Saturday, February 22, 2014

“Technology and Spirituality” – by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show transcription

“Technology and Spirituality” – by Hans Christian King
Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Technology and Spirituality
February 22, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. This is Alfred, the Padawan Learner to the Modern Day Mystic himself - Hans Christian King - who is on the line with us. We have a very interesting topic for you this week. And to further discuss "Technology and Spirituality", I present to you Hans Christian King. 

Welcome, welcome, welcome. Well, yes we are finally getting our act together. Getting all of our devices in order and being in one place at the same time. So things are beginning to smooth out. We thank you all for putting up with us over the last 4 weeks. A dear friend of mine, on several occasions has sent me an email and talked to me personally about looking at: “What does all this electronic hardware, and all the things that we're being wired for, what does this do for us spirituality”? Spirit is very concerned about this issue. And I have been concerned about it myself because They're concerned about it. And what they tell me is that: "We're using the electronics, for instance - our iPhone, our iPad, our computers - I can't think of any place that I've been recently where people are not on their iPhone or iPad. And I'm talking about airplanes, airports, buses, cars. I saw a couple the other day, having a beautiful lunch and they never said 10 words to each other. He was on one device and she was on another device and they were busier...and their meal sat there and got completely cold. And then the gentleman sent his back and asked why he had been served cold food. And the gentleman who was serving said: "No Sir, you weren't served cold food. You were served warm food. You allowed it to get cold". And what Spirit is trying to help us to understand is that when we say: “Try not to be of the mind”. “We don't then mean  be of the computer". So what's happening is...we're not able any longer...many people, to function without a device of some kind. And this is "not" what Spirit had intended when they worked with us to put our dharma together, to get our karma in line, and to learn our lessons. This never had anything to do with any of that. And what we're doing is loosing our ability to communicate with the Other Side because of these devices. And it is a growing concern, in the Spirit, that people are basically becoming "automatons" to a computer or a hand-held device. Dear Ones, I can't think of anywhere I go... I went with a dear friend of ours who's in town to the Beach yesterday. And I saw these families, some from Europe, some from the U.S., a family from Japan was there and every one of the children was on some kind of a device. And not just games...not just games. And I had to ask myself: "What has happened"? I saw one man try to get his son to go into the water for the snorkeling and he kept saying: "No, wait a minute, I'm talking to somebody". "No wait a minute”. “Oh, I have to call..." He was totally disconnected from the possibility of "fun". And these devices, what Spirit is concerned about, is taking away from our ability to communicate with each other. I have a client who works for a major computer company and all she does, and they pay her $300,000 or $400,000 a year, to teach the employees how to talk to each other because everything is sent by memo. We are loosing our ability to remember who we are, this baby angel in spirit form. We are loosing our ability to communicate with the Other Side, and we're loosing our identity to the computer world - the electronic world. Now, I know I sound like old sour grapes, and yes, I do have a flip phone. But I also don't put myself out there on the Internet, other than Facebook. I don't do LinkedIn, I don't Tweet, I don't Twitter, I don't do any of that stuff. I don't tell people everyday that I'm going to the market, or I'm stopping by the bank, or pardon me, I have to use the restroom so I have to get off the phone. None of that stuff. First of all it's nobody's business what you are doing. And why would you want to put your entire life out on the Internet for millions of people to see? There has to be a part of you, a spiritual part of you, that you "hold in reserve" that allows you to be "just who you are". Not what some program on the computer says you are. So it's very important for all of us to begin to sit back. And I'm going to give you some homework. I want you to all get a little pad, a little ring-binder that just flips up and the pages turn up, and every day mark down when you were on your computer. Even if it's just to check your messages. Okay? Every time you use your iPhone. I call it iPhone because I don't know the term for all of those phones, Samsung and all that. But every time that you're on one of your devices, for any reason whatsoever, I want you to write down the time. When you started and when you ended. And then at the end of the week, I want you to look. You might be very surprised how much time you are spending not doing what you could be doing - which is enjoying your life and enjoying yourself. People say: "Oh well, the computer is my life". "No, you substituted your life for the computer". 

Now I think that's a good lead-in Hans to taking away our spirituality and substituting it with electronic devices. There's two things that I see after being on computers for a very long time...

Very long time...

Very long time. I've been in IT for 25 years and now we run pretty much your entire business and reach out to everyone around the world through computers. The first is that computers, especially those of us who got hooked on Facebook, email, communicating with other people - is that we're looking for something. Looking for something "out there". Looking for “happiness” or “acceptance”  through having more friends on Facebook. Looking for "connections", seeing what everybody is doing. Looking to see if anybody loves me. How many people have sent me emails today? Okay? It's a pretty normal thing to say: "I didn't get any emails today. Well no one must love me" or ...

Isn't that interesting Alfred? I caught myself doing that the other day after that rush of emails that I got from all over the world wishing me Happy Birthday.

Yes. Wasn't that nice people did that?

Oh my God, I was so happy. That was so nice of everybody. And you know Alfred, in my work you don't stay in touch with people most of the time. But you have these wonderful encounters with somebody, they go off into their life, and then what they were given happens, they let you know that it did, but then they get all into their life. I had emails from people that I had written 30 years ago to...30 years.

So I do feel that the Internet does serve a purpose. It does help us "reach out", provide your message. It's the "addiction aspect" of it is the first part I want to talk about. Is that when you become addicted, when you start looking for the high, when you start looking for the adrenaline rush that is associated with friends and contact, that really is interacting with the humanness aspect of you. That's the logic, the control, the addiction, the adrenaline. So what we're trying to tell you,  the first part that I've experienced, that "search", that "adrenaline rush", that "need to be accepted", is drawing you closer to your humanness. Those are human traits. Those are human attributes. And when you're in "your humanness", you are farther away, you are disconnecting yourself "from" Spirit, your spirituality, your soul. "No two things can be in the same place at the same time", as Hans has said 60 million times. Okay? So that's the first thing to "be aware of". So as you interact with the Internet, the first thing that we'd like you “to be aware of” is that addictive behavior - that search - are you searching for something - are you searching for acceptance - are you searching for a rush - are you searching for adrenaline - are you searching for something, whether it be friends? That's the first thing that's going to tell you: "You've gone over the edge". You're leaning too far towards your humanness. Now is it a "bad thing"? Well, it depends. It depends if you're a spiritual seeker. It depends if you're trying to interact with the Universe, live as a soul, keep your vibration high. If that's important to you, then when you hit that point that "you're searching for something out on the Internet to make yourself better, better that you already are,  you probably should take a look at that”. Okay? The second aspect that I've seen over the years, of learning under Hans, is the necessity to have quiet and down time. Our inclination as a human is: If I have some quiet time - Oh I can do something, I can do some work, I can check my email, I can search for this thing, I can go buy that thing, I can do some research about this.

Alfred, on what you just said right there: "Let me check my email". If we can help people to understand that: "No, they don't have to check their email". It's a "choice". They “want” to check their email. It's the "have to" thing, Alfred, that's beginning to bother Spirit.

