Saturday, March 29, 2014

“Old Souls and Addictions” (Re-broadcast from October 2013) - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show transcription

“Old Souls and Addictions” (Re-broadcast from October 2013)
- by Hans Christian King
Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Old Souls and Addictions
March 29, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to MODERN DAY MYSTICISM being broadcast on The World Puja Network. Tonight's topic is "Old Souls and Addictions". We're continuing on the theme of taking topics from our Spiritual Circle Members. We'll discuss more about being a Spiritual Circle Member later on. But we're ever so grateful to them for sending in tonight's topic of "Old Souls and Addictions". And to further explain upon that, I present to you Hans Christian King.

Good evening everyone. It's great to be back with you. This is a subject near and dear to my heart because on many occasions...I mean many, many occasions, I must help individuals - Old Souls - who have an addiction of one form or another,  whether it be food, alcohol, drugs, marijuana. But there are other addictions as well. Sometimes we're addicted to "drama" in our life. Sometimes we're addicted to "not being enough" and sort of governing our entire life around that fact. Now you know Old Souls are born with The Life Lesson of Self-Esteem, or the value of their own soul to themselves. Being “better than” the appearance of anything that is thrown at them. So what happens is that early days, early on when you're just a very young person, you may have a sense of "not being liked". You may have a sense of "maybe your parents don't get who you are". Maybe you just have one parent, maybe your siblings can't see you. Maybe you're like Mr. Cellophane, in the movie Chicago...sort of "invisible". Why do we choose that path? We choose that path because for whatever reason, it often is the very last lesson that we choose to learn. There are many lessons that we come back to learn, but this one particular lesson we often save till the last of the reincarnation process. So we actually ask Spirit to set up a series of rejection scenarios for us, for the very first time that we're born. Again I'm referring  to parents, school mates, brothers and sisters, people who "should" love us unconditionally, appear not to be able to see us and seem to be judgmental of who we are. At this point, I'd like to bring Alfred in on this subject. You remember that don't you Alfred?

Absolutely. And that's one of the things that we see so much, with Old Souls, is first and foremost is that Old Souls not only don't fit into Society, but they probably don't even fit into their own family.

Very true.

And that's something that I, Hans, and just about every one of our clients or students that we have has in common is to say: Why is it so hard to fit in? And our answer is: Because you planned not to fit in.

That's right. And Alfred, believe it or not, your job is actually to stop trying to fit in. Now, I know that you went through a lot of pain in that process. 

Absolutely. Because Old Souls really know that there is something more out there. There is peace, there is love, there is joy, there is happiness. However as we all have heard before, by our own request, as an Old Soul, we requested the harder lessons, more of them, up front in our lives so that we could get on with being of service later on in our lives. So, yes Old Souls have a difficult part of their lives. And the first part that we try to help our students and clients understand is: You asked for these lessons. You asked for these things to be presented to you for a reason.

So the pain is not by accident, it's by design is what you're saying.

Correct. The opportunities of lessons that are presented to you, you can think of them as “painful” or you can think of them as “opportunities for growth”.

And of course in the beginning of your life, Alfred, most people don't know that these are opportunities and they appear as being slighted, or attacked, or not seen or not heard, not felt. And we have a tendency to react out of that pain. You remember that don't you?

Yes. And that's because Old Souls try to compare themselves to everyone else. And during the enlightenment process, you realize that as an Old Soul you were a very unique individual, and that comparing yourself to everyone else probably is not going to work. That was one of the hardest lessons for me to understand is comparing myself to other people just was not going to work. That what really did work was blazing my own path. 

And when you choose to blaze your own path, you find this incredible abundance of love that comes your way. So when you stop trying to fit in, you begin to lift up. You being to come out of the pain of rejection, the appearance of being lost. Because once you say to Spirit: I am ready for me. You'll find you don't need addictions. You don't need chemicals. You don't need food...any kind of a substance. Because you find that peaceful place that those other, shall we say "medicated states", used to try to afford you. So you don't need those anymore. There are times when an Old Soul will actually ask for the experience of addiction. Because it fits into these major self-esteem issues that they may have. They may want to be challenged to rise above that, to appear better than that and everyone who has an addictive behavioral situation or lesson will be given, from time to time, what I call an "Out Key". A Get Out of Jail Free Card, if you will. Many people take advantage of that by witnessing that they're better that what they're doing to themselves. And so we all have an opportunity, whenever we're in an addictive state, we all have an opportunity to exit that state over and over and over again. We are never actually stuck in the condition. Even though some of the substances may be very addictive. Nothing is more powerful than The Great Spirit. Nothing is more powerful than Spirit. And if you turn and put your trust in that, that love that is there for you, you will come through. I have watched so many people who believed they were hopelessly stuck in alcohol, hopelessly stuck in cocaine, marijuana...hopelessly stuck in over-eating. I've watched them take their lives in belief and trust in The Spirit saying: I'm giving this to you. I choose to trust what you send for me to do and the energy around them simply shifts. Have you noticed that Alfred, in your own clients?

Absolutely. The first thing is to understand what is behind the addictive behavior. What is the Old Soul looking "for"? And that really helps the people that I've been working with, my clients, to let go of the need for the addiction because they're not really looking for the substance or the behavior. What they're looking for is, for example: peace, quiet, a certain vibration. It's that they're looking for something “other” than what is directly in front of them. Which is probably a bunch of painful lessons, or a bunch of painful memories, or a bunch of people that are presenting them with lessons, or holding mirrors up to them saying: Here look at your behavior. We all know that through meditation and other spiritual behaviors, that yes, we can achieve a state of peacefulness, a state of bliss through spiritual practice. But since so many of us had so many lessons at an early age, well before we knew what spirituality or meditation was, it just turned out that substances or certain behaviors were a path to find what we were looking for. And when Hans says: When you give your life over to God and to Spirit, you can actually substitute what you're doing for those spiritual practices. If you want silence, if you want peace, well you don't need to get inebriated. You can say: Okay, instead I'm going to go for a walk in the woods. I'm going to do a meditation. I'm going to volunteer. I don't need to run from my past. I don't need to hide from it. I don't need to drink to try to forget. Instead I'm going to do some of the basic practices and let go of mind chatter. So it's the "substitution" of spiritual practices to get what the Old Souls are really looking for. It was just that usually substances and certain addictive behaviors were just more readily available when you were younger.

How can addictions build character, I was thinking... What happens is that when you agree to acknowledge that you have an addictive behavioral difficulty, a lesson...I want to remove the word “problem”. When you realize you have that, immediately go inside and say to yourself: Hmm-mm, I wonder what I can learn from this? I wonder what's in there for me? What is in here for me? What is it that I'm attempting to learn? What you're attempting to learn is: That just who you are is enough for you. Just who you are is enough for God. Just who you are is enough for Spirit. And just who you are is enough for all the wonders of your future...just who you are. You don't need anything. You don't need any addiction of any kind to ease peace inside of you. You need to simply say to yourself: "I deserve better than the treatment I am giving myself". I've had many people Alfred, throughout the years say: I just can't stop it. I just can't stop it. That Alfred, is not true. Now, I don't mean to pat you on the back kid but I witnessed you do it.

And that is one of the most difficult things for an Old Soul to get away from is self-destructive behaviors. That is one of the most difficult aspects of addictive behaviors, self-abusive behaviors. Such as, shall we say, doing crazy things - driving really fast, purposely making yourself inebriated just to punish yourself. And it comes from a couple of areas such as self-esteem - I'm not good enough, I don't like life, I don't like my body... Or for example: I “did” this, or “this” happened or I “caused” this or “would've”, “could've”, “should've”. All of those things cause us self-punishment. And self-punishment is a really, really difficult things to understand. Because maybe you thought you caused your parents' divorce. Maybe you just don't like the body that you've been given. But again, by going within, by doing the spiritual practices - the basics that Hans always talks about - you can start to understand: Wait, why am I punishing myself? What is it that I'm running from? What is it that I'm purposely beating myself for? What is it? And those are usually really big traumas that we're dealing with. I caused my divorce, my child doesn't like me, I abused...

I got passed over at the office proving that I'm not as good as I thought I was...

Yes, I'm not good enough. Going all the way back to, as Hans was saying, self-esteem issues. I'm not good enough so I might as well just abuse myself. That is one of the other underlying issues of addictive behaviors. Again, what's readily available - drugs, alcohol, doing crazy things, driving crazy, picking fights, going to Bars... Oh, sleeping with people we shouldn't sleep with. Those types of addictive behaviors can again be looked at in a spiritual way to say: What is the root cause of beating myself? Because the reality is, when it comes down to it, once you let all that go, by yourself - life is a miracle. You should be happy that you're alive. Be grateful to Almighty God that He allowed you to come down and be born. That He agreed with whatever scheme you decided to conjure up on The Other Side, that He said: Okay. Fine, give it a shot. Poof - you were born! That in itself should cause immense joy from the gratefulness that you should have to have the opportunity to learn lessons, to experience whatever it was that you desired. But it is only attainable by letting go of those self-destructive behaviors, and addictions.

Oftentimes, people wonder how does Spirit view addictions? They view it with a non-judgment approach. They look at whatever the addiction may be and say: Ah, you've chosen this one. I see. Alright, now have you figured out why you chose this? So they are, right from the get-go, working with us saying: Okay, now whatever the pain that is in you, whatever that is, wherever that's coming from, why don't we go back and look at it so that we can let this go. Because that's what you chose to do. You chose to become "better than" what happened to you. You chose to become "happier than" how you are now. In other words, from day one that pain that built up and built up until you found out: Oh, wait a minute, I can smoke this, or I can drink that...or whatever...I can eat this, and I feel better. Then one day Spirit helps with a light that goes on and it says: Oh, I see. Who I am and my behavior are two different things. I don't need to drink. I don't need to smoke. I don't need to eat to be happy. Because my Source is pure love. So Spirit views addictions as a way to help purify your emotional content. Alright?

