Saturday, March 22, 2014

“Spirit's Role in Your Dharma” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show transcription

“Spirit's Role in Your Dharma” - by Hans Christian King
Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Spirit's Role in Your Dharma
March 22, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE with the Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King. This is Alfred, the Padawan Learner to the Modern Day Mystic. And we've got a great topic for you today! We're going to be talking about "Spirit's Role in Your Dharma". Last week we were talking about “What is a Dharma" and “How does the Karma of your life, and previous lives, help define your life path”. And for this Show, Hans is going to be walking us through "What is Spirit's Role in Your Life Path". So without further ado, I present to you the Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King.

Hello everyone. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Yes, this is a wonderful topic. It was given to me by Spirit, and then somebody sent me an email, and that was like a confirmation. Spirit wanted to talk about what their role is in our Dharma. And last week we talked about what Dharma was, and what Karma was. And today, we'd like to talk to you about how Spirit assists us on or life's path. So,  remember for some time I've told you folks, that we have that Roundtable discussion before we return to This Side? Attached to that is the Dharma of all your previous lives. And then there is a Review, if you will, of how you did with that Dharma in your last incarnation. And no one judges that but You. And you would have said: "Oh gee, I wish I would have not said that" or "I kind of wish I would have gone down this path instead of that path"... And the Spirit, the people there, make notations. And so eventually...your Dharma never changes. But eventually they "add the new lessons to that Dharma”, by your choice. And so when you come back here that program is already underway. In other words, you are fulfilling your Dharma from the day you're conceived. What Spirit's job is, is to be the provider of energy, the provider of possibilities, the provider of, shall we say, memory, if you will, about "what is" and "what is not". Many of you will say to me: "You know Hans, I absolutely knew I was supposed to do this" or "I knew I was supposed to do that" or "Not go here" or "Not go there". That's the Spirit's job to present those impressions, that intuition to you. But I believe their primary job is to keep you within your guidelines. In other words, not let you stray too far to the right, not let you stray too far to the left. But just by "hinting", just sort of a positive reinforcement. Alfred likes to tell the story of when he wanted to be an international person and to travel a great deal. But at that time he didn't have the resources to do that and Alfred, again, remind the folks how you made that happen. That's Spirit keeping you within your boundaries.

Well, there was first, just a "knowing". I knew that I was going to travel international and even back then I was living in group homes and foster homes and they said: "Excuse me, do you realize where you're living? And most people don't even finish High School". And I said: "No, I just know I'm going to do that". And that's the first thing that you know that Spirit is working through you is you don't know where something comes from. It makes absolutely no sense. But you just "know it inside". That is you receiving guidance about your Dharma, about the path that...

That's right Alfred. It's sort of like a "quiet understanding", a "quiet awareness".

Exactly. And a lot of times, especially Old Souls, they may know their life path, Oh, shall we say, a little "early". I was talking about mine around 14, 15 but really didn't get the chance to travel. I think the first time I went overseas was around 18 and then started living overseas on a permanent basis around like 28. So we may have an idea of what is in our life path, but it's Spirit's job to provide those experiences once you are ready “for them". See there is...I wouldn't say a sequence, but there may be certain things that you wanted to experience before you get to certain other things.

Very good. I knew what my path was, Alfred, from the time I was 3 years old. And I knew it because the Spirit told me what my path was. This often irritates Alfred just a little bit because he had to work a little harder to get on to his. But it was programmed that this is what I do, and this is what I've done. For many of you, you think you're alone. And I have to tell you, absolutely nothing, NOTHING could be further from the truth. The Spirit “is” watching. But it's not their job - and this is the key folks - it's not their job to "interfere". That's what you have to hear. They don't interfere. They don't tell you what to do. Stop praying and saying to Spirit: "Tell me what to do". No, that is not their job. Your job is to tell Spirit what you want the experience of, and then allow them to be certain that it's in your Dharma, which usually it is, and their job then is to manipulate the doors and windows and the valleys and mountains and all this and get you on a path that leads you in that direction so that can occur. It's not like playing Lotto or Bingo. It doesn't instantly happen. It takes a little time. But if you let them know that you're patient, and  you would like the experience of the following please, and this is how you would like the "feel" during that experience, then energy follows thought. Energy is put in motion. So Spirit's job is to "assist our decisions". Alfred, when did you learn that they were assisting you?

