“Karmic Debt” - by Hans Christian King
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King www.HansKing.com
and Alfred Ricci www.AlfredRicci.com
Topic: Karmic Debt
May 23, 2014
Hello everyone, this is GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. Speaking to you is the Padawan Learner Alfred and I'm with the Modern Day Mystic himself. We're broadcasting from Asheville, North Carolina. We're back from our extended stay south of the border and we're back in beautiful mountain country. And speaking of Asheville, North Carolina, we'll be giving you more information about this soon, we'll be attending a local Psychic Fair that's being put on by a good friend of ours and we're ever so grateful that she is. But you can join us on July 12 at the Masonic Temple in Asheville, North Carolina to join Hans, myself as well as about 20 other spiritual practitioners from the local area. So if you're around Asheville, stop by and see us. We'll be posting information to Facebook about where it is, or if you would like more information of course just shoot us an email through the website or you can find more information on our Facebook page. So without further ado, to present the spiritual opinion of "What is Karmic Debt", I present to you the Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King.
Good afternoon everybody. Wonderful to be back in North Carolina. The weather's beautiful, my peonies are blooming, my roses are out, the trees are beautiful. A lot of water here in these mountains because of a pretty intense set of thunderstorms that went through earlier in the week but that just makes things grow and once again we're very happy to be back. "Karmic Debt" - oh gosh doesn't that sound terrible? I can't tell you the hundreds and hundreds of times that in working with people somebody would say to me: Well I must have done something wrong in another lifetime. All my life is about Karmic Debt. Nothing I ever try ever works. No relationship ever works. My jobs don't work. What is it that has happened? I want to first of all make something extremely clear about Karmic Debt. Karmic Debt will never under any circumstances destroy your original goals that you have set forward for yourself. You, your Guides, your Master, your Angels, you still have a plan. You still can make your life work. But you will face obstacles. Always some kind of an obstacle. When you think: Alright, I think the Karmic Debt I'm paying feels like this, you can say to Spirit: I think I'm learning what this is about. Please present me with more doors on this issue that I might discover more about where I need to be with this. But Karmic Debt sounds so terrible. It's like going to the DMV going to get your Driver's License and the years have gone by and you take the eye test and they say: You know your eyes are not as good as they used to be. And they say: Well, we're going to give you a Driver's License but it'll be provisional. You will have to wear glasses or you cannot drive at night. It's something like that. It doesn't stop you from getting where you want to go - where your heart's desire is. But there is a major obstacle. We have also in Karmic Debt, Karmic Debt with individuals. I'm going to stop right there and ask Alfred to come forward on that subject. I know he himself has had a karmic relationship with various family members and personal friends throughout the years. Alfred how does this Karmic Debt appear to you?
Karmic Debt, I have to completely agree, sounds more ominous than it really is.
(Laughing) Yes it does.
It's all about interaction and relationships. We'll take an example I was talking about in the Karmic Credit section. Say there was someone in a past life who did something really, really good for you. Say they helped you out with a job. You really needed a job and this person went way out of their way to help you and it really just changed your entire life. It put you on a job path and a career and your life was much better because of it. And you go back to the Other Side and said: Wow man thanks, that was really cool. I really appreciate what you did for me in a prior life. I see that you're on a blazing career path in this next life, I'd like to be able to help you. But it's, I have agreed to give you some karma. It's not necessarily a debt, but I'm repaying you for how you helped me. But it a choice. It's always a choice. It always follows the law of free will.
Alfred, just for once second when did you first realize that you might have some Karmic Debt with another individual?
When you just say: I really need to help this person. I don't know why, but I really should.
Karmic Debt and families - this is a subject that we have approached before in our many radio shows. There are times in our life when family members may present us with great challenges and we wonder what did we ever do to deserve this kind of a challenge. What we don't know is it may be a little bit of karmic payback time. Perhaps in a previous time you were a little bit of a schmuck, not the kindest person, nicest person, and let's say you intentionally visited upon you.
That's a really good way to put it. To say that you really weren't so nice to a certain person or a certain group of people. And you go back up to the Other Side and you review your life and you say: Ewh, I wasn't very nice to those people...
...I really should do something to reverse the karma in that situation because by being not so nice of a person you created negative karma.