And that's a lot of the ways that coming out of addictive behaviors, coming out of addiction can cause character growth. See, many, many, many of us - I would say a good majority of souls who came down - came down to build the character of your soul. And that's only possible by having experiences in this dense matter of gravity while being in this human body. But for Old Souls with addictions, it's exponential in terms of the challenges that addictions present to you. And the character growth that you can get coming from "out" of the addiction. Because the addiction is easy - it's just: Okay, I'm going to go crack open another Beer, I'm going to go find whatever it is that I'm looking for and I'm going to do that one more day. The character growth comes from doing what we find "not simple". It's giving up what is very close to us, and very well known - The Liquor Store, The Bar, The Party - and going within and building that inner strength to say: No, there is something more. I may not understand it, but I'm going to have faith, trust, and belief in "that". And it is that process, that inner strength building, the confidence in your soul, the confidence in The Godforce, that builds your soul's character. And when that internal strength becomes great enough that it says: I am wonderful just the way I am and I am strong enough to let go of the addiction,  that you'll find that you have built a monumental amount of soul's character that you would be immensely proud of. 

h There is an addiction here that I mentioned briefly that is often overlooked. And that is the addiction of harming oneself through mental mind chatter. Of constantly saying: I'm not enough. Of constantly saying: I'm not pretty enough, I'm not handsome enough, I'm too old, I'm too fat, I'm the wrong color. All of these things are not true. None of them are true. And Spirit is there to help us in every way. So how can they help us? They help us when we believe they can. When we say to ourself: I choose to give this to My Guides, My Angels, My Helpers, My Friends...I give this to God because I'm better than the way I am being treated by this. So they can lend us strength - unlimited strength - unlimited clarity - unlimited love - unconditional love. You can't embarrass Spirit. No need to feel guilty because you may have had one too many drinks or smoke a little joint or... No need whatsoever. They know that that is coming out of the humanness of you and they know that you're here because you chose to build on your character. And this is a very, very good and safe place to build on your character. 

I just thought of a wonderful analogy Hans - That if you're in some rough waters and you're holding onto a inner-tube with both arms and the water's tipping over you and occasionally you go underneath and you come up for air and you just hold onto that inner-tube for dear life and there's Spirit on the edge of the shore holding their arm out saying: Here, take my hand.

Um hmm.

They're always going to have their arm out.


The question is: Is do you take one arm away from the inner-tube? Do you reach out to Spirit or do you hold on to that inner-tube and where you are and where you've been for year after year after year? Do you continue to hold onto what you know "or" do you reach out to Spirit who's at the edge of the shore reaching over always just waiting for you to reach out to them?


You know, for years I've talked, Alfred, about a Club I used to have out in California that I called Cliff Jumpers Anonymous. And it was an open group meeting every other week and people would come in and just sit in it to be part of the energy when they were getting ready to make a Life Change. When they were really going to jump off a cliff. No matter what that was. Whether it was leaving their workplace, maybe going through a separation or a divorce, maybe being honest about a sexual problem, maybe they were gay and they were coming out of that and perhaps they were going to take a big leap of faith. In all the years I had that Club, and to this day and all of my life, I have never known anyone to jump off a cliff that the net did not appear. Now I say this about every 3 or 4 shows because I think it's important everyone that you hear. "Whenever you jump off a cliff, the net will appear." Even though you can't see it. If you all remember Indiana Jones, when he had to go from one side of the mountain to the other side and there was a chasm and they said: Believe. He says: But I can't step down. They said: BELIEVE. So he puts his foot down and this magical bridge appeared and he walked across. But he couldn't see the bridge. But he made it safely to the other side. And that's what I'm asking you all to do - to realize that you don't have to stay in your addictive behavioral only-ness.  You don't have to stay because that false sense of well being has a big crash after it every day. Giving the power to Spirit to help you, asking for that help, opening yourself up to the possibility of wellness. This is why Old Souls choose difficult lessons as it toughens the character. And Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for this evening. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

“Spirit's Role in Your Dharma” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show transcription

“Spirit's Role in Your Dharma” - by Hans Christian King
Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Spirit's Role in Your Dharma
March 22, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE with the Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King. This is Alfred, the Padawan Learner to the Modern Day Mystic. And we've got a great topic for you today! We're going to be talking about "Spirit's Role in Your Dharma". Last week we were talking about “What is a Dharma" and “How does the Karma of your life, and previous lives, help define your life path”. And for this Show, Hans is going to be walking us through "What is Spirit's Role in Your Life Path". So without further ado, I present to you the Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King.

Hello everyone. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Yes, this is a wonderful topic. It was given to me by Spirit, and then somebody sent me an email, and that was like a confirmation. Spirit wanted to talk about what their role is in our Dharma. And last week we talked about what Dharma was, and what Karma was. And today, we'd like to talk to you about how Spirit assists us on or life's path. So,  remember for some time I've told you folks, that we have that Roundtable discussion before we return to This Side? Attached to that is the Dharma of all your previous lives. And then there is a Review, if you will, of how you did with that Dharma in your last incarnation. And no one judges that but You. And you would have said: "Oh gee, I wish I would have not said that" or "I kind of wish I would have gone down this path instead of that path"... And the Spirit, the people there, make notations. And so eventually...your Dharma never changes. But eventually they "add the new lessons to that Dharma”, by your choice. And so when you come back here that program is already underway. In other words, you are fulfilling your Dharma from the day you're conceived. What Spirit's job is, is to be the provider of energy, the provider of possibilities, the provider of, shall we say, memory, if you will, about "what is" and "what is not". Many of you will say to me: "You know Hans, I absolutely knew I was supposed to do this" or "I knew I was supposed to do that" or "Not go here" or "Not go there". That's the Spirit's job to present those impressions, that intuition to you. But I believe their primary job is to keep you within your guidelines. In other words, not let you stray too far to the right, not let you stray too far to the left. But just by "hinting", just sort of a positive reinforcement. Alfred likes to tell the story of when he wanted to be an international person and to travel a great deal. But at that time he didn't have the resources to do that and Alfred, again, remind the folks how you made that happen. That's Spirit keeping you within your boundaries.

Well, there was first, just a "knowing". I knew that I was going to travel international and even back then I was living in group homes and foster homes and they said: "Excuse me, do you realize where you're living? And most people don't even finish High School". And I said: "No, I just know I'm going to do that". And that's the first thing that you know that Spirit is working through you is you don't know where something comes from. It makes absolutely no sense. But you just "know it inside". That is you receiving guidance about your Dharma, about the path that...

That's right Alfred. It's sort of like a "quiet understanding", a "quiet awareness".

Exactly. And a lot of times, especially Old Souls, they may know their life path, Oh, shall we say, a little "early". I was talking about mine around 14, 15 but really didn't get the chance to travel. I think the first time I went overseas was around 18 and then started living overseas on a permanent basis around like 28. So we may have an idea of what is in our life path, but it's Spirit's job to provide those experiences once you are ready “for them". See there is...I wouldn't say a sequence, but there may be certain things that you wanted to experience before you get to certain other things.

Very good. I knew what my path was, Alfred, from the time I was 3 years old. And I knew it because the Spirit told me what my path was. This often irritates Alfred just a little bit because he had to work a little harder to get on to his. But it was programmed that this is what I do, and this is what I've done. For many of you, you think you're alone. And I have to tell you, absolutely nothing, NOTHING could be further from the truth. The Spirit “is” watching. But it's not their job - and this is the key folks - it's not their job to "interfere". That's what you have to hear. They don't interfere. They don't tell you what to do. Stop praying and saying to Spirit: "Tell me what to do". No, that is not their job. Your job is to tell Spirit what you want the experience of, and then allow them to be certain that it's in your Dharma, which usually it is, and their job then is to manipulate the doors and windows and the valleys and mountains and all this and get you on a path that leads you in that direction so that can occur. It's not like playing Lotto or Bingo. It doesn't instantly happen. It takes a little time. But if you let them know that you're patient, and  you would like the experience of the following please, and this is how you would like the "feel" during that experience, then energy follows thought. Energy is put in motion. So Spirit's job is to "assist our decisions". Alfred, when did you learn that they were assisting you?

I didn't fully understand it for a really long time. But you hit on a really good point, a couple of times, about Spirit's job is to provide energy, is to provide that. And a lot of people may not really understand what that truly means - that Spirit is providing energy. Well, quite simply, it's something just "feels right". You feel that this thing, whatever it is, is "for you" - should be in your life. The complete opposite is when you feel stress. When you're swimming upstream. When you're going against the grain. That is Spirit telling you: "No, you're going in the wrong direction". So they provide an opposite energy, a negative energy, a stressful energy, so hopefully you'll learn: Ooh, going in this direction doesn't "feel" good. It's just not working. So it is Spirit's job not only to provide “positive energy” to help you understand when something is "for you"; it's also their job to provide, say a negative, stressful weighty energy to help you understand when something is "not for you". Or, a little bit more complicated, when something "was for you" but it's not "for you anymore".

That's a tough one.

