Saturday, July 12, 2014

“Communication with Spirit” - Rebroadcast from 2013 - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

Communication with Spirit” - Rebroadcast from 2013 - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic:  Communication with Spirit
July 12, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to MODERN DAY MYSTICISM being broadcast on The World Puja Network. Tonight's topic - "Communication with Spirit". Without further ado, I present to you Hans Christian King.

Good evening everyone. Good evening. Thank you for being with us this evening. Beautiful day here in the Great Smokey Mountains and the trees are coming out, the rivers and streams are full. So I think that summer is coming a little bit, I think.

For many years people have said to me: What does the Bible say about Angels? It's very clear. In the Bible...let's go to the Greek translation of the Bible for instance. It says that: An Angel is a messenger or a bearer of information. But each and everyone of us has an ability to connect with that Angel, to connect with that bearer of information - all of this habit. Unfortunately through the many years of our lives we've had a tendency to sort of paste over it, to paper over it, to paint over it, to where it is very difficult for the Spirit - those loving Angels - to get through. So "Communication with Spirit" is a matter of recognizing #1, you have it and that each person who is listening to us this evening has souls in the spirit form who assist you in your journey on a daily basis. No one is ever without Guidance. It is a matter of recognition. It is a matter of opening up and accepting that you have it. And beginning to limit the mind chatter opens the door for all the possibilities. As always I bring Alfred on-board here for a moment. Alfred how did you first recognize that you had Angels, Guides, Helpers, Friends?

Well there's a difference between receiving your first communication and getting an understand of who it was from. So is it my first communication or my first understanding?

Your first understanding Alfred.

I would say through Automatic Writing...

Um hm.

Alfred: the first chance that I was able to get very clear communication from Guidance that specifically had to do about my life and that came through me. So it was my first direct contact with my Guidance.

Um hmm. Did you have to go through a process of...for me it always was so I didn't go through the process... Did you have to go through a process of belief in it? How did you get past the mind chatter that may have thrown up doubts? I think that would be very important and helpful to our listening family.

It's a quiet determination that I talked about last week is that you have to be determined to say: Look brain I know you really want to run things, I know you've been running things for the last 30, 40 years - let's give this a shot. Let's just try it. Let's try it for a week, 2 weeks. If we don't like it, we'll go back to way things were. But maybe it will work. If it does work, hey let's at least try it and make sure. So you have to be very, very determined and resolute that if you're going to do it - doit. Or don't do it. Yoda said: Do it, but don't try.

Do or don't do but don't try.

And that's it. You can't be sort of pregnant. You can't sort of be spiritual. Sure you can try to be spiritual but you asked me the thing that really was the determining factor in me being able to receive communication - it was absolute determination to put aside my mind chatter and connect to that which might be...could be.

I remember when you used to go into your office and stay in there for hours and you had a sign that said: Don't even think of knocking. And that said to the outside world that you were actually sitting with Spirit and developing communication. Is that how it worked?

When I first started, yes. Basically I locked myself in a room and cut off all communication. Later I came on to realize that's how the great Masters learned self-realization, learned to receive guidance. In India they went into a cave in the Himalaya's. The Monks, whether they be Christian Monks or Buddhist Monks, went to a Monastery and isolated themselves so they weren't interfered with in order to meditate, receive guidance, go inward. So I got lucky and found the same type of path.

You know what I have found with so many people is's not so much mistrust, I think as it is "fear to believe". When we say to you: Every person is assisted by spirit form. So in other words these souls are in spirit form. Each and every one of you has Guidance, again Helpers, Friends. And I know that so many people want to believe that is true. But they find it very hard to apply. I remember one lady just looked at me and she said: Are you sure? Are you sure Hans it's true? Well Angel, I've been working with it for 56 years so for me it absolutely is true. Now I've been talking to you folks about this particular class that we're teaching...been talking about limiting the mind chatter. Now I've been talking to you a long time about that. But one of the reasons that you learn to limit the mind chatter is that by doing so the better able you are to hear Guidance. That's the key. So in other-words, less is more. And so, now people say: Well Hans, how did you turn off your mind chatter? For the work I turn it off completely. But in the beginning I had to work on it. I was the same as everybody else. Because the fact was that I was in the human form. And again, Spirit always reminds us that while we're in human form we are susceptible to human frailties, you see. And so there's a part of the naturalness of the human form that wants to "believe" that it knows best, that it is in control, it is taking caring of us. So to risk or to venture "outside" of that belief causes quite a raucous in the consciousness and I call it, of course mind chatter. But the more you learn to push the mind chatter aside, the clearer you get in "Communication with Spirit". It's that simple, you see. The more you work on the mind chatter, which is what I've been harping on you folks for so many years, the more you learn that the more you counter the mind chatter, the more you get from Spirit. Alfred was that so for you?

