Saturday, August 2, 2014

“Mind Chatter Is Not Reality” - by Hans Christian King Rebroadcast from Modern Day Mysticism – March 21, 2013 Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Mind Chatter Is Not Reality” - by Hans Christian King 
Rebroadcast from Modern Day Mysticism – March 21, 2013
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic:  Mind Chatter Is Not Reality
August 2, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to MODERN DAY MYSTICISM being broadcast on the World Puja Network. Tonight's topic is "Mind Chatter Is Not Reality" and without further ado I present to you Hans Christian King.

Good evening everyone. I hope that you can hear Alfred a little better than I can tonight. The volume seems a little low. I thought I'd let him know that... Alfred opened with "Mind Chatter Is Not Reality". Well then, what is mind chatter? This is a question I posed to Spirit just before the show. And the answer came back: Just a collection of thoughts you've come to believe are real and true. Isn't that interesting? Just a collection of thoughts...that were put in your head by your own head. Your own mind put those thoughts in there. And after years and years and years of putting those thoughts in there, they actually form a life of their own and they create a character. And the character has opinions and ideas and different kinds of thoughts. But they all originate out of the same pond and the pond is a pond of fear. You've heard me say throughout the years that the mind chatter doesn't tell you how wonderful you are everyday...well for most of you it doesn't. It doesn't tell you you're fine. It doesn't tell you everything's okay. Everything's going to be great. Don't worry, we've got this all under control - you're perfect, you're loved, and I'm going to take care of you. It doesn't say that does it? No, it keeps running that "collection of thoughts". And what it does is it runs different variations of the same thought, theme throughout your life. And so we get stuck in the perception of fear, we get stuck in the perception of lack, and we begin to actually believe that what the mind chatter is saying not only is possible, but it's truth. So actually our mind chatter is very busy growing us away from the Spirit. If you believe...if you have perfect faith, you've heard me say throughout the years: if you had perfect faith you'd never have a negative thought. Because Spirit and God do not operate anywhere close to a negative thought. They are only in the possibility of the “now”, only in the place of “love”, “acceptance”, “non-judgment”. Nowhere, nowhere does the heart-mind tell you these things. Only the head, only the conglomeration of experiences and thoughts and ideas that have come to form its own consciousness, its own life. It will tell you you're not sufficient, it will tell you you're not enough, it will tell you to live in fear, it will tell you you won't have enough money.  And since we know that energy follows thought always, we actually begin to believe the dysfunction of the mind chatter and we start giving it power. Oh, I need to be concerned about this, or oh, I need to worry about that, oh, here's that worry again there must be something to it if I'm fearful of it. Rather than say each day: Gee, I wonder what's in life for me today? What wonder can I find? What teaching can I practice? What beauty can I see? Are there bulbs coming up in my garden? Is the tree down the street coming out in bloom? Look at those clouds going by. All of these things that you can see, hear and feel from the heart are free. So how do we grow our consciousness away from Spirit? We don't let Spirit in. It's actually that simple. As you know, I like to invite Alfred to come in with another point of view on this issue and I hate to surprise Alfred when I do this... Alfred anything on this issue of how we grow our consciousness away from the Spirit?

I think this is part...the very first part of actualization. This is the very first part of waking up is that you realize you have grown yourself away from Spirit and you're considering starting the journey towards Spirit. You're starting the journey away from the mind, away from the body, towards your soul. And this is the very first step to realize that what is in your mind, your thoughts, are really are not true. And this is the first step to go out there and try to figure out: Well, if the thoughts in my head are not true, then what is? 