Okay? That's basically what the Other Side can do for e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. Now what is our role in that? It's to become "sensitive" to that energy, to that vibration. To be able to perceive those messages from the Other Side. And for everyone...not everyone can be clair-audient and hear words, but everyone absolutely does have the ability to receive vibration from the Other Side that says: "This is for you" or "This is not for you". Isn't that so, Hans?

Absolutely. And knowing that sometimes something has ended, or a time-frame for something has ended is really "key". You often hear me speak about learning to raise your vibration. That's what Alfred is talking about is learning to raise your vibration, put you more in tune. The Spirit's job is to lower their vibration. Your job is to raise your vibration. And somewhere in-between those two things is where our work comes in, as far as teaching you how to "hear" at whatever level you can "hear" at - and that's exactly what we do. So, making yourself available...  You know Alfred, one of the things that I try to help people understand is when something is over, you actually "know it" - 90% of the time.

Yes. And that's one of the things that Spirit is allowed to do is let you know, in their terms, “if something is over” or “is not for you”. Now there's two different types of energy in terms of "something's not for you", "something's over". The first one is a negative energy, a stressful energy. It's just not working. I don't know why I want this to work, but I just feel so stressful. You're going against the grain. That's the first type of energy. The second type of energy is a "disconnect energy" where something say, "was for you", or "was working really well" and then all of a sudden it's just "not". In that case, in the second case, Spirit is saying: "Look, yes we were lending energy towards this thing". But all of a sudden there just feels like there's "nothing". Whether it's a relationship, a job - it just feels "empty". As if they "pulled the energy"; they are no longer providing positive energy “for it”. And that's what Hans refers to as The Void. Things that no longer serve you would be removed, taken away, or energy is not being lent to that so that you just realize: No, it's time to let this go.

And sometimes folks, the letting go... Oftentimes, the letting go, Alfred, is the hardest thing you can do. Because your emotional child, your inner child, is so connected to that particular person or to that particular project. Sometimes I have to say to a parent, for instance: "You need to let the child go". And people get very concerned and say: "Well why would you say let my child go"? "In other words, let go. Let go of the expectations that you have because your expectations are getting in your way". I try to teach people also, that when you're in a relationship, try to have as few expectations as you can. Because the expectations are in your way. You don't get together with somebody because they have all your "likes". No, you get together with somebody because they're an individual and their character is something you'd like to bring in to your life. So oftentimes when you're feeling very bad about something and the Spirit is trying to let you know: "You may want to back way away from this. You may want to turn loose of this". And you keep fighting and fighting... Normally what that is, at the life-force at that time, for that particular project - it could be a job, it could be a place that you're living - any number of things. Then you ask Spirit to send "the vibration for change". And then you say to them: "I am making myself available for that change".

And that is a very, very difficult aspect of being human because so many of us, especially for those things in our lives, those experiences that were working well,  for example years, maybe 10's of years, all of a sudden just don't work and we have defined ourselves either by the job or the relationship. And we just can't understand why it's not working. Well, it's not our job to understand it. It's their job, again this is the topic of today - “What is Spirit's Role in Your Dharma". It's Spirit's job when to tell you: Okay, you asked us when you would be done with a certain experience, or when you were going to move on to another experience, to let you know. To take this away from you. To create space so that you can have the next experience that you asked "for". Now of course that's their job. It's our job to let go of the humanness that happens to be attached to that. And again that is extremely difficult. For example, those of us who defined ourselves by our "job" and all of a sudden...

Yeah, that's a tough one.

...the job doesn't “work” anymore. But through the "inner work", all that we talk about - the Basics - going in and letting go in order to connect and receive guidance. Once you become more sensitive, once you let go of things - humanness, ego, expectations, definitions, understanding - once you let go of those things, then you're able to work much better with the Other Side. See it has to be a two-way relationship. Hans always loves people when they say Spirit...they just expect Spirit to show up in their life according to the way that they want. No. It has to be a two-way relationship.

I think that's very important, Alfred. Two-way, that's correct. Now earlier, in today's broadcast, Spirit had mentioned to you that your job is to tell Spirit what you want the experience of and how you wish to feel. It is their job then to fund the energy for change that re-aligns your vibrational pattern to a new beginning. And in that beginning, Spirit includes the vibration of, let's say a new relationship or a new career or a better understanding with your parents - who knows what it might be. Now Alfred wanted to be someone who traveled all over the world. Well, he got to be that. He got to go Business Class, First Class. And he did that for some time and so Spirit provided that opportunity. I wanted to be a person who worked with people around the world. That came to be. But, in both cases, for both of us, it did not happen tomorrow morning. Alfred, how long did it take you for yours to come into effect?

Let's see. After college, I would say, about 6 years I was interviewing for jobs saying: "Yes, I can do your job but I want to travel around the world and I want work to pay for it". Six years of interviewing until one time a job said: Yeah, we need somebody like that. So there is a huge difference between "know it's for you", "asking for it", and "when it shows up". The reality is "there is no time".

That's correct.

Time is an illusion. Again, Einstein knew that time was an illusion. So it's our job to focus in on what's more important is what is the feeling, how is Spirit guiding me, what is the next step, what is it that I need to do or experience that I've asked for, before I can get to this greater experience that I know is coming, that I know that I've asked for. Okay? And this is the other side of how Spirit participates in our life is the first one that we just talked about is how they let us know that something is “not for us” or they let us know that something is “not for us anymore”. Now again we're talking about how does Spirit let us know something "is for us"? How do we work with Spirit in what they're capable of doing to give us something. Okay? Again, our role is to be sensitive, to be awakened, not to be attached to the humanness. In order to be sensitive, the vibration, the understanding, the knowing that something is "for us" but to let go of the notion of "when".

Oh my gosh Alfred, that's so important.

"When" is human, okay? It is spiritual to say: If it happens, it happens. How it happens, it happens. How it unfolds, it unfolds. It is human to have an expectation or try to understand "when" and "how".

Exactly Alfred and I think that "how" is very important. You can say to Spirit: "I would like the experience of the following..." But then you're busy in your mind saying how you would like it to arrive. How you would like it to show up. What time you would like it to show up. What they need to look at. I remember awhile back a lady said to me: "You know, way back when Hans, about 30 years ago you told me that this person would be coming into my life but it would be completely opposite of anything I had thought I would want. And I said to you, well I don't think I want to marry something that I don't control the outcome of how they are..." And she said: "I met this man at a dinner party for other people  and we hit it off. We just started talking and we became friends and we've been married now for 28 years". But, she said: "I would never in a conscious mind have picked that person", Alfred. 

And that is part of the two-way aspect of the relationship with Spirit. By the Law of Free Will, Spirit can only go so far. Also by your Dharma, Spirit can only go so far. They can't provide you the answers. Again, as I like to say: What's the purpose of taking a test, coming to the School of Life, being incarnated in order to have the experiences, if you have all the answers. You're not going to learn. You're not going to experience the things that you asked for. It is your job to get in touch with truly who you are, to overcome humaneness in order to get in touch with that which Spirit is providing you. It's overcoming the expectations such as the type of person that I'm going to be in a relationship with. It's your job to overcome the ego in order to become sensitive to the vibrations. It's your job to truly believe that you are a soul in human form so that your soul is in charge. That your humanness doesn't take you over, okay? That you come from being as a soul. And it is from that point, as a soul, that you can meet Spirit half-way.

Absolutely, Alfred. Again folks, removing your perception of "time" is what Alfred's talking about. Because it's in your perception of time that you lose your way...always. I have a lady that I've been reading for, for a very long time, a wonderful husband, she's a beautiful soul, and he made his journey home about a year ago. And she's pretty devastated. I think they were together a little over 42 years. And she's pretty devastated. However, she started, within six months of his passing needing to be rescued from the loneliness. And I said to her: "No honey, not now". And she got mad and she said: "Then when? Why doesn't my husband send me somebody who can help me?" And I said: "Because this is the time you learn to see who you are. You've been a wife. You've been a mother. But this is the time to see who you are. And this is the person you are going to give away to a new person". Well, she got more and  more upset, and more and more angry and she caused herself a nervous breakdown. She had to go on medications, and anti-depressants. All of this - why? Her expectations. No other reason whatsoever. Did the person come into her life? Yes, about 6 months later. But she drove herself to distraction because she needed it to show up in a specific time. And I think, Alfred, that is where most people that we work with get themselves in trouble. Have you watched, Alfred, in our emails, even our dear friends who know the teaching, who understand the teaching, who believe the teaching - do it anyway?

Yes. And that is one of the most difficult aspects of being in human form is: “When is it going to arrive? I need to understand when it's going to arrive”. And sometimes, working with Spirit just becomes a little bit too difficult. And of course, that is the reason why you contact Hans for an appointment! 


That sometimes we're just not able to get out of our own way. Sometimes our humanness, our ego, our trauma, is just too great to see the true path. And that's one of the reason why you get an appointment with Hans or on-going counseling with myself, is to learn how is it that we can see things, how can we receive communication, how can we truly see what is our path, what should we be focusing on. As Hans was saying: No, it's time for you to relax and let go and create a space in your heart for the next person and not create a nervous wreck out of yourself. How do we know what that next step is if we can't see it?


It's, again, contact somebody like Hans. That is perfectly "in-bounds". Why is it in-bounds? Because Spirit will tell you these are your "options" according to your life path. Now with Hans of course being a Medium, is much more able to clearly understand what are the next steps in your life path. What did you come down here for? What is it that you're doing right now that is taking you away from those experiences that you wanted to have? So, again, that's another way to work with Spirit. But all of our teachings...we're honestly trying to put ourselves out of business - we're trying to teach you how to do what we do...

(Softly Laughing) Yes, that's what we're doing.

