Sunday, April 26, 2015

“Fear and Doubt Can Only Live in the House You Build” - Rebroadcast - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Fear and Doubt Can Only Live in the House You Build” - Rebroadcast 
- by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Fear and Doubt Can Only Live in the House You Build - Rebroadcast
April 26, 2015

Today’s show is a compilation of an excerpt “You Are Already Okay” from Hans' CD “Stop Searching and Start Living,” plus a classic radio show replay of “Fear and Doubt Can Only Live in the House You Build.”

Part 1 of 2 – excerpt “You Are Already Okay” from Hans' CD “Stop Searching and Start Living”

When you are having an experience where you are needing someone to validate you, or a situation, or a circumstance to validate you, to make you feel okay... Remember something: You already are okay. This experience has nothing to do with you. “What someone thinks of you is none of your concern. What you think of what they think of you is, in fact, very much your concern”. So the process is about, once again, turning to that fear, that need, that sense of vulnerability, and saying to that inner child: No, you're perfect. We really don't need anyone's permission to be who we are. We would like it. It would be nice. But we do not need.

So we go from “needing” to “not needing. So the experience or the lesson is about letting go of our perception of what we need to be safe. Once again, every time that fear, that need, arises within each and every one of us, we need to turn to our inner child, our inner thought processes and say: No, once again we don't need this. This is what we would like. But we don't need it. And simply give ourself the gift... give ourself the gift of ourself and make ourself enough. That we are enough for our life. We are enough for our dreams.

There is, my friends, a huge investment that we have in getting an "okay-ness" from someone else. We are are taught as children that we're good if this happens, then we're bad if that happens, and here's what you have to be to be loved in this world, this is what you have to do to get along in this world... And for many, many people, they just don't fit. And part of this program is to help people to understand that "not fitting is arriving." I so not fit in the world that we make jokes out of it. I mean I'm to the point now where people say: Well what do you do for a living? I said: I talk to the dead. Now that gets people's attention. 

But I so don't fit that it's wonderful. I have a sign on my refrigerator that says: I'm so far from perfect I'm pleased. And I have another one that says: The longer I live the more I'm certain of how little I know and it's just fine. Learning to "be" and to not listen to the mind chatter will change your experience in this existence from the dark to the light.

Part 2 of 2 – GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE - Wisdom For Your Soul 
“Fear and Doubt Can Only Live in the House You Build” -  Rebroadcast from August 30, 2014

Hello everybody. Welcome to the show. Today's topic is "Fear and Doubt Can Only Live in the House You Build." We are very happy to be with you today. It's a beautiful day. And you know, at a certain time of your life every day is a beautiful day. And I wish that I could help people to understand that every day is a beautiful day. We're blessed to be on the planet, we're blessed to be doing what we're supposed to be doing, and I'd like everybody to hold a thought for our dear friend Joan Rivers as she hopefully tries to regain consciousness after her medical emergency. She's brought a lot of laughs to a lot of people. Made a lot of people really angry. But I think she's pretty remarkable for 81 years old. So I am praying. I hope you all do too. 

A couple of days ago I tweeted, yes, Hans King is tweeting if anyone can believe that. I tweeted something that Spirit said to me. Guidance said: "I'd like them to understand that fear and doubt can only live in the house they build." I want everyone to stop for a moment and think about that. What does that mean? It means that fear and doubt are an illusion manufactured in the mind. It is not really true. Yes, there are horrific events that happen in some people's lives, wars, accidents, things of that nature... But for most people that does not happen. And some day we will talk a little bit about what happens when those events occur. 

But for most of us the greatest, probably most difficult thing we face in life is the illusion generated by the mind chatter. I once said to someone: Do you realize that nothing you are saying is actually going on? And she stopped me and she was quite angry and she said: Well of course it's going on. It's this and this and that and that... She went down this list and she said: I've been afraid since I was a little girl and all of these things that could have happened to me... And I stopped her. And I said: Could have happened to you, but they didn't. No, but she said: I was afraid and I was eager to get out of the circumstances. And I tried to help her to understand that she built a house to receive fear and doubt. 

They're old friends you know. They go out together, have lunch, what have about how they can best mess up what you're doing in life. But if you would understand that deep inside of you are a series of rooms and doors, love is one of those doors for those rooms. Fear is one of those rooms. And when you begin to understand: Oh, wait a minute! Are you saying to me that I'm attracting the fear and the doubt to myself because I actually have built the room to receive it? And I would say: Yes. And then you begin the long journey of trying to prove to me that isn't so. 

Remember all that is coming towards you is coming out of your own fear, your own mind chatter. Alfred would you jump in here for a little bit and tell me of your experience. The reason I bring Alfred in is he has a much younger experience and it is different than my experience.

Fear and doubt really, from a spiritual perspective, don't exist. And what does that mean from my point of view is the worst absolute thing that can happen, that you could be fearful of, that you would be doubtful of is you leave the human body and go back to the Other Side which is reality. You're only here temporarily for the existence of the soul having a human experience.

And the illusion of being in the existence.

Yes. And the illusion and the difficulty of overcoming the illusion. So if you think about what's the worst thing you fear... what is it? Going back to the Other Side, going Home, going to a wonderful world of peace and harmony?

Well gee Alfred, aren't we all going to do that anyway?

We are. And if you put it in that perspective, what could you really fear? Oh, I may not succeed this lifetime. Okay. Well, you go back to the Other Side and say: Oh, let me give that another shot. And you come back down. There is no time. You can come back down and reincarnate as many times as you want. Just because you didn't do as well as you think you could, fine. You go back up to the Other Side and review it and you have another go at it. I think that's probably the other thing that's most worried about is: Am I going to do well this life? Well you don't have to worry about that either.

