Saturday, June 27, 2015

“Ignoring The Illusion” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Ignoring The Illusion” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Ignoring The Illusion
June 27, 2015

Hello everybody. Welcome, welcome, welcome. You should see the hoops we're having to jump through in order to be able to do this today but it makes us happy to be able to get to you. The topic for today is "Ignoring The Illusion." You know folks, in life, you often heard me say that: Life is nothing more than an illusion. And I preface it by saying: You know, there's nothing going on in your life that you did not create. The mind, however, is an entirely different entity and it actually believes that these are real problems... that these things that you're going through you need to be concerned about, you need to be worried about.

This month I asked my dear friend Melinda to please write about this subject. And I have to tell all of you, she's done a terrific job and you'll see it in the Newsletter which will be coming out when, Alfred?

We usually do them in the first week of each month and there's about 2 or 3 years of Articles and Spiritual Topics specifically for women. You can find those in the Newsletter, or you can go to and under "Free Resources" you can find the "Free Articles for Women."

Life, as we know it, is based on what each one of us is busy creating. Okay? That's something that's very, very hard for people to grasp. They believe what they're seeing is real. But folks, everyday in your life you pass through other people's emotions, other people's creations. So nothing is actually planned folks. Spirit has an overall plan for all of us and we stay on that. But everything else... how you arrive at your destination is entirely up to you. Okay?  

And so having a quiet understanding that: Oh, wait a minute, this isn't real... I had a dear lady friend of mine email me the other day and her life has just gotten so complex. She's worried about money, she's worried about being alone, she's worried about whether she'll lose her job, she's worried about whether she'll make her mortgage payment, her light bill was too high... this and that. It's just non-stop. But none of it is "real" and none of it is "true." But the mind chatter continues to invest in the appearance of it. And the more the mind chatter invests in the appearance of it, the larger it gets and seems to become "real."

This is why I say to you... You know I did a lecture at Agape some years ago and one of the questions that I asked was... about 1,400 people in the audience, I said: Can anyone in this room tell me what's going on in their life that they did not create? And nobody raised their hand... nobody. But you also don't sit around and sit that I'm making up this stuff either... for yourself. You know you're having these fears and doubts but you normally don't say: Am I just making this up? Is this real? Why am I lending energy to this?

So one of the things that Alfred and I teach is when you learn to start to pull yourself back from the appearance of what you've created, your whole life as you have known it, changes immediately. Alfred, any words on this?

One thing about ignoring the illusion that we want you to understand is how much your mind tries to trick you into making what it thinks is "real". It's not just that mind chatter reminds you of the past or makes you worried about the future. But it makes you "feel" as though those things are actually "real." And the truth is - it's the past, it's gone, it doesn't exist. But your mind will not just simply remind you of what happened. It will remind you of the emotion, or it will remind you of the pain like it was yesterday. And you need to ask yourself when you're feeling something that's in the past to say: How real does it feel? But how long ago really was it? Was it last year, five years ago, ten years ago, twenty years ago?


But your mind is making it "feel" like it was yesterday. That's not the truth. That's an illusion. And the same thing also with the future is if your mind is making you worried about something that does not exist, because the future does not exist yet, it feels like it is "real." What if this could happen? What if that happens? And your mind makes you start freaking out and worrying like it is the truth. Like it is actually happening. And you're getting all stressed. And the reality is it's an illusion. Your mind is making you feel stressed about something that doesn't exist.

And I've noticed, Alfred, that through the years when Spirit and I in our sessions try to remove those fears and those doubts from the people, they try desperately to hang onto them.

And that's what we're trying to say is just because you "feel" something is real, doesn't mean it is real. It is an illusion. Okay? So it's not just that your mind presents you with false truths in its speaking but it makes you "feel" things that are not true also. And it really detaches us from a state of ease, it detaches us from our peacefulness, it detaches us from who we really are.

And as we've always taught you - No two things can be in the same place at the same time. So when you're busy running all of this stuff... How often, Alfred, have both of us heard: I don't think Spirit hears me. They hear you. You have no place to hear Them. You're too busy manufacturing all of these illusions and not only, children, do you manufacture them, you spend time and effort investing in them, re-creating them over and over and over again.

So it's really important to sit down and ask yourself: Wait a minute. Is in fact any of this true? And what you're going to find out is: No, it's not true. But your mind chatter will try to tell you that the illusion is real because it created it. And like Alfred said earlier, it's always a matter of what "could" happen.