Very true...very true. And when we learn to understand that we can actually replace all of this negative thinking with a form of positive thinking... Alfred always talks about the glass being half full.  When we learn that we can actually change the direction of the mind chatter from being a villain to being a a very short period of time. How do we allow perception to change who we think we are or actually should be? Most people, I have found, have a rather dismal opinion of themselves and who they actually are. They've so begun to believe what the mind chatter says is real that they have lost...actually lost their own perception of who they are. And so you find many people saying: I need to know who I am. I want to find out who I am. I want to return to me. Well nothing could be simpler - just be. Yes, you may not have a whole bunch of experience in that closet of just learning to be, however if you stand still and you believe - everything that you need will be brought to you...everything. There will be no more fears, there will be  no more doubts, there will simply be you “being who you actually are”. And even if in that moment you perceive "nothing", if you have learned to cool the mind chatter down, Spirit will begin to fill your heart with wonderful, wonderful concepts, new ideas. Alfred what do you think how we allow perception to change who we think we are? 

Well unfortunately when we're growing up we're taught that the way you perceive things, the way your parents perceive things, the way your friends perceive things, the way the people you respect perceive things is truth.


And we're taught to just accept that to be truth without challenging it. And it is during actualization, it is during our soul searching, that we realize that it's not true that people's perceptions are truth. It's just their opinion.


But we're not taught this from a young age. We're really only taught this when you seek the truth and the truth is that your individual life no one knows, no one can perceive, no one can have an opinion about because each of us is an individual divine soul on an individual divine path.


And that's when you realize other people's matter how much you respect them, may not be true for you.

I think that's why we say, and what we try to teach, Alfred, “that what someone thinks of you is really none of your concern". Mind chatter comes from many, many places. We talked a little bit about other people's opinions, family and friends. Since we have no other reference in the human form in the beginning of the forming of our individual psyche here on earth, we come to believe that what others say must be true. I remember some years ago, I knew this wonderful lady and she loved to read newspapers and I said to her: Why do you love to read the newspapers? And she said: Because that's where the truth is. And that dear lady believed that. It wasn't my job to change her opinion. But I realized that she actually believed other people's opinions, which is what a newspaper usually is   unless it's actual news, were more important to her than her own opinions. Alfred has pointed out on several occasions that we tend to follow the family line. That if our family doesn't like this person, we don't like them, if our family has this sort of an idea about certain things and certain people, we follow that. So this is why I think the Spirit said that: Mind chatter is a collection of individual thoughts that have formed an identity in your mind. We allow things like the media, the television, the radio, newspapers and magazines to interfere with our own rational thinking. We, as a nation, have been led down the road on many issues during the last 10 years. These issues have cost us great treasure for our nation, and worst than that, great treasure with the loss of our young people. Because we were told "this was so". And now we're being told "well perhaps it wasn't quite as true as we were led to believe". Always listen to your heart in matters of the media. Always listen to our heart. I find that Alfred gets rather indignant from time to time...

I don't know what you're talking about...

(Laughing) ...when he perceives he's being handed a line of bull from the television set and he gets very...may I say vocal? Is that what you get Alfred?


Indignant. Because he can hear the lie. He can hear it.

I don't think it's more than "hear", it's just that you "feel" it's not...

Well that's the way you "hear".

Um hmm.

You've often heard me talk about in our Intuitive Development Class - it isn't just the ears that we use to hear, it comes as a knowing and Alfred that's why you yell. You know it isn't so. There are certain events that occur in our life and when those events occur we have a built in defense mechanism. But we're defending something that just isn't real but we don't know that. I'm just as guilty of that as others. Aren't I Alfred?



Not always. On rare occasion...

