“Old Souls and Addictions” (Re-broadcast from October 2013)
- by Hans Christian King
Spiritual Radio Show transcription
with Hans Christian King www.HansKing.com
and Alfred Ricci www.AlfredRicci.com
Topic: Old Souls and Addictions
March 29, 2014
Hello everyone and welcome to MODERN DAY MYSTICISM being broadcast on The World Puja Network. Tonight's topic is "Old Souls and Addictions". We're continuing on the theme of taking topics from our Spiritual Circle Members. We'll discuss more about being a Spiritual Circle Member later on. But we're ever so grateful to them for sending in tonight's topic of "Old Souls and Addictions". And to further explain upon that, I present to you Hans Christian King.
Good evening everyone. It's great to be back with you. This is a subject near and dear to my heart because on many occasions...I mean many, many occasions, I must help individuals - Old Souls - who have an addiction of one form or another, whether it be food, alcohol, drugs, marijuana. But there are other addictions as well. Sometimes we're addicted to "drama" in our life. Sometimes we're addicted to "not being enough" and sort of governing our entire life around that fact. Now you know Old Souls are born with The Life Lesson of Self-Esteem, or the value of their own soul to themselves. Being “better than” the appearance of anything that is thrown at them. So what happens is that early days, early on when you're just a very young person, you may have a sense of "not being liked". You may have a sense of "maybe your parents don't get who you are". Maybe you just have one parent, maybe your siblings can't see you. Maybe you're like Mr. Cellophane, in the movie Chicago...sort of "invisible". Why do we choose that path? We choose that path because for whatever reason, it often is the very last lesson that we choose to learn. There are many lessons that we come back to learn, but this one particular lesson we often save till the last of the reincarnation process. So we actually ask Spirit to set up a series of rejection scenarios for us, for the very first time that we're born. Again I'm referring to parents, school mates, brothers and sisters, people who "should" love us unconditionally, appear not to be able to see us and seem to be judgmental of who we are. At this point, I'd like to bring Alfred in on this subject. You remember that don't you Alfred?
Absolutely. And that's one of the things that we see so much, with Old Souls, is first and foremost is that Old Souls not only don't fit into Society, but they probably don't even fit into their own family.
Very true.
And that's something that I, Hans, and just about every one of our clients or students that we have has in common is to say: Why is it so hard to fit in? And our answer is: Because you planned not to fit in.
That's right. And Alfred, believe it or not, your job is actually to stop trying to fit in. Now, I know that you went through a lot of pain in that process.
Absolutely. Because Old Souls really know that there is something more out there. There is peace, there is love, there is joy, there is happiness. However as we all have heard before, by our own request, as an Old Soul, we requested the harder lessons, more of them, up front in our lives so that we could get on with being of service later on in our lives. So, yes Old Souls have a difficult part of their lives. And the first part that we try to help our students and clients understand is: You asked for these lessons. You asked for these things to be presented to you for a reason.
So the pain is not by accident, it's by design is what you're saying.
Correct. The opportunities of lessons that are presented to you, you can think of them as “painful” or you can think of them as “opportunities for growth”.
And of course in the beginning of your life, Alfred, most people don't know that these are opportunities and they appear as being slighted, or attacked, or not seen or not heard, not felt. And we have a tendency to react out of that pain. You remember that don't you?
Yes. And that's because Old Souls try to compare themselves to everyone else. And during the enlightenment process, you realize that as an Old Soul you were a very unique individual, and that comparing yourself to everyone else probably is not going to work. That was one of the hardest lessons for me to understand is comparing myself to other people just was not going to work. That what really did work was blazing my own path.
And when you choose to blaze your own path, you find this incredible abundance of love that comes your way. So when you stop trying to fit in, you begin to lift up. You being to come out of the pain of rejection, the appearance of being lost. Because once you say to Spirit: I am ready for me. You'll find you don't need addictions. You don't need chemicals. You don't need food...any kind of a substance. Because you find that peaceful place that those other, shall we say "medicated states", used to try to afford you. So you don't need those anymore. There are times when an Old Soul will actually ask for the experience of addiction. Because it fits into these major self-esteem issues that they may have. They may want to be challenged to rise above that, to appear better than that and everyone who has an addictive behavioral situation or lesson will be given, from time to time, what I call an "Out Key". A Get Out of Jail Free Card, if you will. Many people take advantage of that by witnessing that they're better that what they're doing to themselves. And so we all have an opportunity, whenever we're in an addictive state, we all have an opportunity to exit that state over and over and over again. We are never actually stuck in the condition. Even though some of the substances may be very addictive. Nothing is more powerful than The Great Spirit. Nothing is more powerful than Spirit. And if you turn and put your trust in that, that love that is there for you, you will come through. I have watched so many people who believed they were hopelessly stuck in alcohol, hopelessly stuck in cocaine, marijuana...hopelessly stuck in over-eating. I've watched them take their lives in belief and trust in The Spirit saying: I'm giving this to you. I choose to trust what you send for me to do and the energy around them simply shifts. Have you noticed that Alfred, in your own clients?
