Saturday, March 8, 2014

“Compassionate Non-Judgment” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show transcription

“Compassionate Non-Judgment” - by Hans Christian King
Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Compassionate Non-Judgment
March 8, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. Yes, this is Alfred, the Padawan to the Modern Day Mystic himself, Hans Christian King. We are broadcasting again and we will continue to broadcast for the next couple of months from Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Playa del Carmen is on Mayan Riviera. We're approximately 45 minutes south of Cancun. We're about 1/3 of the way down the coast to Belize. And probably...I would say, we're about 4 to 5 hours away from Guatemala.

Yes. That's correct.

So we're just a few hours ride away from various countries and...

And varying cultures and food.

...cultures. But everybody speaks Spanish down here, except for the Brazilians, who are speaking Portuguese.

Portuguese. And a lot of Italians.

A lot of Italians down here. A lot of Italian Restaurants.

What is the most popular restaurant in Playa del Carmen? Italian.

Italian. It is...

There's one block here on 5th Avenue where there are 5 or 6 Italian Restaurants in a row. And they're all owned by the same family, which I find interesting. So...

It is. It's an amazing place. Lots of Italian Restaurants. Of course, lots of Mexican Restaurants. And we talk about Playa del Carmen, just a little bit, in our Newsletter which we actually...

Which Alfred, actually got out! (Laughing)

….got out. Our last newsletter, I think was in October.

October. Oh my goodness folks! I'm so sorry. It has been, for Alfred and I, a very, very, very busy year in that we've adjusted to the East Coast and then adjusted to being here. And we're sorry that we've put you through all this but you're all family, and we go along with the ride. And Alfred, we have good news.

We do?

Yes. I'm reactivating Facebook.

Aah. Yes, we're going to be paying attention to Facebook. As you all know that you can get free Hans King Quotes through either of our Facebook Pages or through Twitter everyday. But we're going to get somebody to pay much more attention to Facebook.


So, pay attention to Facebook because we're going to be sending out a bunch of stuff. Such as notifications for huge discounts on products, letting you know about when Hans is going to be interviewed so you don't have to wait just for the Newsletter. You can also check on Facebook for product discounts, tele-seminar interviews-which are 90% off our normal products, and we do that to help benefit the tele-seminar and get the word out. So the product discounts are even bigger than the product discounts you get as a Spiritual Circle Member, but you've got to buy the whole package.


That's the way that it works. And we're grateful for them. It's not exactly our most, shall we say, easy thing to figure out, but we've partnered with a company that we believe in and we believe in what they're doing. So we go along with the way that they do things. We've been on, I would say 30 or 40 tele-seminars. Been through many, many different companies. And this is the company that we believe is true to being of service. But of course the way that we reach out to everyone is through "technology", so our sincerest apologies as always when you try to reach our products and reach out through tele-seminars, that it is through the Web. But that's the way we're doing things now. Because we're way down here in Mexico and you're...everywhere.

We're all over the world.

We're all over the world. And one of the Announcements in our Newsletter is that we are doing private sessions down here in Playa del Carmen. We were holding private sessions in Asheville, but until the U.S. warms up, which may be sometime in May or June...

(Laughing) It's not going to be that long... Well, as warm as you'd like it.

Yes. So we are holding Private Intensive Sessions making ourselves available for you to have spirituality and spiritual coaching in Paradise. Yes, it is. We live across the street from the beach. A little bit of a walk. You have to go through the...

Oh gee, you have to go through the beautiful Reef Hotel...

Yes, we have to go through the hotel...

...with the waterfalls and the...

Alfred: get "to the beach”.


Yes. And we're on the south side of Playa del Carmen. It's absolutely beautiful. It's a short bicycle ride or about a 15 minute walk to get to downtown Playa del Carmen and we'd be more than happy to share this with anybody. And of course if you'd like more information, you can go to and under "Personal Readings" there is a section that is "Private Intensive Sessions" and you can find out more...or you can go to our Newsletter which is under "Spiritual Community" under "Calendar of Events" - and there you can find our Newsletter, find out about the tele-seminars that we're on, and read a little bit more about our Private Intensive Sessions.