There's a lot of side benefits that we've talked about - happiness, bliss, peace but the hugest benefit you get from clearing mind chatter is that it makes a space for guidance from Spirit to enter your life. And that's where we're taking the teachings now. We're moving it up a level...taking it up a notch to say: What happens when you let go of so much?  Let go of bad habits, let go of bad thoughts - it creates a space.

Um hmm.

The questions is: What do you put in there? We say: Nothing.

That's exactly right.

Enjoy the peace, enjoy the bliss, be happy, do nothing, relax. And then we're taking you on the next level which is: There's now a space for Spirit's Guidance, Truth, Blessings to come into your life.

Well what you're saying is absolutely correct. You know the gifts of the previous lessons on mind chatter is clarity Alfred. It really is that simple. But I find in my work that people want so much to believe. They try so hard to believe. But belief is very simple you see. It just "is". Now on my way down here this evening from upstairs, we have a recording studio downstairs, I thought I would go outside and as I did there was a bunny rabbit sitting on the walkway. And the little bunny froze and I froze and I just started to talk to him and I said: Well I have to go to work now. And he just looked at me and turned his head. Then he remembered his fear. But for a moment...for a moment...he just sat there and looked at me. The same when you're in human form. For a moment if you but believe, you can take those moments and stretch them and the more you stretch them the clearer you become. Something came up today that would concern or worry most people. I just looked at it and I thought: Well this is interesting. No, I choose, I choose not to go there. I choose not to go there. I choose to simply "be". Which is practicing what I teach. Because whatever the mind chatter is saying it basically isn't true. All of us from time to time have had great moments of clarity. And in that clarity we find ourself...we find our truth. Clarity allows space you see for Spirit to present guidance to you. And that's what we're trying to teach you. This is what we're harping on. All these different things that you keep thinking we sayover and over again - if you put them together you will understand why. Clarity brings you your Guidance. Have you found that so Alfred?

Clarity is not clarity of thought - the way we're talking about it. Clarity is...

Lack of thought.

Alfred:'s lack of thought. It's lack of mind chatter. It has a lot to do with the class that we just taught which is Spring Cleaning for Happiness. It's letting go of old clutter that you don't need to have. What we're actually saying - it's not like real life if you put it in a closet and let go of it it doesn't bother you. Yeah, if it's something that you're trying to hide and stick it in your mind it will bother you...

Yes it will.

So clarity is letting go of old habits, letting go of mind chatter. It's being peaceful. It just is. That's the clarity we're talking about.

Simplicity itself. Remember always the truth and clarity are simplicity itself. What is in your way - altogether now, come on - what is in your way? One, two, three - your mind chatter. That children is what is in your way. And once you begin to understand that you begin to giggle at it. You laugh at it. Because you see some of the things that you do to deliberately, absolutely deliberately, try to scuttle your own ship! And then you call me and say: Well Hansy, why am I doing this? Because you don't believe. You're still operating out of the mind chatter. To get clear communication with Spirit - #1 you must first go inward. You know go -  inside of yourself and release perception. Now that's...Alfred there you go have fun with that one.

Well that's what we've been talking about for the last month is we've been talking and harping about letting go of perception, letting go of opinion, letting go of things such as trauma, letting go...just letting go of everything you possibly could and we've just been talking about it so much but we've saved the best for last. The main absolute reason and it's the core - absolute core of Hans' teachings - to let go of mind chatter, perception, opinion...these human because you will open yourself up to an army of supporters, an army of love with infinite knowledge and infinite resources to guide your life. And the best part is they know your dharma. They know why you're there. You've asked them to guide you. But for the first time you're going to say: Okay, can you come guide me now? I'm opening space in my life for you to help.

