Saturday, November 2, 2013

"What Should We Really Value?" by Hans Christian King - Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King 
and Alfred Ricci 
November 2, 2013 
Topic: What Should We Really Value?

Hello everyone and welcome to Guidance For Your Life. We'll be spending some time at the beginning of the show discussing new events, our new broadcasting, our new situation here in Asheville, North Carolina, what we're doing with our broadcasting with our new International people with the new way we're getting out via 880 AM  and iHeart Radio, and some upcoming classes that are happening with our new location in Asheville, North Carolina. So Hans where do you want to start?

Well I'd first like to start by saying Good Afternoon Everybody, Welcome to the Show. Especially all of our new people who are just turning in and turning on today. Thank you for being part of us. It's beautiful here in Asheville, North Carolina. For those of you who don't actually know where Asheville is, it's in the western Smokey Mountains of North Carolina. Beautiful. I like to say the biggest house in the United States is in Asheville, North Carolina. I look out and all the trees are dropping their leaves turning different colors. It's a wonderful time of the year to begin to shed what doesn't work in your life anymore. And since we're nearing the end of the year, this is a good time to sit down with a good cup of hot chocolate and listen to your heart and ask your heart what it would like to let go of as we approach the end of the year. And Alfred, how do you feel about this time of the year? Because I was born in Los Angeles so...

I started my live in New England. I don't remember very much watching the trees change but it is absolutely phenomenal being up here in the mountains and seeing the trees change. It is really is.

You had a motorcycle ride the other day on the Blue Ridge Parkway did you not?

I did. And that is one of the main things we were talking about with  somebody who is visiting. And they said "Blue Ridge Parkway - what's that"? That is the reason you come to this area.

Follow me and I will show you what it's like! Last night was Halloween and I hope all of you had a great time. We went to an outing at a dear friend's house last night. It's a really a fun time of the year. Alfred, would you like to explain a little bit about the radio show to those people who don't know us or know what it is we are trying to do?

Sure. For the last few years, we've been broadcasting a show and we've called it Modern Day Mysticism with the Modern Day Mystic himself, Hans Christian King. Since we've moved to Asheville we've become associated with 880 AM The Revolution and we decided to open up the show to our new fan base, our local base, which we haven't had in awhile, to Asheville and call it Guidance For Your Life. Now it's the same show. We're going to be doing it the exact same way but we decided to make it a little more understandable. Guidance, what is Guidance? Guidance very simply is "that which comes through you from the other side and provides either life guidance for yourself or for somebody else”. Now a lot of people as you know, Hans is a Medium. A Medium is a person who hears what the other side says and then speaks it. So it is through Hans that I understood the concept of Guidance and it's through a lot of the classes that we teach you how to get Guidance. And Guidance is exactly that. For your life. It is to help you through your life, it is to help you be of service to others. The guidance can be for yourself, the guidance can be for others that you are serving. Hence the new title of the show - Guidance For Your Life.

I like that title. It rings very nicely. And I hope that our family that's been with us for so many years likes the new name as well. As Alfred says, nothing in this show actually will be changing except we're broadcasting through 880 and I'm very happy to be working with them. Again they have gone beyond the pale to help us and I'm eternally grateful. 

So with 880 AM, we're not doing the broadcasting anymore. We're going through them and I'm so happy to hand this off to them.

Aren't you?

So we've just found out recently through iHeart Radio that we're broadcasting through, we are broadcasting over the internet through iHeart Radio through the U.S., through New Zealand and Australia. Of course there's some copyright thing that we just found out. So what we've done is we've opened up the Podcasting Service so anyone in Canada, in Europe, in South America, in the Middle East you will have access to our latest show via our Podcasting Service which is also is available on the Radio Show page on

A question for you Alfred, how will the people in those countries know what we just said? Have we posted this information on the web page yet?

Yes. It's on the webpage. I've done my best to try to explain the differences. OK, if you're  here in the U. S. or Australia or New Zealand you can listen, just click here through iHeart Radio. If you're International you can listen, click here for the Podcast. Hopefully I've done a good job.

