“Strength of The Soul” - by Hans Christian King
Spiritual Radio Show transcription
with Hans Christian King www.HansKing.com
and Alfred Ricci www.AlfredRicci.com
Topic: Old Souls and Addictions
April 5, 2014
Hello Everyone and Welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. This is Alfred, the Padawan Learner to The Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King. Who is, of course, here with me. Just a couple of quick announcements to get you up to date with what's going on as we broadcast from Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Hope it's been warming up where you are, wherever you are in the world. So the first thing is that yes, we sent out a new Newsletter. Hans has been busy. He's been on a bunch of interviews, specifically Tele-Seminars. Now we feel these are a wonderful opportunity to get Hans' message to you, for a couple of reasons. One, it's free if you register to listen to the Tele-Seminar. Two, you have the opportunity to listen to other like-minded Spiritual Teachers who have similar messages. Three, we do believe in the Company that we have partnered with. We're not on everybody's Tele-Seminars anymore. We're just partnering with one Company, specifically "Live Big Media", and we do believe in their intention to be of service. So in the Newsletter you can find several opportunities. There's 3 Interviews that are coming up. I believe the first one is April 9th. You can find that under HansKing.com - under "Spiritual Community" - and we'll also be posting those to Facebook. And of course another reason to check out Hans' appearances on the Tele-Seminars is there are not only “our” huge discounts on Products, but huge discounts on “other” Spiritual Teachers' Products also. So, please feel free to check out our Newsletter and see what Hans King has to offer, what he has to teach. Of course you don't have to buy anything. It's completely up to you, if you want to buy, or you just want to register and listen to all of them. Okay? So Facebook, speaking of Facebook, we have someone new who's helping with our Facebook. And we're ever so grateful for her help. She's going to be posting a lot of things such as when Hans is going to be interviewing, or when the interview is going to play, as some of them are actually pre-recorded. Anything else we're doing with Facebook, Hans, right now?
Just announcing upcoming things. We are so happy to have Jennifer with us doing this Facebook for us. It's near and dear to my heart, but I'm afraid I'm not very good at maintaining it and keeping it up and running. So it's good to have somebody who's on top of this. So again, I'm very grateful.
Oh, that's what it is! Now I remember. We're needing Show Topics. So Jennifer has posted to the Facebook Pages for anyone who wants to submit a Show Topic to submit it, and she's put the instructions on Facebook. So if there is a Topic that you would like to know about, then please tell us via Facebook. The cool thing is if this subject is near and dear to you, and there is a particular personal issue with this topic, then we will address your question on air. So we will take the first issue, which is the general spiritual topic, but we'll also talk about how it relates to you. We'll say, for example the topic is "Soul Mates" - we'll pick a topic that everybody just loves - "What is a Soul Mate?, What is a Soul Mate Relationship?, What is the Interaction Between Soul Mates?" - that would be the Show Topic, for example. But, you may also submit, if we pick your topic, we'll talk about what's going on with your soul mate relationship. Do you have a soul mate relationship on the way? So that's the benefit of submitting your topic, is not only would we talk about your topic, we may answer your personal question. You do not need to be a Spiritual Circle Member, which we'll talk about soon enough. But anyone and everyone can submit a Show Topic. So that's pretty much it for the announcements. Go check out the Newsletter and if you're not already a member of our Facebook Page, please go to Hans King on Facebook - you can find it through HansKing.com, or just search for Hans King in Facebook and "Like" us. And of course you can get Free Hans King Quotes, Daily Inspiration, Daily Quotes from Hans King. Which is another great reason to "Like" us on Facebook. And it's Free! We love Free! We love being of service for Free.
Free's nice, isn't it?
It is. Especially for spiritual seekers.
So, we love getting the message out to you. Getting love and joy and bliss out to you. So, without further ado I present to you, to talk about today's topic "The Strength of the Soul", Hans Christian King.