Yes. For things in the future, things that "could" happen, there is a difference between thinking about something in the future that "could" happen and what your mind does to you which is making you believe that it is "real" and that you should actually prepare yourself and feel for that thing that is real that doesn't exist in the future.

(Laughing) I know that if you're listening to this now. Alfred's smiling. It does sound funny - but it's true. Have you noticed that most of the questions that come into this Show are questions about what "might" be going to happen? And them some of them are about "why did that happen"... which used to be a "what if this happens?" Because being in the human form we tend to take the improbable and turn it into the appearance of reality. Have you noticed that, Sir?

Especially if something has happened to you in the past, your mind wants to protect you. It wants to control the distinct possibility that what it's telling you is the truth and it's going to happen again and you need to protect yourself. And it needs to remind you of what happened, so that you can remember what happened, and you can feel what happened, in case it happens to you again.

Exactly. It tries to reinforce itself.

So the funny thing is that your mind is actually bringing to you that which you're trying to avoid.


How's that one for a "why?" So you're trying to avoid the thing. But in the reality, your mind is bringing it to you every single day by you thinking about it and the mind makes you "feel" like it actually is happening. So if you think about that, your mind is actually really convoluted. But it's so hard and that's what we're trying to tell you, is to tell the difference between something that isn't "real" - the past and the future... in this case the past, something that happened. It's over.

Now we do have a lot of Advanced Meditations in the Intuitive Development Class that help you separate who you are from things that happened in the past. We're trying to tell you right now just to be "aware" that your mind is doing these things "to" you. It's much more advanced to say: Okay, now that I'm aware that these things are lie, what do I do with the lies? How do I handle them?

So what we're talking about is whether your mind chatter is making you believe or feel something is the truth is really to dissect the matter and determine: Is this truth? Is this real?

That's the key point, Alfred, right there. Is it truth? No fear is truth. Now there are moments in our life where somebody may cut us off on the freeway or there's a close call with another person in some sort of endeavor you're doing where fear will come up.

Or your child is running around the house with a knife.

Yes, well that would do it.

Yes, that's real fear.

Did you ever do that, Alfred? Or was it a broomstick or a baseball bat?

We used to play with elastics. Like shoot elastics. And my parents would always scream: Be careful! It's going to hit you in the eye! And one day it did. The elastic went in the wrong direction... That's real. Okay? But the majority of what your mind tells you we want you to take a look at and dissect it calmly and say: Is it real? Is it really appropriate that I'm on high alert feeling these emotions.

So basically what we're saying to you is investing in the illusion of what the mind chatter is creating takes you directly away from your ability to engage Spirit. And the more you do that, the more you invest, the less and less and less... And then you wind up emailing Alfred and I and say: Where has God gone? Where has Spirit gone? They haven't gone anywhere - you have. The adage is that: No two things can be in the same place at the same time.

And what we're trying to tell you is: God is always there. Guidance is always there. Spirit is always there. Universal energy, abundance, love - that is always there. The question is: Are you allowing your humanness to separate you from that which always is? Okay? Let me say that again: Are you allowing yourself to separate from that which always is? Are you allowing your mind chatter, are you allowing these feelings to come in and take over you and separate you and block that which always is around you?


We do that ourself, children. We simply do it ourself. Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for today.

For more information, you might like:
Intuitive Psychic Development
Lessons on How to Return to You

Saturday, June 20, 2015

“Lost Expectations” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Lost Expectations” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Lost Expectations
June 20, 2015

Oh, Hi everybody! It's so great to be back onto a regular schedule again. We've been all over creation and working, doing lectures,workshops, what-have-you and so I've been back home... For those of you who've been emailing me "How am I doing" - I'm doing better folks. I had a really, really nasty lung infection and a great doctor over here has got me up and running. I feel so much better, I can't tell you.

So I want to talk today about "Lost Expectations." How do we handle Lost Expectations? You know - "A wish is a prayer the heart makes." And sometimes we get ourself locked into something that will change our life or make us feel better and we start to get invested in it and we start planning what we're going to do when "that' happens and how our life is going to get better because this happens.  But there's also a little tiny thing in there that says "If I get it, God still loves me."

