Saturday, August 16, 2014

“Human Frailties” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Human Frailties” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Human Frailties
August 16, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. This is the Padawan to the Modern Day Mystic himself, Alfred. Thanks for joining us for another spiritual lesson. But before we get to that, a little housekeeping. Just to let you know again that we don't do any advertising. We rely on word of mouth to promote what we do and for you to help us help others. So we are extending our Random Acts of Kindness to Twitter. Yes, Hans has started to tweet! Actually it's pretty impressive. He's pretty proud of himself that he's tweeting. And we're not only doing Quotes via Facebook that are being tweeted, but we're specifically doing little lessons specifically for those people who are following us on Twitter! So we're extending prizes, gifts, audio lessons, and other goodies, not just from you sharing our Facebook Quotes, but those people who are retweeting us on Twitter. We'll be watching out for you. So watch out that we might send you an email and say we're bestowing upon you some goodies from the Hans King Treasure Chest. And of course to get the latest of what's going on, sign up for our Newsletter that we send out once a month. You can always check The Calendar of Events on You can "Like" us on Facebook or "Follow" us on Twitter to keep up. That's our way of reaching out to you. So that's it for the housekeeping, so without further ado I present to you the Modern Day Mystic himself Hans Christian King.

Hello everybody. Welcome on board. What a beautiful day it is! No matter where you are, always remember it's a beautiful day because God is in that day and you are with God in that day. Yes, himself, which is me is tweeting. You can teach an old dog new tricks. I'm trying to learn it, but Alfred says: Don't send it out unless I've seen it first, so...he wants to check all the spelling and the punctuation and all that which I'm grateful for. But he always knows what the intention of the tweet is. You know periodically in our lives, no matter how spiritual we are, we can even be teachers in spirituality, our little human demon, that little meanie that's deep inside of us comes forwards, creeps in, gets through all the cracks and is determined, is determined to take control. I'll give you an example. Have you ever been walking along the sidewalk and seen a concrete building that comes down to a concrete sidewalk, but somehow, somehow a seed got in there. And that seeds starts to grow. And eventually, eventually that seed can crack that building and separate the concrete walkway from the concrete building. So no matter how strong you think you are, that little demon can find a way and eventually he will destroy the building and the sidewalk. You see what I'm saying? So no matter how well intentioned you are, no matter if you teach spirituality, every once in awhile the demon in the humanness of us all raises its ugly head and BOOM! there you are. So the humanness of us has been pre-programmed to pain, despair, disappointment and even though we work very, very hard to overcome any chance of that creeping through, no matter how many walls we build, just keep remembering that little tree that's trying to grow up between the concrete walk and the concrete building. That's what you have to be aware of. It got there, it's still there, but you can reach down and pull it out. And this is what I'm saying to everyone is that you have the power to pull out that piece of dark-side that is trying to overwhelm you. And you know folks, you can be going along and everything appears fine, you're in your life, you're doing your daily deeds, and then out of nowhere there's this little thing that comes up that starts complaining to you: Gee, don't you remember this; Wow, how come we can't do that anymore; or You're never really going to get ahead, I don't know what you think you're doing. And it starts throwing these little naughty thoughts up. None of which children are true. But there is a receptive place within the human condition that allows us to believe "it may be true" and that's where the demon locks onto is the possibility of "what if it is true"? None of what it's saying to you is true. You are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you need to do. You are spiritually growing in love, in abundance, human spiritual abundance, because you have set your intention. But every once in awhile we fall off of the ledge of understanding of intention. Alfred, what do you think on this issue?

It goes back to weeding our garden. The slightest little weed, that left untended, can tend to grown and if you're not careful of the slightest weed, the slightest seed that falls into the crack, then you become complacent and allow it to grow. And it's that complacency that we allow for our spirituality to become disrupted. It's called spiritual practice for a reason...

Um Hmm.

And it mimics just about every other aspect about being human. You don't go the the gym once, or you don't go to the gym for a year and then expect it to be that way for the rest of your life. You don't eat healthy for a year and then you're fine for the rest of your life. It's taking care of your human self..

That's a good analogy Alfred...

...and taking care of your spiritual self. It's like weeding a garden. You can spend your entire life, as Hans was saying, building this wonderful, strong monument  but if you don't take care of the little tiny weeds, then they can very, simply over time grow in the cracks...

And Alfred have you noticed how real they appear in the illusion?

Because it grows so slowly.


