Saturday, March 28, 2015

“Listening to Spirit”- by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Listening to Spirit”- by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Listening to Spirit 
March 28, 2015

Hi everyone. Today's topic is "Listening to Spirit." As you know, one of my great teachers. of course. is Yoda. And one of the things that he said to Skywalker was: Don't try. Do or don't do. But don't try. Now why did he say that? Because in the 'trying' is a human mind intention, you see? And when the human mind intention gets involved... You can set your intention but then go away from it. 

That is going to allow you to not sit there and wonder: I wonder if I'm going to get anything. I wonder if it's going to work today. I wonder what They're going to say today. All of that, that is coming out of the humanness 'need to know,' is actually, Alfred, interfering with the direct channeling abilities.

Yes. And that's something that we've been discussing, especially with our Spiritual Circle Members who send in questions about how to receive guidance, is that any aspect of humanness, including simply asking questions, is interfering with your ability to hear. Because asking questions means you in your human self think you know what the question is and your inviting your humanness into the channeling session.

Yes. And that is when you fail yourself, people. Okay? Sitting down to blank out the space that holds the mind chatter, frees up a space for Spirit to begin to enter into a light conversation with you. Now I say 'light' because they won't come in and hit you over the head with a board... normally. They did with Alfred. But that was the only way we could get through to him.

But for most of you, a quiet understanding that 'it already is so,' you see. It already is so. There's never a time you're NOT in communication with Spirit, people, never. One of the problems that I have found, Alfred, with people trying to channel is the 'trying' aspect. It literally gets in the way of the 'I Am' principle - that says 'I already am.'

It's very, very true that trying is an aspect of humanness. 


That means you're trying to be something that you're not already. And one of the easiest principles of Spirit to remember is that you already perfect.


Everybody questions: Okay, well why do we come down if we're already perfect? But simply saying you are already perfect... If you all want to be in spiritual form, if you wish to communicate with Spirit, start from the basis that you are perfect and that you need nothing and that everything is effortless.

That's right.

So if you are channeling correctly, it should be absolutely effortless. Which means you need to tell your humanness not only to be peaceful and quiet but to absolutely do nothing besides be a simple, blank slate and effortlessly connect to the Other Side.

Yes, absolutely... absolutely. And you know folks, when you say: I'm trying. What are you saying? You say: I'm not. And that's the message that you're sending to Spirit. I know I'm not in touch with you but I'm trying to be. Wrong message. They won't respond to that message. By having a heart that says: I am, daily, in touch with Spirit. I would like to sit down and feel that love right now. You hear the difference, Alfred? I would like to sit down and hear and feel the love. I'm not 'trying' to be in touch with Spirit.

There are certain things... for instance Circles or Seances where there is a Medium present to enact a certain vibration that allows people on the Other Side to speak to people on This Side. That's one thing. But you yourself are never out of contact with the Spirit - Never. But your mind chatter disconnects you from your peace and your space of loving partnership with Spirit by this constant trying  to understand it. What They're saying? All of this... This causes you a problem,  definitely.

Especially things like: What are my Guides names?


How are They related to me? Does that not sound like trying to understand it? And what we try to say is: There is nothing to understand. If you are trying to understand the names of your Guides, how it's going to work, what it's going to sound like, what types of information They're going to be giving you, you are inviting your humanness into the session.


You are putting yourself in limitation by trying to understand it.

I didn't know who the names of my Guides were for many, many years. I called them 'Friend.' Yes, Friend I feel you. Yes, Friend I hear you. That type of thing. I didn't say: Well, I'll only believe if you give me a name. And, Alfred, that's what a lot of people do. They're waiting to get a name as if the name qualifies the reality.

Exactly. They say: Okay, if I understand, if I get a signal, then it means I'm going in the right direction. No. That's a human approach. And again, if you try to approach receiving guidance and channeling the Other Side from a human approach, you are inviting limitation, you are inviting interference, you are inviting separation from the Other Side. It is by letting go of the mind chatter, letting go of thought, letting go of understanding, letting go of trying... Simply going into the most peaceful place, blank place, possible, that it's going to work.