Good Lord, you're a bit wordy today.

Well, I'm proud of the fact that we actually got the Newsletter out.

(Laughing) I know you are. And we will have the April Newsletter out on time, won't we Alfred? 

We will? Oh, we will! Yes! Yes, that is my "intention". I've learned how to get around these things...everyone say: Yes, my "intention" is to do

We will get it out on time. Okay? Alrighty everybody, we do thank you for putting up with us and all of our little ups and downs and idiosyncrasies. But our intention is "to serve and make a difference". And we hope that's what we're doing. 

Today's subject was given to me directly from Spirit. And they spoke  about "Compassionate Non-Judgment". It is very, very difficult to walk through this modern day world that we have "created" in a state of compassion with non-judgment. However...part of what...well I would say much of our individual spiritual journeys has to do with #1 "Letting go of human behaviors", #2 "adopting new spiritual ways of being which are according to our natural state”. Now, Alfred when you first started your journey of into non-judgment and compassion, what were some of the roadblocks? People have been telling me they like your answers because it sounds like I'm talking to them through you. So how did you manage to go from being an International you've discussed this with us before...but this is about "compassion and non-judgment". How did you begin to see that you held "judgment"?

Ewh. (Laughing) 

Gotcha! (Laughing)

That's a really good one.


Judgment is one of those larger things that you cannot look at - “do I have judgment”? “It's what do I have judgments about?”

That's correct.

And I go back to the original way I've described this a long time ago by quoting Pink Floyd: "Another brick in the wall"... Another piece of judgment. Another opinion. Do you have a judgment or an opinion about a specific thing? And it's just like when you're letting go of trauma, when you're letting go of issues, when you're letting go of anything, when you're doing it in your work... It is much easier to let go of something when you can define it according to a very specific issue and say: Oh, I have a judgment about this specific thing or this specific person because of this. And you trace it all the way back to where it came from and then you realize: Oh, that came from 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago. When this happened...when somebody said something. And then you can say: "Oh, well that happened “then”. “I don't need that. It doesn't serve me anymore.” So for me, it was looking at things - issue by issue - person by person - item by item - and every single day asking: "Do I have an opinion about this”? “Do I have a judgment about that?" Everything. Every single thing that you do on a moment to moment basis. And eventually, it just becomes a "habit" and just like - ready? -  "weeding your garden"...

Yes, exactly...

...the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Well that's the key. Because Alfred, the more you do it, the more you can recognize the weeds when they do pop up because you have a blank slate and the weeds shouldn't pop up in that space. So, you're right. The more you weed the garden, the clearer the ground. The clearer the ground, the more you can see the weeds. Very good Alfred. Letting go of human behaviors in order to live in a compassionate non-judgment state... Now folks, for some of you that will be a lifetime effort. For others, it will happen in 3, 4, 5 months. 

And then there's those of us who have been working at this for about 8 lifetimes, and we'll work on it this lifetime, and maybe we'll work on it another couple of lifetimes.

(Laughing) There's no beginning, there is no end...

You're in no rush.

No. You know some time ago I was talking with Spirit and I said: "I've come to a quiet resolve" and Guidance says: "Tell us" and I said: "I have no expectations of human beings anymore". "I have no expectations of expectations of anything that is man-made". And they said: "Oh, that's real growth. How do you intend to get through this issue?" People have asked me for years why it is that I don't preset my calendar very far in advance. In fact a dear friend of mine said that to me today. And I said: "Because I don't know what I'm doing down the road. It may change". I don't mind setting my calendar for a month, month and a half, two months at the outside. But I don't want to set my calendar for June, July, August, September because I don't know where I'm going to be. How I'm going to be feeling. So I set my calendar according to Spirit. And I said: "You tell me where you want me to be and when". And the more I have let go of trying to control the outcome of my life, and the outcome of my career, which has been a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful work...the easier it has become". And when you turn loose children of your perception of “how something has to look”... Now I want all of you to listen to the Questions over the next month as they come in. Watch and see the judgment and expectation in the Questions. Even though kids, even though we're family, and you're learning with us, and we're learning from you certainly. Watch it still come up. Have you noticed that Alfred?


