to be part of the drama. You can send your healing energy to help others. Send love to help others. You can make a difference every single day. But the most important thing you must do is to close yourself off from the affect of the pain. For instance, this Mr. Foley who unfortunately suffered a tragic ending at the hands of people who are past whatever a human being should be. That's just my own personal opinion. Past it. There's no rational good that can come from an act like that. And my heart has gone out to him. My heart has gone out to his family. Surround that family in love. Surround them in light. Alright everyone? But it's getting better. It's so much better now than when I was a young man. When I was a young man we were waiting for nuclear bombs to fall on Los Angeles. And we were trained to duck and cover. We had to drop where we were, crawl under something. We had drills. Atomic Bomb drills. So it is better. But the world is also getting more sensitive. We're finding that people now are far more sensitive to these situations because it's so much up in your face everyday...between the News and Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and all of this stuff is everywhere all the time. This is one of the reasons that we had the  show the other day which we talked about constantly being on-line. Because you're constantly being bombarded with what's wrong. Alfred, what's your opinion on what we've been talking about?

One thing is I was just having a discussion with one of the Tele-seminar hosts that you're going to be on next month and his question to me was: Why do bad things happen to good people? How can you make sense out of tragedy? And I said: It's not obvious. But basically it resides on the Law of Free Will. God does not stop bad people from doing things. Because there is the Law of Free Will. You have the ability to do whatever you choose here.

Yes, but God does encourage them not to do bad things.

Exactly. God tries to sway or persuade people “from” doing bad things. However, God, according to the Law of Free Will, cannot interfere with individuals decisions or actions. On the other hand, for those people who are doing good, God lends energy, God lends support, you get positive karma. Likewise if you do bad things well there's negative karma and you have to deal with that eventually. But nowhere in there is that God or Spirit have the right to stop anything that people are doing. So unfortunately, bad things just happen. But without the support of Spirit. And unfortunately there are sometimes where good people just bump up against a mean person. It was not coordinated, God had nothing to do with that happening. It's just some people were in the wrong place at the wrong time. So you can't look into everything that happens and try to find meaning. Sometimes the meaning is: Yeah, there's just mean people in the world.

Alfred, that's very important what you just said. Trying to find meaning out of insanity will drive you crazy. 

You know, why are mean people... Well if you take western culture to the extreme - I got mine, you got yours - I'm going to get mine as much as I can possibly get. I think there was a quote that we uncovered about a year or so ago Hans is that: All the problems in the world are because of greed. 

Um hmm.

So much of the world would be so much better without greed. But unfortunately we teach the world...

How to be greedy.

Alfred: to be greedy. And how to be violent in order to be greedy. So is there anything really wrong? No. There's just some mean people in the world.

Again it goes back to what we teach. You were talking about free will. We have a choice. Most people who are doing wrong, know they're doing wrong. But they do it anyway, out of greed or lust or whatever. But Alfred, for those people who are overly sensitive, or older souls, how would you approach them as far as protecting themselves from all of the media and the hype and the social media about all that's wrong. What would you advise them to do?

Well, two things. Number one, don't watch TV.

(Hans Laughing)

I don't watch TV.  I refuse. 

Well you don't watch the News.

I don't watch the News. Occasionally I'll watch movies and very selectively. Lately I've been very picky about the movies because I don't want to see the violence. Just meaningless violence on television.

What was that we went to see the other day?

Oh my God...

And were absolutely appalled...

Awh, Expendables, the latest one. Just pure... If you want to know why people don't like the image of America, go see Expendables and you see that they make it wonderful to kill people.


It's a good thing...that you're accepted.

And not just a few, Alfred.

You're accepted into the group. You're part of a family if you go kill people on the other side of the world. That's the image that Hollywood portrays. Now again is there anything wrong? No, that's for people who want that stuff and obviously spirituality is a choice. So point number one, just don't see those movies, just don't watch the News. Are you going to miss anything? No. I haven't watched TV in 15 years and I don't miss it. Point Number two, if there is huge amounts of violence, have no judgment, have no opinion. If you think something is wrong, you have a judgment and you have an opinion. One of the fundamental principles of spirituality is: Have no judgment. Have no opinion. Things just are.

And they are working themselves through.

Yes, and as Hans says: Whenever there is Spirit, Spirit has no judgment of the people. And that allows you to have one of the most difficult lessons to achieve, one of the most difficult lessons is to love “everyone” regardless of their actions. If you have an opinion or a judgment of something that someone did, it is very, very difficult to love that person. However, if you separate the soul from the person's actions and say: I have no judgment of your actions. But I love everyone just the same as Spirit does, as God does, as the sun shines on everyone equally.