No, you don't Alfred. You couldn't be more correct. Because you see folks, this is but a "click" in time. If you've ever listened to a Grandfather Clock, "click"... "click"... "click". That's your life. The largeness of your life is that you have billions of "clicks". Now I'm not saying to you that you should hurry up and run Home. No, no, no. On the contrary, what you want to do is hurry up and learn your lessons. You've heard me often speak about: And what makes you think that anything is wrong? 

Things are thrown at us and... For instance, I made the mistake yesterday and I don't know what I was thinking... of turning on the News. And the 2 channels that are side-by-side are FOX and MSNBC. And I watched one for 5 minutes and watched the other for 5 minutes then turned them off. Because all they are is someone's "opinion" of what's going on. People who have absolutely no comprehension, no inside information, nothing. They're just making it up. You see? 

And that's what we do in our life, Alfred, is that the way we are trained, the way life is presented to us as a child through our family, our fears are the fears of our fathers. Our fears are the fears of our mothers, our grandmothers, our grandfathers, our siblings. Our fears were never with us when we came in. There are, children, exceptions to that rule. Always an exception to every rule. The exception being sometimes someone has suffered what you have hear me refer to as "a trauma to the soul." And when that happens, when that occurs, sometimes there's what I call a "carry-forward-memory." That's when I find the value of past life regression. 

Now I know Alfred you've gone for past life regression and you found some things and I believe you found it quite helpful. Is that right?

That really was amazing because I remember a long time ago when I was in the Boy Scouts I actually had my Life Saving Merit Badge. I was a Lifeguard. But for some reason, during Lifeguard training, they wanted us to dive beneath the pier. And about 15 Lifeguards dived beneath the pier to check if everything was okay and popped up the other side and I sort of looked at that and I said: I'm not doing that. And I was the only one. And it just... pure white fear came over my body and I absolutely could not understand why I did not like swimming underneath things. I could swim anywhere. I could swim a mile no problem at all. But not underneath things. 

And then finally I had a past life regression and it was because I had drowned because something had been on top of me like a ship or something.  And I specifically remember the exact same feeling when I went through my past life regression. Now, did it exist? Does it exist? It existed in the past and it's a carry-forward memory but it doesn't exist in the "now."

No, it doesn't. And folks, here's a little homework you can do over the next week. If something's bothering you, something you heard strikes a little bit of a fear cord in you, or some doubt arises on a subject, stop yourself for a minute and say: Is this true? Is any of this true? Is this an actual fact or is my mind making it up because I have a place inside of me to believe something bad could happen. But is what is going on right now actually true or is it my mind chatter's interpretation? And if you start to do that, Alfred, with everything that comes up that's fearful or scary, you will literally change your life forever.

And that's an interesting way to look at it is is look at fear and doubt from a spiritual perspective. Fear and doubt are "human." I'm not going to have enough money, I'm not going to find a partner, this is not going to happen or that is going to happen. All of that is about control, security. Those things are the complete opposite of spirituality which is abundance is unlimited, love is unlimited, your soul is unlimited. The humanness of us worries about: Do I have enough time? Am I going to run out of time? Spiritually speaking Einstein knew this - there is no time. 

No. You can't run out of it then.

So if you get into a place of fear and doubt about anything, look at it and say: Am I being human? Am I looking at this from a human perspective? If I look at it from a spiritual perspective can those things I'm worrying about even exist? 

Excellent. Thank you very much. And that's the interesting thing is is what we're thinking about true? Does it actually exist? Or have I been so programmed that I've built a room in the house of my soul that provides me a space to put that fear, to put that doubt, to put that anger? You've heard me throughout the years... I love this old British saying that says: You see what you look for you know. But does anybody actually hear that? It's an old metaphysical saying that comes out of pure truth - You see what you look for you know. That's the room in the heart that you provide for the fear and the doubt to scare you. 

I once told you that 96 to 98% of everything we ever worry about - this is a scientific study – 96 to 98% of everything we ever worry about actually never occurs. But we spend upwards of 37% of our waking day being concerned about it. Now folks just think what you could do with that 37%.

Be peaceful. Be happy. Be joyful. Be grateful. Be in the moment.

Be peaceful. Go to the park with a loaf of cheap bread and feed the ducks. They don't care whether it's cheap or not. They love the carbohydrates. Just do something. Do something differently. Don't operate any longer out of fear and doubt because you are all baby angels having this incredible human experience. 

And stay off the News. We've got so many wonderful channels out there now from the Discovery Channel to HGTV. All kinds of wonderful channels doing all kinds of wonderful things. We have that now. If you want to watch TV, watch those things. I drive my folks a little crazy because I'm really fond of HGTV. And I watch how things are built, I watch how things are cooked. I like the Food Channel. That type of thing. And that's really, to me, quite enjoyable. Alfred he likes his Jeep Building and Car Building Shows. So find something that's fun, that's light. But watch even when you're doing that often the mind chatter begins. Okay? 

Alfred talk about that a minute. That in the middle of doing something quite wonderful the little devil tends to creep in.

Well if you're in the moment usually it doesn't. But sometimes if you're out, say going for a walk, there'll be something... oh your mind chatter, your ego, your program that says: Shouldn't you be thinking about this? Shouldn't you be worrying about that? And it will take you out of the moment and bring you to what possibly could happen in the future or what you should be considering doing or what you could be doing other than being in the moment.

Um hmm.

