Saturday, November 16, 2013

"Are Mistakes Good For Us?" by Hans Christian King - Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King 
and Alfred Ricci 
Topic: Are Mistakes Good For Us
November 16, 2013

Hello everyone and welcome to Guidance For Your Life. We're broadcasting out of AM 880 ”The Revolution” in Asheville, North Carolina where it's been a bit chilly for the last week.

I think that's a good way to put it. Hi everybody, it's Hans. I think it was 21 the other morning and for those of you who don't know a lot about Alfred, I'd like to tell you that he's allergic to cold. Aren't you allergic to cold Alfred?

This is a wonderful lesson that there's nothing wrong if it's cold outside and that is the lesson for today. Is there nothing wrong? Are Mistakes Good for Us? And without further ado to elaborate on this topic, I present to you The Modern Day Mystic Himself - Hans Christian King.

Good afternoon everybody. You know what if, just everybody think about this for a minute, what if nothing is really wrong? Now everybody listen to your mind chatter as it busies itself telling you, Oh no, it's wrong because this is happening, and that's happening, and something else is happening. But what if nothing is wrong? What if was only our perception of what is going on? What if that's all it is? Somebody asked me awhile back: Are mistakes good for us? Well first of all there are no mistakes and if there were yes, they would be. First time out anything that you come up against is a lesson, right? And you hope you learn from that lesson. You can only make a mistake if you do it again. So basically, there are no mistakes. As the appearance of adversity comes to visit us from time to time in our life and we busy ourself  trying to understand why and rather than learn the lesson we wind up becoming guilty, or we wind up saying to ourselves: I wonder why I deserve that. But mistakes, if you want to use that word, I would say to you: Mistakes are periods of growth. For instance you could say: I wonder what's in this for me this time? Well I guarantee you one thing, I won't do that again. That's a growth. A mistake, to me, is something you keep doing over and over and over again on the same subject. As if you're trying to get apple juice out of a basket of oranges.

Oh what's the saying? "Insanity is doing the same thing and hoping for a different result?"

Exactly. Exactly. And so if you know that what you are doing doesn't work but you keep trying to make it work, i.e. a job position, i.e. a relationship.... That's an interesting thing Alfred. I want to stop for a minute and go to relationships and mistakes.

Awh, relationships.

Yes. Relationships and mistakes...

One of our "hot topics".

It is indeed. Have you ever noticed folks that we keep drawing to us the same relationships over and over and over again? Whether they're friends, lovers... We just keep doing the same thing and a lot of people keep drawing to them "the needy people". Alfred, have you ever been in that place?

Yes because unknowingly that's who we attract. That's who we're looking for is to "save someone"....

So we're looking to "fix someone". Or have you ever noticed Alfred that sometimes people put themselves out there to be rescued?

That aren't available to be rescued.

That aren't available to be rescued. So they keep wanting to be rescued. I said this on Jeff Messer's show the other day: No one completes us folks. We already are. We already are perfect for the Great Spirit or God if you will. We are perfect for the Spirit. It's how we judge ourself. That's where we make a "mistake". Is that we have a tendency to become a victim of our own thinking. A victim of our own process. Some years ago, and I had to do a large crowd, there was about 1400 to 1600 people in the audience and I said to the audience: Can anybody in this room tell me what's going on in their life that they did not create? Nobody raised their hand. Now, even illness, even illness is often created through emotion. If you are depressed, if you're feeling low, if you're not taking care of yourself, i.e., you're eating foods that you know are not good for you or you're smoking too much or you're drinking too much... All of these will eventually cause  a health problem. But one of the biggest contributors to well-being is your emotional conduct. Are you a happy person? Are you a sad person? Okay? You have to look, sometimes. I can't tell you how many times I've had someone say to me Alfred: You know I went to the doctor and they told me there's absolutely nothing wrong; they can find nothing. Yet I feel terrible. I have to get a new doctor. It's almost as though they may be wrong. Because they really don't want to look at the fact that there may not be anything wrong and what may actually be going on is that they're depressing themselves and making themselves sick. Opening yourself up to: What if nothing is really wrong is a concept that many people have a hard time in coping with. You remember that lesson for you Alfred?