Alfred: we're trying to teach you how to get the majority of the communication on your own - working directly with your Guidance. That's why, for 2 or 3 years, for being on the Radio Show all we did was the Basics. Because it is through the Basics that you're able to get in touch with your Guidance and do much more, shall we say, advanced communication. Help them directly guide your life. Understand what is "for you". See the miracles. See the doors of opportunity that they present. Because if you don't do the inner-work, you don't do the Basics, you're just going to walk right on by that door because your ego says: Well it has to look like that...and that doesn't look like thus I'm going to ignore it. And Spirit's scratching their heads and says: Well, we presented you that which you asked for but why are you walking "by" it? Going back to that person, it's because at this certain time of your life you're supposed to do some inner-work, get "over" something, before you're ready to accept that which they're providing you.

You know some time ago Alfred, for many, many years, 18 years, I had an office in Miami Beach. And I had T-shirts made for my clients down there. Somebody would come and see me and I'd see if they were small, medium, large, extra-large - and the front had half a caricature of me - of my face - an the back had the other half. And the front part said: Get Over Yourself - and the back part said: And Get Out of Your Way. No simpler truth can be spoken that I'm aware of, when you have a perception of problems. If you have a perception of problems, you're in your way. You need to get over your thinking process which is causing you to believe that what it's saying, what it's thinking, what it's worrying about, is actually true. Now yesterday, we were traveling down to Akumal, about I would say, 25 miles south. There's a big, big billboard of a young man about to do a zip-line down over a big gorge with water on the bottom and it was really a big gorge. And the caption, in great big words, in English said: "Fear is a Lie". Can you hear that folks? "Fear is a lie". It's strictly a lie. Fear, in and of itself is not real. It's only what "might" happen, not what "is" happening, not what "hasn't" happened, but what "might happen". And if you realize: What a minute, this hasn't happened yet. I don't need to worry about this fear. I know that I'm better than my mind chatter on this issue. Then you begin to approach wisdom. When you realize that your mind chatter is simply not telling you the truth. Okay? Alfred, how do you think you got past your mind chatter? I know you've had some sizable mind chatter.

It's when you follow your mind chatter to the point where you become so stressed, and so miserable, and so tense, and you just want to kill yourself, and you're like: Okay, what's my other option? My other option is: “To try it”. To not listen to my mind chatter. To do what feels right. To do what Hans says. Because the worst case scenario is you go back to feeling absolutely miserable.

Which you were still getting through in the first place.

So, we've said this time and time and time again. If you're just feeling miserable, if things are just not working, just “try” these things.

Yes, just try it. And folks, earlier Alfred was talking about our expectation of time. I think it's really important that you understand that you're going to ask for things and you're going to have a deep seeded need for it to show up now or in a week, or in a month, or a year. But if you "know", if you have a deep seeded belief that you know that it's on the way - it will arrive. It's one of the things that I taught Alfred now that he uses it in his teachings is: Don't tell us what you “want to do”. Not interested. Tell us “what you're going to do”. Because when you say this is what I “want to do”, you actually unplug the cord that leads to that energy.

Now this is really important, is to say, there are some parts of your Dharma that are out of bounds because you asked to experience certain things. Which means there are certain things that you asked "not to experience". If you asked to experience, say for example, I want to become a mechanic. There's something inside of me that just wants to be a mechanic. Well, if I hit the Lotto and became a really rich man, I probably wouldn't become a mechanic. So...

Or the world's richest mechanic.

...or the world's richest mechanic. So I probably...

You could be Jay Leno.

Well, I don't know if Jay Leno gets his hands dirty.

Oh yes he does! He works on those cars of his with his mechanics, so...

He's the exception. But we'll just say there may be some things... How about this one? My father wanted me to be a banker. My mother wanted me to be an engineer. But for some reason I knew I just wanted to be a mechanic. You have two choices. Follow what's inside your heart OR to give in to peer pressure, to give in to ego, to give in to things that are not according to your Dharma. Well, you can try as hard as you want to be a banker. You can try as hard as you want to be an engineer. Spirit is not going to provide those. However, what's going to happen is all of a sudden you need money, and a part-time job in a mechanic's shop is going to show up. Maybe while you're going to school to become an engineer or you're doing mechanic work at night. But when it's time to get a full-time job as an engineer or a banker, according to what your parents want, it's just not going to be provided.


If you do get in, you're going to be miserable.

I think Alfred, that's when that old adage out of the Bible comes true when it says: Be careful of what you pray for, you may get it.

Okay. And that's what we're trying to describe here in our final stage of how Spirit works with you, is they're going to provide opportunities according to what you asked to experience, according to your Dharma. And if for some reason you get yourself involved with something that is not according to your Dharma, for example you bribed somebody to become and engineer, or you really just do whatever it takes to become a banker to make your parents happy, they're going to, again as we talked in the first part of the Show, do everything to get you away from that. Because it's not according to what you wanted to experience. And they're going to make every opportunity possible to provide possibilities for you to be that mechanic.


Okay? And that is one aspect. It is extremely difficult to understand is that just because you asked "for it”, doesn't mean Spirit is going to deliver it. They're only going to deliver "possibilities", according to the Dharma, according to the life path, according to the experiences, according to the Karma that you wish to experience for this lifetime. And that's really tough for people to understand.

You know Alfred, sometimes we fall in love with someone and we put our all into it, we work so hard, we pray to God: Oh, please, please, please...and the person gets into your life and one day, the person says: This doesn't work for me anymore. And you're devastated. You think it's the end of the world. You think you've lost your soul mate. You think you've lost your opportunity for happiness in your life. And your whole world falls apart. And then a year and a half later you're walking down the aisle with someone who you say: Oh My God, I'm so grateful that that first one didn't work. Look what I've got now. So, like Alfred was saying, they keep you "on the path to your Dharma”. And I think Alfred, that concludes the lesson for today.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

“Dharma & Karma: What's the Difference?” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show transcription

“Dharma & Karma: What's the Difference?” - by Hans Christian King
Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Dharma & Karma: What's the Difference?
March 15, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE being broadcast on 880AM “The Revolution” out of Asheville, North Carolina. However, as you may know, Hans Christian King and myself - this is Alfred the Padawan to the Modern Day Mystic himself - we are in Playa del Carmen Mexico. And we will continue to be here for the next few months. At least until the U.S. warms up. Isn't that right Hans?

That is correct. Hi everyone, glad to be here with you tonight.

Now we have an interesting topic for you today. It's actually meant to help a lot of people who have sent in questions, and also to help the editor who's working on Hans' book. We've got the book to a wonderful Angel of an editor, called Anita, who's helping us and one of our tasks was to give her more information about “Dharma and Karma”. “What do they have to do with each other and what are the ways we can understand how they can help us become better souls in human form”. So, without further ado, I present to you the Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King.

Hello everybody. Welcome to the Show. It's so good to be with you all. As Alfred was saying, we've been getting quite a few queries from individuals both in our Circle and our major listening audience and people who are just generally curious about "What is the difference between Dharma and Karma"? Well, there's quite a difference indeed. Now your Dharma is the sum total of all your Karma. In other words, your Dharma produces the evidence that you review when you get ready to come over on This Side. So each time we reincarnate we bring a certain amount of Karma back with us to review. And it gets attached to the Dharma. And so we might say: “Oh gee, I want to work on this" or "I'm still getting stuck on abundance" or "I'm still getting stuck on compassion" and it forms a package of information for you. And you look at the information and you say: "Now, what do I need to be complete for my Dharma" - which is a Oneness with the Spirit. The last time we were talking about "Compassion and Non-Judgment" and both Alfred and I got a lot of interest back from individuals saying: "Wow, I didn't realize that I actually had judgment", "I didn't realize that I wasn't as compassionate as I thought I was". These thoughts, these thinkings, get attached and become living things in the Dharma. And so when you make up your mind to return to this dimension, it is to work on certain things that your soul feels it's  lacking in or wants to better understand. And so as we let you know you do come down here with a package of "goodies", if you will. And those goodies are "lessons" - things that you have chosen to experience, to go through. There's no punishment in this. Somebody sent me an email, I guess 2 days ago, wanting to know whether or not we bring punishment with us. No, we don't do that. Spirit doesn't do that. You may say: "I would like the experience please of understanding in my life some of the behavior I gave to someone else in a previous life". Yes, you can do that. Okay? But, Dharma is, again, "the sum total of all your thoughts". So when you arrive on this plane, you were given an “opportunity” to work with your Dharma on your lessons. Alfred, your take on this.

Well, I think maybe just to consider giving a very brief explanation of - what is reincarnation - and what does your Dharma and Karma have to do with the reincarnation process? So, say you're a soul in a human form and you interact with a lot of people, have a lot of experiences. When your body passes away and you go back to the Other Side, on the Other Side you get together with everybody you interacted with, your Guides, and you say: "Hmm, how did it go"?

And you have that famous Meeting in other words.

Yes, the famous “Meeting”. And you have a "Life Review". And it is during this Life Review that you look at particular interactions with people. So let's talk about the most, shall we say, questioned type of Karma - which is "negative" Karma. What would that be? That would simply be: “Wow, I interacted with this person and I guess I really didn't do something really nice" or "I could have behaved better". That is basically a reminder on the Other Side to say: Hmm, this is something you may want to look at". And according to the Law of Free Will, it's up to you if you want to come back and incarnate and have that be part of your Dharma, part of your Life Path. To do something to add "positive energy" to the "negative Karma" that was created because of something something that happened with somebody else. You were "mean" to somebody, for example. And you wanted to come back and be "nice" to that person...or that type of people. And then basically that's how the negative Karma, from something that happened in your first incarnation, would lead to an experience that you wish to have documented in your Dharma, that you would come back and be presented with a Life Lesson to say: "Hmm, here's an opportunity to make good on something". Of course you don't remember from a previous life..

