Spiritual Radio Show transcription
with Hans Christian King www.HansKing.com
and Alfred Ricci www.AlfredRicci.com
Topic: How To Get Out of Your Own WayApril 19, 2014
Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. This is Alfred, the Padawan Learner to the Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King. Welcome everyone around the world to our weekly broadcast. Today's topic is "How to Get Out of Your Way" that was sent in via Facebook. One of our listeners, Petra, sent in "What does it mean to get out of your way and how do you get out of your way?" And for anyone else out there, whether you're a member or not, you can submit your possible topics for us to discuss on air by "liking" us on Facebook and looking for the posting that says "Send Us Your Show Topic". And of course if you happen to have a topic that we choose, we'll also be interested in helping you apply that to you personally in your life. So send in not only a topic but the issue that you're dealing with. Also on Facebook we're posting a lot of interviews, a lot of appearances that Hans is going to be on - Radio Shows, Tele-seminars. And of course those Radio Shows and Tele-seminars have "Special Offers" for Hans King Products. So listen for free, you don't need to buy anything. But of course if you are there and you like what you see, please consider buying the Products whether it's from the Tele-seminar or whether it's from HansKing.com. All of that goes to help support the Show. And speaking of supporting the Show, we're ever so grateful for our members and we'll be getting into that in a little bit. The second half of the show is dedicated to answering member questions. The first half, as many of you already know, is dedicated to a spiritual teaching. Anyone, anywhere can listen and we're ever so grateful that you are. So again thank you Petra for sending in your topic: "How to Get Out of Your Way". And it's one of the original topics that Hans had recorded, even before I was here. Isn't that right Hans?
How long have you been talking about "Getting Out of Your Way"?
Oh, since about 13 years old. Been a long time. You know Alfred, quite a few years ago when I had an office in Miami Beach, I had T-shirts made down there and the front had half a caricature of me, the back had the other half. The front part said: "Get Over Yourself" and the back part said: "And Get Out of Your Way". I'd give those to people who would have an appointment with me and many of them didn't realize the profound effect of understanding what that particular statement really was. So "getting out of your way", Alfred I think that the primary lesson here in "getting out of your way", I mean the very first part of the lesson, “is recognizing you are in your way”.
Yes. And I like what you added is the first step is "getting over yourself". Seeing that there is an issue to let go of and one of the things that we've tried to talk about is "the intention". I have the intention to let something go and I think that's what you're talking about.
When you're saying "get over yourself". That's the first step in "getting out of your way" is "get over yourself" to say: Oh, yeah I admit that I really don't want that in my life. I admit that I don't want it there. It's 20-30 years old. What do you think would be the first step Hans?
I think you're right on it. Folks, it's really hard when you sit down and start to look at your stuff. Remember during the many years I've taught you how every once in awhile stop in your life and sit down and be very quiet, connect with your Guides, and say: I'm going to make a list of the things I don't want to participate in in my life anymore. Things I don't want to fund energy to. It sounds so simple. But Alfred when people sit down to do that, that can be a bit gut wrenching.
It is and that is the inner work. It really is Hans' way of calling the inner work is "getting over yourself and getting out of your way". But we divide it into two areas and say: Okay, I've had it. There has to be another way. That is the "getting over yourself" part. The realizing that whatever you've been doing for 20-30-40 years, you've had it.
It doesn't work anymore.
Whether something inside you is telling you "it's time" or whether you realize that which ever direction you're going just is not working. But "getting over yourself" is really just admitting to yourself: Okay, whatever it is, I'm over it. Let's get on with it and then let's get to the heart of the matter which is getting on with it, which is: "getting out of your way".
You know I try to make light of it. But the truth of the matter is the the only thing folks that stops us from moving to who we really are is the perception we hold of who we thought we were. Getting away from that perception and moving yourself in a direction that allows you to open the door to see your future... So many people...so many people open the door but put their foot by the door. And so they can open it and they can see out but they can't get the door open because their own foot is standing in the way of the door. How's that Alfred?