Hopefully everyone will get in line and we'll get our act together and everybody will get their act together. This came a little bit of a surprise to us because we've been broadcasting world-wide now for any number of years. A small glitch, but the same show and the same show goes out and will go to the same people who want to listen to it they just have to look at it in a different venue that's all.

So. What is the show? What is Guidance For Your Life for those people who are joining us who are listening to us through 880 AM or streaming through iHeart Radio? The show comes in two parts. The first part is we that we have a Teaching, a Spiritual Teaching. We have guidance to help you with a specific aspect of your life.

Where do these lessons come from Alfred?

We actually ask our Spiritual Circle Members to send in issues, spiritual lessons that they're dealing with. We'll go into more about what it's like to be a Spiritual Circle Member but just one of the member benefits is we ask them: What are you dealing with in your spiritual quest when you're going out there? And today's topic "What Should We Really Value" that's the topic for today, was given to us by one of our members. And basically we try to post as far in advance, at least 3 or 4 weeks in advance, the topics so that you can see the topics we'll be talking about. And if this is a topic that you think others would benefit from, we kindly ask you to share with your friends or social media - Facebook or you can Tweet it - or whichever way you want to share the link. The link should be available through the show page on The links will be available to share on 880 AM. You can share with your friends or social media on either of those. We do this for free. We're happy that anyone, anywhere can listen to the show for free. You don't have to be a Spiritual Circle Member to listen. We're just happy to broadcast to anyone, anywhere. We're just happy to be of service. That's why we're here is to give guidance.

You know Alfred, for a lot of folks that may not be able to sign up right now to be a member, I want you to know what value they get from listening to the questions from other people.

And that's the second half of the show. Once we're done with, shall we say the Teaching for the day, our Guidance - the guidance that comes through us to help you on a particular topic. In the second half of the show we open our e-mails and we go into answering questions that are given to us from our Spiritual Circle Members. That's another one of the member benefits of being a Spiritual Circle Member, is that each week you can send in a question of what you're dealing with personally and Hans and I will do our best to provide guidance to help that individual with whatever life issue, spiritual issue that they're dealing with. So again that's the second half of the show. Now there is a chance at the end of the show there might be some time that we have and we go to a couple of places. We go to our emails that we might have received through our 880 AM show page or on our Facebook page and we might take some questions from there also, if we happen to have time. But we take care of our members first. Now as Hans was saying people learn a lot from the questions and the answers that are sent in because these are real life issues that our members are dealing with. Aren't they Hans?

Yes they are. And what applies to one oftentimes applies to many. So even though you may not be able to join our circle it makes no difference because you get the value of the show and you get the value of us answering other people's questions and you know the answers come from The Spirit itself. I'm what's referred to as a Direct Voice Medium. And so when Spirit speaks, I hear it speaking it out at the same time. It's pretty rare. I've been very blessed to have had this.

Now a lot of people ask us "What's the difference between being a Spiritual Circle member and getting a reading with Hans? Now a lot of people know that getting a reading with Hans is pretty in-depth. It's pretty life changing, it's like getting your life on a silver platter. Basically the difference is during the show we answer questions in a, shall we say rapid fire manner. We answer of course each one with as much compassion as we possibly can but we don't go into as much detail as we would in a reading. Basically we tried to come up with a way that we can be as supportive as possible to as many people as possible whether you are a member or not a member. But if you would like more in-depth support then Hans or I would spend a much greater amount of detail helping you with your life then that's something that you would look at and go to and you can find out more about Personal Readings.

Alright and on that note, Alfred I would like to say a little bit about What Should We Really Value. My friends, in the long run in life when your life here is over the only value that you will take with you when you go is your character. When you go back to the other side you will take the character, what you have learned, how you have triumphed over adversity, how you have gotten rid of your demons and your devils, how you have not lived a life filled with fear and regret and guilt. You add that to your higher consciousness. You add that to your consciousness and your character grows. So that each time you come back you're sort of one more rung up on the evolutionary ladder. I believe that what we really need to value is Love. That's what I think we need to value. We need to understand that nothing we are going to do, nothing that we are going to accumulate or acquire, nothing do we get to keep except Love. How we loved, how we allowed our self to be loved that's it. And we spend all this time, great quantities of our time, trying to fix this or make that work and running crazies through our mind chatter,being mad at someone, feeling disenfranchised from society. Sometimes we live in a place of guilt, sometimes we live in a place of anger..