Yes. And it will work for all of you. Remember, the less you 'try' to channel, the more you will. The more you 'try' to channel, the less you will. Because the word 'try' gets in your way. It's the mind chatter that says I need, I'm wanting to believe... all these things. But it doesn't say I trust and believe.

When I sit down, folks, for over 35, 40 years, I went out into the world somewhere to see 8 people a day, 6 and 7 days a week. For years and years and years and years and years. I never one day ever sat down and said: I wonder if I'll be able to get anything today. I had what they call a 'knowing'. A simple knowing. And the knowing was 'it already was.' I wasn't separate of that truth because I walked in it. 

We gave a class recently, if you remember Alfred, at Agape International, on Walking in Two Worlds and showing people how it is that they can believe that they already are receiving information from the Other Side and then there's the appearance of reality on This Side. Notice how I say 'appearance.' But everyday that you get up... When you're asleep you're already on the Other Side. When you get up the energy from the Other Side doesn't say: Oh, bye. I'll see you next time. No, the energy follows with you into your daily life. And learning to access says: I don't try, I do.

So on that note, Hans, let's just simply summarize. This human world is the exact opposite of what it's like to be in Spirit.

That's correct.

So if you wish to communicate with, be as Spirit, do the exact opposite which is do not try, do not understand. Okay?

That's why Yoda said: Do or don't do. But don't try.

But you are to be in a blank space. Understand that you are already perfect. That you need nothing. You do not need to understand who or why or what or how.

No... no.

It is from that place of nothingness that there is everything. It is from that place of nothingness that you separate from your limitation. It is from that place of nothingness that you invite Spirit to enter.

And Alfred, I can hear our folks out there right now saying: Well, wait a minute. I need to know! No, you don't.  And Alfred, that's very hard... what you just gave hard. It's absolute truth but it's very hard for the human mind to accept that it is not in control.

That's exactly the point.

And to believe, Alfred, into nothingness. You used that word several times. That's spiritual truth.

If you want to understand and if you want to be in control, that's what you're going to get. If you wish to talk to the Other Side, then you need to be the opposite of understanding and control.

Yes. Absolutely the opposite.

It is a spiritual truth. Hope that helps. A really complicated topic but...

It's a tough one, Alfred.

It is.

It gets the people's minds a'runnin' quite well. But just know, always, that there's never a time, gentle people, where you are not in touch with Spirit. And I think Alfred, that will conclude the lesson for today.

For more information, you may like: 
Beginning Communication with Spirit Lessons   
Intermediate Spiritual Lessons

Saturday, March 21, 2015

“Being in Service”- by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Being in Service”- by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Being in Service
March 21, 2015

Hello everyone. Today's topic is "Being in Service." What does it mean to "Be in Service?" It starts with an intention. There's an old saying that goes something like: Kindness and compassion are the coin of service. It's the highest state while in human form you can possibly reach. Okay? So again, kindness and compassion are the coins of service. It really is the highest state you can achieve in human form. What does that mean? It means that each day you wake up with an intention to serve another person. Not to throw yourself to the ground and worship at the feet of anyone. But to have a kind thought, to do a kind deed. To set out each day to make the world just a tiny bit better than when you woke up because you were in it.

My father, all his life, woke up every morning to make someone laugh. Up until his 80's that's what he loved to do is make someone laugh. I myself wake up every day to make a difference for someone in the world. And I am blessed to be able to accomplish that each and every day.

Something that people really are concerned about Hans... We've heard this many, many, many times from our clients is: When you are of service does it mean that you need to give up your income?

Oh Good Lord No. Thank you for bringing that up Alfred. It doesn't mean that at all. People didn't give up their income, Alfred, to take down the Berlin Wall. They didn't give up their income to destroy the Soviet Empire. We did it with intention to make a difference. To bring light into a darkened place. Again, intention, service. This is what changes mankind.

So again, on a similar theme, do you need to give away what you do for free? Is that 'of service?'

Well that's all very nice and if you're in that position I say absolutely. But you can't lose the value of your service because you work for free. What I'm trying to get at is, in the Bible it says: A man is worthy of his hire. So if there's no one to pay your rent and your electricity bill and buy your food and all those wonderful things... and there are people who do that for people in service. If there isn't someone to do that for you then no, you need to charge for what you're doing. 