I had a lady say that to me yesterday: I know if this shows up Hans, it proves to me that God still loves me. God always loves you. Not every thing that you're praying for and hoping for comes true in the moment. But if you're patient, and I needed to use some patience today, believe me when I tell you... And I caught myself getting very fussy about something that I knew I had no control over. But it was an expectation that I had to give up.

In any case, coming back up the mountain tonight I thought to myself: Perhaps this is a good time to practice what I preach. And so I caught myself laughing and I'm still doing it. Expectations... Lost Expectations. Because something doesn't show up in your expectation in the moment and/or in the timing does not children, again does not mean anything is wrong. On the contrary, it's working it thing through... for you.

Most things that we pray for come true in one form or another, if we're patient. We get impatient when it doesn't show up in our time expectation. Then we start to add all kinds of negative energy to it. Have you noticed that Alfred, when something doesn't show up in our expectation time wise, we start running our mind crazies?

Absolutely. And the issue here is that the mind thinks it not only can expect something externally but it actually has some type of control over what happens outside of us.


And the spiritual truth is that you have little or no control over what happens outside of you. So when your mind has an expectation of the result of what's going to happen, but the spiritual truth is that you really have no control over anything outside of you, you're literally just wasting energy. See, your mind is really lying to you telling you have control and people should do what you asked them to do. 

Where, in reality, the truth is free will. Everyone has free will. You have free will. Everyone external to you has free will. So by the law of free will, no one has to do anything.

That is correct. Nicely put, Alfred. Thank you for that. Nicely put. Sometimes we take our expectation and we begin to talk to our friends and our family and we share our expectation and then everybody gets excited about our expectation and nothing happens. It's just quiet. It's just... what happened? Nothing happened, children. It's working through its timing. If you listen to the Questions throughout the years here on the Show... and Alfred, I believe we're in our 5th year...

Yes, I think we are.

Yep, I think so. And if you listen to the Questions kids, you will hear so many people say: But when? When you pull your expectation of the time, you begin to open the door for the natural free will of the event, which Spirit already knows, God already knows, and if it is for you, They are currently working on it and will see it through to its rightful conclusion.

However, this is what concerns me as your Teacher. In the process of it not showing up, we start to run the mind chatter that disconnects to our belief. And that is something we all need to be careful of. We don't want to do that. If it doesn't show up, we say: I know it is and I'm preparing myself for when it does. Removing the expectation that says: It has to show up in my expectation, in my time, in my need, so I can feel certain that God loves me. You see?

Now I can hear many of you say: Oh, I don't do that. And I would say to you: You want to bet? For instance, I had a young lady who went to dinner with another young lady friend of hers and they are in their 40's... and a friend of one of them came by to say: Oh, hi. And said: Oh, this is a friend of mine, we're out for the evening. Nice to see you. What's your name? Anyway, that girl went from that place of: Hi, nice to meet you "to" getting married, having children, moving, setting up a whole new life, when there was nothing in the conversation that even mentioned the date. 

That's how our mind starts to set an unrealistic expectation. Rather than say: I know someone like that is on the way. I know my perfect partner is, in fact, on the way and I will be ready for it when it happens. And then get on living and loving your god and get on with your life. We don't do that. She's terribly crushed. And she's terribly disappointed because she never heard from the gentleman. The fact that he doesn't have her phone number never seems to enter her mind. But if my god loved me, my god would have set this up for me. You see how that works, Alfred?

Absolutely. And it's our mind that interferes with the spiritual process of Spirit working “with” us. When we have expectations, when the mind chatter comes in, when we try to figure out how things should be, when we try to control the outcome, then we're telling Spirit: We know what's better. 


We know what's best for me. And the truth is, while we're in humanness, we have no clue. We don't have the slightest idea about our path in life. 


And so the Other Side says: Okay, great. Let me know how that work for you.



So what I'm trying to get at today, kids, is that living in the wonder of the moment... You have heard Alfred and I discuss this for years now. Just learning to be in the moment - all is well. And you can feel when your mind starts to disrupt your joy. You can feel it! Alfred's always pointing out and saying: And how do you "feel" with this? How do you "feel" when that happens? He's big on the feelings because it's true. And you can "feel" Alfred when you go from being in the bliss to having the mind chatter take over and start kicking you around. You can feel it.

That's right. Your connection to Spirit is through energy and vibration. 


