Saturday, September 20, 2014

“Understanding Your Own Soul” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Understanding Your Own Soul” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Understanding Your Own Soul
September 20, 2014

Welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE - Wisdom for Your Soul. I'm Alfred the Padawan to the Modern Day Mystic himself Hans Christian King. Say Hi to everyone Hans.

Hello everyone. Welcome, welcome to the show, welcome to the class.

And we're going to see if we're going to be transferring the show from audio only to video. So we'll see what happens. Let's go over our Housekeeping for the show, as always. The Announcements for this week is there is going to be a replay of Transform Your Life By Changing Your Intentions on the Your Life Without Limits Tele-seminar. That replay is going to start on September 26. That and all the other replays we always announce on Facebook. 

And we're ever so grateful if you are "following" us. If you're not "following" us, please go to Hans Christian King1 or go to and look for the Facebook link and "follow" us. Not only do you get to find out when there are going to be Interviews, you're also signing up to get a Daily Quote that comes directly from Hans himself. 

And of course, we sincerely appreciate everybody who "follows" us and "shares" what we do on Facebook and Social Media. We're posting through Facebook; we're tweeting. Hans is actually tweeting on his own, specifically through Twitter once in awhile. So if you're RT (re-tweeting) or "sharing" on Facebook, we sincerely appreciate it and we are continuing with our Random Acts of Kindness. If you share what we do, we may pick you to get classes, audio or other goodies to share the good karma. Okay? I think that's pretty much it for the Announcements. 

So onto this topic. Our topic for this video is Soul Mate Relationships Part 1 - "Understanding Your Own Soul". Soul mate relationships are agreements between two souls. If you want a great soul mate relationship, make sure you're able to hold up your side of the bargain. It's difficult to have a strong relationship with other souls until you have a strong relationship with yourself. So Hans, let's start with the basics of "you"..."the soul". Can you help people understand that they are a "soul in human form"?

Well certainly, Alfred. Thank you. One of the things that I like to remind people, that Spirit reminds me...they love saying this: We're just baby angels having a human experience. We are not the body. We are not the mind. We are simply Spirit. And when we begin to understand that... I think it's crucial for you to know that you can't have a relationship...a meaningful, powerful relationship, unless you have something to bring to the relationship. This is important. So many people look to others to define who they are. "I'm looking for my other half" or "I'm looking for my better half".

One has to realize that just who you are in this moment is all you will ever need to be. It is "perfect". No one can make you better than you are. That's simply an Old Wives Tale. Because Spirit did not make a mistake when you were created. If you are going to participate in a soul mate relationship, it takes two souls of equal power. You have your power, they have their power, and you come together in a way that you share your gifts with each other, and with those that you love. 

So soul mate relationships... In order to have a soul mate relationship, you yourself have to have a relationship with yourself. You've often heard me say Dr. James Allen's famous saying: They themselves are makers of themselves. It's very important that these little things that I say like that go home to your heart. Because what you have to understand is no other episode, no other person, is going to make you complete. That is impossible. 

And that's a good summary of this session. Part 1 - "Understanding Your Own Soul" and the importance of your own soul in soul mate relationships. Here's some examples of what Hans is talking about...some internal soul problems that maybe you want to take a look at if you're looking for a soul mate relationship. What we're saying is "go inwards first".

For example, Hans, are people drawn to the same type of problematic relationships?


Can you give an example of what that's like.

Well, in relationships we already have a set karma/dharma that we wanted to work on. If we wanted to work on personal self-esteem, we might actually continue to create relationships that actually invalidate us. If we wanted to work on being good enough, we'll attract people that put us down. So it's important to remember, that what we said earlier, is that we have to arrive at relationships as  equals.

Now if you keep attracting the same relationship over and over and over again, it says you're not learning the lesson. I've had many clients who have literally had the same relationship 4, 5, 6 times with different people. Because their expectations remain the same. They never change. They want the person to be a certain way, to do a certain thing, to be treated a certain way... When they don't realize that already who they are is enough. But they have such little self-esteem sometimes that what happens is that they don't believe they're enough. And this can really affect your ability to have a loving relationship.