On very rare occasion. It's hard guys and gals. It's hard being in human form. Anybody who told you this was easy was lying to you. Because we don't fit here very well. It's a school. You know it's like this - remember though the years I've said to you that when you take a class and you go to a class are you the class? Is the classroom you? Or are you there to simply there to observe, grow your opinion and move on? Well that's the same here. You and I and Alfred have taken many classes in which we've said: this is a bunch of bunk. Doesn't feel right to me. Just doesn’t feel right. So what I hope you will all learn from this this evening is that the mind chatter often appears as a friend, it often appears as though it's going to help you, it's going to protect you. That's why we say events in our lives...we often want to protect ourselves from something that actually isn't occurring, has not occurred, and is not going to occur. But we've built up all of this - what somebody may have said, what our boss may be thinking, what our mother said inference to, or our father this - and we build up all of this nonsense. I saw something on television the other day that I thought was rather remarkable. And they have found the single largest reason for divorces, and they were just doing it in this country, is lost expectations. Think about that for a minute. People are mad at other people because other people didn't live up to an expectation that we had. Isn't that amazing? Well you should have known, well why don't you care...all of this stuff - the mind chatter made up. That's why you'll often hear someone say: Well don't you know I love you? Because the mind chatter has been so busy saying: look at this it's been 2 weeks I haven't had flowers, or look at this if she loved me she would have had dinner ready. All these nonsensical things that we have built up tear our relationships down. Lost expectations. People not living up to ideas, thoughts, that we put in place without ever telling them in the first place. That's why the silly response of: well don't you know I love you? Kind of silly. Folks, we unknowingly choose to bring past events into the present. What is this that we have about pulling up nonsense from last year, from 5 years ago,  from 10 years ago, from 25, 30, 40 years ago to prove a point from our mind chatter? I'll show you by golly why you didn't love me because in 1998 you didn't get me a birthday card. Sounds silly doesn't it? It's not. Our mind chatter can justify any thought we have by saying: here, I'll prove it to you. Someone doesn't call. You had an expectation that your boss would give you a raise and the boss didn't give you a raise, he gave so-and-so a raise. Boss is no good. We keep pulling pain out of our history to justify the moments in our life. And I believe that if you sit down for a moment and you say: From this day forward I am going to do nothing else, think nothing else, and just being me. I'm going to love and appreciate my job, I'm going to love and appreciate my being single for now, I'm going to love and appreciate being married or being partnered for now, my home is enough for now... Surround yourself with "enoughness". What happens when you do that, the perceptions change your consciousness. It's just that simple. You hear that? The perceptions change your consciousness. And it works in the reverse. The old perceptions that you have change your consciousness from Spirit and love to being a victim, fearful, in pain, stressed and ill. I can't tell you how many times dear people Spirit and I are giving a reading to someone, Skype or on the phone or in person, and the person keeps saying: But I'm sick. And Spirit keeps saying: But I'm sorry you are not sick. And they will argue with it. Well every doctor I've been to tells me I'm not sick. But I know I'm sick. And Spirit will say: Child, your pain and your fear is what you think makes you sick. You have no physical manifestation of being ill. Oh no, I know I'm ill. I don't care what the doctors tell me. I know it. This is one of the things that I'm talking about to you. Sometimes when we're sad, or we feel lonely, or we wish we had a hug, our body reacts to our emotional mind chatter pain. It does it  actually more often than you think. Here, to give you an example: If I get a little sad about something, I immediately get a stomach ache. It's immediate. I'm that connected to that emotion. You see? So when that happens to me, what I say to it is: Oh, I get it. I get it. This is about something that's buried and I need to have a look at this. Waking up every day and saying: Gee, I wonder what this day has in store for me today? I wonder what wonder I can get up to? What will I see today that I have not seen before? All of these things are free. But if you wake up at 2:00 in the morning and your mind chatter is running and you can feel that sweat start and you can feel that adrenaline start, you need to turn to it and say: Oh no, you're not doing this to me again. No, no, no, no. My god loves me. I have nothing to be afraid of. Nothing. I will not be fearful, I'm not going to be in pain, I'm going to be in love and light and that is what is going to happen. When you do that, your life begins to change. And if you do it enough, and the mind chatter has no place of recognition in you, it can go nowhere where you provided a home. Remember little ones - pain and fear can only live in a home that you build. They are not a natural part of the spiritual psyche in you. The body has automatic defense mechanisms for any personal danger that may be coming your way and it will defend itself. That's not the pain and fear I'm talking about. I'm talking about the emotional, make-pretend, make-up, hasn't happened, mostly likely will not occur...fear and pain. But if you do this enough, if you keep this up, over and over again, what happens is you actually build a house. And then you fill the house with the pain of your history. And then you legitimize it. And then you get sick. Alfred, in working with people have you found this to be true?