That is universal energy, that is clairsentient abilities to communicate and receive guidance from Spirit. And quite simply, if you have an expectation, you are in your head. You're blocking your ability to receive that feeling, to receive that guidance. So basically the lesson here is "it's a choice". If you have an expectation, that's fine. But if you're wondering why expectations hurt, it's because you're approaching life through your mind chatter. The spiritual lesson here instead is to release expectations and live in the moment. Where, from the moment, you'll be able to receive guidance and “feel” if something is for you or not.

Absolutely... absolutely. And Alfred, there's a certain bliss that comes from being in the moment. I've been up here for 2 weeks with Bella, just she and I. In these beautiful mountains we go out and sit in the rocking chair out on the front porch in the morning and I have my coffee and I think these words every day: Oh my goodness, how blessed am I to be in this moment. And she curls up, because she doesn't like to get up early... and we just talk and it's a wonderful feeling of no mental activity. Just peace and joy in the moment. Because our mind isn't telling us that anything is wrong. 

And that's the only thing... as far as I am concerned about is that the mind chatter brings fear, doubt and sadness to us. You can retrain your mind to start expecting joy, to start expecting peace... you can do that. We've got lots of products on-line that can help you get to that place.

Alright Alfred, I think that will, in fact, conclude the lesson for today. 

For more information, you may like: 
You are Enough
Lessons on How to Return to You

Friday, June 12, 2015

“Fear vs Faith and Trust in Spirit” Rebroadcast from November 10, 2010 - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Fear vs Faith and Trust in Spirit” Rebroadcast from November 10, 2010
- by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Fear vs Faith and Trust in Spirit 
June 12, 2015

Good evening everybody. Well, here we are. We made it back to California and a good time was had in Mexico. I thank all of you for your kind wishes that you sent. We got a lot of work done... a lot of things that we needed to get done and we're back here. We did take Bella... her first airplane trip. 

Going down the dogie Valium worked; coming back the dogie Valium didn't work. We had to go from Puerto Vallarta to San Francisco and she did not like that. And she let us know in no uncertain terms. But she's just fine as you hear her tonight rustling around, well you'll know that she's up and running again.

Thank all of you for your kind emails this week. They have been very, very generous in the praise of this show and what it means to me... So I thank you all so very, very much.

Tonight I want to talk about a subject called "Why is Trust So Hard?" You know through the years you've heard me speak of trust and faith and... Have you ever noticed how we trust when things are going our way? And then when things start to get side-tracked, when life takes a detour, we have a tendency to let trust slip. 

And guess what comes in to replace trust? Fear - our old friend - Fear. Isn't it easy how we can go... When everything is fine, we say: Oh, I trust, I trust, I trust. But let something go wrong in our imagination, from our perception... let something go awry and suddenly all that trust that we said we had begins to turn to fear and despair. And then the "what-if's" and the "possibilities" and the "could's" and maybe there... maybe, just maybe our faith wasn't as strong as we thought it was.

Trust is a strange term. For me, trust means "being." Knowing all that happens around me has nothing to do with me. Of course when you get to be my age you can probably say that. But I think when you're a younger person or you're in your 30's or 40's or early 50's, I think it's much different because there are so many things that present themselves to us.

You know, since the election, so many of my friends, not only in this country but overseas, have been saying: But we believed. But we had faith. We knew we that this was the way that we needed to go and now look at what's happened, we've been punished for it. Remember what I say to you folks sometimes when I say: "And what makes you think anything is wrong?" Our perception is that somebody won an election. Somebody apparently appeared to lose an election. But is that true? 

If we have trust that right action will prevail no matter what the appearance... If we back away from the pundents... I catch myself... Oh my goodness, shame on me. I've got to tell you. I go from Keith Oberman over to FOX back to Chris Matthews back to FOX. And it's so interesting how there are two entirely different perceptions of what is going on in the United States. Two different... It's as though there are two entirely different people living in the United States... groups, camps.

For those of you who had absolute faith and trust in the previous election shall we say, you may say: What happened to that trust? What happened to that faith? What indeed has happened? Many people lost their trust and their faith and didn't go to vote. It's that simple. Voter turnout was down significantly. People in the middle moved right, that's all. Both parties, both groups of people believe they hold the answer and they trust in that and they want to believe in that. 

So we have two people with absolutely diametrically opposed belief systems... thinking God loves only them and therefore, they're right. What I'm going to ask all of you to do is watch and see... watch and see, my friends, two years and see what happens. Just watch and see what happens. You might be surprised. 