I've often said that it is very strange in America that if you have 3 people in service, and 2 who charge nothing, and 1 who charges say $25 or $30, who will they go and see? They will go and see the person who charges the $25 or $30. Because in our country we believe that more is better. However, that's not a license to gouge. And I've had so many people say to me: Oh, I wouldn't charge if I read. And I said: Well how would you survive? And they never yet had an answer.

From my point of view, when it was a transition from giving things away to actually charging, the way I look at is: Is the person receiving more value than what you're charging?


Are you changing their life? If you're changing their life, okay. Then do you think they really care about the $50 or $100 you're charging them?

Exactly... exactly.


And I know it sounds, folks, it may sound very self-serving. But it is true that you must place a value on what you do. You simply must.

Here's a good question, Hans. Does God approve if you help others and receive an income?

Of course. I've said for years... I joke with all you kids on the Show, you think God doesn't know what it costs to live here? Come on, It invented it. Of course it does. And if you can't maintain yourself... This is what happens folks... If you're not able to maintain yourself in your service through your fees, you go into what I call survival issues. 

And survival becomes all that there is and you desperately are looking for work or you're working part-time or everything is about can I meet the rent, can I pay the bills. And when you go into that place, you lose the value of service because that's where your concentration is. You cannot be effective.

Now I also want to say one thing, Alfred, it doesn't mean that there's a license to gouge either. Be reasonable in your fees.

Here's a good one, Hans. From all your years of being in service and raising your rates throughout the years, what advice can you give people? How can they make a living being in service?

You have to start from the beginning with the intention is what I've always taught you guys. You have to start with an intention. And, we know, science now seems to understand what we've been saying - That energy follows thought. And if you have pure intention to be of service... 

Here, I'll give you an example. I knew this wonderful gal, I still do, who worked in a big Silicon Valley company, middle-management, and she was one of the best clairvoyants I had ever met. This was a couple of years ago and she was just a crackerjack. But she said to me: Hansie, I can't make a living at it. And I said: Well here's what I want you to do. I said: Do you have Psychic Fairs around your area? She said: Oh, yeah. I said: Okay. I said: Go and register for those Psychic Fairs and they'll make you charge a minimum, little fee, and I said: Begin to do more and more of those as you can. Wherever you can, give some service away, volunteer, do things for people, so that you begin to build up an understanding that it isn't about money, it's about the service. However, the money is important.

Now, I'm not sitting here today telling you she makes as much money as she did when she was full-time at the computer company. However, what she did was learn to balance the two together. So she works 3 days with one, and 4 days with another. So it does work out.

And that's a really hard thing is that a lot of times it's not a clean transition from being in corporate or to make money.

Exactly, Alfred. Here's one of the things that I think that happens for many people who are so incredibly believing and wanting, Alfred, to serve and all that... And they say: Now God will open the doors and I'll walk out of one into the other.

Normally, children, that does not happen. Normally, there's a foot-path. I remember, Alfred, when you first got started, and you were so frustrated because it didn't happen in your perception. And yet, I said: Keep going, keep going. And gradually, the Spirit balances your energy and before you even know it, someone says: I'd like to give you this. And they'll give you $25 or $50 or $100 and you'll look at them and they'll say: Oh no, that was worth that to me.

And slowly the Spirit then opens... See, you already are abundant as we've all worked on abundance issues. So what you're doing is by saying: I'm going to harmonize myself with my abundance through service. It takes a little time. But, oh, don't lose your patience please. Okay?

Yes. A lot of people say they wind up having to work two jobs for a little while...

But that's fine. You know what that shows, Alfred? That shows Spirit your intention to serve. If you're willing to stretch yourself... I was talking to Alfred the other night and I said: You know I drove over a million miles in my service. I flew over a million and a quarter. And I went to lectures where there were only 6 to 8 people in the audience. I drove over snowy mountains, and through snowy passes, and ice, and skidding, and all that, to see 4 people because they had signed up. They were showing me their intention, now I needed to show them mine.

I remember when Brian Weiss was coming into the Central Valley in California. And he came to do a lecture and there were either 6 or 8 people in the audience. And what did he do? He just said: Alright everybody, come on down to just these front seats here. Let's just be a family today. We'll sit in our living room. And that's what service is. It's not having an expectation of, oh, if you don't have... 