Yes. That's part of the first thing is: I “have” to do this. That's a human, made-up thought that I "have" to do this, I "have" to check my email, I "have" to get back to people. Again that's leaning towards your humanness. But if there's one thing I've learned from Hans is that “it is in the nothingness", “it is by "doing nothing", “it is by setting aside absolute quiet time", that you let go of your humanness as we were talking about in point number one, and you allow yourself to float, to be connected to your soul, to be connected to the Universe, to interact with the Other Side, to be "p-e-a-c-e-f-u-l". It is good to let your brain rest and say: "You know what, there is nothing I need to do. In this moment it is enough for me". Okay? And that's really the essence of the second aspect is part of the work you do in spirituality is the struggle between what your humanness tells you and what we tell you to do, what Spirit tells you to do, is humanness says "go do this", "go do that", “go do this", and spirituality says: "No. I have everything I need". Just this moment right now, to get into a higher vibration, communicate with Spirit, to be peaceful, to be restful, to be happy in the moment. That means: “not picking up a tablet”, “not picking up your email”...

Alfred, have you noticed that when we go out...have you noticed that people will be having a conversation amongst themselves and someone's cell phone will ring and the person will take the call? Or an email reminder will come in and they will start emailing? This is in the middle of dinner, with friends.

Yes, and I think that's really the essence of what we're trying to say here is, to remind everyone is “what is important". Yes, it is important to interact with other human beings, absolutely. But, Hans really harps on me about this: "the need to", "the must have", "it has to be done now" - that's an illusion, that's made up by your mind.

Yes. There's no truth to it.

There's no truth to whether you need to pick up that call "now", in reality probably interacting with the person in front of you is way more important than the call that's coming in...

Alfred, there's a commercial on TV and I don't know whether you've seen it or not. Choice, to either stay home and work on her computer answering emails and that type of thing OR coming out of her house, grabbing her purse and her coat walking down a block, a block and a half, and seeing all her friends at this very nice little bar/pub-type place, all talking to each other and interacting. And the commercial is basically saying: “You have a choice. You should remember that seeing your friends, yourself, the value of yourself, the value of your friends, that's what is important”.

Yes. And this is what we're to remind everyone is, in the first aspect, in your search for spirituality, in your search for truth, “less humanness is better”. That means “less searching”, “more acceptance of who you are”, “more acceptance of being peaceful”, is more important. And secondly, “not filling space" every moment with: “Oh, I have a minute, let me check my email”. “Oh, I have a minute let me take”... Well, like I did this morning...let me take french fries and go feed the birds because we don't have any birdseed down here, but we have french fries, and the birds like french fries...

And don't ask us how we happen to have french fries everybody. The reason we have french fries is because if we order some fish or a hamburger or something, they give us french fries. So we save the french fries and bring them home.

Now your brain would say: "Well, that's not logical. You know you could be using the time spending it on your email”...


Hence, what we're trying to tell you is: "We're the opposite of your mind chatter". Sound familiar everyone? We're telling you: "Don't believe your mind chatter”.  Instead go interact with nature. Go outside. That is more important. No, we're not saying completely shut your email down, never check your email... It's the "addictive behavior"...

That is correct.

It is "not allowing for peaceful time", it is "not allowing..."

Well, it's allotting your time isn't it Alfred, really?

Yes, it is. Yes, of course you need to do "human things". But have you done your spiritual homework? Have you done that inner work? Just like you allot time to check your email, have you allotted time to be peaceful? Have you allotted time to interact with your friends on a human basis - not electronically? Have you allocated time to be peaceful? Have you allocated time for your Safe Place? Have you allocated time for meditation? Have you allocated time to just feel wonderful, interact with nature?

Well, like you did this morning. You went out and started talking, we have this big Grackle birds, and he was outside talking to the birds and saying: "Oh, I hear you. You can stop yelling so much, I'm coming". It's spending that time Alfred, that personal time with you and nature, I think is very important.

Um hum. Yes, and that is "practicing your spirituality". We're trying to help you "be who you are" and we're trying to help you “be less of who you are not", okay? Through the addictive behaviors, which I know quite well, we won't get into that, of searching, the adrenaline rush, the acceptance...okay? That pulls you back into who you are "not". It pulls you "away from your spirituality". Those are the two aspects that I personally have experienced. I'm sure there's some other areas and other explanations of it, but what we're saying is: "Find a balance". Yes, you can check your email. Yes, you can interact with people. Yes, you can Skype. Hans does some of his readings via Skype. But it's "did you take the time away from being human towards doing the inner work, towards your spiritual growth. Did you set aside that time”?

Well Alfred, something else I've noticed is that sometimes people don't have an understanding of who they are and they also lack, or they perceive they have no control over anything. That's one of the reasons that the hand held devices for changing the channel were so important to men. Because they feel that in their daily life very little do they have control over. I think with computers sometimes it gives us a sense of "instant control" and "instant gratification". You ask a question, there's the answer.

Yes, well what is "control"? Control is "humanness". It's a lack of faith. What is spirituality? “Surrendering”. Spirituality is always the exact opposite of "humanness".


The exact opposite of "control" is "surrendering". What spiritual practice in the world does not tell you to “surrender”? ALL spiritual practices.

They all tell you to “be peaceful”.

All tell you to “be peaceful”. All tell you “to surrender”. And if you're looking for that "control"...just something for you to look at.

I think that computers Alfred, have actually cluttered the mind. Computers were supposed to de-clutter our life, make our life simpler. That was not the case as everyone now knows. But finding a time for your computer, not taking your iPhone to dinner, it's not necessary unless you have children of course. But learning not to answer your phone at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Spending time with the family, quality time with friends, quality time with yourself so that you don't constantly have to be entertained 24/7. Entertain yourself, you turn the music on right away, you turn the computer on right away, you put the coffee-maker on right away... You turn on the things that desensitize you from just being you. And then you wake up and say: Oh my God, I've got to do this”. “I've got to do that”. And Alfred, you do that sometimes. And I do that sometimes. Have you noticed?

Yes. Well, we're all still in human-form and...

Yes, we are.

Alfred: we like to remind all of our clients as much as possible, you're never going to be perfect. You're always going to have...

You don't want to be perfect.

...until you let go of the human body and go back to the Other Side, there's always going to be bumps. There's always going to be, oh what's the term?

Human frailties?

Yes. That's a good one. Not "sucked in". Sucked in towards something that was attempted. Yes, I'm thinking of Adam and Eve somewhere...


You're always going to be "tempted" as long as you have a connection to a human body, there will be temptation. It is through soul's growth that you overcome "temptation". You overcome "addiction". Sound familiar everyone?

I go outside before my work every day. And I just go for a short walk through the complex. And there are bougainvillaea, and different kinds of flowers growing, and I'm developing a relationship with a plant outside my kitchen window which is a big Monstera plant, a big tropical plant, and it has a new flower on it and it's hidden in amongst the leaves and I tell it how pretty it is... Going out and being in nature, if I pick a Hibiscus to bring into the house, I thank the plant for the Hibiscus. Getting out of the electronic mindset that we are being programmed to.  I know it sounds wonderful kids when Apple or Hewlett Packard or Dell donates all these thousands of computers to underprivileged children. That sounds wonderful. But are we also downloading to those children "the uniqueness of who they are" or "they could be somebody with a computer?" Interesting question, Alfred.