Okay? And that I think is your best spiritual defense is to say... The thing that I do is if something like that happens, I say: Okay, if this is a valid thought, I kindly request the Other Side to remind me of it when I'm done being in the moment.


If it's not a valid thought then They're not going to remind me.

(Still Laughing) That's right. Get the heck away from me... Folks find always the humor in how you succumb to the mind chatter. Make it funny. Make it a joke. You know every once in awhile I'll say: Oh, there you go again silly thing! There you go again. So even in my life and all the teachers I know, to the person, I can tell you people who periodically the mind chatter gets the better of them and they forget to lock the room, the door where they are saying it's okay to come in. 

You've got to lock that up. Draw a picture. Get some paper, draw a picture of a room with a big lock on it. Picture yourself drawing some keys and mark that room "Fear and Doubt." This is your home for Fear and Doubt.  But as of today, this very moment, you're going to lock that door. And you're going to take that key and you're going to throw it into the woods, you're going to throw it into the ocean. And when you're doing that you are saying: I give you no more power to exist in me today and for the rest of this incarnation. I am free of this fear. I am free of the doubt. It has no home here. I am free. 

Now you may have to do that, gentle friends, over and over and over again. But in the end you will win. Always. Because it was never attached to you in the first place. You already had all the love, all the acceptance, all the non-judgment, all the joy is your birthright in the human form as your soul entered that form. You were complete at that moment. All the rest is an add-on. It's an addendum. It has nothing to do with who you are. Now you didn't know you were building the room to hold the fear and the doubt. Because we were born into a world that segregates out humanness and replaces it with fear and doubt. 

I remember watching a movie... it was something out of India or Indian... I forget who it was. But I remember the Professor Godbole when James Fox is running around and saying: I can't find my tie pin and all... And he says: I have to get to the court because she's up in the court for the trial and all that. And Professor Godbole said: What are you going on about? He said: I have to be there. I have to help. And Godbole stopped him and he said: Young man what makes you think that you have anything whatsoever to do with the outcome of this trial? It has it's own life and it will proceed down that road.

That's a really good point is one of the most important aspects we're taught, as human, is that "you" are the person who is in control of your life, "you" are the person who can get what you need to serve out of this life. That is a very human thought. That is a very separating thought. In that line of thought you are separating yourself from the humanness. You have yourself. And God's going to say: Okay great. If you think you've got it figured out, go for it. We're just going to hang back here and relax.


And as many of you know, spiritually speaking, the complete opposite is to surrender the outcome. So what we're doing is we're pointing out that the reason fear and doubt exist in your life is because there is an aspect of your life that is human and simply consider applying a spiritual principle in that area such as control and surrendering.

Lock the door. Because the greatness of your spirituality far exceeds any power that any mind chatter, fear or doubt, could ever have over you. When we say to you: Not my problem - we don't mean to insult you. What we're saying is your problem that you're going through is made up by you. It is not my problem. I don't wish to be upset by what you're doing. Why are you doing that? 

I had the pleasure to speak to a woman yesterday. She was so caught up in fear and doubt that it had literally destroyed all the possibilities in her life. She never took a partner because her mother once said to her: Yes, but they can leave you. Because her father did. She never got a good job because her mother said: It's a shame you're going to have to find a man someday to take care of you because you're just not bright enough. She bought that. 57 years of it. None of it was true. None of it will ever be true. 

But she provided a space. In other words she built a house for that sadness, that pain, that doubt to live in. And she made certain that she fed that by proving that nothing had happened good for her and what she couldn't see was that she had never allowed anything "good" to happen for her. She became a victim of her own consciousness. And when I tried very hard with Spirit to remove it, she tried very hard to put it back in place. 

For those of you who are healers and teachers, for those of you who work in the work that I work in, Alfred works in, sometimes folks, people have built such large homes to house their fear and doubt that you couldn't knock them down with a bulldozer. Alfred you know this to be so.

If you identify with it, if you think it is you, if you think you're past makes up who you are, there's really nothing we can do to help you.


That's it. If you understand that your past is simply that - the past. It is nothing more than a memory, if you understand that your past has made you stronger, built your character, be grateful for your past - but it is not where you are. Where you are is in the moment. Then you have a place to move out of that to say: No, this is where I am. That does not exist. It is not who I am. I am where I am in the moment. Those things are now are not me. I have choice. And that's what we're trying to teach you.

Okay, that's very good. Just hold it there for a second. Choice. Alfred, do you know that most people don't believe they have a choice out of fear and doubt?

Because we're not told we have choice...


We're told you have to drink Coke and... And I just saw on a commercial today the newest thing - exercise your face to look younger.

(Hans laughing)

You have to look younger so you have to exercise your face.

Yes, that's it.

You have to look slimmer, you have to earn more money, your car has to be newer. Are you tired of driving that boring old car?

Oh my goodness...

Wouldn't you want a nice new car to show everybody how successful you are? 

Isn't that funny how we're taught from Day 1, and as most of you know, I have a soapbox for this... We're taught from Day 1 - we're not quite good enough. Here's what we have to do. We have to eat Wheaties so we look like an athlete. We have to have our hair colored so we can look like the gal on the box of Clairol. We have to look and dress a certain way. Our bodies have to be a certain way. Folks, 99% of all people age and there really and truly isn't much you can do about it but watch your eating, exercise and be sure that you have a good mental attitude. 

Our friend Joan Rivers, whether you like her or you don't like her, has actually gotten better with age. She truly has. She's at the absolute height of her career. And for those of you who've ever watched, I think it was in 2011 or 2012, her movie... It's amazing because she is, without a doubt, what many of you are - Survivors. She doesn't have a place in her heart to say she can fail. 

