Saturday, April 19, 2014

“How To Get Out of Your Own Way” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show transcription

“How To Get Out of Your Own Way” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: How To Get Out of Your Own Way
April 19, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. This is Alfred, the Padawan Learner to the Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King. Welcome everyone around the world to our weekly broadcast. Today's topic is "How to Get Out of Your Way" that was sent in via Facebook. One of our listeners, Petra, sent in "What does it mean to get out of your way and how do you get out of your way?" And for anyone else out there, whether you're a member or not, you can submit your possible topics for us to discuss on air by "liking" us on Facebook and looking for the posting that says "Send Us Your Show Topic". And of course if you happen to have a topic that we choose, we'll also be interested in helping you apply that to you personally in your life. So send in not only a topic but the issue that you're dealing with. Also on Facebook we're posting a lot of interviews, a lot of appearances that Hans is going to be on - Radio Shows, Tele-seminars. And of course those Radio Shows and Tele-seminars have "Special Offers" for Hans King Products. So listen for free, you don't need to buy anything. But of course if you are there and you like what you see, please consider buying the Products whether it's from the Tele-seminar or  whether it's from All of that goes to help support the Show. And speaking of supporting the Show, we're ever so grateful for our members and we'll be getting into that in a little bit. The second half of the show is dedicated to answering member questions. The first half, as many of you already know, is dedicated to a spiritual teaching. Anyone, anywhere can listen and we're ever so grateful that you are. So again thank you Petra for sending in your topic: "How to Get Out of Your Way". And it's one of the original topics that Hans had recorded, even before I was here. Isn't that right Hans?


How long have you been talking about "Getting Out of Your Way"?

Oh, since about 13 years old. Been a long time. You know Alfred, quite a few years ago when I had an office in Miami Beach, I had T-shirts made down there and the front had half a caricature of me, the back had the other half. The front part said: "Get Over Yourself" and the back part said: "And Get Out of Your Way". I'd give those to people who would have an appointment with me and many of them didn't realize the profound effect of understanding what that particular statement really was. So "getting out of your way", Alfred I think that the primary lesson here in "getting out of your way", I mean the very first part of the lesson, “is recognizing you are in your way”.

Yes. And I like what you added is the first step is "getting over yourself". Seeing that there is an issue to let go of and one of the things that we've tried to talk about is "the intention". I have the intention to let something go and I think that's what you're talking about.


When you're saying "get over yourself". That's the first step in "getting out of your way" is "get over yourself" to say: Oh, yeah I admit that I really don't want that in my life. I admit that I don't want it there. It's 20-30 years old. What do you think would be the first step Hans?

I think you're right on it. Folks, it's really hard when you sit down and start to look at your stuff. Remember during the many years I've taught you how every once in awhile stop in your life and sit down and be very quiet, connect with your Guides, and say: I'm going to make a list of the things I don't want to participate in in my life anymore. Things I don't want to fund energy to. It sounds so simple. But Alfred when people sit down to do that, that can be a bit gut wrenching.

It is and that is the inner work. It really is Hans' way of calling the inner work is "getting over yourself and getting out of your way". But we divide it into two areas and say: Okay, I've had it. There has to be another way. That is the "getting over yourself" part. The realizing that whatever you've been doing for 20-30-40 years, you've had it.

It doesn't work anymore.

Whether something inside you is telling you "it's time" or whether you realize that which ever direction you're going just is not working. But "getting over yourself" is really just admitting to yourself: Okay, whatever it is, I'm over it. Let's get on with it and then let's get to the heart of the matter which is getting on with it, which is: "getting out of your way".

You know I try to make light of it. But the truth of the matter is the the only thing folks that stops us from moving to who we really are is the perception we hold of who we thought we were. Getting away from that perception and moving yourself in a direction that allows you to open the door to see your future... So many many people open the door but put their foot by the door. And so they can open it and they can see out but they can't get the door open because their own foot is standing in the way of the door. How's that Alfred?

That's really it. By holding on to the past you don't allow yourself to move forward. It doesn't matter how many spiritual lessons that you take if you have one foot grounded in your humanness and there are some things that you hold sacred that you're not willing to let go of. You're basically like a big sailing ship with these huge monstrous sails and you open up all the sails and you surrender into God but the anchor's still down. If the anchor's still down, it's going to be really hard for that ship to go anywhere. And that's really what the important aspect of this is. That's really the focus of Hans' teachings. It's not so much that you're going to "become" spiritual. No, you already have everything you need. It's by getting over yourself, getting out of your way, and letting go of those things that hold you back - you are getting out of your own way. You are getting around the obstacles that you placed in your own way that hold you back.

Very, very well spoken son. You know folks we have this enormous investment in “what doesn't work anymore" and we keep thinking that if we re-work it and we re-work it and we re-work it, we can get it to fit into that pigeon hole that we need it to fit into. Never thinking for one moment that we really can't do it. We believe if we keep funding energy to what isn't working, just keep it up, eventually it will wear itself down and then you'll be able to succeed. It doesn't enter our mind that - Oh, wait a minute the energy for this is over. This is not coming back. I remind all of you of the wonderful thing Barbara DeAngelo used to do when she'd bring out this row of tomato plants and there would be 5 or 6 nice healthy tomato plants and there would be one dead as a doornail and then there would be another 2 healthy tomato plants. And she would make a joke out of it and she'd say: Which one do you think I water the most? The dead one. Thinking she could bring it back to life, ignoring the ones that are blooming and are okay, she spends most of her time trying to make the one that is dead work. This is what we do in life is we hold onto something and we hold onto something until finally that something gets in our way. And then we go to another one and it gets in our way. And before we know it, we have an entire room full of locked doors that we have put in place because we believed that we could fix those doors. We believed we could make these things work when we pile them up one after another after another after another. That's when we talk about when we learn our spiritual nature and who we are about the peeling like the onion - the peeling back door after door, layer after layer. Those are all the layers and the doors that you have put in place thinking you could fix this or fix that, or he'll come back, or she'll come back, or they'll call me back from my job again. All of these things that we place in our way. So "getting over yourself" means "letting go of your perception of how you have to make it work" and "getting out of your way” means being willing to let go of what is blocking your path.

So what we're trying to get across, or at least over the years that Hans has beat me over the head with this lesson and I'm very grateful for the beatings even though I think my head's a little cattywhompus...