Being a victim

Thank you Alfred, I was searching for that word. Big time in society today. Somebody else had made me do this, I am this because somebody else did that. Nonsense children, nonsense. You'll always hear me say that they themselves are makers of themselves. I didn't invent that. But what you want to hear is that you are the creator and the creation of you. You are here by your design. You are not here by accident, you are here by design. So the value...The Christ put it very very well - great teacher - he said: Learn to be in the world but not of  it. Hear that children. Learn to be in the world but not of it. We get so focused of it that we believe it's true. We believe that all that's going on is real. And it's not. Everything that's going on everyday in your life is somebody's idea of what's happening. Did you ever listen to the pundents on Fox? The pundents on MSNBC? The pundents on CNN? Do you understand that's their opinion? There's no truth in what they're saying basically. It's their opinion of the events that are going on. Right now there's a great drive by a certain group of people in this country to destabilize our economy. To destabilize our government. We actually voted yesterday to eliminate food for 43 million people, 12 million are  children. The rest of the world this morning, if you go on-line, is stunned. The Europeans, Chinese, Australians. You eliminated but you have a 700 Billion Dollar Defense Budget? Now you all know my politics okay? What should we value? Love, generosity of the heart. Compassion should lead your way everyday. Folks I never pretend to be Holier than Thou but there's something  that I've done since I was a little boy. And it came about quite naturally. Nobody told me to do it. It just sort of happened that I did it. Whenever I would be going along on the bus to school, or wherever I was as I grew up in society and I saw somebody that perhaps was sleeping on a piece of cardboard or was obviously in great distress, I would always say: Please God bless that person, bring them food, bring them abundance, show them where they need to be for whatever reason they're in this situation. Give them the light that leads them to the reality that brings them out of this suffering. I've been doing that since I was six years old. And again nobody taught me. Compassion is a natural place in the heart. Did you ever see a baby with his first little kitten or his first little dog? What does he want to do? He wants to hug the animal. Isn't that right Mr. Alfred?

It's just hilarious that no matter what kind of baby it is it could be a Pug, it could be a baby alligator, every type of of baby is just cute. I mean to the point they made a TV program about it - "It's Too Cute".

If you have The Animal Channel you need to go there and watch these little animals as they grow up. It's wonderful. Alfred I noticed something with you. Everyone knows your history and all that or most people do. It's quite a wonderful history but did you notice something happened to you when Bella came into your life? 

The little princess super model who captured me is with a little animal or any type of animal or pet, you really get to practice compassion. You get to practice unconditional love. And practicing that without any mind chatter, without any thought of "should I be doing this", "should I be giving this much love" which a lot of times we do in human relationships. Can I trust this person? It is an amazing spiritual practice because so many times in our human relationships we judge how much love we should be giving, how much we should trust, how much we should open ourselves up. And with an animal, a pet, you don't have to worry. You can practice unconditional love opening yourself up surrendering into that love connecting to that love.

And Alfred that can be a little vulnerable sometimes can't it because a lot of people aren't used to that?

Exactly. It is an amazing feeling to be able to participate in the purity of compassion. The purity of unconditional love. That's spiritual practice. Without having judgment. Without having mind chatter.

So what should we really value? That. That. I mentioned this the other day on one of the shows and I said "Did you ever look at a picture of yourself as a baby?" If you don't giggle there's something the matter with you honestly. Look how cute you are. Look at this great innocent budding personality who doesn't have a clue about fear and doubt and money and stock markets. None of that. It just wants to be fed and where's the puppy? That's it. And when it comes down to the end of your life that will still be children all that really mattered. Sometimes gravity and humanness cause things to form much slower for us. And this brings us to a place, to sort of, learn patience. Alfred how are you doing with patience?