Absolutely. The first thing is to understand what is behind the addictive behavior. What is the Old Soul looking "for"? And that really helps the people that I've been working with, my clients, to let go of the need for the addiction because they're not really looking for the substance or the behavior. What they're looking for is, for example: peace, quiet, a certain vibration. It's that they're looking for something “other” than what is directly in front of them. Which is probably a bunch of painful lessons, or a bunch of painful memories, or a bunch of people that are presenting them with lessons, or holding mirrors up to them saying: Here look at your behavior. We all know that through meditation and other spiritual behaviors, that yes, we can achieve a state of peacefulness, a state of bliss through spiritual practice. But since so many of us had so many lessons at an early age, well before we knew what spirituality or meditation was, it just turned out that substances or certain behaviors were a path to find what we were looking for. And when Hans says: When you give your life over to God and to Spirit, you can actually substitute what you're doing for those spiritual practices. If you want silence, if you want peace, well you don't need to get inebriated. You can say: Okay, instead I'm going to go for a walk in the woods. I'm going to do a meditation. I'm going to volunteer. I don't need to run from my past. I don't need to hide from it. I don't need to drink to try to forget. Instead I'm going to do some of the basic practices and let go of mind chatter. So it's the "substitution" of spiritual practices to get what the Old Souls are really looking for. It was just that usually substances and certain addictive behaviors were just more readily available when you were younger.
How can addictions build character, I was thinking... What happens is that when you agree to acknowledge that you have an addictive behavioral difficulty, a lesson...I want to remove the word “problem”. When you realize you have that, immediately go inside and say to yourself: Hmm-mm, I wonder what I can learn from this? I wonder what's in there for me? What is in here for me? What is it that I'm attempting to learn? What you're attempting to learn is: That just who you are is enough for you. Just who you are is enough for God. Just who you are is enough for Spirit. And just who you are is enough for all the wonders of your future...just who you are. You don't need anything. You don't need any addiction of any kind to ease peace inside of you. You need to simply say to yourself: "I deserve better than the treatment I am giving myself". I've had many people Alfred, throughout the years say: I just can't stop it. I just can't stop it. That Alfred, is not true. Now, I don't mean to pat you on the back kid but I witnessed you do it.
And that is one of the most difficult things for an Old Soul to get away from is self-destructive behaviors. That is one of the most difficult aspects of addictive behaviors, self-abusive behaviors. Such as, shall we say, doing crazy things - driving really fast, purposely making yourself inebriated just to punish yourself. And it comes from a couple of areas such as self-esteem - I'm not good enough, I don't like life, I don't like my body... Or for example: I “did” this, or “this” happened or I “caused” this or “would've”, “could've”, “should've”. All of those things cause us self-punishment. And self-punishment is a really, really difficult things to understand. Because maybe you thought you caused your parents' divorce. Maybe you just don't like the body that you've been given. But again, by going within, by doing the spiritual practices - the basics that Hans always talks about - you can start to understand: Wait, why am I punishing myself? What is it that I'm running from? What is it that I'm purposely beating myself for? What is it? And those are usually really big traumas that we're dealing with. I caused my divorce, my child doesn't like me, I abused...
I got passed over at the office proving that I'm not as good as I thought I was...
Yes, I'm not good enough. Going all the way back to, as Hans was saying, self-esteem issues. I'm not good enough so I might as well just abuse myself. That is one of the other underlying issues of addictive behaviors. Again, what's readily available - drugs, alcohol, doing crazy things, driving crazy, picking fights, going to Bars... Oh, sleeping with people we shouldn't sleep with. Those types of addictive behaviors can again be looked at in a spiritual way to say: What is the root cause of beating myself? Because the reality is, when it comes down to it, once you let all that go, by yourself - life is a miracle. You should be happy that you're alive. Be grateful to Almighty God that He allowed you to come down and be born. That He agreed with whatever scheme you decided to conjure up on The Other Side, that He said: Okay. Fine, give it a shot. Poof - you were born! That in itself should cause immense joy from the gratefulness that you should have to have the opportunity to learn lessons, to experience whatever it was that you desired. But it is only attainable by letting go of those self-destructive behaviors, and addictions.