I do think Alfred probably many people will say: Well how can you not have a judgment? How can you not feel bad about what Hitler did? How can you not feel bad about what happened to China in World War II?  How can you not feel bad? And I would say to you: Wherever there is an action there is a reaction, folks. Nobody, but nobody could condone the kind of violence that has been happening. But it is getting better and it will be around for some time as long as man is greedy, as long as man is not whole and complete, there will be people who bring harm to others. But the original question was: How do "we" as spiritual beings distance ourselves from the pain? It is literally by not letting it in. You can choose each day, as I do, to surround myself in pure white light, each day, just like I say just wrapping myself in Saran Wrap and saying: Please bring light into that would bring darkness around me today. And opening myself up to all the possibilities for the day. Remember I said the word "possibilities". And I also say: Please lend my energy to the healing energy for the planet and for the people on it. Okay? And remember, today will be ancient history a hundred years from now. And nobody who was here then will ever quite understand what was going on. And as we become more enlightened, as spirits in human form, less violence will occur. And we are working on that. But there are still dark elements, dark forces, out of the dark place in the human scene that will continue to cause trouble for hundreds of years to come. But still I say to you: It is getting better. But you do not have to allow that pain into your heart. This question came from a friend of ours in New York: How does a spiritual being manage to get through this world without being literally knocked sideways by the appearance of the violence in the world? And so I hope folks that you understand that you do have, you do have an obligation to yourself to not allow yourself to absorb this pain. With Alfred, I no longer listen to the News. I no longer read the Newspaper. And what's funny is if  you take those things away and you turn your consciousness towards, as Alfred used to say, a flower, or the clouds passing by, or a baby's face, or an older couple walking along holding hands, then you will that the light far outshines the dark. Alfred, you? I sort of throw Alfred into the headlights here (laughing).

There was a channeling session I had a couple of months ago where They addressed this issue to me. And They said: What makes you think anything is wrong? What makes you think that we didn't design your realm to have these extremes? What makes you think all the souls who asked to incarnate to your realm didn't understand already the possibilities and the struggle in order to grow their soul? Think of if as trying to climb Mt. Everest. You've climbed a hill, you've climbed larger hills, you've climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, and you decided: You know what? I want the most difficult lesson just because it's there...the mountain is there. They know their hands could fall off, they know they could freeze, they know they could die, they know they could get caught in an avalanche... But is there a problem because the mountain is there? Or did the person who decided to climb the mountain willingly acknowledge the mountain and the task in front of them and choose and prepare and plan as we do before we're incarnated.

I think Alfred, just holding that particular thought and then when somebody falls Alfred, or an avalanche comes, they talk about the tragedy that occurred on the mountain. And it wasn't a tragedy.

No. It was a choice...

It was a self-made event.

It was a choice to come down and to be challenged. So the whole point is that the Other Side sees this similar to Mt. Everest. There is nothing wrong.


It's there for those souls who wish to come down to come for advanced spiritual lessons and for soul growth.

So you're basically given a choice.

You are given a choice. Everyone has the choice whether to come down to this realms or other realms or not. So is it the problem that these obstacles and opportunities are here or is it simply that we made a choice to be here to experience life on this realm. And if you look at it that way, there is nothing wrong.

Alright folks. I know that it sounds like Alfred and I don't care but nothing could be further from the truth. What we're trying to say is: Humanity is given a choice. That choice is to flourish, love, to give love, to accept the beauty of Spirit, the wonder of God in everything that you see. Every action that you have is perfect in every way. But your "reaction" - what people do to be noticed, what they do to calm their rage, what they do in the name of different belief systems, again is unconscionable. But it has nothing to do with you. You bring yourself into the light, you hold yourself in the light and you don't visit websites that have violence in them. You stay away from politics because they're nothing...

You stay away from violent games, violent movies...

Stay away from violent games, exactly. They're constantly trying to sell Alfred some kind of a violent game on the internet, which you know is just unbelievable. Alfred, are there any games that are just fun and light-hearted?

Well from one of our listeners in Canada, he plays "Mickey's Adventure". I only play "Driving Games".

Yes. Alfred plays...he's currently driving a Ferrari in his game by the way everybody. And he's also named his bicycle "The Ferrari" because...

Yes, because the one-speed beach cruiser is Ferrari Red.


Ferrari Red... Find the humor folks in yourself. Love yourself. Go and look at the tweets that Spirit has been putting out. Yes, Hansy's tweeting. And find the joy in simplicity. There is always going to be violence until mankind finally gets it. And we are working towards it. But it may be 300 to 500 years before we arrive there. But in the meantime, know that you can choose to be happy or you can choose to be sad. You can choose to make a difference through positive thinking. You can send loving, healing thoughts to others. Put yourself in that position so when you ask: How can a spiritual being manage to live in a world that's so full of violence? You are not the violence, folks. Raise yourself up and above. Bless anything that you want to Bless. But don't take it in, okay? Don't let it come in. Alright Alfred, I think that concludes the lesson for today.  