Our Spiritual Circle Members are working with this stuff. You can tell by their Questions.

Yes, they really are. Another way to look at it is: "Have you let go of as many of the judgments and opinions that you created from the past?" But also: "Are you creating” or “not creating new judgments, new opinions as something happens to you now?" Are you making sure that you're not adding to your opinions or judgments?"

Well put Alfred...well put.

Okay? So there's two ways that I have learned to approach this is...and one of the most important things - in order to be peaceful, in order to be spirit-like...and that's really what I think Hans is trying to get out - to be spirit-like - it's to be in the moment - to be peaceful - to be non-judgmental “in the moment”. And if you can do that, if you can be non-judgmental in the moment, then you're not adding to your judgments that you have to eventually deal with. You're not creating any more...

Well Alfred, your "judgments have a judgment".



Your judgments judge.

Yes, your judgments judge. And so you're bang on here. What the Spirit, Alfred, has tried to help others to teach you is that the less you dialog with your opinions, the less you dialog with your judgments. And the cleaner and clearer your spirit becomes. There's an elegant form... I don't know how else to word it...there's this wonderful essence, this elegant form, that we plug into. And we notice how the mind chatter ceases. And we notice how the birds singing outside.  Here, we're able to go out every morning and have breakfast on the patio here, and we have all kinds of birds whistling, and we have some very loud...if you guys know what a Grackle is, it looks like a very large blackbird with a long tail, and they make an enormous amount of noise. But we feed them, and they come down, and they let us know when there's not enough bread for them. And that becomes what's important you see. Noticing the cloud formations. Alfred saw, and almost stepped on, a little tiny baby Gecko yesterday. He stopped everything he was doing and in his compassion, did everything he to rescue this baby Gecko. That's what becomes important. Not what the mind chatter is saying. Compassion and non-judgment, to my way of thinking, is the leading indicator of spiritual growth. Alfred, how did you learn, and I know you're used to working on Sunday, how did you learn to work the separation between knowing how to not be judgmental and yet finding you're still being judgmental... How are you working those two things together? It's a tough question. I understand that.

It is a tough question and it's an advanced spiritual answer is, and it's what I teach my students in my Automatic Writing Class, is you can get answers to things through vibration. In order to be spiritual, the whole point is to raise your vibration. You raise your vibration by letting go of humanness.

And Spirit lowers their vibration...yeah.

Okay. By letting go of humanness you simply "float". You simply become "lighter", okay? And one of the things that helps you become aware that you are doing something human, that you are having an opinion, that your having a judgment “in the moment”, or that there is a judgment from your past that's coming up, is you will feel a drop in vibration. Now, believe it or not, you can have a non-judgment about a drop in vibration to say: "Hm-mm, I see that there's a drop in vibration. That's interesting. Now let's find out where that's coming from and why it is. What is that I'm doing? What it is that I'm thinking? What is it that's causing my vibration to drop and bring me back into a human state? Okay, what we're talking about is living more of your life in a spiritual way, in a spiritual state of being, which means a higher vibration. So any non non-judgmental way you can just look at to say: Am I having a judgment “in the moment”? Or is it something that is causing me to have a judgment and deal with it in that moment -  whether you need to correct whatever it is in the moment, or go back and let go of something. So, to come full-circle here, it's by simply realizing - is my vibration high? - am I being peaceful? Or is there something that is causing my vibration to drop? As you correctly pointed out, yes, it's a little bit of a difficult question, but as you practice this technique of simply looking to see "is my vibration high" or "is my vibration being caused to be lower”, “is there something dragging me down"?