Oftentimes, people wonder how does Spirit view addictions? They view it with a non-judgment approach. They look at whatever the addiction may be and say: Ah, you've chosen this one. I see. Alright, now have you figured out why you chose this? So they are, right from the get-go, working with us saying: Okay, now whatever the pain that is in you, whatever that is, wherever that's coming from, why don't we go back and look at it so that we can let this go. Because that's what you chose to do. You chose to become "better than" what happened to you. You chose to become "happier than" how you are now. In other words, from day one that pain that built up and built up until you found out: Oh, wait a minute, I can smoke this, or I can drink that...or whatever...I can eat this, and I feel better. Then one day Spirit helps with a light that goes on and it says: Oh, I see. Who I am and my behavior are two different things. I don't need to drink. I don't need to smoke. I don't need to eat to be happy. Because my Source is pure love. So Spirit views addictions as a way to help purify your emotional content. Alright?
And that's a lot of the ways that coming out of addictive behaviors, coming out of addiction can cause character growth. See, many, many, many of us - I would say a good majority of souls who came down - came down to build the character of your soul. And that's only possible by having experiences in this dense matter of gravity while being in this human body. But for Old Souls with addictions, it's exponential in terms of the challenges that addictions present to you. And the character growth that you can get coming from "out" of the addiction. Because the addiction is easy - it's just: Okay, I'm going to go crack open another Beer, I'm going to go find whatever it is that I'm looking for and I'm going to do that one more day. The character growth comes from doing what we find "not simple". It's giving up what is very close to us, and very well known - The Liquor Store, The Bar, The Party - and going within and building that inner strength to say: No, there is something more. I may not understand it, but I'm going to have faith, trust, and belief in "that". And it is that process, that inner strength building, the confidence in your soul, the confidence in The Godforce, that builds your soul's character. And when that internal strength becomes great enough that it says: I am wonderful just the way I am and I am strong enough to let go of the addiction, that you'll find that you have built a monumental amount of soul's character that you would be immensely proud of.
h There is an addiction here that I mentioned briefly that is often overlooked. And that is the addiction of harming oneself through mental mind chatter. Of constantly saying: I'm not enough. Of constantly saying: I'm not pretty enough, I'm not handsome enough, I'm too old, I'm too fat, I'm the wrong color. All of these things are not true. None of them are true. And Spirit is there to help us in every way. So how can they help us? They help us when we believe they can. When we say to ourself: I choose to give this to My Guides, My Angels, My Helpers, My Friends...I give this to God because I'm better than the way I am being treated by this. So they can lend us strength - unlimited strength - unlimited clarity - unlimited love - unconditional love. You can't embarrass Spirit. No need to feel guilty because you may have had one too many drinks or smoke a little joint or... No need whatsoever. They know that that is coming out of the humanness of you and they know that you're here because you chose to build on your character. And this is a very, very good and safe place to build on your character.
I just thought of a wonderful analogy Hans - That if you're in some rough waters and you're holding onto a inner-tube with both arms and the water's tipping over you and occasionally you go underneath and you come up for air and you just hold onto that inner-tube for dear life and there's Spirit on the edge of the shore holding their arm out saying: Here, take my hand.
Um hmm.
They're always going to have their arm out.
The question is: Is do you take one arm away from the inner-tube? Do you reach out to Spirit or do you hold on to that inner-tube and where you are and where you've been for year after year after year? Do you continue to hold onto what you know "or" do you reach out to Spirit who's at the edge of the shore reaching over always just waiting for you to reach out to them?
You know, for years I've talked, Alfred, about a Club I used to have out in California that I called Cliff Jumpers Anonymous. And it was an open group meeting every other week and people would come in and just sit in it to be part of the energy when they were getting ready to make a Life Change. When they were really going to jump off a cliff. No matter what that was. Whether it was leaving their workplace, maybe going through a separation or a divorce, maybe being honest about a sexual problem, maybe they were gay and they were coming out of that and perhaps they were going to take a big leap of faith. In all the years I had that Club, and to this day and all of my life, I have never known anyone to jump off a cliff that the net did not appear. Now I say this about every 3 or 4 shows because I think it's important everyone that you hear. "Whenever you jump off a cliff, the net will appear." Even though you can't see it. If you all remember Indiana Jones, when he had to go from one side of the mountain to the other side and there was a chasm and they said: Believe. He says: But I can't step down. They said: BELIEVE. So he puts his foot down and this magical bridge appeared and he walked across. But he couldn't see the bridge. But he made it safely to the other side. And that's what I'm asking you all to do - to realize that you don't have to stay in your addictive behavioral only-ness. You don't have to stay because that false sense of well being has a big crash after it every day. Giving the power to Spirit to help you, asking for that help, opening yourself up to the possibility of wellness. This is why Old Souls choose difficult lessons as it toughens the character. And Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for this evening.