A little lumpy?

Slightly lumpy... The joys of being the Padawan is that it's not about becoming spiritual, it's not about things that are going to make you better. You are already perfect. It's about letting go of the things that are blocking you from that which already is. You already are a perfect soul. You already are connected. The universe is already there. The Angels that watch over you are already in place. Your dharma is already there. But what is holding you in your humanness? What is in your way? Okay? And if you look through any of the Products, any of the Radio Shows that we've been doing for the last almost 4 years now Hans...


Every single lesson is about how to let go of "something". And that's "getting out of your way". It is consciously making a decision you've had enough of the way things are and you have the intention to do the inner work to let go of something so that those things that are always around you are not blocking you. You're getting out of your way. You're moving those things that you've placed as obstacles out of the way so that you can be in the flow effortlessly. So that you can allow your Guidance which is always there to enter your life. You're not blocking them. Right Hans?

That's very, very true. But I'll tell you it's easy for Alfred and I to sit with you today and tell you these things. But it's very difficult to do. Don't ever think that "getting over yourself and getting out of your way" is easy, because it is not. Some of my closest friends, my dearest friends that I've known for many, many years are still struggling through their stuff. Knowing they're doing it, but doing it anyway. And knowing it hurts them but they're doing it anyway. And so my job is to be there as a mirror and as a support and say: Look, you can win this. All you have to do is let go of your human perception of it. That's the key Alfred is letting go of the human perception.

And that's a really good point is sometimes we've had that perception for 10-20-30 years we don't think it's a perception. We just think it's God given truth because we've had it for so long...

There you go. That's absolutely right.

And that's where soul mates come into play. That's where people who push your buttons come in to play. That's where people who aggravate the heck out of you come into play...

What are you trying to say Alfred?

Hans laughing.

I'm trying to say that those people who you think tease you, hate you, are mean to you, who push your buttons are actually the bad guys. Absolute opposite.

They're your teachers.

They're the people who are telling you this is something that you need to do to look at to let go of to get out of your way. I happen to be blessed and unbelievably grateful whether I like to admit it or not a lot of times for having Hans telling me: This is something you need to do to get out of your way. That is where friends come in. That's where anybody comes in whether they're a friend or not who is brutally honest with you and says: Hey, you should take a look at this. Now you have two choices. You can get mad at them for pushing your button or you can take a deep breath and say: Oh, I have a button. I'm in my own way because I'm holding onto something. Then you can do the first step which is "get over yourself" and say: Oh, let me take a look at that. Let me look at what lesson there is. What tactic, what class, what audio, what anything is there to help me do the inner work to help me let go of that thing so I can get out of my own way. That's where people out of nowhere come and say something to you and you're just stunned. How dare that person say something to you. That person may have been sent by Guidance.

I'll give you a little example of this Alfred. Before I did this show I was reading a rather wonderful thing on the internet about this school who had a project and they sent up red balloons at Christmastime to Santa with little notes dangling on them about what they would like. And this one little girl...hers wouldn't go off the ground, and so the teacher tore off a little corner of the note and it became lighter and off it went. Well this young man working at this factory, about 15 miles away lost his mother a year ago at Christmastime and he loved his mother very much.  And he was feeling very very sad and he couldn't find any Christmas joy and he's getting ready to leave his work to go to his car and all of a sudden he looked up and there was a red balloon floating down out of the sky and it landed right beside him. And he picked it up and he read the note. And the note said: Dear Santa, I would like a Mermaid Barbie for Christmas please. And she wrote her name. Her name was the same name as his mother. Not only that but the spelling was very unique and she spelled it the exact same way that the mother did. So if you can hear that folks understand that The Spirit is always with us as it brought the mother to this man They will bring the lessons and the how to fix it to you as well once "you get over yourself and get out of your way". And Alfred that is something that you have worked on very, very diligently for a very long time and quite frankly I think you're making good progress.

Well that's a compliment that I accept very much. But I have to admit I would have never been able to even get past step on - "getting over myself" - unless I had Hans and many, many other people in my life to hold a mirror up to me.


And again you have two choices. This is unbelievably important. I just saw someone a couple of days ago. She's a single mom, she's been through an unbelievable amount of stress in her life. Her son that she's raising is absolutely wonderful but she knows that there are several things in her life that cause her to be very dramatic and as a friend I tried to be a mirror to say: Look. Look at these things. They're old. You can let them go. But then it's up to you to decide.

Alfred it's hard to let go of something you're holding onto.

It's very hard. It's very hard. So you being a good friend to somebody may need to step into an area to help a friend and they may not be available and you may get yelled at and you may be called a jerk and you maybe say: How dare you push my button? And the other person may go screaming and crying away. That's okay. Your job is to lead the horse to water in this situation. Now do you kick the horse, scream at the horse, yell at the horse, beat the horse because the horse doesn't drink water? No. It's your job to lead the horse to water and smile and have no expectation of what happens when you show the person and you be a good soul mate and you hold up the mirror. Your job is to say: Here's the mirror, I have no expectation, I'm just here to help. And yes, okay you may get yelled at. But on the other hand if someone holds up the mirror to you, be aware.

And be available to look in the mirror.

And be available. That's a good way to put it. Be available. Very, very important. I would have never, never, never been able to get over myself, even the first step, if I didn't have numerous people who took the risk of the wrath of the way I used to be. I used to be really angry...

That's putting it mildly.

I used to be an absolute insane person. Stressed out of my mind, but I listened. And that's what we're telling you is one of the greatest places that you can find areas for you to "get out of your way" is through people who just pop up out of nowhere. Your friends, possibly even your family, but you've got to take the first step to say: Don't yell...

Well it goes back Alfred to what we were saying earlier when you mentioned you have to have the intention.

Yes. Don't be willing to get mad at people who push your buttons. Don't shoot the messenger. Get over yourself first and say: You know what, whatever somebody tells me I'm going to take a real hard look at. Then you can finally get to the step of "getting out of your way" if you're already over yourself. If you're not already defensive...

I think "getting over yourself" Alfred has to do with, going back again, to intention. I think once you set your intention to "get over yourself", I believe Spirit begins to bring the doors to you that help you to move past that stuck space.

That's a very good point. If Spirit sees that you're not available, maybe they're not going to bother sending people if Spirit knows that you're going to just yell at somebody...

Well they won't cast pearls before the swine.