No, you certainly don't.


Good choice of words - "opportunity", Alfred. Rather than "suffering".

Yes. And see all of this has to do with "choice". None of it violates the Law of Free Will. None of this says: God says your going to be punished or God says you have to do this. Karma is just one of those things that you are reminded about in your Life Review. Okay? Do you think we want to jump into "positive" Karma, Hans?

Wherever you want to go.


We've got an hour here.

Let's go "positive" Karma. Okay...

Da da da da da dah!!

Ah, Karmic Credit, speaking of the person with Karmic Credit... So, in a lifetime  you did a lot of "good things". Say for example, you helped a lot of people who were in need. You're creating "positive Karma". And you go back to the Other Side and during your Life Review of what happened when you were in human form, you say: "Wow, I created a lot of positive Karma". And maybe those people come around and say: "Wow, you really helped me in this lifetime, I really appreciate it. Why don't we plan something together that when you're going through a particular lesson, I'm going to show up and repay you with positive Karma for the positive Karma that you gave me". Okay? And then that negotiation would be an "experience" that you all would have that would be documented in your Dharma. So when you come down and you were having a difficult time and all of a sudden - out of the blue - somebody just comes towards you and says: "I just feel I should help you". That was pre-coordinated on the Other Side in both of your Dharmas.


How does that sound to you Hans?

Oh, I couldn't have said it better myself. Sometimes I like to call those episodes, Alfred, "Soul Crossing". When there has been an agreement between two people to help each other. And that's usually the way it works is to help. So what I try to get across to everybody is rather than... For instance Alfred, I'll have people who will say: "I must have been a really rotten person in a previous lifetime because I keep having these issues over and over and over again". Well, there is an "opportunity", is why I want to use the word again - here's an "opportunity" to look at: Why do you have the same situation over and over? I think this applies a lot Alfred in Relationships.

Yes. And let's look at that from a Dharma point-of-view. And what Hans was trying to say is that: A Dharma is just a collection of all the different aspects that you wanted to experience when you're planning your life on the Other Side that you come down and have those experiences. Now, what are all the different experiences? And we'll get to relationships in there, is, for example, you wanted to have certain "fun" experiences, you wanted to have certain "relationships" - whether it was soul mate “friends” or soul mate “lovers” - with certain souls that were agreed upon. Say you just wanted to "have fun". Maybe you wanted to be presented with certain "lessons" and you wanted to interact with people, whether you wanted to make up some negative Karma, add some positive Karma, or whether someone was going to interact with you. All of those things that would be discussed about "why you wanted to be incarnated" make up your Dharma, okay? And one of those things that Hans mentioned was "I would like to have a relationship with somebody". And that soul on the Other Side usually...usually, agrees to say: "You know what? I was this to you in a previous life, sure it sounds good. Let's have this type of relationship". Whether it's a "soul friend" relationship, someone who knows your soul, knows what you want to go through, knows what you want to experience, and agrees to be there "for you"... And then of course you have the "soul mate lover" relationship, whereas someone agrees to jump into bed with you and have some fun...


It's an interesting way to put it...

This is a public show, young man.

Yes, yes. And possibly bring some other souls into this life. Of course, you would agree to bring those souls "in". That is a soul mate lover relationship. All of these "agreements" about what you wanted to experience, who would participate in those experiences, are part of your Dharma. Okay? So that's "setting the stage". So now that the stage is set Hans, besides a soul mate lover is somebody that would jump in bed with you, what else do you want to say about relationships and Dharma?

Relationships are almost always based on the soul's desire to look at certain aspects of itself. Oftentimes, a relationship with someone'll find that you're tested over and over again in the relationship. And you have to check it and see what's actually going on. Sometimes Alfred, people will pick the same type of an individual over and over and over again. Sometimes there is a Dharma, Alfred, connected between say a parent and a child. So you will be given lessons to present that to each other. In other words, there will be "opportunities to adjust previous Dharma". And it's how you adjust that, it's how you work with that, that affects your Karma.

Well that's a good one to talk about. Say if someone is, shall we say, the "parent figure" and someone is the "child figure", when those two go back up to the Other Side they can actually say: Well, I was the child and I learned this and you were the adult and you learned that...

That's right.

...why don't we switch roles? 

There you go.

Why don't I come back as the parent...

That's right.

...and you come back as the child.

And let's see how easy you can do it.

Yes. Which is why sometimes your children try to raise you because they have a past life memory.

But I will often say, in a reading, did you know that your mother was your father in a previous lifetime or your child is actually your mother or actually your father from a previous lifetime? And almost to the person, Alfred, throughout the many years I've been in service, people will say: "That's the funniest thing. That's what we say". A lot of times parents will say: "I'm raising my own parent here". Because they're constantly trying to raise us as opposed to us raising them. Again I point out something. It is “how” we orchestrate the lesson. It is not the lesson itself. That is not what counts. What counts is how we orchestrate the lesson. How we appear in non-judgment. How we appear in compassion. How we don't allow the appearance of the relationship to interfere with our "humanness" - which makes demands, and has reasons for this and has reasons for that, it's something else. No. Pure and simple: "How are you loving each other"? That applies to parental situations, lovers, friends. Remember what Spirit told us a long time ago, and it was: "How you loved and how you allowed yourself to be loved it was all that mattered". So the more you participate in the non-judgment aspect of the relationship you're working through, the clearer the relationship becomes. Oftentimes I've often heard someone say: "I love my mother so much, but I don't like her behavior". "I love my child so much but I don't like his behavior". Alfred, you've kind of been down that road a little bit, haven't you?


That's it - yes?!

And in which aspect of this Pandora's Box would you like me to talk about really?

(Hans and Alfred Laughing)

You mean what volume, what page are you on?

Yes. Which book?

Which book is it? I think it's the 7th book - the one on the upper right hand side.

The 7th book... So, oh...

It's very important Alfred to understand son, that all the things that we go through in relationships are pre-programmed.

Yes. And the hardest thing that a lot of people take to figure out, and the hardest thing for me to figure out, was for me is that you "asked" for these lessons.

That's right.

Okay. And that all begins with, you're on the Other Side and you said: "Okay, well my last couple of lives may have been Oh, kind of easy. Let's throw some hard lessons in there".

In other words you may have been "sliding by on".

Yes, that: “You know what? The last ones were kind of easy, let's throw some difficult lessons in there to make things a little bit interesting”. Now of course you get down to This Side and you say: “Hmm, why is my life so difficult? Why don't I remember the lessons that I asked for”? So these are two different issues. Let's take the first one. Older Souls - if you're searching, if your spiritual...Yes, you're an Older Soul. What is an Older Soul? Someone who's been through the easy lessons. Someone who's reincarnated a bunch of times. Someone who's been through things a bunch of times and said: "Aah, you know what, If I'm going to come down, let's make it interesting". Okay? And so you get on the Other Side and say: "Yeah, let's make it interesting - let's thrown some, oh shall we say - medium to difficult lessons in there. And then you come down here and say: "Whew, what the heck is going on? Is it that God doesn't love me?" No. It's that's you “asked” for the lessons. And the easiest way that I've come up with to explain this - you may have heard this already, those of you who have been listening to us over the years - is: "What is the purpose a taking a test if you have the answers"? If you're coming down here for soul growth, if you're coming down here for "lessons", you're not going to know the answers. You're not going to know what the outcome is going to be. That's why you need to dig “within” to make the right "choice". To make the choice from a soul. And it is from that point, by going through these difficult times and popping out the other side, and doing the inner work to get over your past, to get through the trauma of whatever it was, is that you become a better person and a better soul. Okay? Oh, we'll say a mountain climber. A mountain climber starts off by going on hikes. And he says: Hmm, there's a little bit of a bigger hill. Let me climb up that hill. Oh, there's a bigger hill. Well, that's bigger than the last one. Let me climb up that one. Next thing you know, this experienced mountain climber is climbing the biggest mountain he can find. Why? Because he climbed the little one. It doesn't need to make any sense, it's just a challenge. But these particular challenges are set up in our Dharma in advance.

That's very, very true Alfred. You've always heard me talk about my friend, Alexandra, and whenever something in her life would appear that was just like: Wow, where the heck did this come from? She would literally stop, sit down, say a quiet prayer and say to Spirit: I wonder what's in this for me today? What is the lesson I'm to garner from this? What is the lesson I'm to learn from this? And she would hear herself repeat this one thing: "Nothing is wrong". "It is my humaneness' appearance that's causing me to be upset. Nothing is wrong". And I'm proud to say she's 100 years old next month. So, getting through life in a way that is non-judgmental, is compassionate - with the understanding "Nothing is wrong". Then your Dharmic lessons that you have chosen to walk through, become easier and easier and easier. Because your mind chatter no longer tells you what's "wrong" about the lesson. It presents the lesson to you. Spirit presents you the lesson, your job is to look at the lesson and say: "What am to learn from this"? Almost always children, it's your history in your Dharma of "judgment"...almost always. Almost always. And so in this while we're here, while we're over here, and we're walking and talking and singing and joking and loving and fretting and worrying - all this stuff - all of that minutia affects your Dharma, you see? So the more you suffer in the "not learning of something", the more you will suffer down the road because you keep compounding it. If you stop for a moment, in the middle of all of the “craziness”, you say: Wait a minute. What kind of a Dharma is this going go give me with this attitude? What kind of Dharma am I going to have to pay because of this? Oh, I don't think so - I'm going to love into this. Now you all know I've had a terrible time with my mother in my lifetime. Everybody knows that. It's in my book. I reached a point where I said: "I love her because she is my mother. I choose not to like her behavior but I also choose to be compassionate and try to understand why she had that behavior. Where did the little girl in her get hurt? Where did her emotions get violated? What happened to cause her to be the way she was"? What that did was ended a Dharmic relationship with my mother that I had chosen to learn - which was to make her "okay". I didn't say I needed to love her “behavior". But I no longer posses a judgment of it. Alfred, you've kind of been in that role before haven't you? Like so many of our clients?