It is. And I was actually looking at Member Questions, trying to get that organized... So I missed what you said, sorry... (laughing)

See folks, that's why you love us. What you see is what you get.

Yes, it is. I'm trying to...

What I was saying Alfred is these wonderful companies that donate all of these computers to underprivileged children. It's a wonderful concept, a beautiful idea. But what they're really saying is: "Someday you can be somebody because of this device". Rather than saying: "You already are somebody, but you might have fun doing things with this device".

Well, if I may quote you Hans...


"Everything in moderation".

“Everything in moderation”.

And that's the trick here. Even Buddha knew "it's the middle path"...

That's right.

When Buddha started out, he realized that over-eating was bad. So he went to the other extreme - one grain of rice a day. And then he realized the lesson of the "middle path" is just like tuning a violin or a guitar. It can be flat, it can be sharp. But what's "the middle path"? Where’s the path of "moderation"? Granted that's a very long subject in itself. But it's saying: "Yes, you can do these things. Yes, you will have faults. Yes, you will be as a human." But are you going overboard? Are you becoming addictive? Are you looking for that adrenaline rush? Are you looking for things? Are you going too far? That's what we're asking you to be aware of.

Exactly. Are you going too far? And so, in the morning, rather than immediately having an electronic device to turn on... Now I'm not saying to you folks "don't turn on the coffee maker or the tea machine". I'm not saying that to you. Because you don't "engage" those things. I'm talking about the things that you "engage". The things that take you "out of yourself" and into the electronic highway. It doesn't matter that you didn't answer your mother's phone call. It doesn't matter whether Mary Jane's husband yelled at her. What matters is: "Can you bring yourself in any given day to a peaceful place without an electronic device?" Because if you can't, the world is in for very serious problems as time goes by. I think what we need to do is we need to find a place inside of each one of us that allows us to open as many doors for ourself as we can without using electronic devices. That's what I think. What do you think?

I think it's just to "be aware". In the teachings that I have with my students, my main focus is for them to be aware of their vibration. Whether their vibration is of humanness or whether their vibration is of Spirit. And if for some reason they notice their vibration is too much, is heavy, is weighty, is a human vibration - is to be aware that whatever they're doing, at that moment, is separating them from who they truly are and separating them from Spirit. And whatever that is, they need to do "less of it". Now, that's not to say, if you're in a spiritual state, you're in a creation state, you're doing automatic writing, you're doing channeling, you're typing on the  computer. Fine, you're keeping a spiritual vibration. It is those times, those actions, those thoughts, that bring you into a human vibration that I suggest you "be aware of". It is because when you're of that human vibration, you can track down "Okay, what it is that I did? What is it that I'm doing that's taking me into that vibration that I no longer desire in my life”?

Yes. I think it's reorganizing "important" - spiritual vibration within ourself. It's getting back to our principle.

Yes, exactly. If you're listening to this Show, you're spiritual journey should be important to you. 

Absolutely. You know Alfred had gotten really righteous on all of this, but I remember when I used to say to him: "Turn the computer off". And the fighting that would go on because I would say: "Turn the computer off". Because he suffers from, like all of us, a slight addictive behavioral issue. When you get into that stuff, it's like saying "put down that cigarette", "put down that drink", so I'm saying "put down the computer".

It is. It is an addictive behavior.

And there's a fear from being told that. Have you noticed Alfred?

Yes. It is an addiction. And again, that's a human aspect and that's something to overcome. Just like any other type of addiction. It's: "What is the middle path"? "What is the moderation path"? And I found that completely stopping something cold turkey, such as never taking a drink, is a difficult path. It really is.

But you did it.

Yes. But I found a "moderated path". My moderated path is, I allow myself one beer a day.

Which you never do.

Which I never even finish my one beer.

You never have a beer a day. It doesn't matter whether you finish it...

Yes. I allow myself to have a beer, because I like the taste of beer, but as soon as I even touch on that buzz of alcohol, I stop. And that's the same thing we're asking you to take a look at, everyone else who's listening is: “You can do your email, you can surf the web, but once you feel that lower humanness vibration, once you feel that addictive behavior, once you feel you are searching, we ask you to instead, stop and go spend some quiet time. Go in the other direction. Go reconnect to Spirit, reconnect to nature”. Okay? So there is a way to use the computer, interact with people, in a spiritual way. Just "be aware" of your vibration. Are you doing it as a "soul" or is it dragging you down into your "humanness" away from where we're trying to lead you towards. Towards your spiritual path.

It's important folks, for everyone to remember - you're not doing anything "wrong".


What we're trying to get you to understand is you may be actually limiting your ability to operate as “a spirit in human form". This is our concern. This is the concern of the Spirit. So don't spank yourself and holler at yourself because you're doing something wrong. No, no, no, no, no. You've been programmed folks. We've all been programmed. I watch Alfred - every time there's a new iPhone off he goes to get a new iPhone. It doesn't cost him anything because he's got some magic that he does...and Apple says: No, you can have this, you can have that”. It's very strange. But there's no need for the new iPhone. The mind says there's a need for the new iPhone, but there really isn't. There's no need... As Spirit once said to me: "Hans, just how fast do you folks need those computers to be”? Remember folks, on the TV...and this one is faster...and faster? You noticed one day that they stopped that. They no longer said "things are faster" because they got to a level where they couldn't make them faster. And that's what I'm trying to say to you. We're being programmed...we're being programmed. We're being programmed into a society that says: "Your worth now can be found on your devices". And Alfred I think that's pretty scary.

Exactly. And here's a good example of what you were talking about recently is:  “You're searching for something”. What we try to tell you in spirituality is: "If you're searching for something, connect spiritually, connect to your Guidance, connect to those souls who love you - your family in Spirit. Let them guide you. Let them show you that which you are seeking”. Okay? Everyone of us, I believe, has a desire to "seek" for "something". And there's two ways. “You can seek it with your humanness” or “you can seek it through spirituality”. We say: "Find it through spiritual search. Find it by going "within", by connecting to your soul, by connecting to the Universe. If you find that - "I feel like searching for something" and you're searching out on the Internet, you're disconnecting yourself from truth, you're disconnecting yourself from your Guidance, you're disconnecting yourself from who you really are". And "searching", I don't want to say in the "wrong direction", we would just say in a direction that is probably not going to lead to what you're looking for.

Right. Exactly. And Alfred, where I watch people tend to "disappear"...have you ever noticed that when you're working on the computer Alfred how fast the time goes?

Um hmm. Oh, it floats by.

But those are precious moments when you could be feeding the birds. Those are precious moments when you could go for a walk. Now I know everyone out there may be saying: "Hansy, you're too dog-gone simplistic". But remember folks, what Spirit has always taught me - and that truth is simplicity itself. "That nothing you're creating do you keep. Only your contact with your Angels, only your divine purpose, and your divine self. That is all you will leave here with. Nothing else". So everything else you'd become addended to that, not spirituality Alfred, becoming an addendum to modern day electronics.