Patience is amazing. It is just an unbelievable lesson.  It really is. It is a very difficult lesson but once you get the hang of patience then you realize how much happier and peaceful you become by practicing patience.


Because we're taught in the Western World that the more have, the quicker you get it, the better you are. We're teaching you the exact opposite. We're teaching you in our lessons the spiritual way to go about things. Which is pretty much domestically opposed the exact opposite of what those of us were taught in the western world. We're taught in the western world if you want to make yourself better to accumulate more, accumulate faster. We're teaching you "Less is More". 

You know Alfred the inability to see all that is around us tests us to have faith I believe in the unseen. That's a big big topic for a lot of people Alfred. Patience and faith in the unseen.

Faith, Trust and Belief. It's probably one of the most common themes that we talk about is to have faith. That there is organization. There is spirits. There are angels. God does know what's going on.

Oh yes.

To have belief.

Well they have the other copy of your blueprint - your dharma.

To believe they know your life path. They know your life path even though you don't remember it. To trust that the Universe has your back. Faith, Trust and Belief are very difficult to implement into your daily life but they are fundamental spiritual practices that we do talk about as much as possible.

Having faith and trust in the unknown says "I believe...I believe." Our job as spirits in human form are to tell Spirit what we would like the experience of.... to our Highest Good of course. Their job is to present the doors that lead to that reality. And sometimes kids, sometimes we ask for something and for whatever reason there's a delay. What I want to share is the reason for what the delay is. Many times certain things are supposed to happen at a certain time on your journey. And sometimes we try to jump ahead. Like going up a ladder and skipping three rungs. What we forget is, the value is in each rung. So Spirit will back us down again. And then we'll say well then "God must not love me". I asked for it and it didn't show up. Patience. Practice patience. It's a word that I don't happen to like but it's a word that Spirit likes a lot. Alrighty. You know the obvious path to follow, the crowd challenges us to follow what we feel inside. Sometimes society appears like a bunch of lemmings. Here, let's all jump off this cliff because the cliff is there. And by golly everyone else is doing it. Sometimes when we're driving in the car, Alfred is a very good driver, a very good driver. but I watch sometimes he starts to keep up with the cars that are speeding. And when I say to him "Well you know Alfred you're going 10 miles above the speed limit" he says "Well so is everybody else". And I have to remind him that he is not everybody else. You don't like that too well do you?

Well pretty much you can understand that the concept of an old soul is if your life has not fit, if you don't do well trying to follow the social norm, if trying to be like somebody else is not working then you're an old soul. That means you're pretty much destined to find your own path in life. 

You know there's a lady down in Solita in Mexico just north of Puerto   Vallarta about 40 miles and she was living in this world that was all crazy and she was trying to be a corp exec and she was aging and she said "Oh my goodness I'm getting lines on my face" and she just was not happy. She wasn't being the person that she set out to be. And one day she woke up and she heard an internal voice say "This is not you. Why are you playing at this?" This lady now owns 2 restaurants. Little, like hot dog stands. One in Puerto Vallarta and one in Solita. She makes more money now then she did before and she goes to the beach every day. And she has a life. This is what we're trying to say to you. When our mind chatter overruns our spiritual being and common sense we wind up becoming victims of the appearance of what we call reality. True bliss can be achieved by surrendering into the life of service. Alfred, how would you define service?

Service is giving. It's that simple. It is again the exact opposite of the typical western way of going about finding happiness. And following the teachings in my Spirituality and Career Course we have coming up in Asheville....

Do you have a date on that Alfred by any chance?

Yes I do. We'll be talking about that after the teaching.

Oh I'm sorry, I'm leaping ahead on you.

No problem. But we do have a course coming up in Asheville. I'll talk about that after the teaching. But anyway one of the main teachings in Spirituality and Career is you have two options. The first option is to work really hard and make a lot of money and then buy as many toys as you possibly can in order to try to achieve happiness. That's pretty much the western way of going about things. That's why we're a consumer society because they have pretty much drilled that into you and Lord knows that's where I came from. The second option is what we try to teach you in a spiritual way. Is do what makes you happy. Do what brings bliss to you. Do what you find is your soul's calling. Do that. And then you will be in bliss. You will be in the flow. You will find doors of opportunity where there weren't (quoting Joseph Campbell). And then simply ask the Universe to give you enough abundance to help support you in that which makes you happy. Now pretty much everybody who follows this path is going to find meaning in true bliss through service. Service is not focusing on you. Focusing on others. 