I didn't fully understand it for a really long time. But you hit on a really good point, a couple of times, about Spirit's job is to provide energy, is to provide that. And a lot of people may not really understand what that truly means - that Spirit is providing energy. Well, quite simply, it's something just "feels right". You feel that this thing, whatever it is, is "for you" - should be in your life. The complete opposite is when you feel stress. When you're swimming upstream. When you're going against the grain. That is Spirit telling you: "No, you're going in the wrong direction". So they provide an opposite energy, a negative energy, a stressful energy, so hopefully you'll learn: Ooh, going in this direction doesn't "feel" good. It's just not working. So it is Spirit's job not only to provide “positive energy” to help you understand when something is "for you"; it's also their job to provide, say a negative, stressful weighty energy to help you understand when something is "not for you". Or, a little bit more complicated, when something "was for you" but it's not "for you anymore".

That's a tough one.

Okay? That's basically what the Other Side can do for e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. Now what is our role in that? It's to become "sensitive" to that energy, to that vibration. To be able to perceive those messages from the Other Side. And for everyone...not everyone can be clair-audient and hear words, but everyone absolutely does have the ability to receive vibration from the Other Side that says: "This is for you" or "This is not for you". Isn't that so, Hans?

Absolutely. And knowing that sometimes something has ended, or a time-frame for something has ended is really "key". You often hear me speak about learning to raise your vibration. That's what Alfred is talking about is learning to raise your vibration, put you more in tune. The Spirit's job is to lower their vibration. Your job is to raise your vibration. And somewhere in-between those two things is where our work comes in, as far as teaching you how to "hear" at whatever level you can "hear" at - and that's exactly what we do. So, making yourself available...  You know Alfred, one of the things that I try to help people understand is when something is over, you actually "know it" - 90% of the time.

Yes. And that's one of the things that Spirit is allowed to do is let you know, in their terms, “if something is over” or “is not for you”. Now there's two different types of energy in terms of "something's not for you", "something's over". The first one is a negative energy, a stressful energy. It's just not working. I don't know why I want this to work, but I just feel so stressful. You're going against the grain. That's the first type of energy. The second type of energy is a "disconnect energy" where something say, "was for you", or "was working really well" and then all of a sudden it's just "not". In that case, in the second case, Spirit is saying: "Look, yes we were lending energy towards this thing". But all of a sudden there just feels like there's "nothing". Whether it's a relationship, a job - it just feels "empty". As if they "pulled the energy"; they are no longer providing positive energy “for it”. And that's what Hans refers to as The Void. Things that no longer serve you would be removed, taken away, or energy is not being lent to that so that you just realize: No, it's time to let this go.

And sometimes folks, the letting go... Oftentimes, the letting go, Alfred, is the hardest thing you can do. Because your emotional child, your inner child, is so connected to that particular person or to that particular project. Sometimes I have to say to a parent, for instance: "You need to let the child go". And people get very concerned and say: "Well why would you say let my child go"? "In other words, let go. Let go of the expectations that you have because your expectations are getting in your way". I try to teach people also, that when you're in a relationship, try to have as few expectations as you can. Because the expectations are in your way. You don't get together with somebody because they have all your "likes". No, you get together with somebody because they're an individual and their character is something you'd like to bring in to your life. So oftentimes when you're feeling very bad about something and the Spirit is trying to let you know: "You may want to back way away from this. You may want to turn loose of this". And you keep fighting and fighting... Normally what that is, at the life-force at that time, for that particular project - it could be a job, it could be a place that you're living - any number of things. Then you ask Spirit to send "the vibration for change". And then you say to them: "I am making myself available for that change".

And that is a very, very difficult aspect of being human because so many of us, especially for those things in our lives, those experiences that were working well,  for example years, maybe 10's of years, all of a sudden just don't work and we have defined ourselves either by the job or the relationship. And we just can't understand why it's not working. Well, it's not our job to understand it. It's their job, again this is the topic of today - “What is Spirit's Role in Your Dharma". It's Spirit's job when to tell you: Okay, you asked us when you would be done with a certain experience, or when you were going to move on to another experience, to let you know. To take this away from you. To create space so that you can have the next experience that you asked "for". Now of course that's their job. It's our job to let go of the humanness that happens to be attached to that. And again that is extremely difficult. For example, those of us who defined ourselves by our "job" and all of a sudden...