Okay? So I hope everyone, that that sort of answered some of the questions. I know my dear friend in Los Angeles, Mr. D... This show was done for you because you are right, we need to look at these things. Now, Mr. D., what I want you to do is send us an email...this man is a technical send us an email about any questions you may have on this subject. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

“Spiritual Energy in 2014” by Hans Christian King - Spiritual Radio Show transcription

“Spiritual Energy in 2014” by Hans Christian King -
Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Spiritual Energy in 2014
February 15, 2014

Hello everyone! This is Alfred, the Padawan Learner to the Modern Day Mystic himself, Hans Christian King. So say Hi to everyone Hans.

Hello everyone. Welcome to the show. We will take calls on the Show today. Today's topic is going to be "How is 2014 Different than 2013"? I have been talking to a lot of people in my profession - astrologers, numerologists...and everybody seems to be of the same opinion as my own Guidance which is that 2014 is the year for "clearing". This is the year for clearing out your spiritual closet, clearing out your emotional house, and opening yourself up to all the new possibilities that were not or seemed not to be available to you in 2013. So this is going to be a whole new time. This is going to be a brand new awareness for everyone. So what was blocking before, now suddenly becomes clear. So again, what was blocking, what was stopping you now, suddenly the door swings the other way. And so things become easier to obtain. It's just like someone "lifts the veil" between the possibility and the blockage. So this is going to be a very important year for everyone to know exactly what they're wanting to accomplish...what they're looking for. This is a great year for going into your emotional closets everyone, and finding out...making this wonderful list that I'm famous for talking about this time of year - you make a list of all the things you don't want to participate in this coming year with - . the energies that you don't want to fund. And what happens is when you do that, you begin to create a Void, or a space, for the new beginning. So this particular year, as we go into it, and we're getting into it now, and it certainly opened up with a bang of snow for a lot of folks. This is the year for "letting go INTO your new beginning". Letting go into the possibilities now that what you were praying and hoping for last year, will actually materialize in this year. You want to be very careful about one particular thing in the process of letting go. Most people have a very hard time in letting go of situations that don't offer them growth anymore. They believe if they keep working at it, if they keep pushing and keep pushing and keep pushing, that eventually, eventually, the door will open on that issue and that they will be free to move forward. Unfortunately, that's not the case. But if you say to Spirit: "I am now clearing a space inside of my spiritual and emotional self that will allow all the new that is available for me to come forward" - then you're going to see this rush of energy that will pull you out of the way it's been into the way it's going to be and the possibilities of 2014. So 2014 is the year for "clearing" and "receiving". But you have to "clear" kids before you can "receive". You know, it's like going to the gas station and you know you need some gas and so you start pumping your gas and the thing clicks off, but you keep trying to put that last little bit in, just to make certain you've all that in, and pretty much all of a sudden the gas runs down the side of your car. Okay? That's what we're talking about. "Clearing Out" not having to push anymore. Letting go of what doesn't work. So the gas that was the extra gas that's being pumped is wasted. It won't do any good. Letting yourself be available for what is truly in your heart, believing that it is available for you. Opening doors for yourself, allowing yourself to become that special someone. So this is the year for clearing. I'm going to ask Alfred to come in here at this point. Alfred, are you available?

Yes, I am.

He has a much younger point of view on this. Alfred, how do you react to what's being said here?

It's that you have to realize, in order to get a higher level understanding of spirituality, that there's so much more than just you - your humanness. When you look at things as "You are part of the Oneness", "You are part of the Universe", "You are part of Spirit", "You are part of all of those beings and souls that watch over you", "You are part of interacting with your soul mates", then you become aware of things that are much greater than just your mind chatter. Okay? And what Hans is talking about right now is looking at things in a spiritual sense. Such as connecting “to” that which you want or disconnecting “from” that which you don't want anymore. Because there is so much more than simply   just the physical aspect “of” objects, or the physical aspect “of” people. There is “energy”, there is “intention”, there is “thought” that is attached to those people or those objects or what is going on here. Okay? And on Hans King's Facebook page, we've been posting a lot about "Disconnecting from What Was" and "Connecting to What Is".

Exactly, Alfred.

So it's a perfect topic. And again, everybody who wants to get Daily Inspirations, Daily Quotes, Daily Guidance from Hans, please go to our Facebook page under Hans Christian King - or just search for Hans Christian King under Facebook - and "Follow Us". And for example, when you are disconnecting from what “was”, you have to remember that Spirit is using energy to disconnect you from that “was”. So when something is disconnected, you'll actually feel a drop in energy, okay?

Absolutely, you'll feel disconnected.

You'll feel disconnected. And that's what we're talking about here. That there is so much more to look at, so much more to perceive when you're disconnecting from that which was and making space for that which you're connecting to. And again, when you want to connect to something, what do we say? "Have the intention", "Have the thought"... What I'm trying to get across in a long winded way, is perceive things in terms of spiritual energy. Perceive that the Universe if there helping you disconnect and connect to things through vibration, through energy.

Thank you Alfred. That wasn't too long winded.

That wasn't too bad?

No, I was very proud of you.

And I got Facebook in there.

Awh, you did. Oh, great.

I'm not kidding. Mike has been posting "Disconnecting From What Was", we've got about half a dozen of those. He's now started on "Connecting to What Is". This is a great time to go to Facebook and learn little tidbits from Hans about how to connect to what's going to be in your life this year.

You know Alfred, so many people last year felt as though God had forgotten them. Felt as though the Universe couldn't hear, didn't see them, didn't care about them anymore. What they didn't realize is they were in my famous Void - or the time between two cycles of energy. While they saw lots of things going from them last year, they saw very little coming towards them. This is reversed in 2014. Because this is the year when you finally admit: "Okay, I'm going to let go of what isn't working anymore and I'm going to give my ideas and wonders of what I would like the feeling of what I would like, I'm going to give that to Spirit "knowing" that I'm being led in the right direction. I remember once Alfred when I said to you: "Alfred, just give it to Spirit". You looked at me like I was something from Outer Space.

Well that was about the first year or so.

Yes. Tell them how that worked for you.

I'll do the short story. When you think you're by yourself, when you think it's up to you, when you think you're in control, when you think that it's up to you to produce things, then it is. That's the way it's going to be. When you rely on your humanness, your logic, your brain, what you know, then the Universe says: "Okay, you're going to get what you're thinking. You are by yourself". But when you open up to the possibilities that there are souls on the Other Side that are watching over you, that there is Universal Energy that is flowing in your direction, that there are things such as miracles - and you open yourself  up to those possibilities and you "believe" and "have faith" in those things, then the Universe says: "Ah, then this person is open to those possibilities". Then you allow those things to come towards you. You are responsible whether you isolate yourself from miracles or allow miracles into your life. 