Yes and if you want to know if you're an Old Soul, you look at your physical family and say: "What am I doing here?" 

Exactly. (Laughing)

That pretty much means you're an Old Soul. That means you were put into a particular family for a particular set of lessons.

Oftentimes, not believing that anybody in that family has anything to do with you.

Yeah. To say, I don't know why these people are my...

Who are these people?

 ...who are my sisters. Who are these people? Who are these parents? I must have been adopted.

Or what did I do? I had a lady the other day, Alfred, in a Reading she said: What did I do that was so bad she gave me these parents?

Yes. And it's becomes sometimes, as a soul, you're put into a certain physical family in order to be presented with say, more advanced or more difficult lessons. That's basically "it". And then you can say: I'm not a victim. I actually “asked for this”.

You actually asked for it. Absolutely, Alfred.  


I go back to that constant thing that Guidance says: "What makes you think that anything is wrong"? I'll be saying that on my deathbed, hopefully. Because when you hear that "inside", when you finally "get it" that you're #1 - Not being punished - #2 Spirit and you worked on these Lessons together - #3 Nothing is wrong. Then you view the lessons in a completely different way. You come out of the humanness. Remember, only the “humanness”, Alfred, has the judgment. Not the inner-soul, not the little child inside - only the “humanness” of each of us possesses judgment.

So let's go onto Dharma and the Other Side - that when you're forming your Dharma - your Life Path - all those experiences and lessons that you want - interactions with other people, whether they're to relieve some negative Karma or to add some positive Karma to your life, what does the Other Side, what do your Angels and Spirit Guides have to do with that?

Well, as you remember Alfred, we've been discussing that we pre-set...We have that, I love it, we have that famous “Meeting”. I call it a little Martini Party, a little Cocktail Party, a little Tea Party. We all sit down around this big table, people who have been with us who love us, people we've been with, we love them and we do a Review of life before the last one and then the last one. In other words, when you came back Alfred, and you had your Review, what did you say you wanted to work on in the next time out. You have that Review. A plan, if you will. A blueprint, if you will, is developed. You are born with a copy stapled to your behind and They have the other copy. So They know where you need to be and what time you need to be there. I often say if you ask any teacher who is worth their weight in gold in this profession of ours, if they say: What is your biggest concern? That I am where I am supposed to be at this moment and getting and understanding what I'm supposed be getting and understanding. That's real growth right there. Not suffering what you are getting. No, no, no. But understanding it. And so, it is the job of Spirit to direct the Master Plan. You're job is to follow through as each individual set of opportunities is placed before you to learn the lessons you chose to learn. Alfred, I don't think that we can emphasize enough that we choose to learn those lessons.


In other words son, we're not “victims of it” is what I'm saying.

I think there's a good point here that you mentioned about the Master Plan and how Guidance, how your particular Guidance has to do with that is when you were on the Other Side and you said: "Okay, I'm ready to come down. Everybody knows what the Plan is". There are some souls who say: "Okay, I'm staying on This Side..."

Yes, they do. (Laughing)

And these are the rules that I'm going to play on This Side - whether I'm your Master Guide, a Main Guide, a Guide who volunteered to come in at a certain time in your life, but they know your plan, but they stay on the Other Side. Now of course things just don't happen randomly in your life, even though you may think sometimes they do. A lot of times things happen “in order”. For example, I had a client about a year ago who said: "I know I'm here to be a teacher. Why am I not a teacher yet"? And we discussed the lessons of "there's nothing's wrong" and the lessons of "compassion" that she asked for before she became a teacher.

h Exactly.

And we discussed what was going on in her life and how that kept repeating, and repeating and repeating. And how all of her friends, believe it or not, were participating in presenting these lessons to her that she was ignoring. But she was upset that she wasn't a teacher yet. So the Other Side is coordinating by presenting those lessons to you, a lot of times lessons are presented through  other people who have agreed to present those lessons to you. Okay? So it's not that your Dharma is “not available” to you at all. If you can get in touch through Automatic Writing, through Channeling, by seeing a Medium, such as Hans, they will tell you what lessons are in front of you. What are the things you need to do. What are the next steps in the unveiling of your Dharma, in order for you to move on to the next series of lessons or experiences in your life. If you "ask", then the Other Side is really good at presenting to you what is the next step in your life. And that's really all you need to be concerned about is "the next step".

And are you where you are supposed to be for that lesson. By the way, that's very well put, Alfred.

Thank you.

Last week, I got a email. I'm going to call him "Bill" in Montana. And he asked me a question I have not heard in a very long time. And his question was: "Hans, can we actually get “stuck” in the same lesson life after life after life?" He said: "I feel that I have been stuck in the lesson of 'forgiveness' forever". He said" I even went for Past Life Regression and they found the same thing. That I keep getting stuck when it comes time to forgive - not only others, but myself. To make myself okay, to not have a judgment of myself". And he said: "I just keep repeating the lesson. Time after time, after time. Can we actually get stuck"? The answer is: Yes. But here again, nothing is terribly wrong.

No, it's not. And that's a really good example to say: How is Dharma formed? So you up on the Other Side and you say: "You know what? I want to learn the lesson of forgiveness. I had some stuff happen in a prior life. I'm going to come down." And you come down, and you don't learn the lesson of forgiveness. And you go back up and say: "Hmm, let me give that another try". And you come back down and you're presented with the lesson of forgiveness and you go back up and say: "Hmm, I didn't get it again. Let me try it again."

Let me try it again.

And you come back down and you're presented with the lesson of forgiveness...

Eventually Alfred...

You know what this reminds me of?


Trying to go up a hill with a Jeep.


Sometimes you try to crawl up the hill and it doesn't happen. And you back up and you take a different route. And sometimes that didn't work. And you back up the Jeep up the hill, and down the hill, and you try to get the Jeep up another way up the hill.


And, “eventually”, after several tries...

You get up the hill.

...the Jeep may get up the hill. And that's the really funny aspect of this. is this dense physical matter we call "human life" seem slow. But Hans, in spirit terms how long is a human life approximately?

In spirit terms? About a week and a half.

Okay. So what we consider to be a very long time, when you bop back up to the Other Side...

Alfred, it's like you went out to take a class for a week...


You know, from your house. So I'm going to take this class. And that's what it's like. They don't look at it like: Here, we have to judge your soul because you're not getting what you want out of the class or it's not been easy for you. No, no, no.

And how many of us have said: "You know what? I read a book once but I didn't get it all. Let me read that book again". Or, you went to go see something, to learn something and you're like: "Oh, let me experience that again". You went to an Art Exhibit, and you said: "Let me go and experience that Art Exhibit again". That is a huge part of Dharma creation is if you come down, and you didn't get everything - it doesn't matter!

It doesn't matter - because you will. All things for teachers, Alfred. All things for teachers.

I used to be so upset and so...

He was so judgmental.

What was the term? Insistent. That I had to get every single aspect of my life, this lifetime. And then I realized...

No, you don't.

...No. I can “relax”.

Because life is "eternal".

Because life is eternal and Spirit is infinite. You can come down as many times as you want. You can go back to the Other Side and relax. You do not need to do everything this life, because you can go back and say: "Well, I got most of it. I didn't get these two things. Oh well, let me go back down and add those to my Dharma".

And let's remember something too Alfred - no one makes you come back...


That's a volunteer effort. I would like to say this before we end the topic. It's a great Show and I'm really enjoying it. Yes, in order to be "One with the Spirit as a teacher of spiritual truth and principles, you must operate out of no judgment and be attached to compassion". This is something that ends the Dharmic cycle. When you arrive at "no judgment and compassion", in your Dharma, your Karma automatically softens. And as your Karma automatically softens, the lessons that you will choose to come back and look at again become fewer and fewer and fewer. That's when you become "One with the Spirit". And once you understand that principal, and you stop acting out of the humanness for a moment - remember, humanness is only a "reaction" to what you have chosen to look at in your life. Okay? Great show Alfred. Do you have anything to say before we close and go to Questions?

Anita, I hope that helps with Hans' book. And yes, we're finally finalizing....finally finalizing? Hans' book! Anita is a wonderful Angel. We are so grateful for her assistance for taking the book from me and doing the final parts of it.

I can't think of another person I would have trusted so completely. This is an incredible person who hears what Spirit and I are trying to say and who puts it into a form that is so malleable and so lovely. And I'm eternally grateful. Thank you Miss Anita. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

“Compassionate Non-Judgment” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show transcription

“Compassionate Non-Judgment” - by Hans Christian King
Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Compassionate Non-Judgment
March 8, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. Yes, this is Alfred, the Padawan to the Modern Day Mystic himself, Hans Christian King. We are broadcasting again and we will continue to broadcast for the next couple of months from Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Playa del Carmen is on Mayan Riviera. We're approximately 45 minutes south of Cancun. We're about 1/3 of the way down the coast to Belize. And probably...I would say, we're about 4 to 5 hours away from Guatemala.

