Saturday, May 17, 2014

“Karmic Credit” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Karmic Credit” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Karmic Credit
May 17, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. Again this is Alfred, the Padawan Learner to the Modern Day Mystic himself. A couple of announcements before we jump into the topic for today which is "Karmic Credit". I'll get to that in a little bit. So the first announcement is - we are leaving Mexico, Playa del Carmen for the summer and heading back to Asheville, North Carolina. So if you or anyone you know would be interested in meeting with Hans, having a personal appointment with Hans or myself in Asheville, North Carolina we'll be there starting next week and basically for the summer we'll be in Asheville, North Carolina. And also happening during this summer, July 12th, there is the Asheville Psychic and Spiritual Fair being held at the Masonic Temple. We'll be attending. One of our dear friends is putting it together and if you're interested you can email us. We'll probably put it up on the website or you can just google 'Asheville Psychic and Spiritual Fair happening Saturday July 12 at the Masonic Temple'. And we have another announcement that's really important for everyone. If you go to our main Facebook page, we are now having a Contest! Our very first Facebook Contest where you can win a reading with Hans Christian King himself. 3 People are going to be able to win a Reading with Hans. All you need to do is tell your friends about Hans and 3 top people who get the most "likes", get their friends to "like" the Hans Christian King Facebook page will win a Reading. You can access our Facebook Page from the bottom right hand side of the homepage on or you can just go to Hans Christian King 1 - under Facebook or of course just look for us - Hans King on Facebook - and at the top if it says "WIN A READING" ~ Tell Your Friends About Hans, please join in the Contest. And even if you just have a few friends and you'd like to share Hans' teachings, the daily quotes, information about the Radio Show, information about appearances, interviews or just share Hans in general - and earn Karmic Credit - which we're going to be talking about, please share and tell your friends to "like" our Facebook Page. We'd really appreciate it. Thanks! I think that's it for announcements for today Hans? 

Yes, I think so.

Okay. So today's topic again is "Karmic Credit" and who better to explain the way Karmic Credit works than the man with the most Karmic Credit in the Universe - the Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King!

Oh boy, I have that much Karmic Credit Alfred? Wow!

Yes, you got to take care of me.

Well now therein lies some truth. Now Hi everybody, welcome on board. It's great to be with you today. How do we earn Karmic Credit? This has been presented to us by one of our listeners and I think it's a great topic. Karmic Credit comes about when over many lifetimes we have learned spiritual principles and we have applied spiritual principles rather than mind chatter to our then lives. And after awhile we build up more Karmic Credit than Karmic Debt, which we'll probably going to discuss next week. I'm just informing Alfred of this now.

Oh, thanks Hans.

And so we build up a Karmic Credit which means: good deeds, decent thoughts, wishing people well, not setting out to hurt anybody, seeing if someone needs something we lend a hand, sending loving and kind thoughts to people... It doesn't mean you have to be hairy fairy but it does mean living a clean spiritual life. After awhile we build up Karmic Credit. You may have noticed in your life there are some people that no matter what they do or what they touch it turns to gold. Those people have an abundance of Karmic Credit. Okay? So when we arrive here on this plane our bag is sort of two-thirds full of Karmic Credit and we can use that Karmic Credit. Now we don't "know that" but people who have good Karmic Credit seem to be able to get through the most difficult of times. All of you, have you ever noticed that no matter how bad something gets you somehow manage to get through and come out the other side and you usually come out better than you thought? That means that you have some Karmic Credit. Yes, we bring Karmic... I repeat myself, but yes we bring Karmic Credit in with us when we arrive as we bring Karmic Debt. Someone once asked me: Do we every come in fairly balanced...sort of half and half? Oftentimes, oftentimes. But mostly it's one or the other. Most old souls that I've had the pleasure to have known throughout my many years of service have had what I call "Good Karmic Credit". It means that they...even when they are struggling...see folks, it doesn't mean you don't get hit with stuff. What it means is that you're able to handle the stuff you get hit with. Alfred would you like to pop in here for a moment?