And I think that is what's really, really important. You know folks, when you were in school...some of you have heard me say this before but it's such a good analogy. When you were in school your teacher, male/female, whoever she was or he was, behind them had a blackboard, a greenboard or a whiteboard. And they drew on in it, they wrote on it - whatever the lesson for the day was. And by the end of the day, they had written in every square inch and they had written in the margins and there was no place left on that chalkboard to give you the lesson. And then either the Teacher or someone who was a chalkboard monitor, like me, got to come up and erase the chalkboard. And Oh Lord, the wining, and moaning, and complaining... it was terrible. "Oh, I'm not done writing", "Oh no, don't do...", "I don't understand". And they perceived it as a loss. All that information, all that that had been put up was gone. Oh My Goodness. But what they couldn't see and understand was that the chalkboard was empty. Therein was the lesson. Because if you believe, you know that Spirit will not leave that chalkboard empty. And you know that somehow, somewhere, sometime coming right up, Spirit's going to give you brand new chalks. And you couldn't create the new beginning, you couldn't create the new wonder, you couldn't draw the new pictures on a chalkboard that was full of "before". But that is the analogy we want to use for 2014 – is all the stuff that was in 2013, all the stuff that was blocking you, all the stuff that was cluttering up your chalkboard... This is the year to remove it. And children, what you don't know is as you begin to remove it and get to the empty board that sends a "Uh, there's nothing here. I'm abandoned. No one loves me". That is when the Spirit walks in. Not when you're busy thinking you've got it sorted out and you've got it figured out. No, no, no. It's in that quiet space that you admit: "I don't have it figured out". Alfred, I'd like to bring you in here on that. I know that was a big issue for you.

Oh, I'm going to hit on something probably a lot of people are thinking about which is Valentine's Day, which is coming up very soon. 

Very much so.

And everybody's thinking about "Relationships". 

Oh boy, yes.

And we come across many times do we get "Relationships" a week Hans? Several times a week??


Okay, so let's pick on something that everybody can relate to - Relationships. Now, I think probably one of the most requested issues, or most discussed topics we have with our clients is: "How come my soul mate isn't showing up"? And I would have to say three-quarters of the time, the answer is: "Because you're holding onto your current relationship". 

Yes. Or your current perception of how a relationship needs to look.

Yes. And to make a long story short, it's only when you "make space in your life" by letting go of the relationship that doesn't work...okay having the intention to be available to let go of the way that you perceive a relationship should be...only when you "make space in your life" then Spirit can provide you with a relationship according to your dharma, your karma, your soul mate, soul relationships. So even though there may be a soul mate waiting out there, the Universe says: "Well, if you're in a relationship, then there is no space" for a relationship.

That's right. Well the old spiritual adage "That no two things can be in the same place at the same time"...

And that's the whole point of Hans' topic of the chalkboard. It's really hard to draw on a chalkboard if the chalkboard is already full. It's really hard for Spirit to send you a soul mate relationship if you're in a relationship. Now logically you say: "Well, why not? I can still meet the same person". The answer is "No" because we're talking about “energy”. We're talking about “thought”, we're talking about “perception”.


That if you have energy connected with another person, it's hard to be connected with another person. It is "first", as we've been saying: “Disconnect, make space, let go of that which is in your space, your energy, your intention currently”. And then say to the Universe: "I have faith, I believe now that I've let go, now that I have faith in letting go, that a proper soul mate relationship will arrive". See how those are two different steps?

Yes, completely. And you know Alfred, I've been doing this work now, as you know, for now 57 years. And what I find is that a lot of people, Alfred, will say to me: "Well, I know my relationship doesn't work. I've been married for 25 years. It doesn't work. It hasn't worked in 15 years". And we will naturally say: "Then why have you stayed knowing it doesn't work?" "Because I need the other person to show up first before I feel safe in leaving what I have". Which means they don't trust in Spirit. They don't trust in God. That God knows better. Spirit knows better. But when they continue to fund energy... Years ago there was a gal named Barbara DeAngelis and she was wonderful to watch on stage. And she used to lug out this cart and it had a bunch of tomato plants on it, Alfred. There would be maybe 6, 7 tomato plants. And one of the tomato plants towards the right-hand side was as dead as a doornail. And she said: "And what plant do you think we water the most"? It used to just hit's so obvious what the lesson is. But so many people Alfred just don't get it. If it is dead - let it go - its time is passed.

There's two issues. Most people don't want to let go in fear of they won't find anything.

Of course.

Okay - Fear is the opposite of trust and faith. So you have a choice.


You can stay “in fear” or you can “have trust” that the Universe will come and provide for you. The other is control. Control is the opposite of surrendering...

Which is also faith and trust.

Exactly. So if you are in fear, if you're in control, as I said in the beginning, Spirit's going to let you have what you have. You're going to stay where you're at and your going wonder why God has abandoned you. No. That's not the way it works.

I knew a man, years ago, in Carmel, Monterey who had a little scientific shop in his garage. He and his son used to like to dabble on the weekends. And they'd create different things and one day he came to see me. And you know how there are "worry beads" that the people use sometimes, and people tap their hand or their foot to calm them... He had this little ball of clay. And Spirit said to him: "What is this"? And he said: "Oh, it's just something that my son and I played with". And he dropped it on the wooden floor and it came back into his hand and Boom! and right back into his hand. Spirit said to him: "You know, one day Sir, this will make you millions of dollars". And he said: "Oh, I don't think so". It was Silly Putty, Alfred. And he sold it to somebody and I think made $12 or15 million dollars. However, what I want people to understand is that growth is not in the "known", growth is in the "unknown". Let me repeat that folks: "Growth is not in the known, it's in the unknown". Because when you know what you know that's all you know. Therefore it's a "known". But growth is in the "unknown" - what you don't know. Makes sense to you Alfred?

That is one of our most requested shows. I actually was going to share that Show - it's called "Embracing the Unknown” and maybe because of this show, I'll actually post the Show to Facebook. It is absolutely life changing.

I think this is a wonderful idea. Now, Alfred I'm looking at our time today and I think we have a caller. I'd like to go a caller Barbara, if possible.

Hello Sheila.

Caller - Sheila: 
Hello Hans, hello Alfred. How are you?

Fine, how are you? What can we help you with today?

Caller - Sheila:
I have a question. Can people who have passed influence us in our life once they are passed?

Yes, they can.

Caller - Sheila:
If they were nasty people when they when they were alive, can they still be...

That part I wouldn't know. And that wouldn't be allowed. No, no, no. Because it's governed by Universal Law on the Other Side. Now you asked a question: "Can they influence us"? Only if we ask them to. They are not allowed to interfere with our life, either spiritual, or physical. So if somebody was mean and nasty to you in a previous life, the only thing that can harm you is your sadness and anger about that thing. Do you see what I'm saying? That wouldn't be coming from Spirit, that would be coming from actually you, yourself. I know exactly what you're talking about. But Sheila, no,  nobody can hurt us from the Other Side unless we invite them in. We are protected.

Caller - Sheila:
Oh, okay. I just wondered about that.

Anything else we can help you with today?

Caller - Sheila:
Yeah, I'm standing in front of the chalkboard. I've been standing there a long time. Do you see me...actually...I know you said 2014 is the year where you actually get to write things.

Right, okay. It broke up a little bit. You've been standing where honey?

Caller - Sheila:
In front of a blank chalkboard.

Okay. Have you learned the lesson? What is the lesson?

Caller - Sheila:
I'm enough. I'm enough.

There you are, there you are. Then you have no lesson left because the minute you say to Spirit: "I know that the timing for my new life is beginning because I already am enough"... Now remember something Sheila, remember everybody who's listening to our friend Sheila in Chicago - Spirit doesn't have a wristwatch. Okay? So they don't have our time-frame so when they say to you: "Don't worry, it's on the way", they mean it's "on the way" but they won't say it'll arrive next Thursday or a year and a half from now. In your case, are you “clear”? You don't need to tell me or Alfred, but are you “clear” in what you would like "the feeling of" in the year 2014?