Saturday, August 16, 2014

“Human Frailties” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Human Frailties” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Human Frailties
August 16, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. This is the Padawan to the Modern Day Mystic himself, Alfred. Thanks for joining us for another spiritual lesson. But before we get to that, a little housekeeping. Just to let you know again that we don't do any advertising. We rely on word of mouth to promote what we do and for you to help us help others. So we are extending our Random Acts of Kindness to Twitter. Yes, Hans has started to tweet! Actually it's pretty impressive. He's pretty proud of himself that he's tweeting. And we're not only doing Quotes via Facebook that are being tweeted, but we're specifically doing little lessons specifically for those people who are following us on Twitter! So we're extending prizes, gifts, audio lessons, and other goodies, not just from you sharing our Facebook Quotes, but those people who are retweeting us on Twitter. We'll be watching out for you. So watch out that we might send you an email and say we're bestowing upon you some goodies from the Hans King Treasure Chest. And of course to get the latest of what's going on, sign up for our Newsletter that we send out once a month. You can always check The Calendar of Events on You can "Like" us on Facebook or "Follow" us on Twitter to keep up. That's our way of reaching out to you. So that's it for the housekeeping, so without further ado I present to you the Modern Day Mystic himself Hans Christian King.

Hello everybody. Welcome on board. What a beautiful day it is! No matter where you are, always remember it's a beautiful day because God is in that day and you are with God in that day. Yes, himself, which is me is tweeting. You can teach an old dog new tricks. I'm trying to learn it, but Alfred says: Don't send it out unless I've seen it first, so...he wants to check all the spelling and the punctuation and all that which I'm grateful for. But he always knows what the intention of the tweet is. You know periodically in our lives, no matter how spiritual we are, we can even be teachers in spirituality, our little human demon, that little meanie that's deep inside of us comes forwards, creeps in, gets through all the cracks and is determined, is determined to take control. I'll give you an example. Have you ever been walking along the sidewalk and seen a concrete building that comes down to a concrete sidewalk, but somehow, somehow a seed got in there. And that seeds starts to grow. And eventually, eventually that seed can crack that building and separate the concrete walkway from the concrete building. So no matter how strong you think you are, that little demon can find a way and eventually he will destroy the building and the sidewalk. You see what I'm saying? So no matter how well intentioned you are, no matter if you teach spirituality, every once in awhile the demon in the humanness of us all raises its ugly head and BOOM! there you are. So the humanness of us has been pre-programmed to pain, despair, disappointment and even though we work very, very hard to overcome any chance of that creeping through, no matter how many walls we build, just keep remembering that little tree that's trying to grow up between the concrete walk and the concrete building. That's what you have to be aware of. It got there, it's still there, but you can reach down and pull it out. And this is what I'm saying to everyone is that you have the power to pull out that piece of dark-side that is trying to overwhelm you. And you know folks, you can be going along and everything appears fine, you're in your life, you're doing your daily deeds, and then out of nowhere there's this little thing that comes up that starts complaining to you: Gee, don't you remember this; Wow, how come we can't do that anymore; or You're never really going to get ahead, I don't know what you think you're doing. And it starts throwing these little naughty thoughts up. None of which children are true. But there is a receptive place within the human condition that allows us to believe "it may be true" and that's where the demon locks onto is the possibility of "what if it is true"? None of what it's saying to you is true. You are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you need to do. You are spiritually growing in love, in abundance, human spiritual abundance, because you have set your intention. But every once in awhile we fall off of the ledge of understanding of intention. Alfred, what do you think on this issue?

It goes back to weeding our garden. The slightest little weed, that left untended, can tend to grown and if you're not careful of the slightest weed, the slightest seed that falls into the crack, then you become complacent and allow it to grow. And it's that complacency that we allow for our spirituality to become disrupted. It's called spiritual practice for a reason...

Um Hmm.

And it mimics just about every other aspect about being human. You don't go the the gym once, or you don't go to the gym for a year and then expect it to be that way for the rest of your life. You don't eat healthy for a year and then you're fine for the rest of your life. It's taking care of your human self..

That's a good analogy Alfred...

...and taking care of your spiritual self. It's like weeding a garden. You can spend your entire life, as Hans was saying, building this wonderful, strong monument  but if you don't take care of the little tiny weeds, then they can very, simply over time grow in the cracks...

And Alfred have you noticed how real they appear in the illusion?

Because it grows so slowly.


And that's what's really the difficult aspect of it is it grows so slowly yet the damage that it can do... I liken it to a tiny pebble in a clear, placid lake. What can a tiny pebble do to this monumental lake? It can cause ripples that can go to the other side...

It sure can.