I'll give you an example. I was to do a lecture recently. It was a 3 hour class and the people sponsoring it said: Well, you know, we only have 12 people who have signed up. And Alfred and I said: Oh, that's just fine. And when we got there we noticed that a class was letting out because there were all these people in the room and I assumed the class was letting out. I said: Well how soon can they get out because we've got to get started. We have a time limit on the room. And they said: No, these are your people. There was 137 people in the room.

Set your intention and Spirit will fill the vacuum. Okay?

And a lot of this has to do with 'patience.'

Oh Lord... Don't you dislike that word, Alfred? (Laughing) Patience...

Patience. And no matter what religion or spirituality...always patience is a virtue.

I remember when Alfred would holler and jump up and down and carry on... "I'm tired of waiting." Remember those days, Alfred?

Yes... (Hans and Alfred laughing) Waiting... waiting and being patient.

It is a lesson but it brings me, Alfred, always back to that old saying: And what makes you think anything is wrong? These lessons, if you watch them through the years as we give them to you, you will see, kids, how they weave themselves together and form a tapestry of trust and belief. Yes, Great One?

Well that seems to be the end of the topic for today, Hans. What do you think?


Saturday, March 14, 2015

“The Internet and Social Media”- by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“The Internet and Social Media”- by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: The Internet and Social Media
March 14, 2015

Hello everybody. Our topic for today is "The Internet and Social Media." This is an interesting topic and there are sub-topics. I believe, Alfred, that's what you're going to ask me are the sub-topics. Is that right?


But before I ask Alfred to do that, I'd like to let you know how Spirit feels about the internet - Not too good. They like the fact that we all are on this wonderful highway in the sky. But what They don't understand is why we are so willing to turn loose of all of ourself and put ourself out there on the internet that way. 

And Alfred, under that, I believe you have a couple of topics. But you may want to look folks, because what Spirit has said to me is that in time, people will start pulling back and pulling away from the Internet on their personal life. Because to put out your information and where you are and what bank you're going to and who you're having an affair with and where you are at this moment has caused an awful lot of concern for an awful lot of families. 

So, Alfred, under that particular heading, what are the some of the sub-title questions?

A lot of it has to do with thinking that your behavior and interacting on social media are different. And what we're going to try to tell you is - really think about it because it's not your behavior. It's how you're interacting with other people. For example, the first topic that we'd like you to think about when interacting over the internet or via social media is: Whatever you're doing - is it kind? 

Yes. If you're using the Internet to gossip, if you're using the Internet to talk another person down, things that you may not want to say to their face, then the internet is not for you. That's not where you want to be. If you're using the Internet to judge another person, or to share gossip you heard from someone else, the Internet is probably not for you. If you're looking to hurt someone who may have hurt you, the Internet, the social media stuff, is not for you. 

Look at what you're doing, what you're saying, and why. In order to be one with Spirit you have to hold yourself very close to your heart chakra. And when you start to give away bits and pieces of you on the internet, for whatever purpose, whatever reason...and Alfred and I will be going into those areas in just a moment...but it doesn't matter. Then you are, what we would say: Then you become a tad bit scatty. Your energy becomes scattered. And once that happens, you get caught in a spiral that you send this out, and somebody sends something back and someone says: Oh, they shared that... 

And pretty soon what you said, is all over the world, without your permission. That dilutes your spiritual base. It's alright to surf the internet, it's alright to watch cooking shows, it's alright to join Audubon, it's alright to use Discovery and all. That's wonderful. That is educational, sharing. But when you use the Internet like some of these reality shows that are on television, to listen to gossip, to spread misinformation so that someone would think that you know more, then you're again diluting your spiritual base. And you want to be very careful of that.

Remember one of the great wisdom's from The Christ was: Learn to be in the world but not of it. Make certain that you're not spending so much time on social media that you have lost who you actually are and in some cases wanting permission from others that you don't even know.

And along those lines, we want to always be considerate. Whether we're in the human world or Internet world, of whether you're dealing with ego. So when I'm posting something, am I boasting? Am I in ego? Am I in image? How's that one Hans?

Very true. It's very true. It's very, very true. Are you being kind? When you're sending an email to someone, are you sending it with affection, are you sending it because you feel this person needs to know something that you saw on the television or you heard that might affect them in some fashion, or are you gossiping?