Caller - Sheila:
Aah, no. (laughing)

Then how do you expect it to arrive, my angel?

(Sheila and Hans laughing)

Caller - Sheila:
I'm waiting for a clue. That's all I can say brother.

Alright. You know what? What you just did is what we teach. Laugh at yourself. You're waiting for something to arrive having no idea what it is. But what you forget is you have to tell Spirit what you want the feeling of... Now look Sheila, a lot of people don't know what they want right now. Okay? 

Caller - Sheila:
Um hmm.

Here's where you go. You go “inside” and say: "Hmm, how would I like to feel"? Alfred brought this into my practice some years ago and boy it just resonates real well. “How do I want to feel in this new beginning”? And then say: "I would like to “feel this way” in whatever my new adventure is". Right Alfred?

Caller - Sheila:

Yes. It's not so much about words. But it's about communicating through thoughts, through intentions, through feelings, through emotion. It's about connecting to that particular vibration. See, emotions and feelings in the Spirit Realm are translated by vibration. So if you're sitting there feeling: "Oh my God, this would be awesome". And you let that vibration permeate throughout your body and let it permeate as if you're communicating to the Spirit. That's a wonderful way to communicate to them: “That's the type of feeling, that's the type of experience I would like”.

Exactly right. So Sheila, to give you a little heads up, I don't know why, between now and July become important. But there is going to be a sense of awareness that is going to come to you in a very strange way - not bad - but just an unusual way for you to be aware of something. I want you to look for the door child, behind the door.

Caller - Sheila:

See what I mean?

Caller - Sheila:
Aah, okay...

You are a very old soul. You don't follow a path. The door behind the door. Something is going to appear to you and you're going to say: "Eeennneee"... But don't turn it down just yet. Peek around and see what's behind the door. Okay?

Caller - Sheila:
Okay, okay.

I've just given you a very good clue about something. Alrighty? And I'll tell you something...

Caller - Sheila:
I hope I don't miss it! (laughing)

You’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind child to miss this one, okay? And you're not going to.

Caller - Sheila:

But you know how Alfred and I talked earlier in the show about letting go of a lot of stuff?

Caller - Sheila:

How are you doing with letting go of childhood stuff?

Caller - Sheila:
Uh, my Guides told me today to write down everything that I was bad at and look at it and let it go.

There you are.

Caller - Sheila:
Yep. And I did it.

So you're getting it from everywhere. This is Spirit loving and helping you today. 

Caller - Sheila:

They're saying: "It's time to wrap it up dear and let it go".

Caller - Sheila:

I have been where you are girl, okay? Sheila has been where you are. Alfred has been where you are. We know, we've been there. But we all had to go through that. Sheila's still fighting with that. Alfred is getting a very good handle on it. I've got a handle on it. But I'd better at my age or I wouldn't be doing too well. Just to let you know, your mantra speaks this way: "I choose to serve and I choose to make a difference". Now get on with it, okay?

Caller - Sheila:
Yeah, that's what I say: "I am here to to serve". So...

Alrighty. Thank you for calling in today.

Caller - Sheila:
I hope they let me know soon! But thank you and be warm where you are. (laughing)

Well we are. We are in Mexico. It's just fine, okay. Alrighty Alfred... Miss Sheila was a very good example of wanting something but not knowing what it is but being unhappy because it doesn't arrive. You know what I'm saying?

Yes and the other part is as you, and she said her Guides mentioned, is that you have to let go of things.


It's not about time. It's not about when. There is no time. Einstein knew that. Time is an illusion. What is important to the Other Side is "when". "When did you let it go”? “Is there "space"? “Have you learned the lesson”? Once those things are done, then the next opportunity is going to be presented to you. For example: I want to be a teacher. I want to serve. I know it's in my dharma to be a teacher but has the person learned “the lesson of patience”? Well, yes it may be in their dharma to teach but until the lesson of patience is learned, well their Guides are going to say: "Well, she's not ready to be a teacher yet". And you may think well what does patience have to do with being a teacher? Well, you may have “asked” to learn “patience" and the Spirit says: "That's a wonderful opportunity. When she is patient, then she'll be a better teacher". 



So they put you into the problems that you're going to give answers to in your teaching.

Exactly. So if you're wondering why things aren't arriving, then being in the Void is a perfect place. The more you let go of... Going inside, doing the work, the more space you provide for those things you are waiting for. Okay? So again, look at your stuff. Do the work. And again look at things in terms of "energy". Cut to the cord, let go of the negative energy, let go of the negative vibration in terms of hate, jealousy - all of those negative words have a negative vibration and negative energy.

That's very well put Alfred. All of those feelings have such a negative vibration that they actually get stored in the body to the point where people get sick, they get depressed, they have emotional breakdowns - all from thinking...simply thinking. So if people would understand that periodically we all go into a Void. Alfred, you've been in a Void before, you know what it's like. I've been in the Void. Sheila's been in the Void. Everybody connected with the Radio Show has been in the Void at sometime in their life and they're going: "What happened? Everything just stopped. Everything just left". It's because the energy was done for that time. Not necessarily in our way of viewing it. But in the Spirit's way of viewing it, it's "over" at that time. 

I'm going to ask Barbara to let us know when we have another caller. Okay, Barbara?

Hello Miss Angela. How can we help you today?

Caller - Angela:
Hello Hans, good. I'm good. How are you?

Well I'm doing just fine. Better for having gotten you on the Show today. How can we help you?

Caller - Angela:
Well, I would like to know if there is someone...that I could have a clue...when I might meet my soul mate. 


Caller - Angela:
My person that is the "right" one.

You do have a soul mate, dear. I hate to use this words...but you do have a soul mate lover on this plane that you have not met. Okay?

Caller - Angela:

I want you to go “inside of yourself” and I want to ask you this question.

Caller - Angela:
Um hmm.

What's going on in the "trust department in your heart"?

Caller - Angela:
Oh my goodness. Well...okay, I just got out of a relationship where there was extreme trust issues and so I'm wondering why you asked me that.

That's why...

Caller - Angela:
How have I handled it? 

I'm glad you're so honest, I wanted to give you a hug, okay.

Caller - Angela:

When you were asking the question, Spirit said: "It can't arrive until we deal with the trust issues in the heart".

Caller - Angela:
And I need to know how to do that then. I other words, I know...I mean I need to figure out inside myself because I have felt like I have been dealing with that. I have been...I'm really in tune with Spirit...

Yes... Oh, I know you are sweetie. You've got good spiritual vibration.

Caller - Angela:
So I'm not sure how to do it because what was interesting is when you asked me, I thought I had done it and then I was like: "Maybe I haven't".

No. I don't think so. I think your intention, your intention is to do so. Love the intention. Spirit loves the intention. We talk about intention all the time. But there's a fear factor that I found Alfred, in the little girl in her. 

Caller - Angela:

Not the beautiful lady we're talking to now but the little girl of that beautiful lady...

Caller - Angela:
Um hum...

...suffered what we would call a "trauma to the soul"... 

Caller - Angela:
Um hum...

Hans: regards trust issues.

Caller - Angela:
Um hum...