Yes, exactly. But when you do step one, when you say: I've had it. I need to change. I don't care what there is I need to get rid of this. That is setting your intention. That is "getting over yourself". Then you'll see many opportunities, many doors to get out of your way. Now we're not saying this is easy. 

Oh no, this is not easy.

Hans knows. I speak from the truth. It is difficult inner work. That is doing the inner work. It is.

You see Alfred, your inner being, your inner consciousness on your human side has an investment in how it wants to see things go. It has an investment how it wants things to be in your life and its perceptions. But what you keep forgetting is that it is the humanness in you that's causing those things to occur. And when you say to Spirit: I'm now wiling to look at the way I hold things, I'm now willing to look at new doors if you will present them. That's Alfred what you did. You still had all the blocks but you said I am willing to look to see how I can fix this. And that's when Spirit came to you and began to open your doors.

I'm trying to think of a good example to share. There's been so many. We'll just pick I'm going to be his child. There's so many old souls out there that think they've had, Oh shall we say an interesting childhood. And so many of us who grew up in a. shall we say, difficult family environment are holding trauma, are holding onto those memories as if they are what defines us. Well, the question is: What's more important? What happened in the past? Or considering letting go of that to find out who you truly are. And that may have been one of the most sacred things that I was unwilling to let go of, one of the things that I held onto the tightest was that I was an abused child. I was a victim and thus I had the right to punish myself, do lots of drugs and do really crazy things. And it wasn't until Hans and a few other people told me: No, what makes you think you're an abused child? That was how long ago? And it was only until I finally admitted: Okay, I'm willing to look at something else. I'm willing to look at another possibility that I was able to let that go, piece by piece, and do some real soul searching and say: Oh, okay. And look at how to let go of those things and get out of my way and let go of those traumas. That's a really good example of "how to get out of your way" is by letting go of trauma, letting go of the past, letting go of those things that anchor you in a time that was 10-20-30 years ago that's holding you back, that's separating you from who you are, separating you from that which always is. How's that for a tear jerker Hans?

Awh, let me put my Kleenex away now.

Alfred softly laughing.

Very good Alfred. But I think the key here in what you're saying and the key that I'm trying to help people to understand is: You may not be able to do all the work at once. You may not be able to "get over yourself and get out of your way" at once. But by golly you can start with saying to Spirit: I know and I see I'm in my way. I am willing to take the steps and put myself in the position to get over myself and get out of my way if you can help present the doors. And once you set that intention then all those doors gradually come into play. The biggest, I think, the biggest handicap of the mind chatter is that it keeps trying to go forward, continuously out in front of itself and it never deals with the disappointment of the previous thing, what somebody said when you were seven, it doesn't deal with any of that. It just keeps wanting to move forward. But by stopping in the moment and saying: I am now prepared to let these things that are blocking my path, I'm willing to let these go. I'm willing to say: Okay, I know I can. So at that moment Spirit will begin the process of helping you “to get over yourself and get out of your way”. Don't expect, like Alfred said earlier, to be a miracle. It's not going to happen overnight. But you will absolutely begin to see the process and the progress.

And before we go, I want to mention something really, really important is: It's never too late.


Never, ever. One of the most successful clients I had recently was 84 years old. 84! And it was only after the 2nd or 3rd session that she finally said: Look, I can't do this anymore. I can't take any pills. I can't see anymore doctors. Please tell me a different option. And after a few sessions, she wasn't seeing doctors, she was off almost all of her pills, she was actively letting go of that which she held sacred. She was getting over herself, she was getting out of her way...

And she was feeling better.

And she was feeling better, happier because she said: I don't care how old I am, I'm not going to do this anymore. And that is unbelievably important. So many clients say: Well I'm 50-60-70-80 Oh, it's just too late. No, it's not.

It's never too late.

How many times have you had clients Hans that thought they were too old?


Hundreds, thousands... What you want to hear is: Yes, you can! Spirit is always there and remember only your humanness grows old. Can you hear that again? Only your humanness grows old. The little child within, the little girl, the little boy, the spiritual essence remains the same. Always spring-like, always loving, always caring. And Alfred that will conclude the lesson for today. I thank you for your input. It's been wonderful.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

“Spiritual Lessons from Hard Times” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show transcription

“Spiritual Lessons from Hard Times” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Spiritual Lessons from Hard Times
April 12, 2014

Hello Everyone and Welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. This is Alfred, The Padawan Learner to The Modern Day Mystic, who is right next to me. We have a couple of announcements before we jump into the topic for today. First of all, Thank You Everyone for sending in your Topics. Today's topic: "Spiritual Lessons from Difficult Times" was sent in to us by Phyllis in New Jersey. If you'd like to send in your suggested Topic, you can go to our Facebook Page - Hans Christian King at Facebook, and look for the posting that says: “Send us your Show Topics”. If we use your Show Topic, we'll not only use that, but also address any personal issue that you're dealing with. Of course our Spiritual Circle Members can submit their Show Topics through the "Member Area". And we'll be looking for those to fill in the next few months. Of course we have lots of topics that we have ourselves, and we're looking for situations that you, the listeners, our members, are actually going through yourselves to "make things interesting". So please, send in your topics. For the topic for today: "Spiritual Lessons from Difficult Times", I present to you The Modern Day Mystic himself, Hans Christian King.

Hello Everyone. Welcome on-board, welcome to the Show. It's a beautiful day today and I hope wherever you are it is also a beautiful day. Well I like to think that a beautiful day is when you wake up and you have options and choices. I think this is a very, very good topic that was sent in to us - "Spiritual Lessons from Difficult Times". You know folks, sometimes we really can learn from hard times. Sometimes when we're going through our worst crisis, or our hardest times, and we think: I don't think I can get through this. This isn't anything that I thought would ever happen to me. I thought we were going to be together forever. I've lost my house, and God love me, how could that have happened? I was let go, I thought I was doing a good job. All of these hardships that come to everyone in life...certainly everyone who I feel came here to grow...came onto this planet to grow... But we can learn from these times. You know Alfred, many times we ask for the experience of difficult situations to grow our souls. You certainly did. 