Oh, absolutely. I'd like to take an example of something that happened to me and then tell everybody how that relates to where Karmic Credit comes from. I was flying around the world in banking and one of my offices was in Amsterdam. Which I don't think was very constructive but we had a really good time. Anyway, there was a guy that I was working with and for some reason I just knew I should take this guy under my wing and train him. And eventually I took him out of the Amsterdam branch and took him to Corporate Headquarters in Frankfurt. And eventually he became one of the youngest Vice Presidents in the history of Deutscha Bank in banking because I had trained him and brought him up myself and when I left and decided to go back to the States, he was molded to come into my position. For some reason I just knew I should do that for him and I had no idea why, it just "felt right". Now where does that come from? Where would that have been arranged on the Other Side so that the Other Side would have supported that energy? So say...we'll call him Frank. Frank and I are soul mates, we're on the Other Side and Frank comes to me with his life plan and says: Hey, I helped you out on a prior life. I'd like to have this experience. I see in your life that we're going to intersect eventually. Could I request you and everybody else to coordinate that you help me in this lifetime to balance out the Karmic Credit that I gave you and that you would return the Karmic Credit to me? And that's all all spiritual is is about "balance". So if he had done something good for me I would be inclined to do something good for him. So that's where it starts out is those agreements on the Other Side. God approves us, we get stamped on the forehead, poof we arrive, and we bump into each other as soul mates and the Other Side coordinates our requests by telling us: Yes, this is correct. So that is the essence of Karma. Okay? And we're talking about positive Karma, Good Karma, Karmic in that situation because in a prior life Frank had done something good for me he had Karmic Credit which in turn he could cash in and ask a favor from me which I would say: Oh, of course. Absolutely. That just sounds really nice. How's that for a story Hans?

Very good, very good. Proof itself. Remember we also build up a natural reservoir of Karmic Credit. If through nothing else but positive thinking followed by positive deeds. We have soul mate friends, which as Alfred's referring to the Frank Person, we have those different people who are programmed to come into our life to give us a hand, to give us a lift when there's nothing else available, they suddenly show up and they help change our life as we have done for them. However on your daily path in life, in an everyday world, you build up Karmic Credit and that Credit is revisited to the next lifetime automatically. Where does it come in? Let's say someone says: I would like the experience of living in Fiji for a year. Now there's a wonderful thought. I would like the experience of living in Fiji for a year but I have no idea how that will ever happen, But I'm going to take my request, you see, and give it to the Spirit. Now when you do that and you take the request and you give it to the Spirit, they know how much Karmic Credit or Karmic Debt you have and normally if you have Karmic Credit they are able to make that occurrence happen much sooner than you could on your own. Now I want to clarify something. Even if you had Karmic Debt they would still make the experience happen but it would take longer to arrive at that point. So when you build up the Karmic Credit and you don't even know you have it and you begin to dream and wish and hope, those become quite doable as far as Spirit is concerned. You see? So arriving here with Karmic Credit makes your life a little easier. Now I'd like to talk, just for a second here Alfred, about "ongoing Karmic Credit", okay? Which means that all the deeds you do everyday, all the thoughts you think everyday are building up a reserve of either Karmic Credit or Karmic Debt. So if you have a mind chatter that speaks to being peaceful, balanced, it speaks to helping others or sending happy thoughts to others, you can continue to multiply the volume of Karmic Credit that you have available to you in "this lifetime" as well. The extra, or the abundance of that when you pass back will be put in the karmic sack that you'll bring back in "next time". Any comments on that Alfred?