Yeah, that's a tough one.

...the job doesn't “work” anymore. But through the "inner work", all that we talk about - the Basics - going in and letting go in order to connect and receive guidance. Once you become more sensitive, once you let go of things - humanness, ego, expectations, definitions, understanding - once you let go of those things, then you're able to work much better with the Other Side. See it has to be a two-way relationship. Hans always loves people when they say Spirit...they just expect Spirit to show up in their life according to the way that they want. No. It has to be a two-way relationship.

I think that's very important, Alfred. Two-way, that's correct. Now earlier, in today's broadcast, Spirit had mentioned to you that your job is to tell Spirit what you want the experience of and how you wish to feel. It is their job then to fund the energy for change that re-aligns your vibrational pattern to a new beginning. And in that beginning, Spirit includes the vibration of, let's say a new relationship or a new career or a better understanding with your parents - who knows what it might be. Now Alfred wanted to be someone who traveled all over the world. Well, he got to be that. He got to go Business Class, First Class. And he did that for some time and so Spirit provided that opportunity. I wanted to be a person who worked with people around the world. That came to be. But, in both cases, for both of us, it did not happen tomorrow morning. Alfred, how long did it take you for yours to come into effect?

Let's see. After college, I would say, about 6 years I was interviewing for jobs saying: "Yes, I can do your job but I want to travel around the world and I want work to pay for it". Six years of interviewing until one time a job said: Yeah, we need somebody like that. So there is a huge difference between "know it's for you", "asking for it", and "when it shows up". The reality is "there is no time".

That's correct.

Time is an illusion. Again, Einstein knew that time was an illusion. So it's our job to focus in on what's more important is what is the feeling, how is Spirit guiding me, what is the next step, what is it that I need to do or experience that I've asked for, before I can get to this greater experience that I know is coming, that I know that I've asked for. Okay? And this is the other side of how Spirit participates in our life is the first one that we just talked about is how they let us know that something is “not for us” or they let us know that something is “not for us anymore”. Now again we're talking about how does Spirit let us know something "is for us"? How do we work with Spirit in what they're capable of doing to give us something. Okay? Again, our role is to be sensitive, to be awakened, not to be attached to the humanness. In order to be sensitive, the vibration, the understanding, the knowing that something is "for us" but to let go of the notion of "when".

Oh my gosh Alfred, that's so important.

"When" is human, okay? It is spiritual to say: If it happens, it happens. How it happens, it happens. How it unfolds, it unfolds. It is human to have an expectation or try to understand "when" and "how".

Exactly Alfred and I think that "how" is very important. You can say to Spirit: "I would like the experience of the following..." But then you're busy in your mind saying how you would like it to arrive. How you would like it to show up. What time you would like it to show up. What they need to look at. I remember awhile back a lady said to me: "You know, way back when Hans, about 30 years ago you told me that this person would be coming into my life but it would be completely opposite of anything I had thought I would want. And I said to you, well I don't think I want to marry something that I don't control the outcome of how they are..." And she said: "I met this man at a dinner party for other people  and we hit it off. We just started talking and we became friends and we've been married now for 28 years". But, she said: "I would never in a conscious mind have picked that person", Alfred. 

And that is part of the two-way aspect of the relationship with Spirit. By the Law of Free Will, Spirit can only go so far. Also by your Dharma, Spirit can only go so far. They can't provide you the answers. Again, as I like to say: What's the purpose of taking a test, coming to the School of Life, being incarnated in order to have the experiences, if you have all the answers. You're not going to learn. You're not going to experience the things that you asked for. It is your job to get in touch with truly who you are, to overcome humaneness in order to get in touch with that which Spirit is providing you. It's overcoming the expectations such as the type of person that I'm going to be in a relationship with. It's your job to overcome the ego in order to become sensitive to the vibrations. It's your job to truly believe that you are a soul in human form so that your soul is in charge. That your humanness doesn't take you over, okay? That you come from being as a soul. And it is from that point, as a soul, that you can meet Spirit half-way.