Yes and that's what's really hard for a lot of people to understand is - when we were planning our life on The Other Side, we decided, okay, maybe last life was a little too easy. And we wanted something a little more challenging. Now this really isn't that different than the way some of us behave here on Earth. To say: Well, I hiked up a hill. Well maybe I'll hike up a larger hill. Well maybe it turns into a part-time hobby of mountain climbing and there's always a higher mountain to climb. So you can see how those of us who are say driven, spiritual speaking, may have had previous lives where say we climbed a medium sized mountain or a larger mountain and we decided: Heck, let's just go for it - let's climb Mount Everest this lifetime. And you wonder - where did all these difficult times come from? Did I really ask for them? How does that sit with you, Hans?

Sits with me very well because it is absolutely spiritual truth. We do ask for the lessons to be presented to us. One of the great lessons of spiritual awareness is "de-tachment". In other words...this is a tough one...not to believe that what is going on around you is about you, has anything to do with you as a Spirit - only a lesson you may have chose. Now you can say: Well, my mother never loved me. Or my father hated me... But remember something: We choose our parents for the value of that lesson. Now Alfred, you went through quite a lot of growth experiences with your parents. Did you notice that things got better when you tended to not be a victim of it anymore?

Yes and that's a really good example of "a higher mountain", that we, as older souls, wanted to climb. By far, the majority of 80 or 90% of our clients Hans, have had shall we say - “interesting childhoods”?

Yes. That's the term you like to use with your childhood. "Interesting"...

Yes, it was "interesting". Most of our old soul clients have had difficult childhoods. And you ask: Okay, why would you? Because you're presented with an enormous amount of lessons early on in life so that you have the opportunity to overcome those lessons and learn from those lessons so that you can begin your service at an earlier time. Okay? And that's the whole purpose of being presented with difficult times is by overcoming them you may realize things like: There is nothing wrong. I am everything I need. I am perfect just the way that I am. By overcoming things such as rejection...nobody recognizing being the black sheep of the wondering "who are these people"? You realize that you yourself are everything you need. You with your connection to God, your soul, Spirit, is everything you need. And it's a lot easier to find that spiritual path once you overcome lessons, for example, presented to you through a difficult childhood.

Very good. Because once you de-tach from the victimization that you have gone through and you sit quietly and you say: You know, I now realize this isn't about me. This is a lesson I chose for my soul's growth. So what these people are saying, what's going on around me, has nothing to do with me. This situation was simply presented to me that I might rise above it and be better than being a victim of what somebody else, or what some situation may have designated to happen to me. I'm better than that. This is when we come back to you and say: Not my problem. And if you learn to say that kids, whenever something really hits you hard... I'm going to make something up here. Let's say somebody that you've been going with for a couple of months, maybe six months, maybe even a year  says: You know this really isn't working for me. Just turn to them and say: Thank you for all I've learned in this relationship. It's been a blessing. Thank you for being a teacher for me. And at that moment, don't become a victim because you asked that person to be there for that lesson. And sometimes we pick many different people who agree to be there for whatever lesson we're choosing. What is the most common lesson for old souls? You all remember that - self-esteem. The value of our own soul. All people who serve, all old souls have this one major lesson. But there is some good news. Most old souls are born with Karmic Credit. So somehow they will always get through. Alright? But you lose your way, you loose your battle my friends when as if in the relationship thing we just talked about, when you begin to sink into despair. When you find that there is this horrible, hollow pain in your heart. Rather than do that, turn and celebrate the good times of that relationship. Now I know I'm asking a lot. And I know it sounds like Polly Anna but it's true. This relationship never made you and it will not break you. It was for a purpose, in the moment, in the time that it was designated for. Alfred, have you ever had those kinds of relationships - could be a best friend - could be a partner of some kind. Have you ever had those before?

Yes and believe it or not sometimes the people who treat you the worst are the ones that you should be the most grateful for.

Oh, absolutely 100% Alfred.

It's maybe just a perception that they're treating you bad. But in reality all they're doing is what you asked them to do - which is hold a mirror up so you can see your own behavior...

Boy is that true...

And you get mad at them for pushing your buttons but the reality is - it's not their fault.

Alfred, have you ever noticed that sometimes - it could be a parent figure - sibling - a boss - whatever...someone presses a single button for us over and over and over again?

And those are the people you should be grateful to. But of course your immediate reaction is to be mad at them...

They're picking on me...

Yeah, they're picking on me, they're being mean to me. The spiritual lesson here is: They're showing you you have a button. And believe it or not, the majority of those people, you asked to come along at a certain time in your life to help you learn a certain lesson and they are presenting you with that lesson.

Because Alfred, there is a plan for your life.

There is a plan for your life. But the majority of time you “asked” for those situations, for those people to come and help you experience something at a particular time in their life. I remember a client who said she wanted to be a teacher. She absolutely knew, down to her bones, she was going to be a teacher. And she said, Why hasn't it arisen? And I said, Okay let's talk about this for a second. I said, You've told me previously all your friends are rejecting you, all of your friends are not doing anything that you're telling them to do. Have you noticed this consistency? She said, Yes, I don't understand. Every single one of  my friends is doing the exact same thing. I said, Okay, what are the traits that you're going to need as a teacher? That you're perfect just the way you are and that you do your best but it's not up to you to save every single child. Are you comfortable with that? And she said, Oh my God, they're presenting me the lesson that I need to know so that I may become a teacher. So that is the unbelievably difficult thing to understand is that the people who are presenting you with those difficult lessons, those difficult perceived hard times, are the people that you should be the most grateful to because they're the ones who will help you grow the character of your soul. Right Hans?

Absolutely. We've all had those people, Alfred, in our lives. Like I've said, sometimes they're family members, sometimes they're bosses, sometimes you just...when I say fall in love, you just love this new friend that's come into your life. You have so much in common. It's not a romantic thing. It's just, oh my God, someone I can finally talk to. And all of a sudden, for apparently no reason, that person starts to disappear out of your life and you go: What did I do? What happened? You didn't do anything. You didn't do anything. But you need to certainly turn and say to yourself: Boy, I was grateful that person came into my life. Actually that person helped me to look at myself. That person showed me some lessons I needed to look at. And bless them. And whenever anybody leaves you...whenever anybody says, for instance like a boss says: Well we're not exactly happy with your performance here and I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Here's your two weeks notice. Turn to them and say: Thank you and thank you for the opportunity you gave me getting this job. I did what I thought was the best that I could and I thank you for all the opportunities that have been attached to this job and I wish you well. When you do something like that, you grow your spiritual character immensely, in a matter of moments. Rather than turn and become a victim and plead for your job and say, "Well I didn't do it, so and so did". Don't do that. Spirit has a larger opportunity coming for you. You don't need to worry. They have a whole life ahead of you. You're all set-up, you're all set to go. And even folks when you get into your later years, as I am, I still wake up folks to: What's the next step? What's the next part of the journey? Where can I go with this idea? Where can I go with that idea? So I'm still waking up every day to growth. Because no one thing is sent to stop you. Learning the lesson of self-esteem, not allowing others and situations... And folks, sometimes we face unexplained challenges. Things that just appear to come out of left field. You weren't looking for it... You get a diagnosis from the doc and you go: Holy cow, where did that come from? 