I want every one of you to not have a place within you that says: I'm not good enough. You know one of the biggest products that we have out that reaches more people than anything we do is: “You Are Enough.” Why? Because most people don't know that's true. There is nothing you're ever going to do for the rest of your life that  will ever make you better than who you already are. 

Oh, you can dress differently. You can live in a big house. You can have lots of money. But it all goes away one day folks. It all goes away. And what you are left with is the essence of you. Just the divine baby angel who came to visit in the human form. You are eternal. You are love itself. You are the radiant aspect of the Spirit in human form. Therefore what you want to always understand is that Spirit is your Source. Spirit is walking with you. Spirit is holding you. Spirit is saying gently to you: Mmmmm... You deserve better than that. You see? You deserve better than that. Don't build a room or a house for fear and doubt. Build a house of love, acceptance. I am enough. Not only for today but forever. 

I had an interesting experience, Alfred, today. I had a wonderful client who had called and in speaking with her, she was still caught up in her childhood and her teens and early 20's with her family. She was so caught up with this that she actually believed that she was still in that. Although the parents, the grandparents, were all dead. They were all gone. They were all back in the Other Side. 

But she was still living in the pain, in the doubt, in the fear, the anger, the resentment. She was still in that place screaming out: Why? Why? Why did that happen? Look what happened to my life. Rather than say: Whew! I'm glad I'm out of that! I'm not going to let that come into my life anymore. That was then. I'm not that person. I'm a different person. I'm this person here. A person in love, in light, of myself. 

Now folks, many of you actually believe the pain in your life. You believe it. But if you stop for just a moment and you say: You know, let me think about this for a minute. Why am I still in pain over something that happened 25 or 30 years ago? You see, you're in it because you built the house for it to stay. You built the house for it to live and you feed it continuously. And until you stop feeding the pain, the disappointment, the fear, it will continue to live in the house that you have built that you don't know you built. 

So folks, right now what I want you to hear... what I want you to hear is that “love abounds”. You may everything in the world that you need. But if you don't have peace... and you don't have love... you don't have anything. And you're in charge of that. Because if there's not someone in your life right, you be the one who you need to hug... for now. Okay?

Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for today. 

For more information, you may like:
You are Enough
Stop Searching and Start Living

Monday, April 20, 2015

“Living Fearless Of The Unknown”- by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Living Fearless Of The Unknown”- by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Living Fearless Of The Unknown
April 20, 2015

Hello everyone. Today's topic is "Living Fearless of the Unknown." One of the things I've always noticed that Spirit does is try to teach us about how to not live in the human scene and all the fear that it generates. The Spirit once said to someone who said she was very fearful of something... And he said to her: How can you be fearful of it if you don't know what it is? She said: I don't know but I'm afraid of everything.

I think, from when we're very young, we are given things to be aware of, to be concerned about, shall I say. And we have a tendency to look a little towards the darker side of possibilities. In other-words, when a situation comes up, we have a tendency to say: Oh gee, I wonder if it's going to work, what if I get in trouble, what if this isn't for me, what if I lose my job...

So "Fear," as Spirit has always said to me, is its own food. It tends to feed itself. But learning to live a fearless life sounds so simple doesn't it? But living a fearless life means: Refusing to allow fear to be part of your mental and spiritual dialogue. The dialogue you have with yourself. Now remember, that humanness in and of itself, children, is limitation. Humanness is limitation. Humanness is only aware of what it is aware “of.” But it is not aware of all there is.

So no matter who the person is, no matter what category of life they're in, no matter what their teachings have been, no matter what they're trying to teach, all humans have a fear based mentality. So your job, being in the human form, is to learn to rise above the appearance of fear knowing there is nothing to be afraid "of".

You've often heard me say during World War II, Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressed the Congress after the attack at Pearl Harbor and he said, very specifically, an old metaphysical saying: And it said: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Remember that's all we have to worry about is that when we give power to fear, fear presents itself to us. And it does so in such a way as it presents itself as "real."

Now Alfred, I'm going to ask you to step in here. Your thoughts on these particular subjects that we're talking about today...

Since I've been studying under Hans for the past several years, I've learned this term called "transcending." I would have never, ever used the term transcending in my prior life that was full of all kinds of very large consulting words that I will not indulge you with... But what does transcending mean? Transcending to me means going over and above, to go past, to go so far beyond whatever you were considering, that you transcend it. 

And the way I look at fear personally is to transcend it. To say: Fear is keeping you from those things that you don't have. Fear is keeping you from all the possibilities of Spirit. And if Spirit is just pure love, pure support, the love that a parent would give a child, the love that God has for you... if that is what you don't have, then do the complete opposite - embrace it, go after it with all your heart. Fear is a human trait. Transcending fear is thinking that you absolutely deserve to have in your life the unknown.

Well, all our potential is in the unknown. All of our potential lies in not knowing. In other-words, everything that we do every single day is based on an unknown. In other-words, you're going to go to the market... you're going to go to the barbershop... you're going to go on a trip. But somewhere in your humanness you'll manufacture things like "I wonder how the traffic is... I wonder if they'll have the item I'm going to buy... I wonder if I'll be safe in the car...".

So again, humanness, in and of itself is a limitation. Now Spirit, in and of "itself" is boundless, it's limitless, it breathes clearly, it has no sense of fear or doubt. You ever notice a very young child? Basically, they're born with no fear. My little dog Bella has no fear. She's never been treated to anything that would bring fear into her life so she basically thinks... I call her "AB" - anybody's baby... She just thinks that everybody is just there for her and is wonderful and kind and might have a treat of some kind, you never know.