Yes, exactly.
And you go back to the Other Side and say: Aah, I want to go back and reverse that negative karma, put some positive karma. So the Karmic Debt in this case, as commonly referred to, is simply - you made an agreement with the universe to help add some positive light, some positive energy, some positive karma in the next life where you created negative karma in the previous life.
So you're trying in the next life to balance what you did and that's commonly referred to as negative karma but again we're looking at the situation you volunteered to do that.
Alfred it comes down to a balance doesn't it?
It is. So it's not that somebody or the universe holds your foot to the fire and says: You must do this. No, it's that you agreed as always to these lessons. You agreed to these experiences. You agreed to provide some good karma in a certain way.
Very, very well put. Alfred also there are times when we are not aware of Karmic Debt. Where we become victims. Our little child inside of us hurts because somebody says something or hurts because something that we're trying to put together, something we really want to do simply doesn't pan out. And we keep trying and no matter what we do it doesn't pan out. That Karmic Debt that's causing that will not last if you learn not to be a victim of the appearance of it and simply say to Spirit: I understand why this has happened. I understand why I'm being kept from this. At some point I must have done something to deserve this. I apologize for this. I choose to not live in this old reality anymore and I make myself available to learn that lesson. I bless that person, I bless that situation. And I rise above it. You start at that point basically to unravel the negative energy attached to the Karmic Debt. You see? But life is so constructed on the human scene, especially in the western world, that we believe we must have been a bad person. I want to talk about something called "money", okay? There's a nice interesting thing. Alfred's turned around in his chair. Money. Sometimes, sometimes during our life we go through financial crises and we wonder what we could have done that God would be so angry with us. What could have happened that kept us from being in a loving, safe environment and what kept us from having the abundance we thought we were entitled to have. What did we do wrong? If we stop for just a moment and remember: That everything in life has a corresponding opposite. We will realize that: Yes, there may be some Karmic Debt going on around finances but you will be brought through this situation and that no Karmic Debt will allow you to not move forward, none. Some will stop you momentarily...absolutely. Every once in a while when something goes awry, I find myself saying: Hmm...Okay, what's in this for me today? What did I do? I'm willing to look at it and I make fun of it as best I can and I prepare myself to rise above it and move on. But it does stop you. And sometimes some dreams, some goals, some longings in the heart, sometimes those are put on hold for just a little bit. But if we don't become a victim...send $10 here, $15 there you will pay them down and you will eventually pay them off. And then you will say: Hmm, won't do that again. You see what I'm saying folks? Whenever the appearance of Karmic Debt in your life occurs, stop for a moment and say to yourself: This has nothing to do with who I am. This must have something to do with how I behaved in a previous time. I choose to see the light in this and I thank you for the lesson. And that's very hard to do folks if you lose your house or you lose your job. Life moves on and nothing remains the same and if you use Karmic Debt as stepping stones you will walk yourself out of it and into your Karmic Credit. Because the other side of Karmic Debt, is last week's show, Karmic Credit. Alfred, anything on that bit of wisdom that Spirit gave us?
Yes, that's a really tough one for some people is to sit in the moment with the realization that whatever you're going through there's a distinct possibility you asked to go through it.
Simply to go through the experience. We'll just say for example...oh, we'll pick a really bad one: You were a slum lord...
(Laughing) You brought this up a couple of weeks ago. Were you a slum lord Alfred?
Maybe I was. And you treated your tenants really... you asked for certain lessons but what we're trying to explain is you asked to visit that experience.
As with all of your life, you asked to visit those experiences. Whether those experiences were for lessons or for fun or for love or for relationships...
In other words, it's not by accident it's by design.
So your job is not to believe the illusion that God has it out for you. It's to simply go with the flow and say: Wow, okay I feel what it's like to be in that situation. I understand what it's like to let go to look for a house. I trust and believe there is a purpose now God could you please find me a place to live.
So you're rolling with the punches, you're going with the flow and understanding there's a larger purpose for certain experiences. How does that one work Hans?