It is really true Hans and what I'd like to emphasize is the absolute importance if you're on a spiritual path, to pay attention to something that seems so basic, so fundamental, yet we have found year after year after year with so many of our clients that these fundamental basics...somewhat simple things are what really tears people's lives apart.

Oh Heavens yes.

Tears your life apart. Ruins you for 10, 20, 30, 40 years and for those people who are on a spiritual path this is where you may get the most bang for your buck, the most progress, the huge steps forward, are by looking at simple things such as perception, opinion. And that’s why Hans is constantly talking about this. As he's taught me and told me story after story of by simply changing and recognizing...but first and foremost, recognizing - that's what tonight is about, we'll get to changing later. Recognizing what is not reality...

That's very true Alfred.

That is so important.

Alfred, have you every noticed that when we stand back for a second and have a look, have a listen to our mind chatter, we become rather amazed?

And that's the first step. That's all we're going to teach you is to first of all - to recognize it. To take a step back. To look at it and say: Hmm, that's something I may need to take a look at. And that's part of your spiritual path. That's why in spirituality we always talk about going inward. It's an inward journey and we're trying to help you recognize what is one of those things that you should be going inward and looking at.

Yes. You know Alfred mind chatter is a part of being human and being human happens to everyone. But what we're trying to teach you is that you're actually the baby angel in the human form. Again the referencing, if I put on a coat do I become a coat, you see? So once you understand that the body, the circumstances in your life all were chose by you in the first place...all the lessons that you're learning were chosen by you. Once you begin to understand that: Oh listen, I'm in control of this, not my mind chatter. I'm in control of this. I am my best friend. I love myself and I'm not going to allow my mind chatter...what is it that I teach in the class - picture yourself in the front row of a live theater and picture your mind chatter on stage and watch it. You can literally place your mind chatter up there and watch it. Watch how it runs. Get a series of little pieces of paper and write different things down on them relating to your life and then hold one up and watch the mind chatter go. You really will be amazed at how funny it all is. We actually have justification for our crazies. When we made up the crazies. People will say: Oh no, my mother told me... When did she tell you that? About 20 years ago. Excuse me? So mind chatter is a part of being on this planet. However, mind chatter is the self destruct force. You can operate this body and control the mind chatter through love, non-judgment, learning the I AM principle. And Alfred do you have anything to contribute before I close the lesson for the night?

It really is almost hilarious that no matter how spiritual you get, no matter how advanced you think you are, you wind up finding perceptions and opinions that were so far buried that do actually change how you feel, how you act, how you behave. And what I realized through the years that even though this is a basic lesson, even though this is one of the very first steps in searching, even though this is one of the very first things you do in the actualization process, the deeper you go inward, the more of this you find. I think it's the old onion layer process. You can't get to the layer under a layer until you peel back a layer.

That's right.

And that's the interesting part about mind chatter is some of it can be so thin, such a thin veil that you hardly even recognize it. And that's the trick about it. Some of it's very obvious and you have huge steps forward. Other times you find the thinnest specks of dust hiding in a tiny corner...

That's absolutely true.

It is those...

It's the dust that gets you Alfred.

It's the dust.

(Laughing) I used to talk to Alfred about the dust and he'd say: What are you talking about? I'd say: Spirit found some dust. And he used to get so mad.

And that's one of the things I'd like to close on is no matter how advanced spiritually you think you are, it could be a perception that changes the way you feel, or act, or how you speak, something that's buried so deep that it actually takes a very advanced spiritual person to dig out and recognize. Something just to pay attention to. Because they always get me.


Oh yeah. And I think Alfred that will conclude the lesson for this evening.

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