And another issue...this is a really big one with the clients that we have internally  as a soul...and these issues really do cover up the loving soul that you are. For example, do you have issues with your parents? How often does that come up Hans?

Well, we're going to be dealing with this as we go through this class but it's huge, Alfred. It's really huge. Because it's some of the very first "learning's" that we ever allow into ourself is the judgments, or the love, or the criticism, or the acceptance, of our parents. Okay? So it's really important to understand that we are products of our humanness if we're not careful. 

If you tell a child, for instance, that when they're born that they can first start to understand how perfect they are, if you tell them how wonderful they are, if you tell them that just who they are is enough and God loves them just that way, you're going to wind up with a very balanced adult. On the other-hand, if you're born into a situation where you've chosen self-esteem as the primary lesson, then you will feel a sense of rejection, you will feel that nobody understands you, and you will line yourself up for the relationships that will absolutely invalidate you. 

So your job, literally, is to catch yourself and say: Wait a minute. That's not what I signed on for. That's not who I am. Who I am is this baby angel that God loves so much.

And we're just continuing on this theme right now of "why" having a stable relationship with yourself is so important to start. This is just an awareness.. For example, are you a victim? Are you bringing that victim role to your relationships? 

How many clients have you had Hans that have been victims?

Thousands...thousands. I had two today. Thousands of people are victims of their history...their human history. Victims of false perceptions, victims of not really understanding the whole picture, and then having the mind chatter invalidate or cause problems. The mind literally works overtime in its attempt to disengage you from your spiritual essence, your soul, your heart's lesson. It works overtime in trying to create drama, guilt. It works overtime trying to make you less than you are. So that you become so dependent on the mind chatter that the heart and the soul have no place to speak, hear, or feel. 

So it's important that we learn, early days, and you can learn that all of your life, it doesn't matter how old you get, you can still learn this lesson: You are already enough. Okay?

And here's a good one Hans. How many times have you heard people blaming God for their problems, been blaming God for the life that they have?

Well that's very convenient because that way you don't have to take responsibility. You can become a victim of a situation and people will feel sorry for you and again you don't have to even worry about it because you are not being responsible because it's not your fault. And as long as you continue to do that, you will never learn the lesson.

And what we're trying to communicate here is that in order to be a good soul in a soul mate relationship, what we want you to do is find your peace, your happiness, joy, bliss, by starting inside yourself. Okay? And what we're going to do is outline two different steps right now to help you to get to that inner love, that inner peace, that connection to your own soul, to start the relationship with your own soul, to form the relationship with your own soul, so that when you get to a soul mate relationship with others, you show up as a soul, not as trauma, not as your history, not as things that you think that happened to you. But instead you show up peaceful, happy.

The first step, and this is the basis of Hans King's teachings, is to remove the "junk" inside your mind. Otherwise known as mind chatter. Hans, walk us through very quickly how getting rid of mind chatter can help you form a relationship with yourself, your soul.

The mind chatter is the filter by which you view the world. So the mind chatter has the judgment of everything that it sees, that it hears, that it feels. The mind chatter always reminds you that you're not quite enough. And as long as you allow the mind chatter to do this... People say: Well I'm helpless. I can't help what the mind chatter's going to say...

The other day we did a show Alfred, as you remember, and we said that: Fear and Doubt can only live in the house you build. Remember, all that's going on in your mind is attached to a house you built. You were not born this way. This is not a "naturalness". This is something that you applied at some point along the way because as children we tend to believe what our parents tell us, what society tells us, even though it's not true. And it's only when we begin to question, and we say wait a minute, that doesn't feel right to me. 

Alfred, you're very big on feelings, telling people how to "try this feeling", "try that feeling". It's very important, Alfred, for people to understand that the mind chatter is not the most important thing in their life. It's the least important thing in their life. Their humanness, their attachment, their connection to God, is of paramount importance.  And at any stage of the game, anywhere along the way, you can literally change your mind's perception. 