For instance, I was talking to a lady I know the other day before I left Mexico. And she said to me: Hansie, it appears I'm going to lose my job. I've been here for 31 years. I'm not trained to do anything else. I don't know anything else. She said: I've lost my trust in Spirit because this is not what I had planned. So I've known her long enough... She lives in the midwest... I've known her long enough to say to her: Margaret, what makes you think anything is wrong? She said: Because I trusted it and I believed that I would have this job until I couldn't work any longer.

And I said to her: Do you remember our last conversation? When you said to me: The only thing, Hansie, I regret is that I didn't follow this dream that I had to do this thing. I said: Yes, I remember that thing. She said: That's the only thing I regret. If I could, I would've changed that. If I could, I would have changed that. Well, Spirit heard that as: I wish I could change that. And so I said to her again: What makes you think that anything is wrong? She's still struggling with that.

If you have trust, sheer trust, just absolute trust and belief that Spirit will get you through, that Spirit does know who you are. If you have absolutely trust and faith that Spirit is leading you in the right direction, even though, in your perceptions, something has happened. For all of you who love me, I love you back. But I watched the questions throughout the last eight months or however long we've been being with you, and you can see how we all struggle with trust and belief. 

Because we wouldn't ask the questions we ask if we trusted in Spirit. We would know that no matter what presents itself as truth is only truth if it is truth. Because we have a perception that Spirit sometimes must alter, do we ever stop and say: Well, I wonder where this road is going to lead me? Or do we automatically replace trust with fear? 

So, again, when everything is going well, oh we trust, we believe... But, when something goes awry fear comes in, then doubt comes in, then the shadows come in, then the worry, the fear, the guilt, the what-if's. All the things that don't happen... that don't happen. But we start adding energy and adding power to that possibility. And that's when we begin to fail ourselves. We can never fail Spirit because Spirit does not judge us. But we, when we lose our trust and our absolute faith...

I had an opportunity to be at Agape about a month ago... Agape University, Reverend Michael Beckwith. And Reverend Michael was talking about what happens when we lose our faith. What happens is the mind comes in with its old set of tapes and it begins to run those tapes and those tapes begin to attract doubt and fear and panic... and the what-if's. The what-if's become bigger and bigger and bigger. None of which are true, mind you. None of this is true. It came out of a perception that because something didn't go "this way", it's automatically going to go "that way."

I talked to a gentleman the other day, down in Mexico on the beach, and he said to me... We were talking about something and I said: Well what would you have changed? He said: Well I would have done this a lot earlier. He said: I spent all those years, all those years working and paying bills and paying debt and trying to accumulate some money... trying to get some stocks, some bonds, trying to protect my family and here I am at 55 wiped out. After all I did... all I did. All the commuting, all the tuition, all the stuff I did. My wife is gone. All I did was wiped out because I had faith and I believed that's where I should go. He said: Next time I'm going to put my faith in myself and not in someone or something else. 

Folks, put your faith in yourself and you'll never, ever go wrong. Fear, you've heard me say for half a century now, fear is the greatest enemy we ever have. Remember, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. I hope they speak those words at my memorial. I hate to steal that from Franklin. But fear drives us to do things, fear drives us to say things, fear motivates us to become less than who we actually are. 

And when you go to that mirror... I received a letter from a lady, an email... I guess letters are out of the question anymore... an email from a lady the other day and she said: For the first time I finally heard you. She said: I've had your "Stop Searching and Start Living."  She said: I've had "You Are Enough." I've got all these things. She said: I finally went to the mirror and did what you said and she said: I couldn't tell myself "I loved myself." She said: That's when I knew that I had been governed by my subconscious and my fear all of my life. And she's 50 years old.

She said: But I worked on it and I worked on it and I worked on it. And she said: Finally when I could say: And I love you very much and I'm going to take care of you and no one is ever going to harm you again. Which of course is speaking to your fear. She said: It was like this flash of light went through the room. She said: Everything started moving and there was energy flowing and color and Boom! It stopped suddenly. And she said: I felt like this giant weight had just been lifted off me and thrown away.

That's what happens when you let go of fear and no matter life presents you with, you have absolute faith. Know how much much the Spirit loves you when you love yourself and you believe in you and you believe in Them.

And that will conclude the lesson for this evening.

For more information, you may like:
Stop Searching and Start Living
You are Enough