Yes. That's correct.

So we're just a few hours ride away from various countries and...

And varying cultures and food.

...cultures. But everybody speaks Spanish down here, except for the Brazilians, who are speaking Portuguese.

Portuguese. And a lot of Italians.

A lot of Italians down here. A lot of Italian Restaurants.

What is the most popular restaurant in Playa del Carmen? Italian.

Italian. It is...

There's one block here on 5th Avenue where there are 5 or 6 Italian Restaurants in a row. And they're all owned by the same family, which I find interesting. So...

It is. It's an amazing place. Lots of Italian Restaurants. Of course, lots of Mexican Restaurants. And we talk about Playa del Carmen, just a little bit, in our Newsletter which we actually...

Which Alfred, actually got out! (Laughing)

….got out. Our last newsletter, I think was in October.

October. Oh my goodness folks! I'm so sorry. It has been, for Alfred and I, a very, very, very busy year in that we've adjusted to the East Coast and then adjusted to being here. And we're sorry that we've put you through all this but you're all family, and we go along with the ride. And Alfred, we have good news.

We do?

Yes. I'm reactivating Facebook.

Aah. Yes, we're going to be paying attention to Facebook. As you all know that you can get free Hans King Quotes through either of our Facebook Pages or through Twitter everyday. But we're going to get somebody to pay much more attention to Facebook.


So, pay attention to Facebook because we're going to be sending out a bunch of stuff. Such as notifications for huge discounts on products, letting you know about when Hans is going to be interviewed so you don't have to wait just for the Newsletter. You can also check on Facebook for product discounts, tele-seminar interviews-which are 90% off our normal products, and we do that to help benefit the tele-seminar and get the word out. So the product discounts are even bigger than the product discounts you get as a Spiritual Circle Member, but you've got to buy the whole package.


That's the way that it works. And we're grateful for them. It's not exactly our most, shall we say, easy thing to figure out, but we've partnered with a company that we believe in and we believe in what they're doing. So we go along with the way that they do things. We've been on, I would say 30 or 40 tele-seminars. Been through many, many different companies. And this is the company that we believe is true to being of service. But of course the way that we reach out to everyone is through "technology", so our sincerest apologies as always when you try to reach our products and reach out through tele-seminars, that it is through the Web. But that's the way we're doing things now. Because we're way down here in Mexico and you're...everywhere.

We're all over the world.

We're all over the world. And one of the Announcements in our Newsletter is that we are doing private sessions down here in Playa del Carmen. We were holding private sessions in Asheville, but until the U.S. warms up, which may be sometime in May or June...

(Laughing) It's not going to be that long... Well, as warm as you'd like it.

Yes. So we are holding Private Intensive Sessions making ourselves available for you to have spirituality and spiritual coaching in Paradise. Yes, it is. We live across the street from the beach. A little bit of a walk. You have to go through the...

Oh gee, you have to go through the beautiful Reef Hotel...

Yes, we have to go through the hotel...

...with the waterfalls and the...

Alfred: get "to the beach”.


Yes. And we're on the south side of Playa del Carmen. It's absolutely beautiful. It's a short bicycle ride or about a 15 minute walk to get to downtown Playa del Carmen and we'd be more than happy to share this with anybody. And of course if you'd like more information, you can go to and under "Personal Readings" there is a section that is "Private Intensive Sessions" and you can find out more...or you can go to our Newsletter which is under "Spiritual Community" under "Calendar of Events" - and there you can find our Newsletter, find out about the tele-seminars that we're on, and read a little bit more about our Private Intensive Sessions.

Good Lord, you're a bit wordy today.

Well, I'm proud of the fact that we actually got the Newsletter out.

(Laughing) I know you are. And we will have the April Newsletter out on time, won't we Alfred? 

We will? Oh, we will! Yes! Yes, that is my "intention". I've learned how to get around these things...everyone say: Yes, my "intention" is to do

We will get it out on time. Okay? Alrighty everybody, we do thank you for putting up with us and all of our little ups and downs and idiosyncrasies. But our intention is "to serve and make a difference". And we hope that's what we're doing. 

Today's subject was given to me directly from Spirit. And they spoke  about "Compassionate Non-Judgment". It is very, very difficult to walk through this modern day world that we have "created" in a state of compassion with non-judgment. However...part of what...well I would say much of our individual spiritual journeys has to do with #1 "Letting go of human behaviors", #2 "adopting new spiritual ways of being which are according to our natural state”. Now, Alfred when you first started your journey of into non-judgment and compassion, what were some of the roadblocks? People have been telling me they like your answers because it sounds like I'm talking to them through you. So how did you manage to go from being an International you've discussed this with us before...but this is about "compassion and non-judgment". How did you begin to see that you held "judgment"?

Ewh. (Laughing) 

Gotcha! (Laughing)

That's a really good one.


Judgment is one of those larger things that you cannot look at - “do I have judgment”? “It's what do I have judgments about?”

That's correct.

And I go back to the original way I've described this a long time ago by quoting Pink Floyd: "Another brick in the wall"... Another piece of judgment. Another opinion. Do you have a judgment or an opinion about a specific thing? And it's just like when you're letting go of trauma, when you're letting go of issues, when you're letting go of anything, when you're doing it in your work... It is much easier to let go of something when you can define it according to a very specific issue and say: Oh, I have a judgment about this specific thing or this specific person because of this. And you trace it all the way back to where it came from and then you realize: Oh, that came from 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago. When this happened...when somebody said something. And then you can say: "Oh, well that happened “then”. “I don't need that. It doesn't serve me anymore.” So for me, it was looking at things - issue by issue - person by person - item by item - and every single day asking: "Do I have an opinion about this”? “Do I have a judgment about that?" Everything. Every single thing that you do on a moment to moment basis. And eventually, it just becomes a "habit" and just like - ready? -  "weeding your garden"...

Yes, exactly...

...the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Well that's the key. Because Alfred, the more you do it, the more you can recognize the weeds when they do pop up because you have a blank slate and the weeds shouldn't pop up in that space. So, you're right. The more you weed the garden, the clearer the ground. The clearer the ground, the more you can see the weeds. Very good Alfred. Letting go of human behaviors in order to live in a compassionate non-judgment state... Now folks, for some of you that will be a lifetime effort. For others, it will happen in 3, 4, 5 months. 

And then there's those of us who have been working at this for about 8 lifetimes, and we'll work on it this lifetime, and maybe we'll work on it another couple of lifetimes.

(Laughing) There's no beginning, there is no end...

You're in no rush.

No. You know some time ago I was talking with Spirit and I said: "I've come to a quiet resolve" and Guidance says: "Tell us" and I said: "I have no expectations of human beings anymore". "I have no expectations of expectations of anything that is man-made". And they said: "Oh, that's real growth. How do you intend to get through this issue?" People have asked me for years why it is that I don't preset my calendar very far in advance. In fact a dear friend of mine said that to me today. And I said: "Because I don't know what I'm doing down the road. It may change". I don't mind setting my calendar for a month, month and a half, two months at the outside. But I don't want to set my calendar for June, July, August, September because I don't know where I'm going to be. How I'm going to be feeling. So I set my calendar according to Spirit. And I said: "You tell me where you want me to be and when". And the more I have let go of trying to control the outcome of my life, and the outcome of my career, which has been a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful work...the easier it has become". And when you turn loose children of your perception of “how something has to look”... Now I want all of you to listen to the Questions over the next month as they come in. Watch and see the judgment and expectation in the Questions. Even though kids, even though we're family, and you're learning with us, and we're learning from you certainly. Watch it still come up. Have you noticed that Alfred?


Our Spiritual Circle Members are working with this stuff. You can tell by their Questions.

Yes, they really are. Another way to look at it is: "Have you let go of as many of the judgments and opinions that you created from the past?" But also: "Are you creating” or “not creating new judgments, new opinions as something happens to you now?" Are you making sure that you're not adding to your opinions or judgments?"

Well put Alfred...well put.

Okay? So there's two ways that I have learned to approach this is...and one of the most important things - in order to be peaceful, in order to be spirit-like...and that's really what I think Hans is trying to get out - to be spirit-like - it's to be in the moment - to be peaceful - to be non-judgmental “in the moment”. And if you can do that, if you can be non-judgmental in the moment, then you're not adding to your judgments that you have to eventually deal with. You're not creating any more...

Well Alfred, your "judgments have a judgment".



Your judgments judge.

Yes, your judgments judge. And so you're bang on here. What the Spirit, Alfred, has tried to help others to teach you is that the less you dialog with your opinions, the less you dialog with your judgments. And the cleaner and clearer your spirit becomes. There's an elegant form... I don't know how else to word it...there's this wonderful essence, this elegant form, that we plug into. And we notice how the mind chatter ceases. And we notice how the birds singing outside.  Here, we're able to go out every morning and have breakfast on the patio here, and we have all kinds of birds whistling, and we have some very loud...if you guys know what a Grackle is, it looks like a very large blackbird with a long tail, and they make an enormous amount of noise. But we feed them, and they come down, and they let us know when there's not enough bread for them. And that becomes what's important you see. Noticing the cloud formations. Alfred saw, and almost stepped on, a little tiny baby Gecko yesterday. He stopped everything he was doing and in his compassion, did everything he to rescue this baby Gecko. That's what becomes important. Not what the mind chatter is saying. Compassion and non-judgment, to my way of thinking, is the leading indicator of spiritual growth. Alfred, how did you learn, and I know you're used to working on Sunday, how did you learn to work the separation between knowing how to not be judgmental and yet finding you're still being judgmental... How are you working those two things together? It's a tough question. I understand that.