And so even though your intention is to deal with the trust, and get it behind you, it is interfering with your attracting others because you have no place to put somebody.

Caller - Angela:

That's what I'm getting at.

Caller - Angela:
I understand...

Do exactly what you're doing now, call into the Show. That's showing Spirit that you witness that that's happening. You're being up-front, and honest with Alfred and I. You're saying this is happening and all that... So Alfred, how would you address this issue? Then I'll come back and give you my final word.

Be a little more specific so I try to address this please.

Okay. What the problem is...the conversation today is about 2014 is "letting go of the blocks that held us back"...


Caller - Angela:
Um hum.

And so with this lovely lady, what I'm trying to help her to understand is - she didn't witness, until we brought it up, that the trust issue was stopping her from the relationship. From this point on, how would you proceed with it...if you were her?

Trust is a spiritual issue and it really has to do with a little word that I came up with called  "determination". Am I determined to lead the life I was meant to live? Am I determined to lead the life that I asked God for before I was born? Do I really want to go back to the Other Side and say: "You know what, just because I didn't have faith, trust, and belief I didn't experience the things that I wanted to".

Oh, there's a terrifying thought.

Do you really want to come back down and do all these things again or are you going to trust in the Universe to let go of that which is not working and be available to receive that which can be provided if you "trust in letting go"?

Okay, and one thing Alfred I'd like to bring in here for our friend...

How's that one?

You walked away on that very well, I'm proud of you.

One of the things that I think is important for you to remember my friend, is that your perception in the "little girl" says the next one could be like the last one. Isn't that true?

Caller - Angela:

Oh, that's a good one too.

So what you're doing baby, is without meaning to, you're hitting yourself in the head with a hammer.

Yeah, there's an old theory of if you say something to the Other Side, this is what I “don't want" - what the Universe hears is what you're “thinking about”...

Caller - Angela:

They don't hear "what you don't want", they we were talking about with the previous caller, they are hearing the vibration of a negative relationship. If that is what is in your consciousness, regardless of whether it's "I don't want the negative relationship”, the Other Side is hearing, feeling a negative relationship. 


So what we're trying to tell you instead is: “I have faith, trust and belief that the Spirit is going to provide me with a wonderful, loving, nurturing relationship”. And that becomes the vibration that you communicate. That becomes your consciousness.


That is why you trust the Other Side. So do you feel that "in fear", that you feel that negativity? You “feel” that: “Oh my God, this could happen again”. And you close up.


Okay? The opposite of that is: "I trust in the wonder and the possibility of Spirit providing me with a loving relationship, a caring soul mate". Do you see how you just open up?


Caller - Angela:

There is an exercise Alfred that this wonderful girl can do that was taught to me by a very famous Medium 50 years ago. And she said: "I want you to picture a room inside of your heart and this room has a wall with 3 windows on it, and a door on the other one, but there's padlocks and it's been nailed shut with boards and things and the windows are filthy and the drapes are torn and uuccckk". So I want you to picture yourself drawing a new room. I want you to picture in that room putting down new carpeting. And this is going to be the room for "trust in my new relationship". Hear that?

Caller - Angela:
So redecorate that room so that...

Redecorate that room. Make it beautiful. Open the windows, put beautiful curtains up, and some nice furniture and carpet and let the breeze blow through and say: "Now Spirit, this is the place I operate in trust from".

Caller - Angela:
Okay... Alright...

And watch the difference. I'm going to tell you something right now. You do get the relationship. Okay?

Caller - Angela:
Okay. Because what I was wondering is...I've been saying "I trust the Universe to bring me the right person, to make me the right person, and bring me the right person and stuff and so on..."


Caller - Angela:
And yet it was interesting because when you asked me the question, the first thing that hit me was - why am I saying all these "right things" (laughing)...


Caller - Angela:
And getting feelings...I'm into energetic healing and I do that with people, and I help people and I'm in groups with people know are working toward a higher vibrational living and so forth... And so it was interesting because I would have thought if anybody before would have asked I would have thought I had dealt with it and that I had it cleared....


Caller - Angela:
But the minute you asked me, I couldn't come out with: "Oh, I'm perfectly fine now". I couldn't come out with it.

No, because it wasn't true and you're a truthful girl.

Caller - Angela:
I tried and thought I was...

I hope we were of some help to you today and God bless you for calling.

Caller - Angela:
Thank you very much.

And stay in touch with us. Let Sheila and I know how it goes for you, okay?

Alrighty Alfred, that was great to have that caller. Alright Alfred, when you were learning "trust" what do you think was your biggest block?


Yes, I think so.

Surrendering that I knew the "correct answer", the "correct way of being". And the one thing that I tell everybody that you told me was: "Who do you think knows more, you or God"? If you think you have the answer, you're telling God: "Well, you know what? I know the answer I don't need your help". Thus you're limiting yourself. That is why we say: "humanness is limitation".

Oh, It is.

Mind chatter...knowledge. Einstein said: "Human knowledge is limitation".

That's right.

Okay...imagination, intuitiveness, Einstein said is "unlimited". Well where do you think intuitiveness comes from? Why do you think we call our main course "Intuitive Development"?


It is tapping into Universal knowledge where you can access so much more knowledge. Now to let everybody know why I was a little distracted before is that I have just posted "Accessing the Unknown" recording. It is a free recording. It is from one of our Weekly Radio Shows about accessing the unknown and why that is a wonderful thing. Well how can you begin the process of changing your perception to access information that and access the simple knowledge that God knows more than you.

Yes. Isn't that amazing? A lot of people don't know that Alfred.

I didn't.

(laughing) I think it's really wonderful when we start looking at clearing out our spiritual closets - which is what we're asking everybody to connect with this year - and opening our-self up to all the possibilities of the new. And we find things in us that we thought: "Oh, I let go of that before", "I don't operate out of that space”, “What are you kidding me"? And Spirit can catch them 9 times out of 10. And say: "You sure about that?" "How are you doing with this?" or "How are you doing with that"? or "Have you let go of this"? or "Have you let go of that"? And it hits them, "inside", where they live in that little room that they've locked away from their own consciousness because the pain is too severe to linger there. So learning to "let go" is the first process in "receiving" - my personal opinion, okay. I think once you agree to "Let go and let God" - we've all heard that...oh my gosh Alfred, how long have we been listening to that? You know, for 100 years "Let go and let God"...

A hundred? About two thousand, I think...

And for many people, they don't realize Alfred, that they have a partnership with the Spirit. They think they're here by them-self.

That's exactly the perception change that we're trying to get across is - there's two ways to go about this. And I love quoting Einstein, is: "Either nothing is a miracle and you're on this earth by yourself and it's completely up to you" OR "Everything is a miracle because everything has God flowing through it". That's it. It's black and white. You are on one side of the fence or you're on the other side of the fence. And I pretty much can guarantee you if you're on the side of the fence that "everything is up to you, nothing is a miracle", you're stressed out of your mind.

Yes. And have you ever noticed that when you're like that, you don't get anywhere?

Exactly...Well, we learned work against the stress...stress is fine, it gives you energy.

Weren't you actually taught in school in California that stress is achievable and it's a good thing and that's what you should be is stressed out.