Absolutely, Alfred. Again folks, removing your perception of "time" is what Alfred's talking about. Because it's in your perception of time that you lose your way...always. I have a lady that I've been reading for, for a very long time, a wonderful husband, she's a beautiful soul, and he made his journey home about a year ago. And she's pretty devastated. I think they were together a little over 42 years. And she's pretty devastated. However, she started, within six months of his passing needing to be rescued from the loneliness. And I said to her: "No honey, not now". And she got mad and she said: "Then when? Why doesn't my husband send me somebody who can help me?" And I said: "Because this is the time you learn to see who you are. You've been a wife. You've been a mother. But this is the time to see who you are. And this is the person you are going to give away to a new person". Well, she got more and  more upset, and more and more angry and she caused herself a nervous breakdown. She had to go on medications, and anti-depressants. All of this - why? Her expectations. No other reason whatsoever. Did the person come into her life? Yes, about 6 months later. But she drove herself to distraction because she needed it to show up in a specific time. And I think, Alfred, that is where most people that we work with get themselves in trouble. Have you watched, Alfred, in our emails, even our dear friends who know the teaching, who understand the teaching, who believe the teaching - do it anyway?

Yes. And that is one of the most difficult aspects of being in human form is: “When is it going to arrive? I need to understand when it's going to arrive”. And sometimes, working with Spirit just becomes a little bit too difficult. And of course, that is the reason why you contact Hans for an appointment! 


That sometimes we're just not able to get out of our own way. Sometimes our humanness, our ego, our trauma, is just too great to see the true path. And that's one of the reason why you get an appointment with Hans or on-going counseling with myself, is to learn how is it that we can see things, how can we receive communication, how can we truly see what is our path, what should we be focusing on. As Hans was saying: No, it's time for you to relax and let go and create a space in your heart for the next person and not create a nervous wreck out of yourself. How do we know what that next step is if we can't see it?


It's, again, contact somebody like Hans. That is perfectly "in-bounds". Why is it in-bounds? Because Spirit will tell you these are your "options" according to your life path. Now with Hans of course being a Medium, is much more able to clearly understand what are the next steps in your life path. What did you come down here for? What is it that you're doing right now that is taking you away from those experiences that you wanted to have? So, again, that's another way to work with Spirit. But all of our teachings...we're honestly trying to put ourselves out of business - we're trying to teach you how to do what we do...

(Softly Laughing) Yes, that's what we're doing.

Alfred: we're trying to teach you how to get the majority of the communication on your own - working directly with your Guidance. That's why, for 2 or 3 years, for being on the Radio Show all we did was the Basics. Because it is through the Basics that you're able to get in touch with your Guidance and do much more, shall we say, advanced communication. Help them directly guide your life. Understand what is "for you". See the miracles. See the doors of opportunity that they present. Because if you don't do the inner-work, you don't do the Basics, you're just going to walk right on by that door because your ego says: Well it has to look like that...and that doesn't look like thus I'm going to ignore it. And Spirit's scratching their heads and says: Well, we presented you that which you asked for but why are you walking "by" it? Going back to that person, it's because at this certain time of your life you're supposed to do some inner-work, get "over" something, before you're ready to accept that which they're providing you.

You know some time ago Alfred, for many, many years, 18 years, I had an office in Miami Beach. And I had T-shirts made for my clients down there. Somebody would come and see me and I'd see if they were small, medium, large, extra-large - and the front had half a caricature of me - of my face - an the back had the other half. And the front part said: Get Over Yourself - and the back part said: And Get Out of Your Way. No simpler truth can be spoken that I'm aware of, when you have a perception of problems. If you have a perception of problems, you're in your way. You need to get over your thinking process which is causing you to believe that what it's saying, what it's thinking, what it's worrying about, is actually true. Now yesterday, we were traveling down to Akumal, about I would say, 25 miles south. There's a big, big billboard of a young man about to do a zip-line down over a big gorge with water on the bottom and it was really a big gorge. And the caption, in great big words, in English said: "Fear is a Lie". Can you hear that folks? "Fear is a lie". It's strictly a lie. Fear, in and of itself is not real. It's only what "might" happen, not what "is" happening, not what "hasn't" happened, but what "might happen". And if you realize: What a minute, this hasn't happened yet. I don't need to worry about this fear. I know that I'm better than my mind chatter on this issue. Then you begin to approach wisdom. When you realize that your mind chatter is simply not telling you the truth. Okay? Alfred, how do you think you got past your mind chatter? I know you've had some sizable mind chatter.