And that's what's really the difficult aspect of it is it grows so slowly yet the damage that it can do... I liken it to a tiny pebble in a clear, placid lake. What can a tiny pebble do to this monumental lake? It can cause ripples that can go to the other side...

It sure can.

...this tiny little pebble. So it's very, very difficult when you think you've reached a certain spiritual level not to pay attention to the basics. We think we're better than the basics. We think we're over them.

I think we think they're self-programmed Alfred. They get picked for us somehow.

Yes, and they don't. They just creep up on us.

Yes, we kind of have to have a constant awareness that the humanness of us is out to get us if we're not careful. The humanness of us is not our friend. The little angel that you are, that beautiful child in the mirror is who you are. That's what Spirit sees. That's what They love. But sometimes the humanness appears. And you know I've noticed something Alfred. A lot of times in very advanced spiritual people it is really hard to root that little weed out. It just keeps coming back over and over again. What would you say the practice should be to keep that weed from coming back? Just constant vigilance?

Well there's two different practices that I would recommend I think for just about anybody. Any type of meditative practice would allow a weed like that to come up. Because if you're trying to practice being quiet, being peaceful, and something continuously comes up, then it's in that quiet place that it's going to come up, that it's going to raise its head. And then you identify: Oh, where did that come from? This is interesting. And it's in your spiritual practice that you can identify areas that you need to tend to so that they don't come up. The second of course is through Automatic Writing. For those of you who are able to do Automatic Writing, you're able to get feedback from the Other Side...


...for Them to point out areas about your life that need to be tended to. For example, we've had a student for a couple of years up in Canada and the Other Side just harped on him for about six months about being peaceful, being peaceful, being peaceful. And finally we worked through it and found very specific areas for him to be peaceful and it's changed his life. So again, the other thing is through Automatic Writing the Other Side can help you find areas that can help you make a lot of spiritual progress.

Very good Alfred. But folks one of the things that I want to emphasize to you a great deal is there is a part of our inner child that when the demon comes up, when the day gets disturbed, when the night gets disturbed, we begin to feel guilty for not having better control. Folks, if we were perfect we wouldn't be here, okay? All of you, remember that. And even though as a Spirit we have to use mind consciousness to overcome the demon, the weed, the spiritual aspect of this practice is greater and stronger than the human aspect. You see what I'm saying? To give you an example, if I'm drinking a cup of tea and the cup slips out of my hand with the saucer and it crashes to the floor, does the tea change or is it still tea? No matter how badly it spilled, the cup is broken - is the tea still tea? The answer is yes. You can mop it up, ring it out, put it back in the cup. It remains the same. Your power, no matter what happens to you remains the same. Your inner craziness sometimes attaches itself to a negative thought and can cause you more aggravation and pain. It reminds you of all the things that you're not, it reminds you of all the things that may never be, it reminds you of all of the things  you're missing. None of which are true. Because if you saw your life through the eyes of Spirit, ah then you'd say: Oh, I'm exactly where I need to be. Oh, I'm doing exactly what I chose to do to learn exactly what I chose to learn. This is my humanness that's trying to judge my spirituality. Can't be done. You see what I'm saying? Can't be done. So your job at that moment is to say: Wait a minute! This is my humanness speaking. This isn't who I am. I choose not to go down that road. I choose not to allow anything to disturb my ease. My dear friend Swami  Satchidananada used to say: Never allow anything to disturb your ease because if you do you will become diseased. Put that in your head for thinking. Never allow anything to disturb your ease. Because whatever is disturbing your ease is not true. If it were truth it would flow through with love. You hear me everyone? If what it's saying is true it would flow through you as love. If it batters up against you, if it causes you to be uncomfortable, disorganized, dis-eased, then it's coming out of the negative aspect from the mind chatter and not from the positive flow of the Spirit. What say you Alfred?

I think it really has a lot to with what we were talking about before which is no matter where you are on your spiritual path, your spiritual growth, no matter how much you think you've already done, that you just need to continue making sure you have a daily or at minimum a weekly regimen for going through and making sure there aren't any pots that are boiling over, any weeds that are growing between the cracks, anything that is in your subconscious that is reminding you...

Alfred, don't you find that it's very subtle though in its growth?

And that's the whole point is weeds grow very slowly but after awhile it's very difficult to tell the difference between the weeds that are growing and the flowers that you were trying to grow. That's why it's so important to weed at a regular basis is to go through your human consciousness and subconsciousness on a regular basis to try to get stuff before it gets out of control.