Exactly. That's what we were actually taught in Under-grad, but mainly in Grad-school - Graduate School for Business is you're going to be stressed out of your mind and we're preparing you to be stressed out of your mind. And we're preparing you to be stressed out of your mind. And what we're here to do, why I follow Hans, why I also teach, is to tell you: "There is another option". And again, I quote Einstein: "You either believe nothing is a miracle, everything is up to you, you get what you negotiate, you get what you control, to make yourself better you need to be smarter" OR the other option is what we're telling you, which is: "By surrendering, by letting go, by making space, by believing there is a higher force, then you can allow miracles. You can have the Other Side help you. You can go with the flow of Universal Energy. You can let go and let God” as Hans says.

You know I have a dear friend of mine, Judy, who's license plate for the last 20 years has read "You Miracle". Because I told her she "is" the miracle she is looking for.

Okay. And we actually have a wonderful class on this. We don't usually tout our own products but I think this particular product is a phenomenal follow-up to what we're talking about. We have a product called "Enough Lessons Already" where the entire class is about "letting go".

I love that class...

It's about "making space". We even have one of the major topics in here "Spring Cleaning for Happiness". Okay. "Transcending Happiness", "Unimaginable Possibilities", "Accessing Unknown Possibilities", "Co-creating Miracles"... How do you do those things? Okay, step-by-step-by step, this entire class is about 7 hours. You can either get it through Video or just Audio only which is a little bit less expensive. If you get the Video, you get the Video and the Audio. You can listen to it on your computer, listen to it on your iPod...

Now Alfred, they can get these right away can't they?

Yes. As soon as you buy it, you download it, you have immediate access to it. And this is 7 hours of step-by-step-by-step where you get Handouts to learn how to do these one thing at a time. Even if you incorporate one of these lessons into your life - once a week - once a month - your life will absolutely change. I'm doing the one thing that changed me was "Who knows more, you or God"? And that one little...

He didn't like that.

Well, I tried to fight it - but you can't really. So we've got 7 hours. That's probably like 12 pages of Handouts of exactly what we're talking about. How do you disconnect from those things which are holding you back? And the thing you have to realize here Hans, or else he'll beat this into me, is it's nobody's fault - there's nothing wrong.

No, there's no fault. Nothing, no.

Everything is just a "lesson". You asked to go through a bunch of "experiences". You've had a bunch of "experiences".

That's what you're doing. Stop beating yourself over something you never intended to do. You know Alfred, I'm looking at the clock here and I realized we may have time for one more question. Barbara, do we have another caller?

Okay. That's fine then. What I'm going to be offering people is this. If you put your hand out, to the Spirit, and you say: "I'm now ready for the blank page. I know you are there for me. This is how I would to "feel" in my new life". Without dictating how it has to look, what expectations it needs to meet for you to be okay with that... Alfred, you were really stuck on that. Remember?


And he'd say: "What do you mean"? I said: "Present Spirit with a blank page". The lesson is “belief and trust and faith”. And when you show them that, then they know that you trust them. And when they know that you trust them, then they start pulling the old lessons, throwing them away, and they start to give you the new chalks to create, draw... If anybody would have told me, a year ago, I would currently be living in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, on the Caribbean, I would never have believed them. But I said to Spirit: "In this coming year, I would like to "feel this way". And this is what happened. I don't have any more brownie points with God than anybody else listening to the Show. But if you truly believe, truly believe that Spirit loves you, then start loving yourself as much as Spirit loves you. Because when you start to do that, your life as you have known it will absolutely change.

I would like one to make one request from all of you today. Our friend Sheila is having a slight family issue. Now she's okay, family's okay. But there's an issue that needs prayer work on and I would like everyone to send her a loving kind thought today. 

Alfred, any closing words my friend? I think we have just a little bit of time here.


Ah. Boy, don't people dislike it when you say they have to be patient?

How many religions say "patience is a virtue"?



It is. Because "patience"...we all like to think we have it, as long as things show up in our expectation. It's when things don't show up Alfred in our expectation that we begin to lose our patience. When we lose our patience, we lose our faith. Isn't that right?

Yes. You have to realize it's not about "time". It's whether you've "done it". Whether you've completed the lesson. Thus "patience" really helps you calm down. Patience really helps you to be calm, to be peaceful - which is spiritual. Stressful is "humanness", "separation"...

One of the things Spirit has said to us Alfred in the product we did for PBS some years ago called "You Are Enough", they said: "What if you woke up tomorrow morning and found out that just who you are  in this moment was enough for God?" There's no one you needed to become, nothing you needed to do, no where you needed to go - just who you are in this moment was enough for God. Well, if you're enough for God, why aren't you enough for you? Start thinking about these little parables that I put out. Start thinking a little bit about, when I say: "Remember God doesn't love anyone more in this world than you". Take that and put that in your heart. But watch your mind chatter try to argue with that spiritual reality. Watch your mind chatter argue with: "You actually are already enough". So just remember folks, as you move forward into this 2014 agenda of yours, let the Spirit know, as Alfred says, let the Spirit know how you would like to "feel" in your new life. Get your eraser out. Start to erase all the thought forms, thought patterns, that don't work anymore for you. Be joyful, be excited in the "nothingness" that you are creating. Because all the joy and happiness comes in that "nothingness". You see?

I want to take the opportunity to thank you Alfred for joining me today and helping me out. I know that Sheila is going to listen to the show and she'll see how wonderful you are and I want to thank our dear friend Barbara who actually makes this possible. And I want to thank all of you for joining us today. And please have an "awareness", have a "knowing", that you are on the right path when you admit "you don't know". Okay? So I want to take this opportunity once again to thank all of you for being with us today. And for the lady who sent me the email - Yes, indeed your little dog will be fine and it's just going to take just a little bit of time before she can correct the illness. But she's going to alright. And to the gentleman who emailed about his mother, I just want to let you know that she has arrived safely on the Other Side and she will do everything she can to be in touch will you very soon, okay?

Alright Barbara, is that about it today? 2 minutes. Okay. Alfred, would you like to say something before we close?

Sure. Spiritual Circle Membership. There are a lot of products that Hans and I have that go into great depth, whether it's a 1/2 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours about step-by-step how to become more spiritual. And we talk to you the same exact way we're talking to you now. Maybe we invite you into our living room and you can see us in Video. But out of all of the products that we have, one of the best things to consider is joining our Spiritual Circle. Under you'll find "Spiritual Community" - and under "Spiritual Community" is our "Spiritual Unfoldment Circle". If you join, you not only get access to ask Hans and I a question that we answer every single week On Air, of course it's "Bill in Portland" or "Susie in Paris" so you don't have to worry about people finding out. It's perfectly fine. Everything's anonymous. But you get 60% off our Products. Why? We love our Members. If you're a Member, we support you as much as you support us. Okay? So everybody, please consider becoming a Spiritual Circle Member. Of course you can listen to our Weekly Show on Saturday's for free, you can listen to this Show for free, absolutely fine. But if you really want to dig in, if you really want some guidance to make change in your life, join the Spiritual Circle Membership and get 60% off all of our Products.

And you can find that at

Alfred: - Under "Spiritual Community". Okay? And that's all the time we have Hans.

Okay. Thank you very much.