Other ones I like to talk about are: Oh, the Earth is adjusting itself. (Alfred softly laughing) Why did this flood happen? Why did this river divert itself? Why was there a typhoon? Because we're beating on the planet and it's adjusting itself.

And it has been doing this for 6 billion years.

It's not funny, but it's quite serious, because sometimes tens of thousands of people lose their lives when there's a tsunami or when there's a flood.

Well here's what I've never really figured out Alfred. We know there are tsunamis so we build our houses at the beach. We know there are earthquakes, severe earthquakes that we build our houses on earthquake faults. We know there are severe floods in the Mid-West, but we build our house on the flood plains. And then when the tsunami, the hurricane...


...a tornado come, we say: Oh, it's terrible. Look what's happened to me. Oh, I don't understand it. Folks, common sense...common sense. I'm living here in Playa del Carmen and I know that across the street is the Caribbean. And I know out there there are monstrous storms that come up and lay everything to waste but I make a choice anyway. So remember we do have choices.

And the other things is just sometimes you don't have a choice. Sometimes there's just an angry person, a mad person, who we happen to cross paths with and I get a lot of people who say: There's a reason for everything. Well unfortunately, sometimes somebody just mad says or does something stupid and we're still faced with the same situation of overcoming it. Whether it was planned or not. But one of the big parts of the topic for today has to do with Spirit, and Spirit being "with us"...


...during these circumstances. What do you think Hans?

That's the key thing. No matter how dark it gets, no matter how black it seems sometimes, remember that you are not the circumstance, Spirit has your back. You are connected directly to God and to Spirit and The Source - connected directly through the heart-chakra. You are never, but never, ever alone. And in those dark moments, in those dark times, if you simply sit down and close your eyes, be peaceful and say: "At this moment, for this day I need help just for this day. Please help me with my mind chatter. Please help me to see past the illusion of what is going on. Always, The Spirit is there for us.

I saw a posting to Facebook recently. One of the rare chances that we do actually do check in once in awhile and it says: "If all you have in your life is God you have everything you need." 


And what we're trying to tell is - that's what's important. Is that you continue to live your life as a soul having human experiences. That you don't judge your life based upon how your human experience is going and then occasionally ask God: Hey, come in and help me. No, what is important during all these times is that you stay in your center, you stay connected to God, you stay connected your soul, you stay connected to your Guidance. And that is how you stay connected so that those on The Other Side - The Godforce - The Universal Energy - whatever you want to call it, can be there to help you and support you through those times. The most important question that Phyllis sent in in her topic when she wanted to know about difficult times is: How do we ask for help? How do we make sure Guidance is there for us?

It's never not there.

It's never not there for us. The question is - are you disconnecting yourself from that which always is?

And that's the key right there Alfred - is that we ourself disconnect ourself from The Source and then complain about the fact that we feel disconnected.

And that's really difficult because how can you turn off the stress from whatever can you turn off the mind chatter so that you're not disconnecting yourself from Spirit and so that you can hear their Guidance. Well, as I like to tell all of my students - practice, practice, practice. If you're wondering why we have you do all of these practices...

Over and over and over and over... Because folks have you noticed that you tend to ask the same question over and over again in a different way? So what's it saying to Alfred, what it's saying to me is that you know where The Source is but you don't believe you can access it and this is what we're trying to help you with today.

And the other thing is if you're well practiced with being in your center, letting go of mind chatter, connecting to Spirit, connecting to your soul, connecting to your center - when there is a stressful situation in you life hopefully that practice will carry over into that stressful time. Oh no wait, I'm stressed. No I'm not supposed to go back to my humanness. Let me practice those things Hans and Alfred have been beating me over the head with for the last 3 years and say: Let go of my mind chatter. Go to my Safe Place. Go to my meditative state. Connect to the energy. Okay? Let go of the things that my mind is making up during those stressful times, during those difficult times. Isn't that right Hans?

That is correct and you "can" folks, “absolutely” feel the power of Spirit at your back. Even if in the moment all you do is trust that God will be there for you. Spirit has your road-map. If that's all you can do at the moment, you're miles ahead. If you can learn to ask Spirit to work with you to turn off the mind chatter, that constant flow of negative lies that pushes itself at you day in and day out, year after year, disconnecting you from all the joy, all the possibilities in your life. Reminding you that you're nothing. Reminding you that you're going to be in the street. Reminding you that you can't get the rent paid. Reminding you of all these terrible things. It's time, at that point for you to turn and say: I choose from this day forward to live my truth which is I am Spirit in human form therefore, not affected by the appearance of negativity and difficulties.

And that's what really important is "the appearance". What makes you think anything is wrong. What makes you think it's happening to you? What makes you think you can have a judgment? What makes you think you can be angry at what's going on? What gives you the right to be angry?

It's all perception Alfred.

It's all perception and that is, guess what, one of Hans' fundamental teachings - Let go of Opinion, Perception and Judgment because it's going to come back to bite you.

And you've all heard me say this through the years - "What makes you think anything is wrong?" It is your "opinion", nothing more which is mind chatter.

Instead if you just take the Opinion of #1: Oh, maybe this is a lesson I should learn from. Let me surrender and ask Spirit for guidance how to deal with this instead of having a judgment something is wrong and getting angry and going into your humanness and disconnecting you from Spirit that's trying to guide you.

When I first met want to see a man on a Merry-Go-Round...a chipmunk in a wheel... He was spending 3, 3 1/2 hours a day just on the freeways in Los Angeles. He was totally stressed out, driving with his knees, talking on his cellphone. He was obligated to a bank and had 120 people underneath him. He was running from one office to another trying to create this, trying to create that - doing things that he knew were not in people's best interest. And then the minute he'd get off, he had obligations to go to this party or go to that situation, and flying around the world. Could I say Alfred you were exhausted and didn't know it?