...this tiny little pebble. So it's very, very difficult when you think you've reached a certain spiritual level not to pay attention to the basics. We think we're better than the basics. We think we're over them.

I think we think they're self-programmed Alfred. They get picked for us somehow.

Yes, and they don't. They just creep up on us.

Yes, we kind of have to have a constant awareness that the humanness of us is out to get us if we're not careful. The humanness of us is not our friend. The little angel that you are, that beautiful child in the mirror is who you are. That's what Spirit sees. That's what They love. But sometimes the humanness appears. And you know I've noticed something Alfred. A lot of times in very advanced spiritual people it is really hard to root that little weed out. It just keeps coming back over and over again. What would you say the practice should be to keep that weed from coming back? Just constant vigilance?

Well there's two different practices that I would recommend I think for just about anybody. Any type of meditative practice would allow a weed like that to come up. Because if you're trying to practice being quiet, being peaceful, and something continuously comes up, then it's in that quiet place that it's going to come up, that it's going to raise its head. And then you identify: Oh, where did that come from? This is interesting. And it's in your spiritual practice that you can identify areas that you need to tend to so that they don't come up. The second of course is through Automatic Writing. For those of you who are able to do Automatic Writing, you're able to get feedback from the Other Side...


...for Them to point out areas about your life that need to be tended to. For example, we've had a student for a couple of years up in Canada and the Other Side just harped on him for about six months about being peaceful, being peaceful, being peaceful. And finally we worked through it and found very specific areas for him to be peaceful and it's changed his life. So again, the other thing is through Automatic Writing the Other Side can help you find areas that can help you make a lot of spiritual progress.

Very good Alfred. But folks one of the things that I want to emphasize to you a great deal is there is a part of our inner child that when the demon comes up, when the day gets disturbed, when the night gets disturbed, we begin to feel guilty for not having better control. Folks, if we were perfect we wouldn't be here, okay? All of you, remember that. And even though as a Spirit we have to use mind consciousness to overcome the demon, the weed, the spiritual aspect of this practice is greater and stronger than the human aspect. You see what I'm saying? To give you an example, if I'm drinking a cup of tea and the cup slips out of my hand with the saucer and it crashes to the floor, does the tea change or is it still tea? No matter how badly it spilled, the cup is broken - is the tea still tea? The answer is yes. You can mop it up, ring it out, put it back in the cup. It remains the same. Your power, no matter what happens to you remains the same. Your inner craziness sometimes attaches itself to a negative thought and can cause you more aggravation and pain. It reminds you of all the things that you're not, it reminds you of all the things that may never be, it reminds you of all of the things  you're missing. None of which are true. Because if you saw your life through the eyes of Spirit, ah then you'd say: Oh, I'm exactly where I need to be. Oh, I'm doing exactly what I chose to do to learn exactly what I chose to learn. This is my humanness that's trying to judge my spirituality. Can't be done. You see what I'm saying? Can't be done. So your job at that moment is to say: Wait a minute! This is my humanness speaking. This isn't who I am. I choose not to go down that road. I choose not to allow anything to disturb my ease. My dear friend Swami  Satchidananada used to say: Never allow anything to disturb your ease because if you do you will become diseased. Put that in your head for thinking. Never allow anything to disturb your ease. Because whatever is disturbing your ease is not true. If it were truth it would flow through with love. You hear me everyone? If what it's saying is true it would flow through you as love. If it batters up against you, if it causes you to be uncomfortable, disorganized, dis-eased, then it's coming out of the negative aspect from the mind chatter and not from the positive flow of the Spirit. What say you Alfred?

I think it really has a lot to with what we were talking about before which is no matter where you are on your spiritual path, your spiritual growth, no matter how much you think you've already done, that you just need to continue making sure you have a daily or at minimum a weekly regimen for going through and making sure there aren't any pots that are boiling over, any weeds that are growing between the cracks, anything that is in your subconscious that is reminding you...

Alfred, don't you find that it's very subtle though in its growth?

And that's the whole point is weeds grow very slowly but after awhile it's very difficult to tell the difference between the weeds that are growing and the flowers that you were trying to grow. That's why it's so important to weed at a regular basis is to go through your human consciousness and subconsciousness on a regular basis to try to get stuff before it gets out of control.