This is how we should be. Afraid of what? We're mesmerized in the human form by the human condition. We're mesmerized. We believe it. It's on television. The President said so. Some journalist said so. So the way we operate in the human form is to expect that there needs to be fear somewhere along the way, caution somewhere along the way. But when you begin to walk in both worlds, when you have one foot in this dimension, one foot in the spiritual dimension, all of that fear begins to dissipate. And you begin to understand that The Spirit, again, is endless, it's boundless. It affords us the opportunity to truly transcend the illusion of your humanness.

Now people will say: Well I'm here to be human. No, you're not. You're here in human form to work through some lessons. Again, be in the world but not of it. So, you see, we're here, as Spirit in human form to work through certain things we chose to learn. One of them is: Not to be fearful. 

Any advice, Alfred?

It is a choice. Just as all spiritual lessons, especially when presented by Hans himself, he presents it in a way that it is a choice. We've said many times: Here's a possibility to live your life. Not just not in fear but to embrace the unknown, to welcome to unknown, to be absolutely psyched out of your mind.

Well isn't it wonderful, the unknown? Just think of the potential in it.

Exactly. And considering that it's being presented by your Guidance, by the Universe, by all the love that the Universe and your Guidance have for you to embrace the unknown. What's the difference? The difference is you made a choice. 

Because all of your tomorrows are in the unknown. 

And it simply, believe it or not, a decision to say: I'm going to be psyched out of my mind. I'm so excited about the unknown. Or, to let... da, da, dah, your mind chatter say: No, I'm in fear of the unknown. Believe it or not, when you go deep inside, it's a choice.

The more we surrender our human awareness, the more we lose control. And the more we lose control, the more power we have. Because when we turn loose of the way we think it needs to look, the way we think it needs to feel, and we say: I am available for that which is truly to my highest good.

We go back to what we said - that Spirit is limitless. Our associate with the Spirit is limitless. But if we hold on very tight and we say it needs this way or it needs to look that way... Then what happens is we lose the possibilities in the moment. And in the moment is everything... always. In the moment is our life. Not yesterday and not tomorrow. Right here today. So the less control, the more available we become to the unknown. And therein lies our hopes, our joys, and our possibilities.

Letting go of control is just about part of every spiritual practice there is. Whether it is Buddhism, whether it's Healing, whether it's Reiki... Any type of spirituality there will be these words: Surrender... Let go... Let go of control. Okay? And part of the practice of when you decide to let go of fear is to let go of control of what you have so that you can make space within your being, within your life, for the unknown. So that you make space for your Guidance, for the Universe, to provide you things that you don't have.

So that's why it's the next step, should we say, after you make a choice is to then look at other things such as... Okay, I'm going surrender. I've made a decision to let go of fear... I'm going to let go of control... I'm going to make space in my life. That's part of the process that all aspects of your life follow through with letting go of fear, embracing the unknown, embracing that what is going to be presented for you is for your highest good.

Yes. And you know folks, making ourself available is where Spirit can guide us to places we cannot imagine. Making ourself available for us means turning loose of the way you perceived it... the way you perceived it had to look.

We cannot even imagine what "could" come into our life by letting go.

No, you can't. By letting go you say: I trust you to God. I believe in you to Spirit. I'm willing to not have a judgment what I'm going through, what you're presenting to me now, because I "know," beyond any reasonable doubt, it is to my highest good. I know it. You see how that works? You've heard it your whole life... When someone says: Let go and let God. We hear it and we digest it. But do we ever really "hear" it? Let go and let God.

There are times in my life when every path that I was going down was closed. Every single, solitary path... And I used to say to God: Why? And I would get this rather sweet little voice that said: It's to your highest good. You just don't know it yet. But that's the truth, you see? My consciousness, your consciousness, in order to feel good about the conditions of our life try to define what it has to look. And when it doesn't look that way we suffer from something I call - lost expectations. And it's in those lost expectations that fear grows. 

Rather than saying: I don't know what's in this but I'm going to hang on because I'm dying of curiosity and I trust my God, and I trust my Guides, and I trust my Angels, and I know they're going to take me where I need to be. So making ourself available for Spirit guides us to places we can't even begin to imagine.

When I heard the interview between Deepak Chopra and Oprah when she said to him: Did you every dream this? He said: No, I didn't have the capability. And he turned to her and said: Oprah, did you ever dream you'd be... She said: Oh, no. I didn't have the capability. She said: Spirit dreamed this dream for me.

Neither one of these people... even though Deepak's father was a very well known Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine... even though Oprah was a deeply religious individual... Neither one of them believed they would be in control of billion dollar empires... for good. It's nice to think about it. But they did what Spirit sent for them to do and the rest is history. 

I'd like to talk a little bit about how to turn fear of the unknown into a deep desire for that which is beyond our thoughts. In other-words I want to turn about turning the fear into possibilities. Many years ago, I don't have a copy of it, it could be in my library, I'll have to take a look... A gentleman by the name of Jerry Jampolsky wrote a book called "Face the Fear and Do It Anyway." That's a line from Spirit - Face the fear and do it anyway. We now have programs where people can go on zip-lines and people jumping out of airplanes... What are they trying to do? They're trying to get past their fear which has been their limitation. 