Very, very, very good Alfred. Very good. Folks, let's talk about something that I hear a lot from my clients throughout the years - Why does God punish? Why does Spirit punish? Folks, what kind of a god are you praying to? God doesn't punish. Spirit doesn't punish. Everything that is in your life is what came out of your consciousness. Well, why doesn't God rescue me? God is rescuing you but under karmic law you must balance between your lives. You must balance from one life to the next life you must balance out. The dharma as we spoke before in this lifetime for this lifetime but you also enhance it for the next lifetime. You're on buddy.
So the whole gist of all of this is to help everyone understand that the term "Karmic Debt"... take it a little more loosely to understand that there was something that happened and whether it's visited in the same life or it's visited in a subsequent life it's meant to "balance". All in the universe is about balance, all about nature is about balance, all about karma is about balance. But again it is not a steadfast law that God has a stick and says: You were a bad person. You did a bad thing. Thus you “must” balance out the negative karma that you created. No, it's up to your soul to recognize that. And there is a possibility for example in this lifetime. Think about Scrooge, for example. In the first part of Scrooge's life he was quite stingy...
Scroogy. Okay? And he created a bunch of shall we say negative karma. But after he was visited by the ghost he said: Aah, maybe I can be nice in this lifetime.
Yes, exactly.
Okay. So you don't have to wait to repay negative karma. You can actually wake up mid-life and say: Oh, I have resources. I have time. I have love. I can volunteer. I can do something to balance out that karma in this lifetime. Just like Scrooge, he woke up and what is he doing? Buying a turkey.
And he was an elderly man and he still made an effort. That's the key. So don't worry about your age, just worry about your consciousness.
Yes. So it's not something again that needs to be revisited. The whole point is that it is a "choice" - such as everything in the law of free will. It is a choice for you to go back and look at the negative karma that was previously created. So that really doesn't describe a Debt, that just says: Look who I am. I've changed.
Yes. And letting Spirit know that you are aware that you're not a victim. This is sort of payback time. Thank them for their support. Thank them for bringing clarity to you. You're going to find that it feels like a weight is lifted off of you. So in your darkest of moments when you think you are loaded with a Karmic Debt and you don't have any Karmic Credit and God doesn't love you and Spirit's not speaking to you... No matter what it looks like, say: Thank you for helping me to see past my mind chatter and past the illusion that my mind is creating about this issue. You notice that every time we sign off on the radio show Spirit says one wonderful thing to you. Remember that? "Remember that God does not love anyone more in this world than you.” Which means that even though you may have been born with some Karmic Debt you are equal of the eyes of the Other Side. Folks I learned 50 years ago that who someone is and their behavior are two different things. And the Spirit sees who we are not our behavior. Sometimes our behavior makes them a little crazy because they'll often say: I thought she got that one. I thought he understood it. Well, we'd better change the game plan to help them to learn it. You have so much love on a daily basis. It surrounds you. It welcomes you in.
As we teach in the Automatic Writing Class and the Channeling Class is Spirit guides you through how you feel. So if you feel for example you should volunteer at a soup line, if you feel you should just help someone, if you feel like you should just do something - then go with that feeling because that's a possibility that you asked for that experience. And you're saying: Well what's in it for me? Well that's human - that's mind chatter. As with all things Spirit guides us to that which we asked to experience. We may not understand why we asked to experience. Our job is to listen and go where our heart directs us. So Spirit may be guiding us to repay a Karmic Debt, add some karma in a specific area to visit a certain experience that we may not particularly like but that we asked them to guide us to so that we could feel what it's like being on the other end of the stick. Because maybe we treated somebody bad on that end of the stick and said: You know what I really want to be...one of the families and he has a really hard boss who treated him the way he was treated...the way he treated his employees. Now he has two choices: As that poor employee in the second life. Either he could just say: Yeah, this is where I'm supposed to be and thank God that I'm alive to experience that which I asked to experience or to get mad at God wondering why God is punishing him with such a horrible boss.
And the reality is Scrooge came down and said: You know what? I want to learn the lesson of what it's like to feel like the people that I treated and what it was like for them.
Very, very good example.
Okay? So you're not being held back because you don't have money. You're not being held back because your boss is crazy. Maybe it's just as simple as you asked the universe for those experiences.
That's correct. And we did. Alright Alfred I think that will conclude the lesson for today. I thank you for your participation.
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