Alfred and I...Spirit termed Alfred's mind chatter “likened to dust”. And so they'll say to him: Have you dusted today? Do you find any dust today? Use that, because it's very helpful. Because sometimes we think we've cleaned out all the gunk, all the stuff...and we turn around and go do something and Oops, that darn old mind chatter is...

That's a new one. We have to add that one. It reminds me too of the time when I was living on the beach in California where I get up in the morning and the first thing I do is sweep the kitchen floor and catch myself saying: Oh, God damn beach sand. Oh, why is there beach sand on the floor? Didn't I just sweep the beach sand off the kitchen floor yesterday? 

The rest of the world would like to live where you were living.

Am I really complaining about sweeping the beach sand off the kitchen floor back out onto the beach? (Laughing) So, you have to catch yourself - number one - saying: Why do I have to do this again? Well, it's you're weeding your garden again, and just because you clean your house once doesn't mean you never have to clean it again, or just because you sweep the floor, doesn't mean you don't have to sweep the floor again. So, this is an on-going practice that you do until you let go of the human body.

I think it's very important for all of us to remember that compassion and non-judgment applies to 'you' as well as 'what you direct towards others'.You see? You must always be careful of being pre-programmed. Your judgments, and your programming that are in you almost always come from an earlier time in this lifetime. There may have been some "carry-over memory" of the judgments which you've refused to learn. So they'll present you with judgments. "All children of God are equal and there is no judgment of any of them". This is a very hard concept to have the average person to understand. The Spirit has no judgment, they have no "right" or "wrong", they have no “black” or “white”, they have no "gay" or "straight", they simply have "is". And in the "is": “Is the soul of the individual, at the moment,  peaceful”?

Oh, peaceful... Speaking of peaceful, hold on, I have to let you listen to this. Hold on...wait...wait wait wait...come on...oh, Bella was snoring...

(in hushed tones)
I think she's tired...and she was snoring...she's very peaceful.

Oh, I just woke her up. “I'm sorry sweetness. You were snoring and all the people are listening to you snore”.

(Softly Laughing)

She's like: Daddy, I was sleeping.

So, when your mind starts to run and have a judgment about other people - whether the person is poor - or whether the person is acting strangely and you don't know why they're doing it, always...and no matter matter wherever you have a “judgment”, “follow it with a statement of compassion”. “A true Spiritual Teacher and a true divine spiritual life is operated out of the space of non-judgment and compassion.” “And no teacher, not ever, in this lifetime or a hundred lifetimes, can ever become a proper teacher without compassion and non-judgment.” Those two things will remove can have all the intentions until the cows come home... “But until you recognize that all of God's children are the same” may be an alcoholic, as we like to call may be depressed all the may be - who knows what? “But in each one of those souls resides that essence of God.” 

And that was one of the most amazing things I learned is the first part of our teachings Hans, is that: “Everyone here on earth is exactly the same”.

The same...absolutely.

Is that “everyone is a soul and that everyone came down to experience life in a human body”.

We all have Angels, Helpers and Friends guiding us. So we're all the same. It's when we allow the humanness of us to get involved in judgment... I have often pointed out to everyone that this country was founded on a prejudice. I'm sorry, but that's the truth, it was. As we are emerging into the world is what we're finding out: Oh, there is an entire world that we live in, with nice people also. With beautiful cities. Poverty programs. Caring for the Oceans. They're there. We thought that we were everything. We thought that God made America. God would never have made America in this fashion. Remember, people of color couldn't vote in this country when I was born. Okay? No God who loved it's children would ever have created this. So, a lot of propaganda went into it. So now we're making the country the country we want it to be. And that is happening. But remember something - that when you have a judgment of a person or an action of that person - you are not in a spiritual place. I've always tried to teach all of you that "who someone is and their behavior are two different things". Always remember that. Especially those of you who are counselors, people in service out there. When you realize...I said to a group of Psychotherapists some years ago, when they were asking me how did I approach individuals what would I recommend that they do? I said: "Stop approaching them as if there's something wrong with them". No, no, no, no. Their humanness is going through an experience. What can you do to help them through the experience. But there's nothing "wrong" with the soul because God is in the soul; and the soul is in the human form. And there are times when there are chemical imbalances, for instance in the brain, these things we can fix. But don't approach everyone as though they're sick and they need help. Approach people with love and compassion and: How may I serve you today? What is the experience that you're looking for from life? There are wonderful ways to look at other people. But again, I point out, for those of you who want to be teachers, for those of you who want to be guides in working with Spirit, you must arrive at a place of non-judgmental compassion. And this is why the Dali Lama sent me a lovely scarf that I have. He says: “My religion is compassion”. And I saw that he was on Larry King, I think Alfred last night. I listened to it today. It's very, very interesting. As our world evolves into more of a Oneness, and we stop having a judgment, things become lighter and lighter. And I think Alfred, you're seeing this in yourself are you not?