I had a dear lady who was married to a gentleman who, for whatever reason, became very angry and resentful. And she had three children and he was coming home drunk. And they got therapy for him. Nothing worked. He was just this very angry man. And one day he hit her in front of the children. And she called me... booked an appointment. And I said these words to her after hearing her story... I said: Mam, I don't understand why you're calling me. You should have already made your decision. She said: But I'm struggling. And I said: No, you're afraid. She said: What do you mean? I said: You're afraid. You're afraid to jump off the cliff into the unknown. It's time to let this gentleman go. He will be in your life forever because he is the father of your children. But that he hit you in front of the children says to you: Oh, I'm out of here. I will not live under a place that is fearful for me. She did, of course, do the right thing for herself and her children and in the end it wound up being the right thing for ex-husband as well.

When we agree to no longer be bound... to no longer being bound by  humanness, our whole life opens up. 

Alfred, let's talk a little bit about how to turn fear of the unknown into a deep desire or form... say that which is beyond our thoughts.

There's something I've known for a very time that if you're in control, you're by yourself.

Yes. If you're in control, your out of control.

If you're in control, you're alone. You're alone with your thoughts; you're alone with what you think you know. The other option is to surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally, people who have your highest good in mind at all times, people who know more than you, people who are not in limitation, people who are spiritual. So who am I talking about? It's surrounding yourself with Spirit. Opening yourself up to that. That is the complete opposite of fear. If you're in fear, you're trying to control the outcome, you're trying to buffer yourself, you're trying to protect yourself. Hence, you're pushing away those people who are trying to help you.

That's the opposite of spirituality. Instead the opposite of fear is embracing and surrounding yourself with knowledge and guidance and wisdom and love. That is exhilarating.

Yes, it is. I think what is very, very helpful for people is when they realize they have a partner in God... that they have a partner in Spirit. You know what I've noticed throughout the years is, over the thousands and thousands of people I've seen, I would say 20 to 35% of all spirits in human form, these wonderful souls of ours, believe that they're alone.

They believe there is a God, they believe that there are Spirit Guides. But they're not so certain that they have their own Guidance. They're not so certain that Spirit hears them or that God considers them good enough to listen... to hear their prayers. And I want to assure everyone here that the Great Spirit hears everything. Spirit hears everything. They know who you are before you ever came here. They're aware of you. They love you. They support you. It is when you in your need to complete your lessons get caught up in the appearance of humanness. I refer to it, as Joel Goldsmith did... the human scene. The human condition. The human scene and the human condition are about what's "wrong." Not what's "right." But what's "wrong."

And since we're bombarded daily, yearly, monthly, with this constant barrage of the media... It's interesting... Alfred no longer listens to any news. In fact, he barely watches TV unless it's something to do with auto racing. Because he found out that it disturbs his ease. It disturbs his peace. 

It is, in general spiritual practice, that you want to be happy and peaceful. But going back to what Hans was previously saying is that just feel deep down inside that the family and friends you always wished for are there.

Already there... absolutely.

They are already there.


By just a simple perception change to say: I don't have to look for the most awesome friends and family that know me deeply, who already know who I am, who already know my life-path. I don't have to look for them.


They're already there.

They're already there.

And if you take that simple perception change, all of a sudden you "know" by just simply asking and saying: I need some help - regardless of what it is. Even today I'm putting back together one of the computers. Literally had to rebuild a computer before...

And you asked. Remember?

And I said: Guys, this is a little stressful. I don't want to do this by myself. Please help me.

This is him talking to his Guidance.

Reassemble the computer. Okay. Fine. All of a sudden I just put together like about 20 tiny, I can't tell you how tiny, itty bitty, these screws were. Anyway, it just "felt" so wonderful to have these people who just love me and support me and want me to do good by my side helping me do something.

Always. 24/7.

Whatever it is. And it's "that." That deep inside "knowing" which creates a burning desire to get help, to reach beyond what we know, to reach beyond our abilities, to... ready? "Surrender." And to have help doing anything. Any part of your life. It just sits inside you and just feels so wonderful.

Yes. You're never alone, children. Always remember - You're never alone. Look at your thoughts each day. See if your thoughts are gravitating towards human awareness or spiritual awareness. Walking with one foot in this dimension and one foot in the spiritual dimension will make your life a wondrous joy.

It doesn't happen overnight people, please. But you start with the intention: By not allowing the mind chatter to find its way to your heart and to scare you. Have no fear. You are never alone.

For more information, you may like:
Fear: Conquering the Inner Demon
Advanced Spiritual Lessons

Monday, April 13, 2015

“Death and The Soul's Passing”- by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Death and The Soul's Passing”- by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Death and The Soul's Passing
April 13, 2015

Hello everyone. Today's topic is "Death and the Soul's Passing." It's one of the toughest things that ever happens to us is the anticipation of someone passing and the actual passing. So many of us are connected to another person so strongly that the very idea of them leaving us, or abandoning us and going on without us, is terrifying. There's another fear, Alfred, that comes up... and I hear it a lot from people: Have they moved on beyond me? Will they still be here for me? Will they still be guarding me and taking care of me? The answer is "absolutely."

They don't move on beyond you. They go into their own new thing that they have to do. But remember that the time of the Spirit is very rapid. A day for them is like a month to us. Okay? So they don't view the time so much so they don't feel its been so long since they've been gone. 

But it is a terrible time when someone that you have loved very much has to say goodbye. But they're really not leaving. They're simply going into that dimension that you go into every night that you go to sleep. And therefore you are still totally available to them. It's in the nighttime. And then in the daytime, you can ask them to help you with specific areas in your life - what you'd like to have done. In other words, most people I have found let the person who has passed away go - literally. They let them go. Even though they believe in their heart that that person can help them, they don't include them, they don't give them things to do.