Hi Everyone. Welcome on-board. Today's topic is called ~The Power of the Spirit Within. For many years now, as I've walked this wonderful path of mine all over the world, and read for so many people, lectured to so many thousands of people, I've noticed a consistency in the way people perceive themselves, Alfred. They are always seeking The Spirit. They're always looking for The Spirit. They're always looking to be saved and protected by Spirit. Never quite getting “that they already are The Spirit that they are seeking”. They keep reaching "outside" constantly - looking "outside". And of course, every time you reach "out", you're disconnecting from The Spirit. You're saying: I'm "not" connected. Learning to walk with The Spirit within, knowing that every day that you arise from your sleep, The Spirit is there present "within" you. You don't have to go to an Altar, you don't have to go to a Shrine, you don't have to go to Church, Temple, Synagogue. You don't have to do any of that. You simply need to go and sit down and talk to The Spirit that's already operating as You - through You. So, Alfred, I've noticed that more and more people have become seekers. Which is just incredible. At the same time, I've also noticed that more and more people feel that they can't find their spiritual self. They're having a difficulty in identifying and connecting with The Spirit that is already operating as them. Have you noticed this?
Well, that's the basic issue of spirituality is that we are "so used to"...we are "so accustomed to"...we are "so comfortable with” being human. Thinking as a human, portraying ourselves as human. And then every single spiritual person on a spiritual path find outs: Oh, I'm supposed to change my behaviors. I'm supposed to change my thinking. I'm supposed to change the way that I am. However, this is new. These behaviors are new. These thoughts are new. Regardless of how wonderful and blissful and joyful and peaceful they are. It is, in general, a “habit” to do human things. And that's the struggle. The struggle is to let go of, as Hans' has reminded us 50 million times, the mind chatter, and to incorporate new ways of being. More spiritual ways of being. That's the paradyne that I see Hans.
In other words, like Yoda would say: "You already are what you are seeking". When you reach "out of yourself" - trying to find "The Source" - when you reach "out of yourself", you're saying: I am "not" The Spirit. I'm human looking for my spiritual attachment. And on the contrary children, you already are Spirit, simply having a human experience. And in this experience you have chosen, with your Guidance, your Angels, Helpers and Friends, certain lessons that you would like to work through and have asked Spirit to help present you with those possibilities. But again, you are not "of the human" - you are "of The Spirit". If you will just keep trying to remind yourself children whenever something approaches and you feel out of control and don't know what do, and you don't feel well, or the rent money's late, or whatever - you have to stop in that moment, re-center yourself and say: “I already am enough. Spirit and I are one. This will pass. This will be taken care of”. But it's the constant battle between The Spirit and The Humanness that destroys the possibilities in our life. Now, Spirit has always taught me that all I have to do is "know I am The Spirit". I don't need to seek it. I don't need to do anything special. I don't need to climb a mountain to see a Master. But since the beginning of my work, They have always assured me that I already am The Spirit - operating as God in a human form. So we are all a tiny piece of The Godforce. Therefore, all the energy that we need, all the power that we need, is already residing within us. I remember when I was trying to explain this concept to Alfred. He wanted so hard to believe it, but his mind chatter struggled so much. Alfred, how are you doing now with the mind chatter?
Well, let's take one thing at a time Hans. Let's look at the first issue which is: What is your perception? And right on the front page of the Automatic Writing Class, there's 2 options. Option 1 - which is you are a human that, on occasion has spiritual experiences...such as: Okay, I'm going to meditate this morning. Oh, I've got to go back to my work. Oh, I've gotta deal with my family. And then there's the 2nd Option - which is I am a Spirit who happens to have this human body in order to have human experiences and it is the soul who is truly who you are - not the body, not the brain. And those are 2 different completely approaches to how you perceive yourself and how you perceive your spiritual growth. And of course, the 2nd Option is what we're talking about - Is that you already “are” a soul. And that the job of us, as Spiritual Teachers, is to help you un-clutter, to release that which you already are - the soul - and that the body does not interfere with your behavior and your thoughts. How's that Hans?