That's really it. By holding on to the past you don't allow yourself to move forward. It doesn't matter how many spiritual lessons that you take if you have one foot grounded in your humanness and there are some things that you hold sacred that you're not willing to let go of. You're basically like a big sailing ship with these huge monstrous sails and you open up all the sails and you surrender into God but the anchor's still down. If the anchor's still down, it's going to be really hard for that ship to go anywhere. And that's really what the important aspect of this is. That's really the focus of Hans' teachings. It's not so much that you're going to "become" spiritual. No, you already have everything you need. It's by getting over yourself, getting out of your way, and letting go of those things that hold you back - you are getting out of your own way. You are getting around the obstacles that you placed in your own way that hold you back.
Very, very well spoken son. You know folks we have this enormous investment in “what doesn't work anymore" and we keep thinking that if we re-work it and we re-work it and we re-work it, we can get it to fit into that pigeon hole that we need it to fit into. Never thinking for one moment that we really can't do it. We believe if we keep funding energy to what isn't working, just keep it up, eventually it will wear itself down and then you'll be able to succeed. It doesn't enter our mind that - Oh, wait a minute the energy for this is over. This is not coming back. I remind all of you of the wonderful thing Barbara DeAngelo used to do when she'd bring out this row of tomato plants and there would be 5 or 6 nice healthy tomato plants and there would be one dead as a doornail and then there would be another 2 healthy tomato plants. And she would make a joke out of it and she'd say: Which one do you think I water the most? The dead one. Thinking she could bring it back to life, ignoring the ones that are blooming and are okay, she spends most of her time trying to make the one that is dead work. This is what we do in life is we hold onto something and we hold onto something until finally that something gets in our way. And then we go to another one and it gets in our way. And before we know it, we have an entire room full of locked doors that we have put in place because we believed that we could fix those doors. We believed we could make these things work when we pile them up one after another after another after another. That's when we talk about when we learn our spiritual nature and who we are about the peeling like the onion - the peeling back door after door, layer after layer. Those are all the layers and the doors that you have put in place thinking you could fix this or fix that, or he'll come back, or she'll come back, or they'll call me back from my job again. All of these things that we place in our way. So "getting over yourself" means "letting go of your perception of how you have to make it work" and "getting out of your way” means being willing to let go of what is blocking your path.
So what we're trying to get across, or at least over the years that Hans has beat me over the head with this lesson and I'm very grateful for the beatings even though I think my head's a little cattywhompus...
A little lumpy?
Slightly lumpy... The joys of being the Padawan is that it's not about becoming spiritual, it's not about things that are going to make you better. You are already perfect. It's about letting go of the things that are blocking you from that which already is. You already are a perfect soul. You already are connected. The universe is already there. The Angels that watch over you are already in place. Your dharma is already there. But what is holding you in your humanness? What is in your way? Okay? And if you look through any of the Products, any of the Radio Shows that we've been doing for the last almost 4 years now Hans...
Every single lesson is about how to let go of "something". And that's "getting out of your way". It is consciously making a decision you've had enough of the way things are and you have the intention to do the inner work to let go of something so that those things that are always around you are not blocking you. You're getting out of your way. You're moving those things that you've placed as obstacles out of the way so that you can be in the flow effortlessly. So that you can allow your Guidance which is always there to enter your life. You're not blocking them. Right Hans?
That's very, very true. But I'll tell you it's easy for Alfred and I to sit with you today and tell you these things. But it's very difficult to do. Don't ever think that "getting over yourself and getting out of your way" is easy, because it is not. Some of my closest friends, my dearest friends that I've known for many, many years are still struggling through their stuff. Knowing they're doing it, but doing it anyway. And knowing it hurts them but they're doing it anyway. And so my job is to be there as a mirror and as a support and say: Look, you can win this. All you have to do is let go of your human perception of it. That's the key Alfred is letting go of the human perception.
And that's a really good point is sometimes we've had that perception for 10-20-30 years we don't think it's a perception. We just think it's God given truth because we've had it for so long...
There you go. That's absolutely right.
And that's where soul mates come into play. That's where people who push your buttons come in to play. That's where people who aggravate the heck out of you come into play...
What are you trying to say Alfred?
I'm trying to say that those people who you think tease you, hate you, are mean to you, who push your buttons are actually the bad guys. Absolute opposite.
They're your teachers.