And that's one of the things that I think that a lot of people need to look at is why we feel that we need to abandon those that we love. And one of the things that Spirit has said to me was: They never leave us. But they, which is us, most always leave them. And I said: Why? They said: Because it's too painful to call us up in consciousness. He said: Include us. Include your mother, or your father, your grandma. Include them in your life. Your child... include them in your life - on a daily basis. Speak to them in the morning when you get up. I like to say: Give them things to do. They absolutely love that. Because they're not supposed to interfere, Alfred, unless we give them permission to do so.

Absolutely. And the truth of what we're trying to say here about death is those souls who have passed, in reality, love us even more, and support us even more, and want to be with us and help us even more from the Other Side.

Very true, very true.

And since they've let go of the humanness...

Their human perceptions.

Yes. All they are is unconditional love. So the normal way, should we say, the human way, the mind chatter way, is to view death as something wrong. Yes, of course, you can mourn the person. Yes, of course, you can remember all of the good things that happened. But the truth is that that soul is around you and wants to be involved in you, at least, if not more, than that person was when they were here on earth.

Um hmm. Do we have any other questions on Death, Alfred?

Oh, we absolutely do have more, Hans. How do you deal with the mind chatter of somebody passing?

That's a tough one. Because the mind chatter has its own perception of your relationship with that person. By that it may say: I never got to say this... or they never said that to me. And it gets the mind chatter involved. Rather than say: I love that person and they love me and I know they're going to be there for me as I proceed down the path. We start going into memory and finding pain and say: Oh, I wish this could have happened... or I wish my mom had said this... or my dad had said that. And we go into a place where the mind chatter just begins to explode in pain. And that's the time when you want to say: You know what? None of this is true. I'm not going to allow this mind chatter to interfere with my love for the person who's crossed over.

Sometimes, Alfred, when people pass over, there are a lot of what I'm going to call lost expectations - things that might have been, things that could have been said. But remember, that person only came into this life to assist you on your journey. And so no matter what it appears like, that person was here to be a mirror and a growth partner with us.

So is it okay to grieve someone's passing?

Oh, Heaven's yes. Absolutely. But in your grief, don't grieve for them. Grieve for the appearance of the loss of their presence. That's what you can grieve for. They're fine. They're beautiful. They're okay. We're the ones who are left with the problem. So yes, you can grieve them but remember we're really grieving the loss that we feel of their identity and their personage. We miss being able to hug them, or pick the phone up. 

I still picked the phone up for a year, a year and a half, after my father died to call him. I never told anybody that. But I did it all the time. Because for 47 years I did. And it's very hard to simply shut that off, Alfred, and say: Oh, just don't do that anymore. That's not how the human psyche works. Okay? But as I developed my relationship with my dad, after he was gone, the need for being able to do that diminished. Okay?

What about how we make them feel? For example, the difference between us being sad that they're gone or us being happy remembering their life. Do they feel that on the Other Side?

Absolutely. And this is what I try to say to people, Alfred: You're making them feel bad. Don't do that. And people get mad at me and say: How can you say those types of things? Because it's true. They feel... As I like to say: When you smile Spirit smiles. When you laugh Spirit laughs. Always. So if you're wandering around crying all the time and depressed and suicidal thoughts and all of that stuff, they feel that, they hear that, and then they feel bad that they caused you pain.

But each person in our life, for as long as our life on This Side exists, has a contract with us. And those contracts don't always mean that that persons stays with you for the entirety. It doesn't mean that. So enjoy the person while they're here, love them while they're here, knowing that they did not go anywhere you're  not. There's the key, children. They did not go anywhere that you're not going. And Christ said: I go before you to prepare a room for you in my father's house. 

In other words... Let's say your mom or your dad passes away, they're going back home again. And when they do, they prepare a space for you when your time here is over. The love never dies. You don't love your parents, or your lover, or your loved one, or your doggy, or whatever... you don't love them less because they left you. Love was eternal.

And I think that's it for the questions we have on Passing, Hans.

Alrighty. This is a very, very difficult subject everyone. And each and every one of you will face this subject, if you live a normal life span, several times in your lifetime. But remember, they are right beside you “always” in consciousness.

Okay, Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for today.

For more information, you may like:
Communication with Spirit Lessons
Intermediate Spiritual Lessons

Monday, April 6, 2015

“Judgment and Opinion”- by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Judgment and Opinion”- by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Judgment and Opinion
April 6, 2015

Good day everybody. So glad to be back with you today. "Judgment and Opinion"... Wow, can you imagine going through your life with no judgment or no opinion? You know, that's what we were supposed to do. That's what Spirit, that's what God lined us up for. No judgments, no opinion.

But unfortunately, we live in a society that points out to us, every single day, what's wrong. What “could” happen, what “might” happen, what “has”  happened... every day. And then we have all the pundents on TV and all the reporters and the writers for the magazines who all have their opinion, which is nothing more than a judgment. They don't know. I'm watching, right now, the country go crazy with this nuclear deal with Iran when nobody knows the truth but the President and Secretary of State and his staff. But all these judgments, all these opinions, all this fear, is pouring forward. Whether you like Mr. Obama or you do not like Mr. Obama, he has the best interest of our country at heart... and always has had. 

So when you come into this world, you come in with no judgments and no opinions. Well, where do you get judgments and opinions from? Well, it starts with your family. Because each member of your family has arrived and wherever they are in their life, having gone through multitudes of pain and upset-ness and not knowing, and most people don't have really peaceful times anymore, and so they sort of built up this wall and they make it somebody else's fault. Oh, well your grandfather did this, and you know if your grandfather had just taken his money and put it in here we wouldn't have this problem we have today with money, and your father lost his job and nothing's ever been the same since. 