It is a tough question and it's an advanced spiritual answer is, and it's what I teach my students in my Automatic Writing Class, is you can get answers to things through vibration. In order to be spiritual, the whole point is to raise your vibration. You raise your vibration by letting go of humanness.

And Spirit lowers their vibration...yeah.

Okay. By letting go of humanness you simply "float". You simply become "lighter", okay? And one of the things that helps you become aware that you are doing something human, that you are having an opinion, that your having a judgment “in the moment”, or that there is a judgment from your past that's coming up, is you will feel a drop in vibration. Now, believe it or not, you can have a non-judgment about a drop in vibration to say: "Hm-mm, I see that there's a drop in vibration. That's interesting. Now let's find out where that's coming from and why it is. What is that I'm doing? What it is that I'm thinking? What is it that's causing my vibration to drop and bring me back into a human state? Okay, what we're talking about is living more of your life in a spiritual way, in a spiritual state of being, which means a higher vibration. So any non non-judgmental way you can just look at to say: Am I having a judgment “in the moment”? Or is it something that is causing me to have a judgment and deal with it in that moment -  whether you need to correct whatever it is in the moment, or go back and let go of something. So, to come full-circle here, it's by simply realizing - is my vibration high? - am I being peaceful? Or is there something that is causing my vibration to drop? As you correctly pointed out, yes, it's a little bit of a difficult question, but as you practice this technique of simply looking to see "is my vibration high" or "is my vibration being caused to be lower”, “is there something dragging me down"?

Alfred and I...Spirit termed Alfred's mind chatter “likened to dust”. And so they'll say to him: Have you dusted today? Do you find any dust today? Use that, because it's very helpful. Because sometimes we think we've cleaned out all the gunk, all the stuff...and we turn around and go do something and Oops, that darn old mind chatter is...

That's a new one. We have to add that one. It reminds me too of the time when I was living on the beach in California where I get up in the morning and the first thing I do is sweep the kitchen floor and catch myself saying: Oh, God damn beach sand. Oh, why is there beach sand on the floor? Didn't I just sweep the beach sand off the kitchen floor yesterday? 

The rest of the world would like to live where you were living.

Am I really complaining about sweeping the beach sand off the kitchen floor back out onto the beach? (Laughing) So, you have to catch yourself - number one - saying: Why do I have to do this again? Well, it's you're weeding your garden again, and just because you clean your house once doesn't mean you never have to clean it again, or just because you sweep the floor, doesn't mean you don't have to sweep the floor again. So, this is an on-going practice that you do until you let go of the human body.

I think it's very important for all of us to remember that compassion and non-judgment applies to 'you' as well as 'what you direct towards others'.You see? You must always be careful of being pre-programmed. Your judgments, and your programming that are in you almost always come from an earlier time in this lifetime. There may have been some "carry-over memory" of the judgments which you've refused to learn. So they'll present you with judgments. "All children of God are equal and there is no judgment of any of them". This is a very hard concept to have the average person to understand. The Spirit has no judgment, they have no "right" or "wrong", they have no “black” or “white”, they have no "gay" or "straight", they simply have "is". And in the "is": “Is the soul of the individual, at the moment,  peaceful”?

Oh, peaceful... Speaking of peaceful, hold on, I have to let you listen to this. Hold on...wait...wait wait wait...come on...oh, Bella was snoring...

(in hushed tones)
I think she's tired...and she was snoring...she's very peaceful.

Oh, I just woke her up. “I'm sorry sweetness. You were snoring and all the people are listening to you snore”.

(Softly Laughing)

She's like: Daddy, I was sleeping.

So, when your mind starts to run and have a judgment about other people - whether the person is poor - or whether the person is acting strangely and you don't know why they're doing it, always...and no matter matter wherever you have a “judgment”, “follow it with a statement of compassion”. “A true Spiritual Teacher and a true divine spiritual life is operated out of the space of non-judgment and compassion.” “And no teacher, not ever, in this lifetime or a hundred lifetimes, can ever become a proper teacher without compassion and non-judgment.” Those two things will remove can have all the intentions until the cows come home... “But until you recognize that all of God's children are the same” may be an alcoholic, as we like to call may be depressed all the may be - who knows what? “But in each one of those souls resides that essence of God.” 

And that was one of the most amazing things I learned is the first part of our teachings Hans, is that: “Everyone here on earth is exactly the same”.

The same...absolutely.

Is that “everyone is a soul and that everyone came down to experience life in a human body”.

We all have Angels, Helpers and Friends guiding us. So we're all the same. It's when we allow the humanness of us to get involved in judgment... I have often pointed out to everyone that this country was founded on a prejudice. I'm sorry, but that's the truth, it was. As we are emerging into the world is what we're finding out: Oh, there is an entire world that we live in, with nice people also. With beautiful cities. Poverty programs. Caring for the Oceans. They're there. We thought that we were everything. We thought that God made America. God would never have made America in this fashion. Remember, people of color couldn't vote in this country when I was born. Okay? No God who loved it's children would ever have created this. So, a lot of propaganda went into it. So now we're making the country the country we want it to be. And that is happening. But remember something - that when you have a judgment of a person or an action of that person - you are not in a spiritual place. I've always tried to teach all of you that "who someone is and their behavior are two different things". Always remember that. Especially those of you who are counselors, people in service out there. When you realize...I said to a group of Psychotherapists some years ago, when they were asking me how did I approach individuals what would I recommend that they do? I said: "Stop approaching them as if there's something wrong with them". No, no, no, no. Their humanness is going through an experience. What can you do to help them through the experience. But there's nothing "wrong" with the soul because God is in the soul; and the soul is in the human form. And there are times when there are chemical imbalances, for instance in the brain, these things we can fix. But don't approach everyone as though they're sick and they need help. Approach people with love and compassion and: How may I serve you today? What is the experience that you're looking for from life? There are wonderful ways to look at other people. But again, I point out, for those of you who want to be teachers, for those of you who want to be guides in working with Spirit, you must arrive at a place of non-judgmental compassion. And this is why the Dali Lama sent me a lovely scarf that I have. He says: “My religion is compassion”. And I saw that he was on Larry King, I think Alfred last night. I listened to it today. It's very, very interesting. As our world evolves into more of a Oneness, and we stop having a judgment, things become lighter and lighter. And I think Alfred, you're seeing this in yourself are you not?


What do you think, at this point in your learning, is the most important thing you've learned in the last...let's say "month"? I want this to apply to every person that we're talking to today. "What do you think is the most important thing you've learned in the past month"? What do you think it is Alfred?

"Nothing is Wrong".

That's correct. "Nothing". It's only our perception Alfred, and the perception comes from a place of judgment and given to us by others.

Or ourself...that something is wrong.

Sometimes. But where did ourself get that 'from'? “It's not a natural state to judge oneself.” A child doesn't know about judging animal doesn't know...a dog doesn't know...Bella doesn't know to judge herself. It's a taught behavior.

Let me ask...give me a second...Bella, sweetness. Bella, do you know how to judge yourself?


Do you? No. She doesn't know what I'm talking about.

No. She doesn't have a clue.

No, that's correct. Bella doesn't know how to judge herself.

See there. You have a captive audience right there... But folks, make it "light", “make it okay to have those judgments"...”witness them”...”don't try to dissect them” and say: “Maybe it's when my mother said this or my dad did that or the neighbor”... Don't do that. Say: "From this day forward, my intention is to live in a compassionate, non-judgmental way". And if you set the may not happen right away Alfred, sometimes it takes a little time, you know. But if you keep resetting... And folks, this is the key. Just because you fall down, it has nothing to do with your journey. "Reset the intention". “Reset the intention”. “Keep resetting the intention”. And eventually the power of the intention overtakes the dark. It truly, absolutely does. So operating in a place of compassional non-judgment says: "I'm willing to live in a spiritual way". Okay? So when you say that, the Spirit smiles, they open the doors... It's not about how much money, children, you will acquire. It's not about what kind of car your drive, or clothes, or how thin you are. None of that has anything to do with that. Because all of those things deteriorate and die. It is a matter of whether or not you can sit in the morning with your cup of coffee and watch some birds fly, okay? That's what's important. “Whether you incorporate the love and the power of Spirit into your life on a daily basis” - that's the key. Alright Alfred, I think that may conclude the lesson, unless you have something you'd like to add.

The only things I have to add is - compassion is a heck of a lot easier, and a lot clearer with the less judgment you have.


It's a lot easier to be truly compassionate and to be truly spiritual, in general, with the less opinion, the less judgment you have. That it should be a daily spiritual practice of “anyone who's following a spiritual path to weed out judgment and opinion on a daily basis”. Because it just becomes "habit" after a while. It really does. I think if there's one thing that really helped me personally reach a spiritual state most of the time, it is by letting go of, and seeking out judgment. Simply. And the things that I've found, the times that I get into trouble and get off my path - is when I have a judgment.

Well thank you for being so honest. It is absolutely true. And that's for everyone Alfred - everyone. And as a teacher that you are becoming... When you can say to people: “Yes, I've been there”. And people know when you've been there as opposed to reading it in a book. They know the difference. And that's what I've tried to teach you. Is that people want to learn from people who have "walked the talk". Not got it in some fancy school, taking some fancy class, but have actually been there, climbed that mountain with their problems and saw how the process worked. Alrighty. Alfred, I do think that will conclude the lessons for today.