Okay, thank you very much. But again, no recriminations everyone. No guilt. Grasp onto it as a lesson to be learned. Nothing more, nothing less. One of the difficulties in the way the mind operates in drama is that it creates it. It creates the drama in order to diffuse the spiritual nature of your being. It deliberately attacks your position. But in a very seductive way, shall we say. Just little tiny zings here... And before you know it, you're off to the races. I'll give you an example. Let's say your mother calls and tells you she's a little disappointed in you for some action that you have created. Now rather than say, which is the spiritual truth of the matter, Bless you mom but that's not my problem and I love you. We tend to go off to the races and it calls up all the times we were invalidates, all the stuff, all the minutia of life gets caught up in that simple statement. Which in the first place wasn't true. The amount of energy children that we give to mind conscious that is not a fact, is not true, and nothing is wrong in the first place - is absolutely staggering...absolutely staggering. You need to doesn't matter whether you're a boy or a girl because the consciousness flows the same need to hear that your own mind chatter is trying to disturb your ease on a regular basis unless you do what Alfred said which is to weed your garden on a constant basis. I watch Alfred walk down the flower bed outside with Bella and the Ole Mr. Eagle Eye is constantly bending down and pulling out a weed...constantly. Every day. Because they will constantly grown until the winter comes. And so by picking out your weeds, each and every day, it may be no more than 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds... If you don't pull them out I guarantee you they will grow. And they lie to you and the subconscious grabs onto them and makes them look real. It is, to me, totally amazing that the mind chatter can make something that is untrue look so real. Have you noticed that Alfred?

And about everybody else should notice that.

(Hans and Alfred laughing)

I don't think there's anybody in the entire world that who wouldn't notice that being in human form is a royal pain. But that's the reason we came here is to be challenged. Is to be challenged from the moment we're born until the moment we let go of our humanness and that is the same for everyone. Until you let go of the human form, what we're trying to tell you is that there are going to be issues that come up purely because you have human form.

And because you're in the human form you are always susceptible to human frailties. Laugh at it, poke fun at it. It's like I have a saying that I'll say: Oh, get over yourself and get out of your way. Because that's all that's actually happening. Nothing that's running through your mind, nothing that's upsetting you, nothing that's making you angry and crabby is true. None of it is true! You made it up. Those around you made it up. There's no truth...none. And yet we invest all of this time in the appearance of the non-reality. So anytime that you start to, like I say, run your crazies, anytime you let something disturb your ease, remember you have a choice in that moment, in that second you can say: I choose be Spirit. I choose to be Light. None of this matters. None of this is true. I give this no more power and I'm available for this to be removed from me. Alfred used to have a technique... You remember the bubble technique Alfred?

In terms of protection exercises?

Where you put yourself in a bubble or the thought of a bad thing and then you let the bad thing go to Spirit.

Oh, Oh! To let go of...

That really helped a lot of people.

When you're weeding your garden and you find a weed, a seed, any form that it's in, you have to really remember that you're not alone on this journey. It's not you weeding the garden by yourself. All you need to do, number one, is "ask" for help, "ask" Them to come. But the second aspect is not to deal with the issue as if it's reality. It's not. It's nothing more than a thought. It's nothing more than a piece of energy. Thoughts are energy. Thoughts are vibration. And if you deal with the thought, if you deal with, as we were talking about the weed, the seed and the crack of the concrete, as nothing more than a piece of negative energy then you can take that piece of negative energy, hold it out and separate it from your essence and literally give away this piece of energy to the Universe and say: This is not who I am. I release this to you. Cut the cord of that energy from your essence. Say you have no more attachment to this and actually you can feel the Universe willingly take that piece of negative energy from you. So that's the exercise in general is to not deal with the weed, or the seed, and the crack or the mind chatter as if it's anything more than a piece of negative energy.

That's all it is. It's that simple. And have you noticed how real it appears Alfred?

Yes. Just like our human lives appear to be real.


Yep, but they're not. They are aspects of our own consciousness that we created. We're not living somebody else's idea of who we are. We're living our dharma with a humanness attachment to operate the vehicle of the Spirit in the human form. Use it in such a way that it constantly reinforces you, it's constantly telling you how not good you are, how much it loves you. Don't allow the negative aspect to come in and diffuse you. So whenever the mind chatter puts out this big enormous problem like the questions today and the process I'm giving you today, whenever it builds itself up and builds itself up, stop it and look for the weeds, okay? Because nothing it's doing, it's saying, its appearance, is real. You can prove it to yourself. Okay? And Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for today.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

“Why Is It So Hard To Be Loved?” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Why Is It So Hard To Be Loved?” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Why Is It So Hard To Be Loved?
August 9, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. This is Alfred, the Padawan to the Modern Day Mystic himself Hans Christian King. And we're coming to you live with a brand new topic for this show. Thank you very much for your patience over the last couple of weeks. We've been running around Mexico taking care of things. Now that things are taken care of, we're coming back at you. But before we get to our topic, which is "Why Is It So Hard To Be Loved?", first let's talk about some housekeeping. Of course we have on Facebook our "Random Acts of Kindness". It's not really a Contest, it's rewarding you for helping us help others. Basically, if you share any of Hans King's Quotes on Facebook we will randomly pick people to give Audio Lessons, Video Lessons and whatever prizes we just feel like giving out randomly. So please join Facebook if you haven't already - Hans Christian King1 - or  you can go to the front page of for our Facebook Page and “Share”. The more you “Share”, the more chances that we'll randomly pick you and just give out Free Stuff. And secondly we'll be posting a lot of Tele-seminar and Interview replays. Hans was recently on the John Burgos Show and I, myself was recently interviewed talking about Soul Mate Relationships. Those are going to be posted on Facebook when there's a replay. And Jennifer, can you you please tell everybody the dates of the replays are going to happen?