Quite exhausted. However I eventually found out that that experience was something that I asked for. I asked to experience that very stressful corporate human profit oriented life so that I could understand it. So that I could help people who are wanting to get out of that situation. Looking for a different option. And Hans showed me instead of believing that I was a victim of those experiences that maybe I asked for that experience. And: Oh my God, how grateful I am for the hell that I went through of banking. To be able to understand...

Well I think it's part of that thing that Spirit teaches us that "Everything in life has a corresponding opposite". You've gone as far from that as you possible can. (Laughing) Do you ever think Alfred you would return to that environment?

After the first year of being spiritual, no. No. A good good friend of mine Sinell, that I met whose now back in India told me very succinctly, way...I think it was about the time I met you...way in the beginning. He said: Once you go down a spiritual path you cannot go back.


You can't. You just can't. And for those of you who are just starting out you'll find out why you cannot handle the human stress and the vibration. You just can't handle it anymore because you've become more peaceful, more kind, more generous. Going back to that environment... And the other thing is your lesson's over with that environment. Spirit would rip you away from it tosay: No, you're done with that experience. Time to move on.


Then you have to go to a new venue, a new idea. So what we want you to know is that no situation, no matter how it appears, no matter when it appears, is greater than your connection to God, greater than your connection to Spirit. You are never in any circumstances alone. Folks, I get tons of emails from you beautiful people telling me all the horror stories that are going on in your life. And I sit there for each one and I pray for you. But what I would like to say to everyone is: When you're going through one of those horror stories, stop for a moment and say to yourself: No matter how this appears I know this is only affecting my humanness through my perception. It is not affecting my spiritual being. It is not affecting my spiritual growth. And Spirit has got your back always. Alrighty Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for today.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

“Strength of The Soul” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show transcription

“Strength of The Soul” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Old Souls and Addictions
April 5, 2014

Hello Everyone and Welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. This is Alfred, the Padawan Learner to The Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King. Who is, of course, here with me. Just a couple of quick announcements to get you up to date with what's going on as we broadcast from Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Hope it's been warming up where you are, wherever you are in the world. So the first thing is that yes, we sent out a new Newsletter. Hans has been busy. He's been on a bunch of interviews, specifically Tele-Seminars. Now we feel these are a wonderful opportunity to get Hans' message to you, for a couple of reasons. One, it's free if you register to listen to the Tele-Seminar. Two, you have the opportunity to listen to other like-minded Spiritual Teachers who have similar messages. Three, we do believe in the Company that we have partnered with. We're not on everybody's Tele-Seminars anymore. We're just partnering with one Company, specifically "Live Big Media", and we do believe in their intention to be of service. So in the Newsletter you can find several opportunities. There's 3 Interviews that are coming up. I believe the first one is April 9th. You can find that under - under "Spiritual Community" - and we'll also be posting those to Facebook. And of course another reason to check out Hans' appearances on the Tele-Seminars is there are not only “our” huge discounts on Products, but huge discounts on “other” Spiritual Teachers' Products also. So,  please feel free to check out our Newsletter and see what Hans King has to offer, what he has to teach. Of course you don't have to buy anything. It's completely up to you, if you want to buy, or you just want to register and listen to all of them. Okay? So Facebook, speaking of Facebook, we have someone new who's helping with our Facebook. And we're ever so grateful for her help. She's going to be posting a lot of things such as when Hans is going to be interviewing, or when the interview is going to play, as some of them are actually pre-recorded. Anything else we're doing with Facebook, Hans, right now?

Just announcing upcoming things. We are so happy to have Jennifer with us doing this Facebook for us. It's near and dear to my heart, but I'm afraid I'm not very good at maintaining it and keeping it up and running. So it's good to have somebody who's on top of this. So again, I'm very grateful.

Oh, that's what it is! Now I remember. We're needing Show Topics. So Jennifer has posted to the Facebook Pages for anyone who wants to submit a Show Topic to submit it, and she's put the instructions on Facebook. So if there is a Topic that you would like to know about, then please tell us via Facebook. The cool thing is if this subject is near and dear to you, and there is a particular personal issue with this topic, then we will address your question on air. So we will take the first issue, which is the general spiritual topic, but we'll also talk about how it relates to you. We'll say, for example the topic is "Soul Mates" - we'll pick a topic that everybody just loves - "What is a Soul Mate?, What is a Soul Mate Relationship?, What is the Interaction Between Soul Mates?" - that would be the Show Topic, for example. But, you may also submit, if we pick your topic, we'll talk about what's going on with your soul mate relationship. Do you have  a soul mate relationship on the way? So that's the benefit of submitting your topic, is not only would we talk about your topic, we may answer your personal question. You do not need to be a Spiritual Circle Member, which we'll talk about soon enough. But anyone and everyone can submit a Show Topic. So that's pretty much it for the announcements. Go check out the Newsletter and if you're not already a member of our Facebook Page, please go to Hans King on Facebook - you can find it through, or just search for Hans King in Facebook and "Like" us. And of course you can get Free Hans King Quotes, Daily Inspiration, Daily Quotes from Hans King. Which is another great reason to "Like" us on Facebook. And it's Free! We love Free! We love being of service for Free.

Free's nice, isn't it?

It is. Especially for spiritual seekers.


So, we love getting the message out to you. Getting love and joy and bliss out to you. So, without further ado I present to you, to talk about today's topic "The Strength of the Soul", Hans Christian King.

Hi Everyone. Welcome on-board. Today's topic is called ~The Power of the Spirit Within. For many years now, as I've walked this wonderful path of mine all over the world, and read for so many people, lectured to so many thousands of people, I've noticed a consistency in the way people perceive themselves, Alfred. They are always seeking The Spirit. They're always looking for The Spirit. They're always looking to be saved and protected by Spirit. Never quite getting “that they already are The Spirit that they are seeking”. They keep reaching "outside" constantly - looking "outside". And of course, every time you reach "out", you're disconnecting from The Spirit. You're saying: I'm "not" connected. Learning to walk with The Spirit within, knowing that every day that you arise from your sleep, The Spirit is there present "within" you. You don't have to go to an Altar, you don't have to go to a Shrine, you don't have to go to Church, Temple, Synagogue. You don't have to do any of that. You simply need to go and sit down and talk to The Spirit that's already operating as You - through You. So, Alfred, I've noticed that more and more people have become seekers. Which is just incredible. At the same time, I've also noticed that more and more people feel that they can't find their spiritual self. They're having a difficulty in identifying and connecting with The Spirit that is already operating as them. Have you noticed this?

