Saturday, November 14, 2015

"Holding Spiritual Energy for New Beginnings" - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Show Transcription

“Holding Spiritual Energy for New Beginnings” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Holding Spiritual Energy for New Beginnings
November 14, 2015

Hi everybody. Welcome. Today’s topic is “Holding Spiritual Energy for New Beginnings.” Over the last couple of weeks we’ve been talking about how to navigate out of your old life. How to understand what you don’t want anymore. We had you make a list of what you don’t want, and we asked you to let it go. We talked about how you do that. How do you let go of our trauma and our drama and the appearance of our life? Remember, we talked about how no two things can be in the same place at the same time, so you have to let go in order to receive. We had some really positive emails, and I thank you very much.

Now, last week we talked about putting your stuff that’s the new life you want into that space. Here’s the difficult part about that—it’s called holding the intention. Got that? Holding the intention. In the moment, so many people say, “I’ve got it! I’m going to be changing and I’m clearing my space, and here’s the new things I want to feel the energy of in my new life.” And then they set off on their journey and the phone rings. There’s a phone call from a parent or a friend. The mind starts to get engaged with the old drama, with the old problems. This is really devastating, if you allow it, because the mind is actually trying to take you back to where it was comfortable. Not to the unknown that it’s not certain of and it may not have control over. It wants to return you again to the old life which it knew well. But remember, it was that mind chatter that caused all the pain and suffering in your life. So, this is a time to say, “You know what? My resolve is so strong that I have no intentions of going backwards in order to go forwards.”

So, today is about learning how to hold your intentions. Alfred, you have some mediation exercises about holding your intention, don’t you?

Many. But let’s talk on a theoretical basis and let you know what happens. When you finally set your intention to move forward, what is left of your ego is going to fight harder for survival. It will start harassing you more. It will speak louder and you will tell us, “I’m doing this right. Why is my mind chatter getting stronger?”

And the fear will grow stronger.

The fear will grow stronger. Your mind chatter will start screaming at you. This is normal.

Absolutely normal. Maybe bring a little humor to it.

Bring a little humor to it. Say, treat it as a spoiled child.

There it goes again.

What happens when you try and take a toy away from a spoiled child? It’s going to scream at you, but you have to be the parent: this is who’s in charge, this is the spoiled child, and be consistent. Eventually, the spoiled child stops kicking and screaming. The worst thing you can do is let it have it’s own way and realize if it kicks and screams, “Oh, that’s how I can get my way.” You have to be consistent.

Boy, is that ever the truth! You must be consistent in your intention to change your behavioral patterns. You have to understand, it’s the job of the mind to try to return you to the old way of being. You come in and you talk to your heart and you say, “We must reinforce our resolve. Reinforce our resolve into the new beginning.” The mind is going to pull at you. We like to say about two weeks, if you work on it diligently, then it begins to calm down. But any change to the mind is a threat. So when your heart-mind sets out for a new beginning, you’re really notifying the fear and the mind chatter that it’s no longer necessary. That’s when it goes to war and that’s when it starts throwing its temper tantrums. But remember, just as the parent has control over the child, you have control over the temper tantrum your mind is bringing up. It will flood you with stuff that could happen—you’re going to lose your job, you’re going to get cancer, you’re going to get pneumonia, a car crash. It just throws everything it can at you, and if you just say, “I give you no more space here. I’m in a new resolve for  a peaceful approach to my new life.” You reinforce that every day. “I’m in a peaceful place in my new approach to my new life.” And you just keep reinforcing it and reinforcing it. Then, after a bit, it becomes automatic.

So in summary, the first topic we’re talking about is being consistent in your resolve. Being consistent in your determination. Being consistent in your intention to go to that place that you don’t know. To go to that place that you don’t understand.

You know, Alfred, how many times we say, “My intention is to do this.” And before we know it, without even seeing it, the mind has literally pulled us back into the old behavior. We don’t even see it coming, but it’s sneaky and it’s crafty.

That’s a good one. So off to our second topic for today: how to help yourself with your resolve. Your mind will come up with various things it’s going to be saying, and there’s a lot of things you can say back to your mind. We call this reprogramming. Giving your mind chatter new things to think about. You need to tell it who’s in charge and what’s really important to you. So when your mind chatter comes and starts telling you, “No, we need to back to the old way,” there’s a lot of things that can help you talk to your mind chatter to let it know who’s in charge.

That’s the whole thing. Letting the mind know that you and your heart and your intentions are in charge. It will argue with you. Oftentimes you’ve heard me say it’s like going to war against your own mind, but it really is. Your mind believes it’s defending you from the unknown, but if you soothe the little child inside you—we’ve often talked about getting a picture of yourself as a child and holding that picture to your chest and talking to your inner child, which is terrified of change. Terrified of making a mistake.

Folks, the only mistake you can ever make is not making a choice. One way or the other, neither one of them is a mistake. We deal with what we choose at the moment and we have the consequences in front of us. If we choose wisely the consequences are good. If we don’t choose wisely, all that happens is we go back to the old way we were being and we survive through that—and you will survive through it again. But why go there? So being involved in holding the essence of your truth is key right now. For the lady who sent me the email, “Oh, I’m so afraid of change,” the only thing to be afraid of is not changing. Change is good! Nothing remains the same, folks. Nothing.

How about the mirror exercise?

The mirror exercise is very good. This is a toughie for a lot of you, but it simply goes something like this: When you get out of your shower or bath in the morning, dry off, go up to the mirror, and drop the towel. Oh, that will give you a good shock. Look right into your eyes and say, “I don’t know who you are, but I promise you I’m going to find out. And when I do, I’m going to take very very good care of you. I promise you I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again. You are my best friend and I love you very much.”

That, Alfred, is a toughie.

It is. Your heart is going to take care of you. Your mind will say we have to control the outcome, but the heart has to say the path going forward is about surrendering, about letting go, going with the flow. You’re going to be talking from your heart to your mind, whatever your human-ness is, you’re coming from who you are, the part of you that is eternal and that will continue after the body dissolves away.

We’re all headed in the same direction, folks, toward enlightenment, but we’re all in different cars. Just know that Spirit is holding your intention with you. Always remember that. When it’s bleak and it’s scary and it’s dark, remember, Spirit has you. They’re holding you in your intention. You do the same. Can you imagine the power you can create in your life when you learn to partner with Spirit on your behalf? Endless possibilities.

And that will conclude the lesson for today!

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