They're the people who are telling you this is something that you need to do to look at to let go of to get out of your way. I happen to be blessed and unbelievably grateful whether I like to admit it or not a lot of times for having Hans telling me: This is something you need to do to get out of your way. That is where friends come in. That's where anybody comes in whether they're a friend or not who is brutally honest with you and says: Hey, you should take a look at this. Now you have two choices. You can get mad at them for pushing your button or you can take a deep breath and say: Oh, I have a button. I'm in my own way because I'm holding onto something. Then you can do the first step which is "get over yourself" and say: Oh, let me take a look at that. Let me look at what lesson there is. What tactic, what class, what audio, what anything is there to help me do the inner work to help me let go of that thing so I can get out of my own way. That's where people out of nowhere come and say something to you and you're just stunned. How dare that person say something to you. That person may have been sent by Guidance.
I'll give you a little example of this Alfred. Before I did this show I was reading a rather wonderful thing on the internet about this school who had a project and they sent up red balloons at Christmastime to Santa with little notes dangling on them about what they would like. And this one little girl...hers wouldn't go off the ground, and so the teacher tore off a little corner of the note and it became lighter and off it went. Well this young man working at this factory, about 15 miles away lost his mother a year ago at Christmastime and he loved his mother very much. And he was feeling very very sad and he couldn't find any Christmas joy and he's getting ready to leave his work to go to his car and all of a sudden he looked up and there was a red balloon floating down out of the sky and it landed right beside him. And he picked it up and he read the note. And the note said: Dear Santa, I would like a Mermaid Barbie for Christmas please. And she wrote her name. Her name was the same name as his mother. Not only that but the spelling was very unique and she spelled it the exact same way that the mother did. So if you can hear that folks understand that The Spirit is always with us as it brought the mother to this man They will bring the lessons and the how to fix it to you as well once "you get over yourself and get out of your way". And Alfred that is something that you have worked on very, very diligently for a very long time and quite frankly I think you're making good progress.
Well that's a compliment that I accept very much. But I have to admit I would have never been able to even get past step on - "getting over myself" - unless I had Hans and many, many other people in my life to hold a mirror up to me.
And again you have two choices. This is unbelievably important. I just saw someone a couple of days ago. She's a single mom, she's been through an unbelievable amount of stress in her life. Her son that she's raising is absolutely wonderful but she knows that there are several things in her life that cause her to be very dramatic and as a friend I tried to be a mirror to say: Look. Look at these things. They're old. You can let them go. But then it's up to you to decide.
Alfred it's hard to let go of something you're holding onto.
It's very hard. It's very hard. So you being a good friend to somebody may need to step into an area to help a friend and they may not be available and you may get yelled at and you may be called a jerk and you maybe say: How dare you push my button? And the other person may go screaming and crying away. That's okay. Your job is to lead the horse to water in this situation. Now do you kick the horse, scream at the horse, yell at the horse, beat the horse because the horse doesn't drink water? No. It's your job to lead the horse to water and smile and have no expectation of what happens when you show the person and you be a good soul mate and you hold up the mirror. Your job is to say: Here's the mirror, I have no expectation, I'm just here to help. And yes, okay you may get yelled at. But on the other hand if someone holds up the mirror to you, be aware.
And be available to look in the mirror.
And be available. That's a good way to put it. Be available. Very, very important. I would have never, never, never been able to get over myself, even the first step, if I didn't have numerous people who took the risk of the wrath of the way I used to be. I used to be really angry...
That's putting it mildly.
I used to be an absolute insane person. Stressed out of my mind, but I listened. And that's what we're telling you is one of the greatest places that you can find areas for you to "get out of your way" is through people who just pop up out of nowhere. Your friends, possibly even your family, but you've got to take the first step to say: Don't yell...
Well it goes back Alfred to what we were saying earlier when you mentioned you have to have the intention.
Yes. Don't be willing to get mad at people who push your buttons. Don't shoot the messenger. Get over yourself first and say: You know what, whatever somebody tells me I'm going to take a real hard look at. Then you can finally get to the step of "getting out of your way" if you're already over yourself. If you're not already defensive...
I think "getting over yourself" Alfred has to do with, going back again, to intention. I think once you set your intention to "get over yourself", I believe Spirit begins to bring the doors to you that help you to move past that stuck space.
That's a very good point. If Spirit sees that you're not available, maybe they're not going to bother sending people if Spirit knows that you're going to just yell at somebody...