Or are you talking about yourself?


How wonderful you are...

You become verbose and... Exactly, Alfred. Are you just trying to show people that you're very smart and you know a lot? Where are you coming from when you use social media?

Yes. What we're trying to say is, in these things, don't behave differently just because you think you're just typing it and posting a picture. Most spiritual people know that ego is really not the best thing. If you're boasting about yourself, if your boasting about your pot, things that you've accomplished, if your posting pictures of yourself... Really, are you being spiritual or are you promoting ego?

And I want to say something to all of you. What is with these selfies? How ego based is everybody getting? Posting pictures of yourself here, pictures of yourself there, pictures of yourself with your girlfriends at a shopping mall... I've seen people recently, when Alfred and I were in Mexico, we saw a young man walking around with one of those cameras on a pole taking pictures of them walking, taking pictures of them talking with people, some of them he didn't even know. And you have to ask yourself: What have we done that makes our people so insecure that they have to get approval from people they don't even know in order to feel better about themselves? Okay? We need to look at 'why' we need to do this.

And along those lines is it that you're trying to seek approval?


Are you trying to feel better because of what you're posting? Are you seeking someone's approval? How's that one Hans?

It's the truth. This is a big one. Why do you feel you need to have the approval of people you don't even know...that you don't love? Why are you trying to impress other people? Why? So someone can say something about you that you don't believe in yourself? That's the moment that you stop and say: Wait a minute. Hold on. I'm better than this. 

People poke fun at me and laugh at me because I still have a flip phone. And one of the reasons I have a flip phone is I'm not interested in all that other stuff. I'm not interested in things that invade my privacy; not interested in it. And now Alfred, you can expand on this, now I just saw on CNN that every time you buy a cellphone there is a paging thing in there that anybody can trace where you are.

Yes, yes.

Is this what you really want in your life? That everybody knows where you are at all times? Where is your self-ego? Where is your self-esteem people? You can see I'm on a soap-box about this. But it's driving Spirit crazy that we are losing our individuality. Our spiritual individuality is being sold to the Internet. Just like those coupon things that you clip on your key chain when you go to the market and they say: Here you get this discount. That is a scam people. That is meant to track where you bank, it's meant to track what you buy, where you get your mail, and how to advertise to you.

Have we reached a point where we are so insecure that we feel better being lemmings than individuals? That is not spiritual. That is not a spiritual nature. You see? That's not a spiritual nature. Yes, Alfred? I think everyone's going to be probably crabby with me at the end of the show.

Well, these are questions we really want you to contemplate. Not just as a spiritual being when you're interacting with humans but when you're out surfing, do you use the internet... Here's a good one - are you looking for something better 'out there?'

Oh, yes.

How's that one Hans?

Well it's the truth, isn't it. We're looking for something beyond our experience,  because we've put ourself in limitation. Today Alfred and I were out running some errands and I watched him and as we went around the corner... You know we live in a place where the mountain literally touches the ground and you can walk up and touch the base of the mountain. It just comes out of the rocks straight up. A huge mountain, Mount San Jacinto. And he went: Wow! And he didn't see that I saw that. And I knew what he was saying: Can you believe that? Look at that mountain and I can go up and put my hand on it. There's something to look for.

We have a little baby bunny here in the back that lives around the rose garden.  And he comes out and he just looks all around and he uses the thorns in the roses in order to safeguard himself against coyotes and owls. And just wondering at God's handiwork. Wondering at the blessing of who you are. Opening yourself up to all the possibilities of you. Or are you on the Internet?

Folks, I am on a soap-box but this is what I saw the other day. So Alfred and I were out with some people and the people next to us, a family of five, count them...from the second they sat down they had their iPhone things out...I'm not up on the iPhones but Alfred, what are those called? Um, android types of things... And they sat down and the waiter had to come three times to ask them what they wanted, because they wouldn't get off long enough to tell the waiter what they wanted. Then they complained that the food hadn't been delivered. But they forgot that they hadn't ordered. And then during the meal they all used their devices through the entire meal and never spoke to each other one single time, stood back up, walked out and into the parking lot still on the phones. Wow...