Yes and that's one of the main question is: How do you earn Karmic Credit? And it's quite simple. It's if you do good deeds, if you have good thoughts, if you have good doesn't necessarily mean, as Hans has said a million times that you actually "do" or "follow through" or "what you intend to happen does happen"...if it does great, if it doesn't...but that was my intention was to help. For every time that you do that, that builds up Karmic Credit. Okay? Now like everything that Spirit reviews with us when we're on the Other Side it's how did you interact or have good intention with an individual's soul. And that individual's soul will come back to you as in my previous example and say: Ah, you did something good for me. I'm available to do something good for you. Again that's in the next lifetime but I'm trying to simplify the example to help you understand what is Karmic Credit and how does it come back “to” you. So say you were good to a hundred people. Well, I would say the majority of those people are going to visit with you and have a meeting with you on the Other Side and say: Hey, thank you so much for being so cool, having a good intention, praying for me, helping for me...whatever you did, I'd like to return the Karma back “to you”. Thus you'd come back in the next lifetime and say: Wow, Wow am I so blessed! Probably because you were such a good person in a prior lifetime. And that actually reminds me, Hinduism, when someone dies and passes back to the Other Side and they were “good” they actually hold a celebration because they know that that person if they were good has a bunch of Karma and they're going to come back and have a wonderful life next time. I remember that specifically. So that's the fundamentals of how to earn Karmic Credit and that if you earn Karmic Credit in one lifetime by being good then you bring it in with you in the next lifetime and it turns into people returning the Karma. See again - life is all about spirituality. Spiritual Life, Spiritual Energy is all about “balance:, okay? How does that sound Hans?

Excellent Alfred excellent. Funny, funny topic Karmic Credit. It makes people kind of giggle because they don't really understand exactly what it means. But remember: We are the sum total of all of our thoughts”. What we put out in our thinking pattern is already returning to us in like kind. These things that we have tried to teach you for lo these many years, when you put them together form a tapestry that when held to the light is really quite beautiful. We all have moments...we all have moments when we have an off day. The other day I had to go the the Dentist or as they call them here Dentista. And he's a wonderful dentist and people come from all over the world come to see him and he's kindness itself, he's a really great dentist. But I had had some very difficult situations where I had to have some teeth removed and because my roots had grow into my jaw bone it's not easy to get them out. I have to have some implants put in. So I built up all of this pre-set, not so much fear but resentment that I had to go...uncertainty about the outcome. And I heard my mind chatter just running a mile a minute. And I have to tell all of you Alfred stepped in and was a great help to me...Bella was a great help to friend Melinda was a great help to me. But I'm looking at an awful lot of dental work to be done. My mother had to do it, my grandmother had to do it, we all have the same sort of situation. So, what happened? Well yesterday we went to the Dentist but we were 2 hours early. So we had to come back and I had to go through all of the fussing again. And I caught myself saying: Time to practice principle, time to practice principle. So I want you to all know that I made it through the Dentist, I got the teeth extracted and then I will have implants put in there. And it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be because the person who removed the other tooth was a regular Dentist and this was an Oral Surgeon. So it was much, much different. So the worst of my fears did not come true. And I heard Guidance say to me: It is because you have so much Karmic Credit, don't worry you'll be fine. When you all begin to understand that...that at your darkest moments when things just seem like eek how am I going to get through this...the Spirit is there to pull out of its bag your Karmic Credit to help you through, okay? And even if, and we'll talk about this next week, even if there's a little more Karmic Debt than Karmic Credit remember this is an incredible opportunity right now to balance the scale by switching out of negative thinking into positive thinking. Big difference there. So you literally can move this in your lifetime from the negative to the positive certainly working on that agenda, alright? So Karmic Credit in this lifetime Alfred is usable in this lifetime. You got that?

Yes and that's a little bit of a twist on Karmic Credit. It doesn't necessarily need to be used with another soul who's incarnated. You could have been a generally good person and you could ask the Other Side - those souls who are not incarnated - ask your Guidance to use some of your Karmic Credit to help you through issues in this side. Okay? Karmic Credit is basically you've been a good person, you've done a bunch of good deeds and whether the souls are incarnated or not incarnated they say: Ah, okay well let's return some of the goodness that you've done back to you. And yes, you can use that within the same lifetime.