Absolutely. It's because so many things seem very obvious that they're wrong. But what we're trying to tell you in this lesson is: It's not whether something is obviously wrong or something in the world could be made better. This issue is that you have a perception or an opinion, in your mind that something is wrong. And that is the underlying issue. That is what causes you pain. And a lot of the lessons that we go through are to get you out of pain, into joy, into bliss, into happiness. To go within and find those things that are taking you away from your natural state of peace and one of those things that take you away from that are, if you have a perception or opinion something out there is wrong.

And folks I have to say to you that this is a very, very difficult lesson in trying to learn it. Alfred and I talked about this before we brought it to you. A lot of people, especially during these appearance of difficult times, and actually they were difficult times, but everyone at some point has lost something. It's the appearance of the loss. We never really own a house, we never really own a car. We're learnt those things, we never get to keep anything. Someone said to me once many years ago when they saw my other property here in Asheville and they said: You must be so happy to be able to own a stream and trees. And I said: Own? You can't own a tree. You can't own a stream. I'm a caretaker and when I pass on someone else will take care of those trees and take care of that stream and someone after them. You don't own anything, okay? So what makes us think they're mistakes? I think, the appearance of mistakes are little nuggets of growth, little nuggets of lessons. The most important thing everyone needs to hear is: The greatest gift is to learn the importance of intention. This again is what the Spirit looks at. They look at the intention. Alright Alfred, on intention how did you deal with learning that lesson? I love to put him on the spot here.

He loves to embarrass me.

He says...What is it you say "deer in the headlights syndrome"? 

Oh, it even gets better during the Live Classes or especially when there's 200 people in the audience. He'll peer over and just mention some embarrassing story about when I was first groveling in order to become the Padawan and learn from....

Let me tell you something son, you never groveled, okay? What you were was opinionated but you never groveled.

I had opinions.

Oh my goodness, you're middle name is "opinion", not Dominic.

So if you ever get to attend a live event I'm sure Hans will elaborate further on these wonderful stories.

 Have you ever noticed that our audiences laugh a lot when we do the live presentations? They just can't believe.... One person about two years ago stood up during a Question and Answer period and said: I just want to know one thing. And I said: Yes? And she said: Do you two rehearse this?  Everybody broke out laughing. No, it's just the way we are. I like to bring as much humor to the teachings as possible because I believe that so many teachers get so very staid and drawn in and tight and they're sort of forcing this thing on you. I believe that life is about fun as well. And I think you can take any lesson, it doesn't matter what the lesson is, and turn it into real growth for yourself but you can also have fun learning. And one of the things that I like to teach everybody, what Spirit talks about with me is, please don't take your life so seriously. You're not going to get to keep it. Stop being so serious. Start finding some humor. That's the key is finding some humor. So what I like to do is when we do our workshops and our classes, no matter where it is, here or in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, it doesn't matter, is to pick on Alfred.

To use the Padawan as the Voodoo Doll...

To pick on Alfred, this is the most fun I have because it's that "deer in the headlights" because during the classes Alfred has to stay in touch with the email questions that are coming in, he's very busy...

Don't let him fool you he just enjoys picking on me. To get me back from the early days.

Yes. I really, really do.

Let's get the truth out here. I tortured poor Hans for the first couple years until I let go.

Actually 3 1/2 years.

It was not that long.

Yes it was. I lived it. I lived it.

No, I don't seem to remember that long..

Of course not because you're perfect.

I am...Well...

Someone, somewhere has made the mistake of saying to Alfred, our pal over here...

That was Jeff Messer by the way...