It's not bad for a beginner, I have to tell you. When we open ourself up to the reality of our true identity...when we refuse to allow the mind chatter to disturb our ease, to disturb our peace, we truly are on the road to connecting with The Spirit within. It's when we continue to struggle day after day with not being good enough, or conditions not of our particular liking, when we struggle with we're sick, when we struggle with we're poor, when we struggle with all the “human” issues, it actually moves us further and further away from the essence of true Spirit which says: “Everything is perfect in it's place”. And this is very hard. I have know hundreds of Spiritual Teachers who are desperately still caught up in the human ego, and the human condition. Trying to help to understand that that is an imaginary world that your mind chatter has created...that there is no truth going on with what it has created. But the amount of time that we fund to that particular issue, or those issues, wastes our time, drags us away from the goodness of our soul. The beauty of each soul is phenomenal. The awareness that The Spirit in the Human Form has, of itself, is beautiful. But the mind chatter will constantly come in and peck at you. It will start making up little things. It'll say: Gee, I wish I didn't have to put up with this..or I didn't have to do that or gee, I wish I could have this or I could have that... When it starts to do that people, what it's doing is deliberately separating you from your peace. It's separating you from your joy. So The Spirit within is the gift of God to us. Recognizing that just in this moment... Again this is something you heard me say for decades now: “Just in the moment is perfect”. Anything that fractures or disturbs your ease will cause you to be diseased in the long-run. All the Great Masters knew that they had to get away from their mind chatter. All Great Masters have written it, spoken it, and taught it. “That it is the humanness of us that destroys the value of us”. Getting away from the appearance of the humanness and allowing The Spirit to flow through, allowing The Godforce to come in to bless you every day... Alfred used to talk about going out into nature. Seeing a flower. Watching things grow. Going to the Beach - it's free. Going for a walk - it's free. Doing things that disconnect you from the mind chatter. Don't take the mind chatter for a walk, for instance. Alfred, from what I've been discussing, where are you?
Hans, I think what you're talking about is the essence of the Introduction of the Automatic Writing Class I teach which is that the process of becoming who we truly are is really about doing less humanness and practicing more habits that allow us to be who we truly are. It's by lowering our attachment to our humanness, doing less of those human things that we have learned over 20, 30 years. And by practicing being who we truly are, that is the transformation. And then eventually, those spiritual practices become more of a habit. Such as: Now is enough. Such as: Nature is my connection. And eventually those habits fill in your being, your way of being and you become much more comfortable being who you truly are. And as you give up the human habits, such as mind chatter, such as "I need more” of whatever it is, then those things actually become "uncomfortable". So it's a slow transition. And through all of Hans' teachings, we teach you how to transition "out of your humanness" and what we've also been trying to do is give you little hints about the ways of being, the ways of thinking, the ways of dealing with life so that you can be who you truly are. That's my opinion on it Hans.
Excellent, excellent. We're on the same track. I have known, Alfred, many, many, many very good teachers, very famous teachers, fall from their level of wisdom and teaching for one single reason. #1 - They could not live what they preached. They would speak the words, they would say the words, they would teach the words, but they could not live the words. So what they did was, to separate themselves from their teaching as if their teaching didn't apply to them. Oh, this is what I do. This is what I teach. But it's not how I live. I still have mind chatter. I still run my crazies. I have all of these things... But a true Master Teacher walks the walk and talks the talk.
Reminds me of a teaching that I was giving to Jill in Asheville, a wonderful person in service. And the biggest revelation on the last day was Jill is a soul in service and nothing else changes. It's not that Jill has to go to work. It's that, no Jill is going here to be of service. She always was a soul, and that perspective followed her wherever she was, no matter who she dealt with, whatever she was saying is that didn't change. And that was a huge revelation. Is that for those of us who have dedicated our lives to being in service, that you can follow these teachings all day long, in every single moment, no matter what the situation is.
This is very true, Alfred. But then again there is this. There is the constant bombardment of the dark on the light. It is a constant. It is manifest "in the subconscious mind”. And it continues to attack, over and over and over again, trying desperately to unsettle, to unseat. This is why I've said I've seen so many teachers who started out so positively, so great, so wonderful, and succumbed in the end to that division, that bifurcation, if you will, between who they are what they teach. A Great Teacher will know nothing is wrong. A Great Teacher will always tell you that they are working with their stuff as well, in The Spirit form. A Great Teacher will always be aware that it's own personal mind chatter is busy trying to destroy what it's trying to teach. I cannot tell you folks how many teachers I have dealt with who say: Why is it I cannot incorporate what I am teaching on a daily basis into my own personal life? You can hear them on the radio. You can see them on the television. They talk about all this stuff that they're going through. If they were a Great Teacher, they would not be going through any of that stuff. They would have learned: That who they are, in this moment, was a spokesman for The Spirit, operating out of a place of peace and joy. That's the mark of a True Teacher. Not saying one thing and then living another way. So for all of you who are in service, wanting to be in service, start from the place that I've tried to teach you all these years: "You already are enough". You don't need anything. You are enough. And The Spirit will provide all of your needs to you. They will give you all the energy, all the strength that you need. Now, I don't want to, in any way, make people feel that it's too big a job because it truly is not. It's simply refusing to fund energy to the negative.