That's actually a really good point. They're looking for something better out on the Internet. When they realize the most important thing in terms of a loving, caring relationship is sitting across the table from them...


So the whole point of this one is if you're out there looking for something better, what are you not doing? You're not paying attention to what is really important 'to' you.

Which actually, Alfred, is you.

Yes, well you and a relationship sitting down...

Yes. And if you're sitting down with a friend, a buddy, a lover, whoever you're with at the moment, you're sitting down to be with them. Then for the love of Heaven, turn those devices off or leave them in the car. But that has now, Alfred, become 'fearful' for people to do. I see people run back into restaurants and say: Oh, wait a minute I forgot my cellphone. They really mean their Android or iPhone. That is how connected we are now to getting approval. Which is, Alfred, what you started out with in the first place. Seeking approval.

Does anybody love me? Did I receive an email? Did I receive...

Alfred has a joke that he uses every morning, kids. And after breakfast he'll say: I wonder if anybody still loves me. And he'll turn his phone on to see. (Laughing) But it's getting serious people. People are dying because of comments about them on the internet. Kids are killing themselves. This is serious. Gossip and innuendo... It's time to pull back in.

Use your device. Of course you can use your device, of course you can send your friend an email, of course you can look something up. Absolutely. But I'm on my way to the bank and here's where I'm going and I'm going to take out $40.00... What are you - insane? Are you insane? What is the matter folks? Stop that. Pull yourself back into yourself. Find something that's meaningful and rewarding in your life.

And that's a really good lead in to our last topic for today - is this a moment to protect? In other words maybe you shouldn't share what you're doing in this moment.

Exactly! Exactly, Alfred. I have seen and heard some of the most outrageous things that people share. Senators emailing pictures of their private parts. Excuse me. What have we come to? It's time to find out what privacy looks like again. Because, I'm pointing out to you kids once again, we are losing our spiritual individuality and identity because of those devices.

You can be as spiritual as you want in your head. But if you're using those devices to dilute the essence of who you are, you are not the spiritual person you are thinking you are. And I'm sorry if I sounded crabby. But I'm not. I'm just concerned. I'm concerned for everybody who cannot get off their iPhones. That worries me.

Yes, and what I tried to bring to the conversation is the difference between your behavior, the way you watch it when you're interacting with the human world spiritually, really shouldn't be that different when you're interacting out on the Internet and in social media. Don't view it as a chance to do something different, view it as: Am I being consistent in who I am regardless of who or how I'm interacting.

Exactly. I wanted to thank my friend Dan for asking us to do this. I think we've done one other of these as well. And Dan it's very important to me that you continue to monitor this for me. But it's a very good topic folks. Learn who you are, hold it close to you. Don't cheapen your soul. Okay?

And folks, I want everybody to remember, once again, that God does not love anyone more in this world than you. Take care and we will see you next week. Bye, bye.

For more information, you may like:
Lessons on How to Return to You
Change Your Life by Changing Your Intentions

Sunday, March 8, 2015

“The Appearance of Lost Dreams”- by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“The Appearance of Lost Dreams”- by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: The Appearance of Lost Dreams
March 8, 2015

Hello everybody. What a beautiful day today. Thank you for joining us! Our topic today is "The Appearance of Lost Dreams." I opened my emails this morning and I had 122 Prayer Requests. And I started busily on those as I do because I open each one and pray on the issue for each person. And I would say that probably I've gone through 30 this morning and answered them as best I can. And all of them, almost all of them, had to do with Lost Dreams - The Appearance of Lost Dreams.

Something doesn't happen that we put our heart into. We work so hard and a relationship may flounder, a business may flounder, a job may flounder... Any number of things happen as we're moving through our life. But I would like you all to remember - that the Spirit sees everything. And sometimes They try to warn us and They'll say: Oh, the timing is not quite right for this. Or: Not quite right for that. And we have this little hesitation before we set out but we're going to do it anyway. So sometimes what happens is, we're actually Alfred, in front of our own timing. You've had that happen to you haven't you?

Absolutely. Even if you know something is "for you," you just have this gut feeling - “time is not real” - especially in terms of spiritual awareness. You may be aware that something is for you. But when it happens in physical form, when it manifests itself on this side, it's all about the flow. Are  all the important people in the flow? Are you in the flow? And sometimes things just don't flow, they just don't gel, and sometimes you're just way ahead of things. That's really tough.