The key here is when Spirit sees your willingness to let go of perception through mind chatter... When They see that, when They understand: Aah, they've heard it! A smile comes over the face of your Guides, your Helpers...comes over God's face. A smile that says: Thank Heaven. Now they can do their real work. Now they can begin to move forward in love and light and find out what it is that they came to do. For many of you the internal struggle over self worth, self esteem...just learning that... Folks you hear me say it but do you ever put it to consciousness? “You already are enough.” Nothing you are going to do or create is ever going to make you better than who you already are for God. And we all have so many heartbeats. We all have so much air to breathe. That's it...and then we go home. And then we meet all up in our classes that we'll be doing on the Other Side, when we meet up, and you do your life's review and you say: Hansy, thank goodness I listened "or" Hansy, I wish I had listened. Be in the group that says: Aha, I listened. By releasing that which you perceive to be true, you create space for Spirit to present truth and miracles in your life. Again, by releasing by what you think to be true through your perception, you create space for Spirit to present truth and miracles to you. Alfred?

This is the real essence of the lesson tonight. You have two choices. Listen to what your mind perceives to be true. Listen to the opinions in your head. Or, listen to what your Guidance is telling you. You can't have both. Well should I say it's really difficult to have both. Okay? Why is it difficult to have both? Well imagine listening to a Professor on stage but you've got headphones on. Well the headphones are going to block what the person on the stage is trying to tell you. It's really difficult to listen to two people talking to you at the same time.


Usually for us poor humans we can only listen to one thing at a time and hear one thing at a time and concentrate on one thing at a time. So it's a choice. It's a choice whether you want to believe what your mind is telling you or to let that go and open yourself up to the unbelievable possibilities, the unbelievable love of an army of family and friends just waiting to bless you and support you...

And open all these wonderful doors for you.

...and it's almost impossible to describe all of the things that can happen once you allow your Guidance and once you allow the Universal Energy into your life. You just have to live it. And then when it hits you, you just say: Oh... And that's something that you as an individual need to do. It's not something that we can tell you. We can tell you: Here's the water. That's all we can do.

You know Alfred somebody wrote a book and I forget who it was but they said: It was there all the time.

It is there all the time.

All the time.

And that's the issue is if you're so caught in your head you're not going to hear anybody trying to give you guidance. They're not going to whack you over the head unless it's really important or life threatening. But basically on a general, every single day basis, your Guidance, your Angels are guiding you.


And that's the essence is they are always there.

You're never alone.

You are never alone. But if you're in your head, you are alone. Because you're blocking them. And again another essence of tonight's teachings is that by letting go of what you perceive to be reality, by letting that go, then all of a sudden you are available to receive what is actually reality, what is the purpose of your life.

So in other-words, we go back to our original statement. What is in our way? Our mind chatter is in the way of our peace, in the way of our joy, in the way of our possibilities, in the way of the blessing of ourself to ourself. Mind chatter is the single most destructive element in nature as far as this man is concerned. Let yourself be free. For instance, Alfred and I are going toteach a class called "Walking Between Two Worlds". We will teach it at the Agape University in Los Angeles. And people say: Well what's that mean? It means learning how to literally walk this path with one foot in this dimension and one foot in the dimension of Spirit. Yes, you can do that. And a lady emailed me: Well how does that work? Because you believe. Here's what you believe - That you are in fact an Angel having a human experience. Your spirit, your soul, an essence was chosen to have a human experience. So you learn how to reattach to that spiritual quality of who you are and then how to garner the most out of this world. As the Christ pointed out very clearly: Learn to be in this world but not of it. Once that settles in you, once you hear that, your life changes. Yes Alfred?

A lot of what we're talking about is very, shall we say, pie in the sky. Okay? Miracles, Truth, Guidance...

That's what the mind chatter like to get a hold of.

Yes. (Alfred changes his voice) "And they're not giving you any hard core examples, can you really believe this hogwash, what are they really talking about, they're just trying to fool you."