That he has a "golden voice" and so he's having a plaque put on the door of his office  saying "The Golden Voice One". So just to let you know that things around here are a little comical too.

Well everyone is born with unique gifts that are innate to them by their _______.

I'm still looking for yours. I'm still looking for them.

My dharma or my unique gifts?

Your unique gifts.

And everybody has unique gifts according to their life path.

That's correct. Everyone does.

It's not just me. It's not just Hans. Everybody does. But it's through these teachings, getting back to being serious here, through these teachings we help you find your unique gifts by uncovering who you really are.

You know you're so important, each and everyone of you to God...You're so important that there's not another "you", every has been, is now, or ever will be. So your uniqueness belongs to you, you know? And for instance, I had a client today, was doing a Skype reading from Bogota, Columbia and this person's perception was that they'd lost their father. And one of the things that I explained to him was that his father is doing just fine. See what we want to know when our loved ones pass over, when they pass away is did the consciousness of the individual survive. And when the father came back through the reading and spoke to the son and gave a certain amount of clues, there was no longer a doubt in this person's mind that the consciousness, therefore the person that he loved was still in existence somewhere. He didn't quite understand the Other Side. He said: I'm not certain how this works. But he said: You couldn't have known these things so there must be something going on. It's really important to remember that the father's uniqueness is loved as much as the reader's uniqueness, his son is. So we all have a wonderful gift called the Godforce which flows through each and everyone of us. We have that. But there are times in our life based on the way we are brought up, we actually grow our children away from who they are. I'm going to repeat that. We actually grow our children away from who they really are. Because in our love to take care of our children we know what is best for them. And basically that isn't true. We need to learn to grow our children into who they are, not what we perceive they need so they can be safe and get through life. So many people that I know today, if I say this question to them, if I ask this question to them, I say: So who were you going to be before who you became now? And what were you going to do before you started doing what you do now? And almost every person can tell me what they'd rather be doing. And for me, my friends, that's a heartache.

I actually have a client like that right now. His name is Elaine and he's actually in Italy. He's Italian. Born there. And this was exactly it, from a childhood he knew he wanted to be out in nature. And he had this job and that job and everything drove him crazy but he just had this yearning to be out in nature. And finally as an adult he got out there and he says: I don't understand. Why am I so happy being outside? And he discussed with me his childhood of... You know, I knew what I wanted when I was a child but there's all this peer pressure. My family tells  me this. My friends tell me I have to do that. I have to be responsible. But the only thing that makes me happy is being outside. And I think that's simply it people, is you have your answers except we grow away from them.

We are grown away from them Alfred. We actually don't grow away from them. We are grown away from them. If you leave a child to their own personal growth, you'd be amazed as to what happens. Okay? So does it matter, for instance if someone says we did something wrong? Alfred, do you think that matters?

Absolutely not and let me try to paraphrase your teachings Hans. Which is: What somebody says about you is none of your business...

That's right.

But what you think about what someone says about you absolutely is.

Should be very much your concern actually.

Because that means you have an opinion of what they said.

And you have a judgment of yourself because they said something. If someone says to you: You're lazy. Or someone says to you: You're not living up to my expectations. Quite frankly children that has nothing to do with you. That's not your problem. That's their problem being visited on you. And under no spiritual law do you need to react to that. None. Man made the rules; God made the laws. And nowhere in God's law does it say: You are less than anyone else. That wouldn't be God-like would it? That wouldn't be possible is it? Okay? So if something goes astray Alfred in our life, what do you think are the possibilities in growth for this? See I'm still working on Alfred...

Yes. That is the joy of being the Padawan of The Modern Day Mystic Himself is you constantly get lessons thrown at you. But luckily now it's the both of us who throw lessons at everyone else. So you get both of us. So something goes astray. Well here's a possibility. And we talk a lot about possibilities because in the Universe there are infinite possibilities. But how about the possibility that what you consider a mistake is simply a perception, is simply your personal opinion. How do you know if it was a mistake? How do know if it wasn't supposed to go that way? How do you know if it wasn't supposed to happen in the first place? How do you know if it not happening, or it happening a different way is actually the best thing for you? What was that quote from that country song you have Hans? About "unanswered prayers"?

"Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers." Garth Brooks. Boy is that ever true.

If something goes astray, first of all there's the first issue is you perceive it went astray. Well how about you were getting yourself into a pile of do-do and your Guidance came along and said: Let's yank them away from that. You perceive it didn't work. You perceive it failed. When in reality maybe the Other Side saved your beans.

Sometimes the Spirit, more times than not, rushes in to save our beans because left on our own, with our own consciousness we can get ourselves into more dog-on problems and in more dog-on troubles. You know, even as a child we know right from wrong. Even as a child. We know to hit someone is wrong. What is the one thing we always want as a child? A hug. We know whence commeth our strength.  And everyday Spirit has enormous arms and they reach out to you and they say: Please don't believe what your mind chatter is saying to you. Here, come here, we'll give you a hug, let's re-think this path that you're on. And so your job is everyday to say: You know what? I'm going to listen to the Spirit not to this silly mind consciousness of mine. I remember back in the day when Alfred was sort of new at some of this and he would look at me and say: I don't know what in your head rocks, I think, because this can't possibly work. And so I said: Okay, why don't we try something? He'd say... Well, try it. Remember that Alfred?

Yes and that's one thing that we'll repeat time and time again is we'll present a lesson and you may think we're just right off our rockers. And all we tell you is: Look, you probably know how your life works. You know you. You've been with you your whole life. We're giving you options. We're giving you possibilities to say: Hey if you're looking for something else, if you're a seeker, if you're saying: Okay, I'm willing to try something, try it. What is the worst thing that's going to happen? You can go back to the way that you were. 

You know, my friends, if you can pull yourself away from: I made a mistake, which is coupled with: I may not be good enough, if you can pull yourself away from that for a moment and say: I'm really glad that happened because I've learned from that. I get it. I deserve better than that. So there are no mistakes. There are just opportunities for growth. And I think that's the way I'd like to put that  today Alfred, is that the perceptions of mistakes are the opportunities for growth.

And that's another way to look at mistakes. Because a mistake has a negative connotation. It's mind chatter. It's heavy. It is self punishing and what we're saying here, this lesson, is by simply changing your perception, simply changing your definition of what happened. You can either say: Well it was no mistake, I don't fully understand it. Or you can say: Wow, I really learned a lot from that. Those have positive connotations. Positive energy.


And you're not carrying around something negative and you can do that by simply changing your perception.

I think what I would really like everyone to take away from this today is that your whole life from the day you're born is about possibilities. The incredible possibility of you. The incredible possibility of no fear. The possibility that God may love you more than you have any idea of. The possibility that you're just fine. That there's nothing more you need to do to be a better you. The possibility that God loves you just the way you are. The possibility that there's a door to abundance, prosperity, love, relationships - it's all there for you, all of it. It's only what we perceive of it that gets in our way. So once you begin to know that, once you begin to understand that and actually hear that truth, everything in your life begins to change. Everything. So this is a wonderful opportunity today for you to look at yourself and say: Am I the person I really want to be? Am I the person that I love the most? How am I with my god? Am I where I wanted to be? Or have I let a series of conditions interfere with my dreams and my joy and my wishes? Alright Alfred, anything that you would like to add to our subject today before we go to questions? And I do notice there are a lot of questions today.

Just something I'd like our old and new people to recognize is: A lot of what we're asking you to do in terms of spiritual growth, life growth, paths to leading a life of happiness, of joy, is by simply changing your perception. What we're doing on this show is going through many different specific areas and saying, in this specific area, such as mistakes, how about just trying to change your perception? And in the end by trying to change your perception, you can be more peaceful, you can be more happy, you can be more in touch with the Universe, more who you really are.

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