Yes. It is because, Alfred, so many times what we do is we pin a hope or a dream onto God loving us. You see? And when it doesn't happen, in our time-frame, it's not necessarily that it's not going to happen, but if it doesn't happen in our time-frame we begin to think: Oh my God, God must not love me, what did I do wrong, maybe my belief system isn't correct, and we begin to tear our belief apart. 

Now what I want to say to you... Remember I always talk about my friend Alexandra, everybody? And when anything would have the appearance of harming her dream, or anything like that, she would turn to it and say to God these words: Oh, I wonder what lesson is in this for me today? And she said to me: Honey, it almost was always that I was doubting my own belief. I didn't know, she said, when God had this. This is when I wanted this to be done. And she's now 102 and she said: But I've learned in my long life, she said, that most everything I ever prayed for came true. One way or another, it came true. And so the lesson she learned was not have a time-frame affixed to a dream. 

When you remove the time scenario from a dream, you let Spirit run with it, literally. And yes, you may say: I'd like to buy this house. And you and your partner, you get together, you put your resources together, you iron out your financing, you look at the possibilities and the cost of moving and everything and you finally get it together and you say: Okay, this is the house we want and this is the dream we have. And you say: I'm giving this to Spirit. And then Spirit doesn't buy the darn house. Oh, dear what happened? You weren't supposed to have that house. It's very simple.

Alfred, have you noticed that in your short life, that you get what you're supposed to have at the right time?

And that's really, really, really tough to reflect upon. But the most wonderful thing is the more spiritually aware you become, the more you let go of your past, the more you see your past for what it is... I never saw all the miracles that happened to me in my past because I was so angry at the time. But once you let go of the anger, the blame, the could've, should've, would've, you let go of all that stuff. Then you finally get to see your past and what really happened and all the miracles that happened in your past. You don't really see them when they happen. It's when you can really reflect upon your past clearly, that you see them.

Absolutely, Alfred. And therein lies the crux of the teaching for today. BELIEVE. If you hold absolute belief... Now, let's use the housing situation... You can attach it to anything that you want. Rather than say: I would like the experience of having that house. Say: I would like to have the experience of a house that has some of these and many of these characteristics and here's how I would like to feel when living in the house. Then you remove from the 'have to have that house' from Spirit. And you say: I believe that a house like that, that has everything I need, is on the way, at the right time. And that's how you begin to dream. A dream is a wish the heart makes. Okay? I think Disney said that. "A dream is a wish the heart makes."

Life, for most of us, is actually longer than we imagined. It's short, but it's longer than we can  imagine. And you're not going to pass away, you're not going to get sick, nothing's going to happen to you on the way to your dream - if you believe. You're going to get a cold, there may be a fender-bender, there may be a lost job. I remember very well, Alfred, this young couple, husband and wife, and they wanted to get their dream house as all couples do. And they applied and they barely passed it because they were both very young with their credit, but they got the loan. And the day after they got the loan, she was let go. Through no fault of her own. The company just decided that they were going to down-size, first hired, first fired. And she says: Hans what do I do? And I said: Tell the loan company. Be honest. Go to the loan company and tell them. 

Do you know what the loan company did? They talked to the escrow people and they gave them a 60 day extension on the deal. And during that 60 days, within a week and a half, she actually got another job that made her, not much but maybe $300, $400 a month more. She called the loan company, the escrow people, and boom they were in the house. And she said: What did it for me Hans, is you told me to believe that the experience was mine.

Don't give up on your dreams because your mind chatter is busy telling you it didn't happen this way therefore it can't happen. Because nothing children, nothing, can be further from the truth. You remember that old saying that says: The Lord moves in mysterious ways, the wonders to be hold.

Where my sadness comes is when I see my beautiful students and all my friends out there and they have a dream and the dream gets squashed in their opinion. In their eyes they see their dream squashed. I'll give you an example. I know this gentleman... Met this wonderful lady and they just hit it right off and within 6 months he asked her to marry him. And she said: Well of course, I'd love to be your wife. Okay, sounds great. So he's busy and she's busy making all of these plans and she woke up one morning and she said: I don't think this is going to work for me. And he had said to me already: I don't think there's anybody I could ever love more than her. So he was pre-setting it. So she came to him and said: Honey, I love you very much but this isn't going to work for me. And she said, rather than continue the relationship, I think I will end the relationship. But know that I love you very much. But I don't feel marriage is the place I need to go.