Okay, thank you very much. But again, no recriminations everyone. No guilt. Grasp onto it as a lesson to be learned. Nothing more, nothing less. One of the difficulties in the way the mind operates in drama is that it creates it. It creates the drama in order to diffuse the spiritual nature of your being. It deliberately attacks your position. But in a very seductive way, shall we say. Just little tiny zings here... And before you know it, you're off to the races. I'll give you an example. Let's say your mother calls and tells you she's a little disappointed in you for some action that you have created. Now rather than say, which is the spiritual truth of the matter, Bless you mom but that's not my problem and I love you. We tend to go off to the races and it calls up all the times we were invalidates, all the stuff, all the minutia of life gets caught up in that simple statement. Which in the first place wasn't true. The amount of energy children that we give to mind conscious that is not a fact, is not true, and nothing is wrong in the first place - is absolutely staggering...absolutely staggering. You need to doesn't matter whether you're a boy or a girl because the consciousness flows the same need to hear that your own mind chatter is trying to disturb your ease on a regular basis unless you do what Alfred said which is to weed your garden on a constant basis. I watch Alfred walk down the flower bed outside with Bella and the Ole Mr. Eagle Eye is constantly bending down and pulling out a weed...constantly. Every day. Because they will constantly grown until the winter comes. And so by picking out your weeds, each and every day, it may be no more than 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds... If you don't pull them out I guarantee you they will grow. And they lie to you and the subconscious grabs onto them and makes them look real. It is, to me, totally amazing that the mind chatter can make something that is untrue look so real. Have you noticed that Alfred?

And about everybody else should notice that.

(Hans and Alfred laughing)

I don't think there's anybody in the entire world that who wouldn't notice that being in human form is a royal pain. But that's the reason we came here is to be challenged. Is to be challenged from the moment we're born until the moment we let go of our humanness and that is the same for everyone. Until you let go of the human form, what we're trying to tell you is that there are going to be issues that come up purely because you have human form.

And because you're in the human form you are always susceptible to human frailties. Laugh at it, poke fun at it. It's like I have a saying that I'll say: Oh, get over yourself and get out of your way. Because that's all that's actually happening. Nothing that's running through your mind, nothing that's upsetting you, nothing that's making you angry and crabby is true. None of it is true! You made it up. Those around you made it up. There's no truth...none. And yet we invest all of this time in the appearance of the non-reality. So anytime that you start to, like I say, run your crazies, anytime you let something disturb your ease, remember you have a choice in that moment, in that second you can say: I choose be Spirit. I choose to be Light. None of this matters. None of this is true. I give this no more power and I'm available for this to be removed from me. Alfred used to have a technique... You remember the bubble technique Alfred?

In terms of protection exercises?

Where you put yourself in a bubble or the thought of a bad thing and then you let the bad thing go to Spirit.

Oh, Oh! To let go of...

That really helped a lot of people.

When you're weeding your garden and you find a weed, a seed, any form that it's in, you have to really remember that you're not alone on this journey. It's not you weeding the garden by yourself. All you need to do, number one, is "ask" for help, "ask" Them to come. But the second aspect is not to deal with the issue as if it's reality. It's not. It's nothing more than a thought. It's nothing more than a piece of energy. Thoughts are energy. Thoughts are vibration. And if you deal with the thought, if you deal with, as we were talking about the weed, the seed and the crack of the concrete, as nothing more than a piece of negative energy then you can take that piece of negative energy, hold it out and separate it from your essence and literally give away this piece of energy to the Universe and say: This is not who I am. I release this to you. Cut the cord of that energy from your essence. Say you have no more attachment to this and actually you can feel the Universe willingly take that piece of negative energy from you. So that's the exercise in general is to not deal with the weed, or the seed, and the crack or the mind chatter as if it's anything more than a piece of negative energy.

That's all it is. It's that simple. And have you noticed how real it appears Alfred?

Yes. Just like our human lives appear to be real.


Yep, but they're not. They are aspects of our own consciousness that we created. We're not living somebody else's idea of who we are. We're living our dharma with a humanness attachment to operate the vehicle of the Spirit in the human form. Use it in such a way that it constantly reinforces you, it's constantly telling you how not good you are, how much it loves you. Don't allow the negative aspect to come in and diffuse you. So whenever the mind chatter puts out this big enormous problem like the questions today and the process I'm giving you today, whenever it builds itself up and builds itself up, stop it and look for the weeds, okay? Because nothing it's doing, it's saying, its appearance, is real. You can prove it to yourself. Okay? And Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for today.

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