It's just the way it is. I always like to bring up the example of weeding your garden. It doesn't matter whether you've weeded your garden for a year, for 5 years, for 10 years, and you've meticulous about weeding your garden. No, the weeds are going to come back. It's just the way it is.
It's just the way it is.
That's it. You're going to be bombarded by mind chatter, and temptation, and desire, until you let go of the human body. That's it. So you just realize: Oh, okay, it's just something I need to do on a regular basis. I was dealing with one of my very advanced students, Jane, and she is clairaudient, clairsentient, clairvoyant, gets communications all the time - and we had to go down to say, I'm sorry. Even the advanced people who get advanced communication need to do the Basics and weed their garden on a regular basis. To watch the mind chatter...
But don't you feel that just by being in the human scene alone, the mind absorbs things that it never had any intentions of absorbing?
Yes and that's part of being human. It really just is that no matter where you are on your spiritual journey...
Well, I think I'm going to re-word that. That's part of being in the human form. We are actually Spirit operating in the human arena. We are not humans operating in the human arena with a spiritual attachment. We are already The Spirit operating and choosing to operate out of a body. But we are not "of" the body because the body perishes. This is the key for all Spiritual Teachers - to recognize they are operating as a spirit attached to a human form, not the other way around. So all of their energy, all of their thinking, all of their processing comes out of the spiritual nature of their soul. Not out of the subconscious of the human mind. So what I would like to leave you with today, in this part of our show, is hopefully helping you to detach from the appearance of humanness. Yes, you can wear your makeup. Yes, you can wear your dress. Yes, guys you can go to the gym. Yes, that's all fine. Because it makes you feel good and that's great. But that only panders to the humanness. As far as The Spirit is concerned, you are already perfect, you don't need to do anything. Learning to operating as a spirit in human form, without the baggage of mind chatter, fear, doubt...this is the road. Try not to operate as a “human” with all of it's human attachments - its anger, its rejection, its fear, its self-esteem, all that - and then say: I am adding my spirit to that. In other words, you want to operate always out of the pure spirit that everything is equal, you are perfect in every way, and nothing is wrong. You have chosen some experiences to walk through. You will get through those experiences. However, if you walk in the human factor, on the human side, you will become a victim, you will be angry, you will suffer, things won't turn out your way, you'll never have enough, things won't go your way. That's the only value in humanness for humanness - that's it. That thinking, that arena, will not allow The Spirit to operate at its maximum potential through you. Alright everyone? So, is it difficult? No. Does it appear difficult? Yes.
Well it depends. It depends if you weed your garden on a daily basis or if you leave it alone for a couple of months. It's the same thing. If you take care of it, if it becomes a habit of watching your mind chatter, on a daily basis, then weeding your garden, watching the mind chatter, watching your humanness becomes a lot easier - it becomes a habit after awhile. But if you decided to go off the path, and you come back 2 or 3 months later and start up your spirituality, the weeds are going to be a lot taller.
And you're going to have to get a weed eater.
And you're going to have to get a Rototiller.
Hans and Alfred laughing.
Well I think both...a weed eater and a Rototiller.
Yeah. So what we're trying to give you, show after show, week after week, through all of our teachings is daily habits, simple daily habits to help you be the spiritual soul that you already are. How's that for a summary, Hans?
Not bad kid. You know I watch Bella every morning. And every morning Bella wakes up, our little puppy, she wakes up to be loved and to give love, and that's it.
On her terms though.
Of course. You made her a Princess. What do you expect her to do?
Yes, she is a Princess. Is it that my fault that she is...
Yes, it is your fault. But what you do is when you look at this little creature you can see the spirit of her soul. You can see the essence of the soul. You can see the essence of a soul when you look at a baby. It's when the humanness comes after us, folks. I got an email yesterday from one of my dearest clients whose been with me over 30 years. And she said, I have worked so hard Hans to understand the teachings. She said, I have just worked and worked and worked. My humanness never allowed me to get it. She says, I've got it now. I got it. That I'm already that which I'm seeking. I already am enough. It's my mind chatter that's been destroying my life. Thank you, she said. Sorry, it took so long. It doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as your intention is to get there. Alrighty folks, and that will conclude the lesson for today.
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