What do you think, at this point in your learning, is the most important thing you've learned in the last...let's say "month"? I want this to apply to every person that we're talking to today. "What do you think is the most important thing you've learned in the past month"? What do you think it is Alfred?

"Nothing is Wrong".

That's correct. "Nothing". It's only our perception Alfred, and the perception comes from a place of judgment and given to us by others.

Or ourself...that something is wrong.

Sometimes. But where did ourself get that 'from'? “It's not a natural state to judge oneself.” A child doesn't know about judging animal doesn't know...a dog doesn't know...Bella doesn't know to judge herself. It's a taught behavior.

Let me ask...give me a second...Bella, sweetness. Bella, do you know how to judge yourself?


Do you? No. She doesn't know what I'm talking about.

No. She doesn't have a clue.

No, that's correct. Bella doesn't know how to judge herself.

See there. You have a captive audience right there... But folks, make it "light", “make it okay to have those judgments"...”witness them”...”don't try to dissect them” and say: “Maybe it's when my mother said this or my dad did that or the neighbor”... Don't do that. Say: "From this day forward, my intention is to live in a compassionate, non-judgmental way". And if you set the may not happen right away Alfred, sometimes it takes a little time, you know. But if you keep resetting... And folks, this is the key. Just because you fall down, it has nothing to do with your journey. "Reset the intention". “Reset the intention”. “Keep resetting the intention”. And eventually the power of the intention overtakes the dark. It truly, absolutely does. So operating in a place of compassional non-judgment says: "I'm willing to live in a spiritual way". Okay? So when you say that, the Spirit smiles, they open the doors... It's not about how much money, children, you will acquire. It's not about what kind of car your drive, or clothes, or how thin you are. None of that has anything to do with that. Because all of those things deteriorate and die. It is a matter of whether or not you can sit in the morning with your cup of coffee and watch some birds fly, okay? That's what's important. “Whether you incorporate the love and the power of Spirit into your life on a daily basis” - that's the key. Alright Alfred, I think that may conclude the lesson, unless you have something you'd like to add.

The only things I have to add is - compassion is a heck of a lot easier, and a lot clearer with the less judgment you have.


It's a lot easier to be truly compassionate and to be truly spiritual, in general, with the less opinion, the less judgment you have. That it should be a daily spiritual practice of “anyone who's following a spiritual path to weed out judgment and opinion on a daily basis”. Because it just becomes "habit" after a while. It really does. I think if there's one thing that really helped me personally reach a spiritual state most of the time, it is by letting go of, and seeking out judgment. Simply. And the things that I've found, the times that I get into trouble and get off my path - is when I have a judgment.

Well thank you for being so honest. It is absolutely true. And that's for everyone Alfred - everyone. And as a teacher that you are becoming... When you can say to people: “Yes, I've been there”. And people know when you've been there as opposed to reading it in a book. They know the difference. And that's what I've tried to teach you. Is that people want to learn from people who have "walked the talk". Not got it in some fancy school, taking some fancy class, but have actually been there, climbed that mountain with their problems and saw how the process worked. Alrighty. Alfred, I do think that will conclude the lessons for today.

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