I sure can Alfred. Hi everyone, it's great to be with you again. There's a lot going on this week.  I believe we have 4 Interviews that are happening. First up is the Interview Hans did on the Awakening Heart Network. That's replaying now through Monday, August 11th. This Interview is also on If you look under "Free Recordings", you'll find it at the top of the page. On Wednesday, August 13th, Hans will appear on The Year of Miracles Tele-seminar. Also on Wednesday, August 13th, Alfred will be making an appearance on The Passion and Intimacy Tele-seminar. And on Thursday, August 14th, Hans' appearance with John Burgos on Beyond The Ordinary will be replayed. If you missed that one the first time, be sure and catch it this Thursday! Alfred, these will all be posted on Hans' Official Facebook Page so just in case I missed any, everyone please check back on Facebook for updates. Thanks and back to you Alfred.

Thanks Jennifer for letting us know when the replays are going to happen. And of course just randomly keep checking our Facebook Page to find out when we are going to be broadcasting Interviews. We do have 2 Facebook Pages. One of them is a "Follow" Facebook Page. We're no longer using that one. We're only using the "Like" Facebook Page. If you happen to wind up on the "Follow" Facebook Page. If you happen to wind up on the “Follow” Facebook Page it will say "We're No Longer Using This Page", please go to this particular Facebook Page. Because we're only making Announcements on One. So basically if you're at Hans King's Page and you have "Liked" Hans or you can "Like" us, that's the right place to be to get information about Announcements, Random Acts of Kindness, Interviews and all kinds of other kinds of fun stuff. And I think that's pretty much it for the Announcements, so without further ado, I'll present to you the Modern Day Mystic himself Hans Christian King.

Boy, you were a bit wordy today. A lot of things to say. Hi everybody, welcome back. Yes, we've been running around getting a lot of stuff done and so happy to be back with you. Most people in my profession and people around the world take breaks in July and August and the first of September. We didn't mean to take this big of a break but we're glad to be back with you and hope everyone is having an absolute wonderful summer. It is hot, it is humid where we are with very little, if any rain which no one here seems to understand. Anyway, God is great and I'm sure it'll rain when it's supposed to. I had a call that I did the other day and on the call, a very nice woman out of New York said to me: Hansy, she said: Why is it so difficult to be loved? She said: I've never sort of allowed myself to be loved. And of course the answer comes back through the heart that says: Do I deserve to be loved? Why are they loving me more than I love myself? Or: Shouldn't my parents love me? Or: Shouldn't I be accepted unconditionally by my friends? Why is it so difficult to be loved? Dear people, at some point all of you had asked this question. Start with the "I am". "I am being loved." If you knew, each and every one of you, how much unconditional love you receive every single day, both in the waking hours and in the sleeping hours, you are surrounded by a pool of love, friends, helpers, people who are dedicated to your dharma. And so we like to say: You know, you couldn't be alone if you tried. You have so much love out there. You need to go to that mirror. Remember that mirror trick that I taught all of you some years ago? And I said: Go stand in front of the mirror and look in the eyes of the person looking back and you and say: I don't know who you are but I'm going to find out and when I do I'm going to take very good care of you and I love you very much. Try that. Try to first love yourself. Because the creation of you is singular. There is not another you anywhere in infinity. You are unique and you and your relationship with your god are unique. There isn't anyone God loves more than you - you're so unique. You have to find the uniqueness of yourself. You know you hear me say that everyday when I get up I go and look at a flower or lI ook at a tree or look at the clouds. And I am so full of love at that moment to just be able to be with the trees, with the flowers. Even if it's snowing, I'll say: Isn't this beautiful? Finding beauty in what you see, feel and touch and looking in the mirror and finding the beauty of your own soul... Allowing people to say: I love you. Allowing people to bring you a flower or someone to say: Thank you for helping me. I love you. I get, every single day of my life, I get emails that are signed this way: Thank you for all you do. I love you. Every day. And sometimes it's hard because in my profession you have a tendency not to be able to remember everybody that you see because we see so many people. But I think: Isn't it incredible that somebody took the time to say: Thank you, I love you. So I say to all of you: Thank you, I love you. Your mind chatter develops a program and I call it "conditionality". And it can prove to you why you're not good enough to be loved. How's that working for you Alfred? 