That's what we do. We start forming judgments and opinions. True spiritual performance for the self is when you say: It is that it is and it is fine. Because every single thing, kids, that you come across in your life is meant to help you. Every relationship, every child, your parents, are meant to grow you. Therefore “nothing is wrong.” 

I remember when that Buddhist Monk said to me... He said: Well young man, what if you found out that absolutely nothing was wrong? And I couldn't... I couldn't, kids, get my head around that thought that actually nothing was wrong. He said: It's only your perception of what is happening that makes it look wrong to you. Okay? Only your perception. And that's where your spirituality comes into play. 

Because when we have a perception, it says that we have a knowing. No we don't. We have an idea of what we think should be right. But someone once said: There's your opinion, my opinion, and the truth. Interesting, isn't that? In every argument there are two sides who believe they are correct. In every war both sides pray to some kind of a god. 

Simplicity, always children, is truth itself. And the simpler you make your life, the less turning on FOX News, or listening to pundents, the less you do that, the less you set yourself up to hear discord, anger, resentment, the purer the energy around you becomes. And as that energy becomes purer, your life becomes sweeter, it becomes kinder, it becomes nicer. But when you allow the mind chatter to rail on and on and on about this is wrong or that is wrong or why did this happen... It just “is.”

You will always be taken care of by Spirit - always. God knows you're here. Yeah, for some of you you've chosen what appears to be little more challenging lives. I did. Alfred did. But does that mean... And this is what I want you to really all hear - does that mean anything is wrong because you have a more challenging life? No. It's just that you chose very challenging situations to grow your character. And it is your character that you take back to Spirit when you leave here. How you did, how you handled... Remember, Spirit never looks at the deed - ever, ever, ever. They only look at the intention behind the deed. I've been telling you kids for years now.

We set ourself up in a situation that says: If only I had this... Or if only I could do that... If only I had a partner I know my life would be perfect. But that's not true and you all know that's not true. If only I had enough money, everything would be perfect. Well, there have been times where you've had plenty of money and then you worried about not having it.

Learning that you are enough, learning that you have enough, learning that fear is about the possibility of lack, fear is about the possibility of not finding love. I'm counseling a dear friend of mine and she keeps talking about a relationship... not having a relationship. And I said: It's not about the relationship. It's about the relationship you have with yourself. And on Saturday, we spent 3 hours helping people to understand that it's not about the love out there, it's about the love in here, the love inside of us. 

We present ourselves to Spirit and to God as very needy and very sad because we don't have something. When we have surrounding us, every day, love... every day, love. But we don't look at that as an asset. We look at it as: Yes, we have love but it's us, where's my partner? That's not what it's about. Love always comes when you're not looking. Stop looking for love. It never happens that way. Only when you're not looking, it shows up. And it shows up in the most unusual ways. Okay?

Judgment, anger, resentment, are all products of a sad place in our heart. We need to blame people, we need to become victims of people, and we need to become victims of situations. When if we would stop one day, sit down and say: I'm done; It's over. I'm going to listen to Hansie's "You Are Enough." And I'm going to follow my life from that point. I absolutely refuse to be intimidated, I refuse to allow myself to be fearful, and no matter what negative thought comes into my head I intend for it not to be able to stay any longer.


A lot of people try to understand what happened. Where do these judgment and opinions come from? Why are they so prevalent? A lot of it is because of the way we grew up. We looked towards others who we thought knew more than us. Thus we took on their judgments, their opinions of life, whether they're family, friends, or media. And part of spiritual growth is to understand that you are unique. There is absolutely no need for you to take on anyone else's opinions and judgments. And in reality, any judgment, any opinion, is simply mind chatter because you understand the universal truth - that it is impossible to have a proper judgment or opinion.

Because you don't  know everything. You don't know complete dharma, karma, experiences, attitude... anything. So quite simply the simple spiritual practice is by doing the inner work you're letting go of all of those judgments and opinions. That is a huge part of letting go of mind chatter, that is a huge step towards getting inner peace is letting go of all of those things you picked up as you were growing up.

And Alfred, I think it's important for people to remember they didn't do it deliberately.


Nobody set out to be in pain, nobody set out to be unhappy. It happened along the way. Okay? It happened along the way. I was watching a movie on TV and the young man about 13 or 14, he found out that his girlfriend really didn't like him very much and she gave him back his ring. And he came home and his dad sat him down and said: What's going on, son? And he told him. And he said: Ah, growth. And the kid said: Well, what do you mean? He said: Now you're growing. Remember something, you're more important than the ring. You're more important than the person that you love. You are enough for yourself. And it was just like somebody took a page out of a book of mine. And I thought: Isn't that wonderful that this is going out?

Knowing that no matter what appears, it's only a lesson. It's not going to do you in. We pick our lives, we pick our partners, we pick whatever lessons that we choose to learn. But judgment shows a weakness in the soul itself. Judgment, blame, victimization, all of these things show a lack of understanding of the principles of truth. So sit yourself down and say: From this point forward, I will no longer live in the space that I have been in that is causing me such sadness. 

And children I know people who have more than enough abundance who God has blessed unbelievably who still struggle every day. So having funds, having good health does not mean it brings happiness. Happiness is a place that resides in your heart when you touch the Godforce within.

And Alfred, I think that will conclude the lessons for today.

For more information, you may like:
Enough Lessons Already
Stop Searching and Start Living