Well, that's the basic issue of spirituality is that we are "so used to"...we are "so accustomed to"...we are "so comfortable with” being human. Thinking as a human, portraying ourselves as human. And then every single spiritual person on a spiritual path find outs: Oh, I'm supposed to change my behaviors. I'm supposed to change my thinking. I'm supposed to change the way that I am. However, this is new. These behaviors are new. These thoughts are new. Regardless of how wonderful and blissful and joyful and peaceful they are. It is, in general, a “habit” to do human things. And that's the struggle. The struggle is to let go of, as Hans' has reminded us 50 million times, the mind chatter, and to incorporate new ways of being. More spiritual ways of being. That's the paradyne that I see Hans.

In other words, like Yoda would say: "You already are what you are seeking". When you reach "out of yourself" - trying to find "The Source" - when you reach "out of yourself", you're saying: I am "not" The Spirit. I'm human looking for my spiritual attachment. And on the contrary children, you already are Spirit, simply having a human experience. And in this experience you have chosen, with your Guidance, your Angels, Helpers and Friends, certain lessons that you would like to work through and have asked Spirit to help present you with those possibilities. But again, you are not "of the human" - you are "of The Spirit". If you will just keep trying to remind yourself children whenever something approaches and you feel out of control and don't know what do, and you don't feel well, or the rent money's late, or whatever - you have to stop in that moment, re-center yourself and say: “I already am enough. Spirit and I are one. This will pass. This will be taken care of”. But it's the constant battle between The Spirit and The Humanness that destroys the possibilities in our life. Now, Spirit has always taught me that all I have to do is "know I am The Spirit". I don't need to seek it. I don't need to do anything special. I don't need to climb a mountain to see a Master. But since the beginning of my work, They have always assured me that I already am The Spirit - operating as God in a human form. So we are all a tiny piece of The Godforce. Therefore, all the energy that we need, all the power that we need, is already residing within us. I remember when I was trying to explain this concept to Alfred. He wanted so hard to believe it, but his mind chatter struggled so much. Alfred, how are you doing now with the mind chatter?

Well, let's take one thing at a time Hans. Let's look at the first issue which is: What is your perception? And right on the front page of the Automatic Writing Class, there's 2 options. Option 1 - which is you are a human that, on occasion has spiritual experiences...such as: Okay, I'm going to meditate this morning. Oh, I've got to go back to my work. Oh, I've gotta deal with my family. And then there's the 2nd Option - which is I am a Spirit who happens to have this human body in order to have human experiences and it is the soul who is truly who you are - not the body, not the brain. And those are 2 different completely approaches to how you perceive yourself and how you perceive your spiritual growth. And of course, the 2nd Option is what we're talking about - Is that you already “are” a soul. And that the job of us, as Spiritual Teachers, is to help you un-clutter, to release that which you already are - the soul - and that the body does not interfere with your behavior and your thoughts. How's that Hans?

It's not bad for a beginner, I have to tell you. When we open ourself up to the reality of our true identity...when we refuse to allow the mind chatter to disturb our ease, to disturb our peace, we truly are on the road to connecting with The Spirit within. It's when we continue to struggle day after day with not being good enough, or conditions not of our particular liking, when we struggle with we're sick, when we struggle with we're poor, when we struggle with all the “human”  issues, it actually moves us further and further away from the essence of true Spirit which says: “Everything is perfect in it's place”. And this is very hard. I have know hundreds of Spiritual Teachers who are desperately still caught up in the human ego, and the human condition. Trying to help to understand that that is an imaginary world that your mind chatter has created...that there is no truth going on with what it has created. But the amount of time that we fund to that particular issue, or those issues, wastes our time, drags us away from the goodness of our soul. The beauty of each soul is phenomenal. The awareness that The Spirit in the Human Form has, of itself, is beautiful. But the mind chatter will constantly come in and peck at you. It will start making up little things. It'll say: Gee, I wish I didn't have to put up with this..or I didn't have to do that or gee, I wish I could have this or I could have that... When it starts to do that people, what it's doing is deliberately separating you from your peace. It's separating you from your joy. So The Spirit within is the gift of God to us. Recognizing that just in this moment... Again this is something you heard me say for decades now: “Just in the moment is perfect”. Anything that fractures or disturbs your ease will cause you to be diseased in the long-run. All the Great Masters knew that they had to get away from their mind chatter. All Great Masters have written it, spoken it, and taught it. “That it is the humanness of us that destroys the value of us”. Getting away from the appearance of the humanness and allowing The Spirit to flow through, allowing The Godforce to come in to bless you every day... Alfred used to talk about going out into nature. Seeing a flower. Watching things grow. Going to the Beach - it's free. Going for a walk - it's free. Doing things that disconnect you from the mind chatter. Don't take the mind chatter for a walk, for instance. Alfred, from what I've been discussing, where are you?

Hans, I think what you're talking about is the essence of the Introduction of the Automatic Writing Class I teach which is that the process of becoming who we truly are is really about doing less humanness and practicing more habits that allow us to be who we truly are. It's by lowering our attachment to our humanness, doing less of those human things that we have learned over 20, 30 years. And by practicing being who we truly are, that is the transformation. And then eventually, those spiritual practices become more of a habit. Such as: Now is enough. Such as: Nature is my connection. And eventually those habits fill in your being, your way of being and you become much more comfortable being who you truly are. And as you give up the human habits, such as mind chatter, such as "I need more” of whatever it is, then those things actually become "uncomfortable". So it's a slow transition. And through all of Hans' teachings, we teach you how to transition "out of your humanness" and what we've also been trying to do is give you little hints about the ways of being, the ways of thinking, the ways of dealing with life so that you can be who you truly are. That's my opinion on it Hans.