Alfred that's very good, I like that. We'll get you a job as a voice over man.

(Laughing) Yeah, I've had some battles with my mind chatter. So let's give you a couple of examples that really happened to us. Okay? A couple of years ago I was working on Hans' book and I said: Okay Hans it's time to start looking for a publisher. Now the graduate in me would say: Okay, let's do some market research and let's find out who Hans' direct and indirect competition isand let’s find out what publishers they use and let's make a sample of the book and start sending it around to the publishers and let's find out what the normal percentages are and how much the negotiation should be and start getting a short list of potential publishers and then discussing more details with all of those... And I wasn't even a quarter of the way through that and Hans says: No. Spirit will bring us a publisher. And I said: I'm sorry? And he says: No. Don’t do any of that. When it's time They'll bring us a publisher.

You looked very incredulous at me like I had lost my mind.

I was speechless and I said, as I've been teaching: Okay, let's try it. What’s he worst thing that can happen? Nothing. I'll go back to the way, the insanity that I was going to do it...

But what happened Alfred?

But what happened is I printed out a copy of the book and Hans says: Let me carry it around. Well about a month later Hans was in Los Angeles doing readings and a client he had for about 20 years who happened to own his own publishing company says... What did he say Hans?

He said: What's that sitting beside you? I said: It's a manuscript for my book. And he ran across the table and he grabbed it and said: It's mine. I will publish it.

And that's what happens when you allow "space". That's what happens when you "trust". Miracle - what is a miracle? A miracle is something that happens for your benefit that you didn't do.

Um hm.

That's a miracle.

Well the miracle that I think of is Alfred is actually putting yourself in a place to receive the miracle.

And that's your job...

And that’s your job.

Alfred: create the miracle. That's a little bit advanced, but it's along the same principle is if you want to hear Guidance - turn left, yes, no, go straight ahead, stop, yes this is for you, no that's not for you - you need to "hear" it. If you want to receive truth, if you want to receive miracles, you need to stop being so busy. Stop thinking. Stop thinking you're in control. Stop thinking you know the best way. Possibly...

Wow, that was really a statement from you.

It is. Trust me. It is.

(Laughing) Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness...

Grinding my teeth on that one. Because that's what they teach all of us is: You are in control of your life. You can be anything you want to be. And we're saying: Sure. Okay. How's that working for ya?

Hans and Alfred Laughing

Are you stressed out of your mind?

I used to say to Alfred - How are you doing in there son? (Laughing)

Did you go to sleep arguing with yourself every single those voices in your head keep you up at night?

He once said to me...I was giving him a little dressing....and he says: WHERE DO YOU COME FROM? And he just couldn't get it. He was so educated and so caught up in the appearance of that education and the bank jobs and the hard work and all that and he goes: Where do you come from? And I said: From peace...from peace.

And what I'm telling you is you can believe that that's the best that there is or you can try to just open yourself up to things that you thought unimaginable. Here's a really simple one. Think we mentioned this once or twice...really simple. You walk into a room. All of a sudden you look around. You don't know anybody, but you walk into a room and and something tells you: Ewh, that person's kind of icky. And your brain says: Look, he's got a gold watch. He's really nicely dressed. All those people are around him. We should go over there. And your heart tells you: No. Something's wrong with that situation. Something doesn't feel right. Well if you've ever watched...what is that show...American Greed... Is that the show? It's always the people with the big gold watches and the boats and the yachts and the signed photos who are the people who are the scammers. Well guess what? Your Guidance and your higher-self just may have saved you a bunch of time. Why? Because you listened to that and not your mind chatter. That in itself is truth. That in itself saved you a lot of pain and agony. Very simple example of how your life could be better by not listening to your mind chatter.

Thank you Mr. Alfred. The reason folks I use Alfred a of the reasons is because he's so fresh into the experience of declining the information from the mind chatter. And for many of you I know it's been a big help to have a younger person...because I've been at it a long time...and so it's just natural for me. But it wasn't natural for him. So this has been very, very important to us. And I believe Alfred that that concludes the lesson for this evening. 

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