It's when you follow your mind chatter to the point where you become so stressed, and so miserable, and so tense, and you just want to kill yourself, and you're like: Okay, what's my other option? My other option is: “To try it”. To not listen to my mind chatter. To do what feels right. To do what Hans says. Because the worst case scenario is you go back to feeling absolutely miserable.

Which you were still getting through in the first place.

So, we've said this time and time and time again. If you're just feeling miserable, if things are just not working, just “try” these things.

Yes, just try it. And folks, earlier Alfred was talking about our expectation of time. I think it's really important that you understand that you're going to ask for things and you're going to have a deep seeded need for it to show up now or in a week, or in a month, or a year. But if you "know", if you have a deep seeded belief that you know that it's on the way - it will arrive. It's one of the things that I taught Alfred now that he uses it in his teachings is: Don't tell us what you “want to do”. Not interested. Tell us “what you're going to do”. Because when you say this is what I “want to do”, you actually unplug the cord that leads to that energy.

Now this is really important, is to say, there are some parts of your Dharma that are out of bounds because you asked to experience certain things. Which means there are certain things that you asked "not to experience". If you asked to experience, say for example, I want to become a mechanic. There's something inside of me that just wants to be a mechanic. Well, if I hit the Lotto and became a really rich man, I probably wouldn't become a mechanic. So...

Or the world's richest mechanic.

...or the world's richest mechanic. So I probably...

You could be Jay Leno.

Well, I don't know if Jay Leno gets his hands dirty.

Oh yes he does! He works on those cars of his with his mechanics, so...

He's the exception. But we'll just say there may be some things... How about this one? My father wanted me to be a banker. My mother wanted me to be an engineer. But for some reason I knew I just wanted to be a mechanic. You have two choices. Follow what's inside your heart OR to give in to peer pressure, to give in to ego, to give in to things that are not according to your Dharma. Well, you can try as hard as you want to be a banker. You can try as hard as you want to be an engineer. Spirit is not going to provide those. However, what's going to happen is all of a sudden you need money, and a part-time job in a mechanic's shop is going to show up. Maybe while you're going to school to become an engineer or you're doing mechanic work at night. But when it's time to get a full-time job as an engineer or a banker, according to what your parents want, it's just not going to be provided.


If you do get in, you're going to be miserable.

I think Alfred, that's when that old adage out of the Bible comes true when it says: Be careful of what you pray for, you may get it.

Okay. And that's what we're trying to describe here in our final stage of how Spirit works with you, is they're going to provide opportunities according to what you asked to experience, according to your Dharma. And if for some reason you get yourself involved with something that is not according to your Dharma, for example you bribed somebody to become and engineer, or you really just do whatever it takes to become a banker to make your parents happy, they're going to, again as we talked in the first part of the Show, do everything to get you away from that. Because it's not according to what you wanted to experience. And they're going to make every opportunity possible to provide possibilities for you to be that mechanic.


Okay? And that is one aspect. It is extremely difficult to understand is that just because you asked "for it”, doesn't mean Spirit is going to deliver it. They're only going to deliver "possibilities", according to the Dharma, according to the life path, according to the experiences, according to the Karma that you wish to experience for this lifetime. And that's really tough for people to understand.

You know Alfred, sometimes we fall in love with someone and we put our all into it, we work so hard, we pray to God: Oh, please, please, please...and the person gets into your life and one day, the person says: This doesn't work for me anymore. And you're devastated. You think it's the end of the world. You think you've lost your soul mate. You think you've lost your opportunity for happiness in your life. And your whole world falls apart. And then a year and a half later you're walking down the aisle with someone who you say: Oh My God, I'm so grateful that that first one didn't work. Look what I've got now. So, like Alfred was saying, they keep you "on the path to your Dharma”. And I think Alfred, that concludes the lesson for today.

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