You know, the Buddhists say if one person is brought to their enlightenment by an act of yours, your whole dharma has just been validated. That's all you ever need to do. Just one person. We now have 7.3 billion people on earth and if every one each day did one nice thing, smiled, shared some rice, watched a movie together, went for a walk. Can you imagine what this world would look like? What a difference we would have. Inner peace comes from the steadfast belief that the Universe has our back. Of all the things we've discussed today I believe this to be the most important. If you know that no matter what it looks like, no matter how crazy life appears to you if you realize that Spirit actually has your back and whatever is coming by you is only passing by, it has not come to live. Remember that children. The pain, the doubt, the confusion, the fear is mind chatter that is coming to visit. It does not stay. Only Love is real.

And then again this is probably one of the most exact opposites of shall we say typical teachings from the west of how to be happy. It's you're in control. You need to get what's yours. I've got mine. You get yours. Sound familiar? And we're teaching the exact opposite. To surrender. To release control. To say "I don't need to control anything". By being in the flow, that which is for me will be presented to me. These are just really some of the things that we find of what you should really value.


Some of the spiritual practices, the directions, the paths in life that you can choose to be blissful to be truly happy.

I would like to remind every one that we have... It is not our job on this show to sit here and try to sell you merchandise. That's not what we do. For those of you who wish to continue in the exploration of their spiritual life, their spiritual possibilities, we have over the last 7 years created an enormous amount of information from The Spirit. For everything. There's nothing you can think of that Spirit hasn't addressed in a CD, an MP3 download, nothing - so I encourage you to go and look at the resources available. Not necessarily to get them, but to know they're there for a rainy day and know you can go and pull this out and say "Oh, this pertains to what I'm doing". There's an awful lot of free information. Isn't there Alfred? 

There is a lot of free information that we have on Again we try to do our best to be of service to as many people as we possibly can. And on we have a huge amount of links under Free Resources - Free Downloads - Free Recordings - Of course our Weekly Free Radio Show - Free Astrology Chart - Free Recommendations - Free Articles for Women - Free Introduction Classes. There's a lot of stuff that we try to give away for free because that's our job, to be of service. However, just like everybody else in the world God hasn't taken away our ability to pay for our utilities and just like every other religion we have to pass the basket just like everybody else. But we don't pass the basket just for the sake of passing it. We just say "Hey, go to our store, look at a particular topic that you like and if you see something that you think would help you...  Sure we just charge a price that helps us keep the radio show going and helps us pay for the products. Now if you happen to be a Spiritual Circle Member another one of the benefits is that you get huge discounts.

How big are those discounts? You keep on saying "huge" and I went on-line and looked and you do have "huge" discounts!


You're real close to giving them away.

It's close. If you're a member you get right now, I don't know how long it's going to last for, 80% off. Someday I may go in there and reduce that to something but we love our members because our members support the show with a monthly fee and you can find more about that under Spiritual Community, Spiritual Unfoldment Circle. For $39.00 a month not only do you get the ability to send in topics that we talk about, you can send in a question  each week that Hans and possibly myself will answer each week on air. You get access to over 3 years of Show Archives which are 3 years of spiritual teachings and all of those are described by certain topics and discounts. Yes it is 80% off all audio, video, classes, lessons that we have 80% currently. That's well worth being a member. You even get 10% off any Personal Reading with Hans and people in Asheville may be interested in this, you get access to our Spiritual Bulletin Board. You get to network with other members in your area or other like-minded people and just be part of a Spiritual Community. That's what it's like to be part of the Spiritual Unfoldment Circle. But you do not have to. You can listen to the show free each week, you can get a hold of our free resources, you can tell other people about the free resources and free radio show. It's perfectly fine. Completely up to you.

So Alfred, I believe that completes the lesson for today.

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