Well they won't cast pearls before the swine.
Yes, exactly. But when you do step one, when you say: I've had it. I need to change. I don't care what there is I need to get rid of this. That is setting your intention. That is "getting over yourself". Then you'll see many opportunities, many doors to get out of your way. Now we're not saying this is easy.
Oh no, this is not easy.
Hans knows. I speak from the truth. It is difficult inner work. That is doing the inner work. It is.
You see Alfred, your inner being, your inner consciousness on your human side has an investment in how it wants to see things go. It has an investment how it wants things to be in your life and its perceptions. But what you keep forgetting is that it is the humanness in you that's causing those things to occur. And when you say to Spirit: I'm now wiling to look at the way I hold things, I'm now willing to look at new doors if you will present them. That's Alfred what you did. You still had all the blocks but you said I am willing to look to see how I can fix this. And that's when Spirit came to you and began to open your doors.
I'm trying to think of a good example to share. There's been so many. We'll just pick I'm going to be his child. There's so many old souls out there that think they've had, Oh shall we say an interesting childhood. And so many of us who grew up in a. shall we say, difficult family environment are holding trauma, are holding onto those memories as if they are what defines us. Well, the question is: What's more important? What happened in the past? Or considering letting go of that to find out who you truly are. And that may have been one of the most sacred things that I was unwilling to let go of, one of the things that I held onto the tightest was that I was an abused child. I was a victim and thus I had the right to punish myself, do lots of drugs and do really crazy things. And it wasn't until Hans and a few other people told me: No, what makes you think you're an abused child? That was how long ago? And it was only until I finally admitted: Okay, I'm willing to look at something else. I'm willing to look at another possibility that I was able to let that go, piece by piece, and do some real soul searching and say: Oh, okay. And look at how to let go of those things and get out of my way and let go of those traumas. That's a really good example of "how to get out of your way" is by letting go of trauma, letting go of the past, letting go of those things that anchor you in a time that was 10-20-30 years ago that's holding you back, that's separating you from who you are, separating you from that which always is. How's that for a tear jerker Hans?
Awh, let me put my Kleenex away now.
Very good Alfred. But I think the key here in what you're saying and the key that I'm trying to help people to understand is: You may not be able to do all the work at once. You may not be able to "get over yourself and get out of your way" at once. But by golly you can start with saying to Spirit: I know and I see I'm in my way. I am willing to take the steps and put myself in the position to get over myself and get out of my way if you can help present the doors. And once you set that intention then all those doors gradually come into play. The biggest, I think, the biggest handicap of the mind chatter is that it keeps trying to go forward, continuously out in front of itself and it never deals with the disappointment of the previous thing, what somebody said when you were seven, it doesn't deal with any of that. It just keeps wanting to move forward. But by stopping in the moment and saying: I am now prepared to let these things that are blocking my path, I'm willing to let these go. I'm willing to say: Okay, I know I can. So at that moment Spirit will begin the process of helping you “to get over yourself and get out of your way”. Don't expect, like Alfred said earlier, to be a miracle. It's not going to happen overnight. But you will absolutely begin to see the process and the progress.
And before we go, I want to mention something really, really important is: It's never too late.
Never, ever. One of the most successful clients I had recently was 84 years old. 84! And it was only after the 2nd or 3rd session that she finally said: Look, I can't do this anymore. I can't take any pills. I can't see anymore doctors. Please tell me a different option. And after a few sessions, she wasn't seeing doctors, she was off almost all of her pills, she was actively letting go of that which she held sacred. She was getting over herself, she was getting out of her way...
And she was feeling better.
And she was feeling better, happier because she said: I don't care how old I am, I'm not going to do this anymore. And that is unbelievably important. So many clients say: Well I'm 50-60-70-80 Oh, it's just too late. No, it's not.
It's never too late.
How many times have you had clients Hans that thought they were too old?
Hundreds, thousands... What you want to hear is: Yes, you can! Spirit is always there and remember only your humanness grows old. Can you hear that again? Only your humanness grows old. The little child within, the little girl, the little boy, the spiritual essence remains the same. Always spring-like, always loving, always caring. And Alfred that will conclude the lesson for today. I thank you for your input. It's been wonderful.
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