Excellent, excellent. We're on the same track. I have known, Alfred, many, many, many very good teachers, very famous teachers, fall from their level of wisdom and teaching for one single reason. #1 - They could not live what they preached. They would speak the words, they would say the words, they would teach the words, but they could not live the words. So what they did was, to separate themselves from their teaching as if their teaching didn't apply to them. Oh, this is what I do. This is what I teach. But it's not how I live. I still have mind chatter. I still run my crazies. I have all of these things... But a true Master Teacher walks the walk and talks the talk.

Reminds me of a teaching that I was giving to Jill in Asheville, a wonderful person in service. And the biggest revelation on the last day was Jill is a soul in service and nothing else changes. It's not that Jill has to go to work. It's that, no Jill is going here to be of service. She always was a soul, and that perspective followed her wherever she was, no matter who she dealt with, whatever she was saying is that didn't change. And that was a huge revelation. Is that for those of us who have dedicated our lives to being in service, that you can follow these teachings all day long, in every single moment, no matter what the situation is.

This is very true, Alfred. But then again there is this. There is the constant bombardment of the dark on the light. It is a constant. It is manifest "in the subconscious mind”. And it continues to attack, over and over and over again, trying desperately to unsettle, to unseat. This is why I've said I've seen so many teachers who started out so positively, so great, so wonderful, and succumbed in the end to that division, that bifurcation, if you will, between who they are what they teach. A Great Teacher will know nothing is wrong. A Great Teacher will always tell you that they are working with their stuff as well, in The Spirit form. A Great Teacher will always be aware that it's own personal mind chatter is busy trying to destroy what it's trying to teach. I cannot tell you folks how many teachers I have dealt with who say: Why is it I cannot incorporate what I am teaching on a daily basis into my own personal life? You can hear them on the radio. You can see them on the television. They talk about all this stuff that they're going through. If they were a Great Teacher, they would not be going through any of that stuff. They would have learned: That who they are, in this moment, was a spokesman for The Spirit, operating out of a place of peace and joy. That's the mark of a True Teacher. Not saying one thing and then living another way. So for all of you who are in service, wanting to be in service, start from the place that I've tried to teach you all these years: "You already are enough". You don't need anything. You are enough. And The Spirit will provide all of your needs to you. They will give you all the energy, all the strength that you need. Now, I don't want to, in any way, make people feel that it's too big a job because it truly is not. It's simply refusing to fund energy to the negative.

It's just the way it is. I always like to bring up the example of weeding your garden. It doesn't matter whether you've weeded your garden for a year, for 5 years, for 10 years, and you've meticulous about weeding your garden. No, the weeds are going to come back. It's just the way it is.

It's just the way it is.

That's it. You're going to be bombarded by mind chatter, and temptation, and desire, until you let go of the human body. That's it. So you just realize: Oh, okay, it's just something I need to do on a regular basis. I was dealing with one of my very advanced students, Jane, and she is clairaudient, clairsentient, clairvoyant, gets communications all the time - and we had to go down to say, I'm sorry. Even the advanced people who get advanced communication need to do the Basics and weed their garden on a regular basis. To watch the mind chatter...

But don't you feel that just by being in the human scene alone, the mind absorbs things that it never had any intentions of absorbing?

Yes and that's part of being human. It really just is that no matter where you are on your spiritual journey...

Well, I think I'm going to re-word that. That's part of being in the human form. We are actually Spirit operating in the human arena. We are not humans operating in the human arena with a spiritual attachment. We are already The Spirit operating and choosing to operate out of a body. But we are not "of" the body because the body perishes. This is the key for all Spiritual Teachers - to recognize they are operating as a spirit attached to a human form, not the other way around. So all of their energy, all of their thinking, all of their processing comes out of the spiritual nature of their soul. Not out of the subconscious of the human mind. So what I would like to leave you with today, in this part of our show, is hopefully helping you to detach from the appearance of humanness. Yes, you can wear your makeup. Yes, you can wear your dress. Yes, guys you can go to the gym. Yes, that's all fine. Because it makes you feel good and that's great. But that only panders to the humanness. As far as The Spirit is concerned, you are already perfect, you don't need to do anything. Learning to operating as a spirit in human form, without the baggage of mind chatter, fear, doubt...this is the road. Try not to operate as a “human” with all of it's human attachments - its anger, its rejection, its fear, its self-esteem, all that - and then say: I am adding my spirit to that. In other words, you want to operate always out of the pure spirit that everything is equal, you are perfect in every way, and nothing is wrong. You have chosen some experiences to walk through. You will get through those experiences. However, if you walk in the human factor, on the human side, you will become a victim, you will be angry, you will suffer, things won't turn out your way, you'll never have enough, things won't go your way. That's the only value in humanness for humanness - that's it. That thinking, that arena, will not allow The Spirit to operate at its maximum potential through you. Alright everyone? So, is it difficult? No. Does it appear difficult? Yes. 

Well it depends. It depends if you weed your garden on a daily basis or if you leave it alone for a couple of months. It's the same thing. If you take care of it, if it becomes a habit of watching your mind chatter, on a daily basis, then weeding your garden, watching the mind chatter, watching your humanness becomes a lot easier - it becomes a habit after awhile. But if you decided to go off the path, and you come back 2 or 3 months later and start up your spirituality, the weeds are going to be a lot taller.

And you're going to have to get a weed eater.

And you're going to have to get a Rototiller.

Hans and Alfred laughing.

Well I think both...a weed eater and a Rototiller.

Yeah. So what we're trying to give you, show after show, week after week, through all of our teachings is daily habits, simple daily habits to help you be the spiritual soul that you already are. How's that for a summary, Hans?

Not bad kid. You know I watch Bella every morning. And every morning Bella wakes up, our little puppy, she wakes up to be loved and to give love, and that's it.

On her terms though.

Of course. You made her a Princess. What do you expect her to do?

Yes, she is a Princess. Is it that my fault that she is...


Yes, it is your fault. But what you do is when you look at this little creature you can see the spirit of her soul. You can see the essence of the soul. You can see the essence of a soul when you look at a baby. It's when the humanness comes after us, folks. I got an email yesterday from one of my dearest clients whose been with me over 30 years. And she said, I have worked so hard Hans to understand the teachings. She said, I have just worked and worked and worked. My humanness never allowed me to get it. She says, I've got it now. I got it. That I'm already that which I'm seeking. I already am enough. It's my mind chatter that's been destroying my life. Thank you, she said. Sorry, it took so long. It doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as your intention is to get there. Alrighty folks, and that will conclude the lesson for today.