He was devastated. He called me, he's crying. Set up 2 appointments to try to work it out. And I said: What you are saying isn't true. He said: What? I said: You said: I'll never love anyone as much as that person again. I said: You don't know that. You don't know that whatsoever. He said: No, I know how I am. He said: I'm 42 years old. This is the greatest love I've ever had. I said: It is an opening for you. It has taught you how to love. Now your true love will come in. 5 months lady, sure enough, in comes this other lady, out of nowhere and they are now married and have a little daughter. And he said to me during his Christmas salutations, he said: Hans, I would never have believed it without you. I said: It had nothing to do with me. You changed yourself enough to allow for the miracle to happen. 

So "The Appearance of Lost Dreams" is only an appearance. It is not a reality. Alfred, anything you'd like to say on this so far? You always have these pearls of wisdom.

A lot of it has to do with simply trusting. Number one, that if you have a dream, that Spirit did hear you. You don't have to pray a million times. That They heard your dreams. But even more important than trusting that They heard you is the simple belief that each one of us has a dharma - a path in life - that we actually had a huge part of creating. And when we come down here, the Other Side has agreed to help walk us through those experiences that we asked to experience. If your dreams, if your requests, are in bounds of helping you experience those things that you wished to, according to your dharma, then they probably will appear in one form or another. 

But the huge aspect of this is those things that you dream for that would take you off your path, are purposefully excluded, as per your instructions.


Okay? So you really have to believe in the cycle of incarnation and the review process and that 'you' actually created your dharma. 'You' are the one who determined what would be in and not be in your life.


So if you get over here and all of a sudden you see something oh, shiny, pretty, I want that! And the Other Side says: No, you purposefully told us not to give you that because you wanted this over here.

Right. You know Alfred, this conversation feeds into spiritual teachings that say: What makes you think anything's wrong? It sounds sort of crass, but there's a teaching: Why are you thinking that anything's wrong? That's using a lower vibration. Okay? Many of you may not be Country and Western fans but I'm a huge Garth Brooks fan, and in one of his songs he says, and I've said this many times before... He says: Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers. 

And I think we need to all hear that. You're not abandoned. You're not alone. Spirit hears you. No matter what your mind chatter says to you, They're working on the deal. Doesn't matter what the deal is kids, They're working on it. And you can say to me: Well Hansie, I've been alone for 20 years. No, you're not. And then I would say to you: And why are you making yourself alone? There are 320 million people in the United States of America. But you think there's no one for you? 

But sometimes when somebody leaves us, or a relationship doesn't pan out and we're heart-broken, that's a real term – heart-broken - we believe that we better lock ourself in a closet lest we get hurt again. On the contrary, turn to that little child inside of you and say: If not this one, God is then sending the next because God has my back and God knows what's best for me. And you can go ahead and cry, you can go ahead and moan and groan, and  you know have a good cry-day. And that's perfectly fine. Spirit doesn't care. But don't stay there and don't believe what its telling you. Okay?

That's a really tough one, a lot of times, for people to hear that they are the reason something or someone is not showing up in their life.

That's right. It's like the man who's standing at the subway station and all the subway trains keep going by because he never gets on when the door opens and saying why can't I catch a train?

Yes, I don't know how many times you've said...even recently at Agape, where we're going to be teaching classes, that when somebody says I want a relationship and you tell them: Well you need to take the Not Available sign off your heart...

Off your forehead actually... 

ALFRED: your forehead. And they wonder why they're not getting a relationship.

What I say is: How about taking the No Vacancy sign off your forehead?

So a lot of that again has to do with the inner work to see not just your past clearly but see where you are presently clearly. To say: If you want a relationship, did you do your inner work so that your soul shines through so that your soul mate can find you. Okay?

Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for today.


For more information on this topic, you may like:
Audio Class: Fear: Conquering the Inner Demon
Video Class: Soul Mate Relationships