It really is true that if you're looking for love to first love yourself. It is an unbelievably difficult task because normally the humanness of us wants to feel better by getting something. If you want to feel love, then you look for someone to give you love, you look for love by getting love. And what we're trying to tell you is: If you're looking for love, first go within. To love yourself. To be who you truly are. Of course do all the work that we've been talking about year after year. Do the inner work. But what we're talking about here specifically is: Love yourself. Trust your soul. Love your soul. Love who you truly are. Be that vibration of love. Know that you truly love yourself. Then when you go out looking for a soul mate partner that person will be attracted to the vibration of love that you are. If you haven't done this work, the inner work of loving yourself, imagine the vibration that you're giving off. Imagine the vibration that other people are picking up. Imagine the people that are being attracted to that vibration. So if you really want someone to love you truly, first start with truly loving yourself.

I was talking with a friend today and during the conversation the friend was saying that their partner had gotten upset with them about something that hadn't been done and was hollering and screaming and being upset and they decided to use the old thing that we've taught them to do - which is at the moment, just love that person. Just go through, find the love inside your heart and love that person. And they said very shortly the whole thing was dissipated. Remember when I say to you: *You can't shine the light in the dark. The light will always  persevere...always. Learning to go to yourself every morning and say: I deserve to be loved today. First by myself, to be loved by who I am, even if I may not  know who I am, I am my best friend. No one will ever love me more than I do. Now let's stop right there. Think about what I said: No one will ever love you more than you should love yourself. And if that is happening to you, you are failing at the very game of life. You want someone who can see in you what you see in you and that's what when we call “someone being able to see you". To see that essence of that little angel in you. To fall in love with the person behind the eyes. That's why I have you go to the mirror and look in the mirror and talk to yourself, remind yourself you are your best friend. Remind yourself how much love that you have for you. Discover the wonder of "you". And when you do that it's like a magnet for other people and other situations. Pretty soon you begin to get things from others that say: Thank you for reminding me that I love you. And all people start to say little things to you and kindnesses start to come to you because people can feel that you have a kind heart, your essence is kind, your essence is love. Alfred says something that's key. If you're looking outside to be loved, you're failing at the game. That love comes when you identify the love that you have for you. It doesn't matter what others think of you. It doesn't matter what others say about you But it surely matters how you feel about you. And once you fully get that, once you fully understand that, your whole life will take on an entirely new direction. It's like accepting abundance for instance. You can't search for abundance, you won't find it. You have to become abundance. And when you become abundance, abundance becomes you. If you seek after love after love, you won't find it. But if you love you, it will find you. Remember your grandmother used to say to you: Never go looking for love. It finds you. Always. And the greatest gift you will ever give yourself is the wonder of your own human spirit. The love that God has for you. The love that Spirit sees in you. When I'm doing an appointment with somebody, I look past what I see, and all I can see is the little child inside of the person standing or sitting in front of me or on the phone or doing a Skype with me. I don't see who they're displaying. I see the essence of the Godforce in their heart. So that when Spirit looks at us, They have unconditional love. We teach you this year after year. Spirit looks at us, They have unconditional love. They don't see any flaw. Only we see a flaw in ourselves. Okay? Alfred?

And that's a lot to do with the inner work is when we stop being hard on ourself, when we stop picking on ourself, when we let go of our traumas, when we let go of those things that are haunting us, when we stop beating ourselves up and move over to "self love", "self unconditional love", just letting those things go which have haunted us for so many years... The true you, the essence of you, the soul of you, the Spirit in you will come out, will shine. You're uncovering that which you are. By doing the work, by letting "out" the loving soul, the loving being that you are and you let that shine, then all of a sudden the people that you wanted to attract to you will be without you having to look for them because then they can finally see who you truly are and be attracted to you.

