Monday, November 30, 2015

“Surrendering into Opportunities” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Show Transcription

“Surrendering into Opportunities” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Surrendering into Opportunities
November 30, 2015

Hi, everyone. When we come onto this plane, we’re given a clean vessel. We’re given a bag of goodies to play with. Those are all of our dharmic lessons and karmic lessons and all the things we wanted to go through, so we’re born with a clean slate.

Now, in one of the bags there’s a little bag that says ‘leftover business,' and in that bag that says ‘leftover business’ are things we didn’t quite get to last time, or we weren’t happy with the results we got from trying to learn that lesson. So that’s thrown into the mix, but it’s never the largest bag. The largest bag is the empty vessel. And as we start to go through life we start adding more and more and more and more to the vessel. And eventually, if we’re not careful, we get to the top where we can’t put another thing into the vessel.

What do we do? What happens? How do you let go of stuff you think is so important to you? I want everyone, tonight, tomorrow, to sit down quietly and make a list of all the things you thought you were going to do at this time last year. What was going to be your New Year’s resolution for January? Did you make a list? Have you checked them out?

What we tend to do, is we make our list of New Year’s resolutions in our consciousness or on a piece of paper, but we never finish them. And so each year as we go along that list gets bigger and bigger and these down here become, "Gee, I wish I could have. Gee, I wish I had done that."

This time we’re going to ask you to begin to clear the slate. How do you let go of something that you think is very important to you? Is it important to you or are you just holding it in memory? Are you holding on to an old relationship that didn’t work? Because it could have worked? Or maybe you should have done something better?

Are you holding onto regret? Are holding on to, Gee I wish I had not said that. Are you holding onto to anything that isn’t a positive—that’s the key—a positive in your life. Have you set your intentions now to look at all the stuff you're dragging along like this old Santa Claus?

When I first met Alfred he had a bag of Santa Claus things, that was huge. Remember that?

Well, that’s what we’re taught. We’re taught you're responsible for creating your life, it’s up to you. You don’t get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate. So we’re taught this is the thing that has to create your long term goals you have to go after them, how am I doing compared to my goals? Well, that’s all separation. That’s called you by yourself trying to figure out your life. We say, there’s a different option.

The other option is there’s an army of supporters who are there waiting to help you as long as you stop disconnecting from those people, by thinking, by trying to control the outcome, by this old bag of stuff, you are separating yourself from that which you asked for.

Very important what you just said—that you asked for. Most people I find become a victim not knowing they actually asked for the experience. I asked for my family.

Yes. You asked for your family. Believe it or not.

That’s a hard one.

What we’re trying to say is, what to look to let go of. So the things you want to let go of are creating the opportunities for a blank space to allow things to come into your life. Step one is about surrendering. Surrendering how you think it has to be, surrendering what you thought had to happen, surrendering going back after goals, surrendering going back after your New Year’s resolution, right Hans?

Exactly. So this is the time to make it okay. What I want you to hear today folks is—it’s okay. We’re not perfect. If we were perfect, we wouldn’t be here. I’m so far from perfect, I’m pleased. It’s okay. It’s okay to say, well I’ve held onto this too long without being guilty of hanging onto it.

I have clients and friends today who are holding onto relationships that they had thirty years ago and still bemoaning them. What if I’d said this? What if I’d got done that? This is the time that you’re going to make that list of all the things that are not working for you because we have to clear the vessel. We have a saying in my profession—no two things can be in the same place at the same time. You’ve heard me say this for years, but do you actually hear that? For all that you wanted, all that you’re going to try to pull in your life, where are you going to put it if there’s no place?

The first step is to start creating the list.

Yes, that’s the key.

The list of all the things you want to let go of.

And Alfred, that’s not easy to do.

No. No, it’s not easy to do but basically what makes you unhappy, what makes you upset, what makes you stressed, where do you see you’re trying to control your life?

Yes, and where are you putting all your energy that isn’t working?

So the first step is to create that list. To be aware, to be conscious, to set your intention to say you know this is stuff I’m going to let go of.

And again folks, just to hear Alfred and I talk about it sounds easy. No, it’s not. Alfred, you’re still working on some stuff. I’m still working on stuff.

So lesson two is, how when you have your list of things to let go of, how do you let go of things you’ve been holding onto for awhile?

By refusing to fund energy to them anymore. Now have we come full circle here? Once again, what does it come back to? The mind chatter. Because as you start to let go, as you make your list the next couple of days folks, watch the mind chatter sneak in. Watch the mind chatter try to sabotage the intention.

So what we’re trying to do is severe your energetic connection between you and that person, between you and that thing, between you and that thought. There is an energetic connection between people, between thoughts, between intentions. What we’re trying to say is, number one: stop giving energy to it, and number two: come up with some implement—a large pair of scissors, a saw, whatever it is, you can picture severing the energetic connection from yourself to that thing.

So, our mind chatter tells us what it thinks is important. Our heart tells us what we know is important. Love is important, the love of self is important. Unencumbering yourself from old fears, old doubts, is important. Learning to love the self is important. And we have folks, tons of free products online, recordings, to help you to work on this issue.

So what we’re trying to say here is, it’s necessary to let go of your attachment to something so that you can create space.

And that will conclude today’s lesson.

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