Very good Alfred, very good. Here's an interesting question that somebody wrote in Alfred - Can we run out of Karmic Credit? Folks, that would be very, very, very  difficult to do because even if you're in a difficult space, even if you're using too much anger or resentment, even if you're adding more to your Karmic Debt everyday than your Karmic Credit you are still at some point in the day, some point in the week, adding Karmic Credit to the matter. So can you run out of Karmic Credit? You'd have to be a very special person to accomplish that fact. So I'm going to say no, the answer is no to that. Now remember the more good that you it doesn't mean you have to run out and you know be a do gooder. I don't mean that because thoughts are living things children. So the more positive... For instance, if you're on a bus and you're going down the street a you see a gentleman sitting on a piece of cardboard, really down on his luck, a moment of positive thinking saying: Please God bring to that man all he needs to learn whatever lesson there is and please help him to eat today. That one thought, that fast moves you ahead in Karmic Credit. And the more positive things that you say... I saw a very, very elderly woman the other day being helped by her grandson across the street and I would estimate she was in her early 80's and very, very frail. I immediately went to them both in consciousness and said: Please bring to her all that she needs to operate at this time in her life to her highest good to, his highest good. Bless them. Surround them in light. Now I didn't do that because I had to think to do it. It's a naturalness that comes and you can all get into that place that you're operating in the light, in Karmic Credit by just viewing things in a little bit different way. That's the key, okay? 

One of our little teachings that I just want to help the people understand Karma and especially Karmic Credit is that when you do good things please do not have an expectation of what is coming back. Please do not have the thought to say: I am doing this to build Karmic Credit. No. One of the basic teachings we've always said over and over again is when you do something do not have an expectation of anything coming back in return. Just do good things for the sake of doing good things. As we've mentioned a couple of weeks ago when we were talking about Karma and Dharma - Karma is simply the Universe's way to record deeds and thoughts and energy. So if you are being good you can basically understand: Yes, the Universe is recording that. But you are being good because of the quality of your soul...

That is correct Alfred.

...that is why you do good things.

Because you've shifted into that state of mind.

Because your character, the character of your soul is: I am a good person. I am of service. And that's it. That's who I am, period. I am a good person doing good things because it makes me feel good. Okay, see how simple and clean that is? And then you let go of how the Universe records it. You let go of the fact that you're gaining Karmic Credit or anything like that... We're just telling you what happens behind the scenes.

Well Alfred let me point out a quick one here. They're building a new palapa here, a thatched palapa for the pool. And it was a hot day yesterday and there was rain in the air and it was really, really humid and I said to Alfred as I went by the window: Oh, those poor guys. He didn't hesitate an inch. He immediately went to the refrigerator. We keep bottles of Coca-Cola in the refrigerator, which I believe to be the national drink of Mexico, and he picked up 5 of them and he immediately went outside and gave each boy a Coke. Now he didn't think about that. That was an automatic response that was needed. That's what we're talking about. Don't be proud of yourself that you're doing a good deed because that means you're having to make them up. Know in your heart you already do good deeds because they flow through you as an action of God. Okay? Alrighty Mr. Alfred I think that concludes the lesson for today. And do we have any questions for today Alfred?

We absolutely do have questions. But one thing I forgot to announce is we are  accepting show topics. I finally put a link on the Radio Show page and I believe we also post links to Facebook. If you have a show topic that you'd like us to talk about, please send us a message on Facebook with your show topic and we will announce that we're reading your show topic and directing it at you. Such as we did last week for Kelly about Self Esteem. This week topic came from Teri in Florida. So if you have a topic you'd like us to talk about send us a message through, send us a message through Facebook and we'll let you know if we're going to use it. So this is the time of the show that we finish with our Spiritual Teaching and move on to answering Member Questions. You do not need to be a member but if you do want to be a member or find out about being a Spiritual Circle Member you can go to and under Spiritual Community you can look at the member benefits that you would get by being a member and how much it is for monthly dues for being a member. We're every so grateful for our members - believe me we are - for helping support the show and we're grateful for them to help us help others who listen to the show around the world. You can just look at the bottom of the Radio Show page and see how many people around the world have sent in quotes how the show has helped them. And we thank our members for supporting us, for supporting those people. So by your monthly dues you're earning Good Karma. Right Hans?

Absolutely Alfred.

Aha! Become a member and earn Good Karma!

I think that's called emotional blackmail Alfred.


Laughing... And you get a lot of good benefits for yourself. You get to send in a question that we read on Air and answer, not just for you but for anyone else who listens.

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