Thank you Alfred. Thank you. Sometimes we come from families that don't necessarily reinforce their love for us, or who may, for whatever reason, not have been loved when they were a child and find it difficult to love themselves, therefore love you. But if we operate ourselves out of a place of total love for all of them, realizing that everyone we meet is a product of the environment they were raised in. That they had set the agenda. They chose the parents for whatever agenda, whatever lessons they needed to learn. And we just see them as unconditional love. Even if they yell at matter what happens. Of course friends, there are always going to be people who are not emotionally sound, or mentally well, who do great damage. And it's very hard to love those people. But if you operate to them without judgment and just send love - that's it - just love. We pulled down the Iron Wall across Europe. We pulled down that horrible wall in Berlin. We got rid of cruise missiles without firing a shot because it was the "right thing to do at the right time and love prevailed"...not prevailed. So if you're feeling unloved, it comes from a very weak place in your own heart. The moment that starts to happen, the moment you start to feel alone, stop for a moment and say: Wait a minute. I'm my best friend. What am I talking about? I'm all I need. I am enough for me. And that's why I did the CD Series "You Are Enough". To help you to understand that all you need to do is see in you what God and Spirit see in you. That's it. Not what you're doing, not what you're wearing, but just looking in that mirror and knowing at that moment: Oh, my goodness I AM my best friend. And I love me and I know that my god sees in me all of my possibilities, all my potentials. No matter what your age, no matter what your profession. I have a thing that is concerning me an enormous amount. For those of you who are yelling, you'll probably raise your eyes, but we will see who is right in the end.  If we do not get cellphones out of our children's hands and our young people's hands, they are never going to experience true love and a life. It is not going to happen. I know people who can't get in a car without watching their cellphone. I watch people who can't eat meals in restaurants, who can't go to movies, who cannot do anything where they shut off their cellphone. Nothing. I watched a young man here in Mexico the other day during an entire movie he never brought his eyes up from his little smart-phone of some kind - never. He never saw the movie. I see people on buses, I see people in department stores, walking the streets, with their eyes glued and what is happening is they are becoming this new electronic age that impersonalizes all of us. I saw a very, very nicely dressed man and a woman, in the 50's the other day at a restaurant in Asheville in North Carolina. They came in, they sat down, they brought the menus over, they picked up their smart-phones. The waiter came back 3 times and finally they ordered. They looked at their cellphones or whatever, smart-phones. They looked at them during their entire meal. They never spoke a word to each other. That's concerning me. And if you find yourself doing that - you're running away from who you are. It's an escape mechanism. Love yourself enough please to not do that. Alfred's is currently raising his eyes over here because he knows how I feel about this. Alfred, what do you think about this?

It's a really tough one and I've boiled it down to "how much time do you take for yourself" verses "how much time do you take for others". Spiritually speaking it really doesn't sound like the best thing, but you really first need to take time for "you". One of the exercises that we go over in Intuitive Development and even when I teach Automatic Writing and Advanced Channeling, is you have to let go of everything in order to get in touch in the vibration of nature, in order to get in touch with the vibration of who you truly are - the vibration of Spirit. Being on these electronic devices - I can pretty much guarantee you that's pretty much not the vibration that's going through your body. Okay? If you're looking for love, if you're looking for self-love, you have to make sure you take time for you to vibrate as you, to vibrate as a soul, to vibrate as love and as I have found out and many people in my situation who are in IT or anybody who just has a smart-phone, that's not the vibration of those little gadgets, that's not the vibration of working with technology. So just try to carve out "you" time. Time to go feed the ducks, time to walk in nature, time to go look at flowers. You're talking to somebody who could not understand flowers 2 years ago, could not understand nature a few years ago. And if it wasn't for the Great Mystic himself, I probably wouldn't...

The Great Poobah to you.

Yes, the Poobah. Is that your new name Hans? The Poobah?

I had that a couple of years ago.

The Grand Poobah.

The Great Grand Poobah, yes.

So talking from someone who's experienced life in the extreme of technology... Yes, it's great it'll help promote your career. Yes, it's great to keep in touch with people. But you are in control and that is not spiritual. Spiritual is letting go. Spiritual is about connecting to the vibration of Spirit. And that's what we're trying to say here is if you're trying to find love in your life, first let go of all of those things, surrender all of those things, stop looking outward and look inward and connect to the vibration of love “within you” first.


Thank you Alfred. I said to a friend of mine this morning: What would happen to you and I took this cellphone, this smart-phone, away from you right now and turned it off? And you could see in his face absolute concern. Because this person's on vacation, alright? And I said: And I turned it off for 3 hours. And he said: Well what if somebody wants to get in touch with me and what if this... I said: That's not the issue.  I asked you what you would do if I took this away for 3 hours. And so that person had no place in the person they've become for that reality. No place to go to the beach without taking the cellphone...I guess it's called a smart-phone. No place to do anything in their life without it. Date applications, Taxi applications, Grocery applications... And what I'm going to say to all of you and I want you to all remember this: Operating on the smart-phones is opposite of being a spiritual being, period. Period. First comes “the you” and what you give and do for “you”. That's what Alfred was talking about. Then what you do is another matter entirely. How you operate the rest of your life is completely different. But if you're unable to shut off your smart-hone, if you're unable to back away from you computer, if you find yourself taking your smart-phone to dinner, operating it in the car, then children you are losing the essence of your own spiritual development. That is not loving yourself. That's hiding from yourself. So for all of you who want to practice spiritual development, do so in a way that you provide a peaceful, loving space to love yourself. And I watched Alfred struggle with this. To this day I watch him struggle with taking the cellphone to a restaurant...the smart-phone. There is something being built into our children that said it is the appendage of you. No it's not. It's a device manufactured by people to control the minds of people. I realize I'm getting old but eventually people will see this. Alrighty Alfred, I think that concludes the lesson for today.