And that is a pretty good overview about the first steps in how to uncover your soul, unburden your soul, so that when you walk into a soul mate relationship it's actually you, the soul, not your perceptions, your opinions, your expectations, your trauma.

This is a very quick overview of the two different steps. We're just talking about step one right now. We'll be getting into these exercises of letting go of mind chatter, psychic development, letting go of all these things in a little more detail. Right now we're just making you aware of what is so important in soul mate relationships.

The second step that we're going to be walking you though is how to build your own self-esteem, how to love yourself, how to realize you are enough. Why is that so important when forming a relationship?

Because all of what you just said, so rightfully so, all of that comes out of the mind chatter. It doesn't come out of the soul. It doesn't come out of the spiritual heart. No Godforce is telling you that. Spirit isn't telling you that. You are actually telling yourself something that is a lie, that it is not true. And once you begin to really understand: Wait a minute, my mind's telling me things that aren't true.

For instance, the mind will constantly warn you what "could" happen, what "might" happen...constantly. When you finally understand that it's not telling you the truth, yet you're reacting to it continuously... I have a dear client that I received information from today and this poor thing has worried about her house being sold, worried about getting a house, how all of this was going to happen... And Spirit's advice to her, continuously along this path was: Follow your heart. 

And when you understand that by following your heart, the Spirit is holding that heart in their hands and they will open the doors for all that you need, all that you require, when you stop listening to the mind chatter. Because the soul cannot operate with the Spirit when you are busy occupying that place with mind chatter.

How about loving yourself first Hans. Why is loving yourself so important?

Because it's all you have Alfred, basically. You don't have anything else. You don't own any part of the body, including the mind chatter. The love of yourself is the greatest gift you give to yourself. 

You know we have a product out there called "You Are Enough". And in the opening it says: What if you discovered that tomorrow morning there was nowhere you needed to go, nothing you needed to do, no one you needed to become, nothing you needed to learn... That who you were in that moment was enough for God. I said that on The Allen Cohen Show and he said: My God, what a concept. 

You already are enough. And we're so invested, Alfred, in how we look, how we dress, the makeup we put on, the clothes we wear...I mean it's just unbelievable. The houses we live in, the cars that we drive. All this in an attempt to make us better. And that breaks Spirit's heart because they already made you perfect. You were perfect when you were born, you are perfect now. So giving yourself the gift of that awareness, that you already are enough, will change your life.

And these two steps that we're talking about - Step 1: Removing the "junk", removing the mind chatter and then Step 2: Of loving yourself. Realizing you're enough. Building your spiritual self-esteem. They help each other. The more mind chatter that you let go of, the more you're able to build your self confidence. The more you let go of trauma and your past, the more you're able to love yourself in the moment.


And we're going to be going through these two steps in much more detail, giving you more exercise in the upcoming lessons. But we wanted to, at least, get the point across that the most important soul in any soul mate relationship is you.

Alfred, I received an email today from one of our Spiritual Circle Members who said that after a year he finally got it. And he said he woke up this morning and all the weight from all the fear and the doubt and the money stuff and the relationship stuff...all the stuff that he had created through the mind chatter had vanished because he had turned his life over to Spirit. He said this morning it felt like a giant weight had been lifted off of him. 

And that's what I want our dear friends out there to understand that you can, absolutely, without fail, lift all of the sadness, all the despair, all the loneliness, attract to you the perfect partner, attract to you the abundance that you seek. All of that is already there, and the only person who's blocking that is you. So giving yourself you, giving yourself the love of you, is the greatest gift you will ever give yourself.

Well Hans that pretty much wraps up Part 1 of Soul Mate Relationships. Anything you want to add just to wrap that up?

Yes. Everyone can do this. This isn't reserved for enlightened people. Everyone can learn to go to the mind chatter and close the door. That's going to be the key for this week. Close the door to the mind chatter and watch and see, Alfred, how peaceful people become. This is going to be paramount and I look forward to continuing this class next week.


Thanks everyone for joining us in Part 1 of Soul Mate Relationships. Stay tuned for Part 2.

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