Saturday, January 25, 2014

Best of 2012 & 2013: Soul Mate Relationships – Revealed! - by Hans Christian King - Spiritual Radio Show transcription

with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Best of 2012 & 2013: Soul Mate Relationships - Revealed! 
January 25, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE. This is Alfred, the Padawan Learner to The Modern Day Mystic - Hans Christian King. Hans will be with us really soon to tell you more about today's topics. Now, we're continuing on the theme of bringing you "The Best of Guidance for your Life". And these shows are from the beginning of 2013, at the same time when we talked about "Soul Mates". That was just in time for Valentine's Day. So as we're gearing up for that time of the year, everybody's thinking about a soul mate relationship, we're bringing you spiritual lessons about soul mates. Soul mate families, soul mate friends, soul mate relationships. Our first topic that we're going to be talking about in the first half is on "Soul Mate Relationships". And the second part that we're going to be talking about is "Soul Mate Families, Friends and Animals". So again, no questions. An entire hour of Soul Mate Spiritual Lessons from the Modern Day Mystic himself, Hans Christian King.

Hello everyone and welcome to Modern Day Mysticism being broadcast on the WorldPjua Network. Tonight's topic: "Soul Mate Relationships - Revealed!" - just in time for Valentine's Day. The next several weeks are related to soul mates. The magnetic feeling we get when encountering a soul mate - it's the energetic support of the universe requesting us to form a relationship with someone for our soul's higher good. The soul mate magnetism may enchant and stimulate us due to gushing emotions. The reasons we're to be in the relationship may be ambiguous and complicated to understand. Yet the purpose of the union is very important. And to further discuss and reveal "Soul Mate Relationships", I present to you Hans Christian King.

Good evening everyone. It is so nice to be back with you this evening. We've picked a topic that I believe presses more buttons in our life than any other single topic. And the topic, of course, is "Relationships". Why are relationships so complex? During the next 3 to 4 weeks, we're going to be dealing with various kinds of relationships because we have soul mate relationships in all kinds of forms. And as I said last week, even some animals become soul mates for us. So this is our opportunity to help you to understand that soul mate relationships, very complex, and yet quite understandable if you understand the principals and why they occur. So if someone were to say to me: "How and why Spirit guides us to soul mates?" It's because it's a pre-recorded condition. In other words there is a contract in place between you and others. You've often heard me say: That before we reincarnate we have a sit-down and look at our last life. Sometimes both lives...previous get an understanding of what we were trying to accomplish. What goals were we working on? What relationships...What soul mate relationships were guiding us and helping us then? So that we get a clear understanding of what we would like to work on as we travel back to this particular dimension and this planet. 

Now, we've also discussed how we sit at that big table, after looking at the past lives, and sort of say to each other: "Okay. Well, I think I'm going to go back. Because here's some stuff I want to work on. Here's what I think I want to work on." And so a list is made of the various things you wish to work on. And then people that you have worked with before, who are also at the table, they tend to come forward and they say: "Alright Alfred, well I'm going to help you with this because you helped me with that before. What is it you would like me to challenge you with"? And so a design, an outline is etched and as its etched, more people come in to offer whatever help they can. Because there are things they want to do to enhance their "higher good" at the same time they're helping you. In other words they become "mirrors". You see? So the Spirit, once it has the outline...the Force, if you will...once it has the outline of what this particular incarnation is going to be like... for you...or for Alfred, they begin to put into place a series of events...introductory events. Events that bring people to us we never would have dreamed would ever come into our life. 

I've heard people say to me: "It takes a long time to fall in love". That is absolutely untrue. I have out there today, many, many couples - all different kinds - when they met a certain person "it was settled". They knew, the person knew, that was it, and the struggle for the development of the relationship was over. Now the incredible complexity of the relationship begins. So Spirit knows what our Master Plan is. Spirit is working with us. With our permission. We asked for the help. We are being involved with the help. And slowly a "pattern" is set. In the beginning sometimes Spirit simply runs someone under our nose who simply says a word or two, or illustrates something, or does something that catches our attention, you see. I once related to all of you that I was once involved in a very large lawsuit in San Francisco, none of which had anything to do with me whatsoever. And as a young man I was really quite fussing and fretting it. And I was taking a cable car ride over Nob Hill down to California Street and a quite elderly woman with a beautiful cane, pill box hat, and beautifully dressed crossed the street. And as I saw her crossing the street, I got down off the trolley car to help her...she was probably 85, 88...and she got up and I gave her my seat and she said: "Well thank you young man". And then as we got to California Street, she grabbed my hand. And she squeezed very, very hard and she said: "Don't worry son. It'll be over soon and everything will be alright. God bless you". And she got off the trolley car and walked away. And I thought, how very strange. And then Spirit said to me: "No, she's letting you know everything will be alright. That was all she ever was all she ever was supposed to do for you". 

So you see people come into our life sometimes...The Spirit guides those people. At certain pivotal times they guide us, and show us – okay, now we have free will in place - but here is someone who will help you with your free will. You know we choose who we wish to interact with before we were born, for many reasons, including lessons. Lessons of course. We all know about "lessons". So knowing about lessons - which are on-going, omnipresent in our life...sometimes what we don't realize is that the lessons we're going through that look so painful are really for our highest good. And sometimes an old friend, an old soul mate friend delivers the lesson. And sometimes the lesson can be very, very painful. But we need to bless that person when they depart. Because without that pain...I said to you recently that the pain of my mother was that we never spoke for 30 some years. And when she died, I remember saying to you folks, Spirit said to me: "You should get on your knees and kiss her feet for the lessons that she taught you. Because you would not be the person you are today without her behavior, which is what you asked for". And you know, no matter how many times I'm taught that lesson, no matter how many times I wanted to pretend I knew all of that - when it comes to me, it's quite a different matter sometimes, you see. So I was teaching and my mother was a "mirroring" all the dis-connect, all the dis-connection, all the abandonment...all of those issues I asked her to do. God love her. Because if she hadn't been who she is, I would not be who I am today. I would not be able to empathize with people who say: "My parents didn't love me" or "My dad didn't know me" or "My mother didn't love me". And I can get in there and work with them now. Guidance helps me as we work with them to help them to understand: Oh, what a blessing they are to you! The last couple of shows, I've been trying to show all of you that that pain that is caused by the "appearance" of abandonment, or selfishness, by those that we hold dear or are supposed to hold dear, our parents, siblings...are actually more nothing more than lessons we chose to learn. Therefore we cannot blame them. And I know many of you say: "I just can't by into that. It's too painful to believe that I would have asked for this". But you did. You did. You asked for these lessons, people to act as mirrors. So before you were born, for many reasons - including lessons, you put this in place. 

You know folks, soul mates are chosen according to our past know, like our karma and the law of free will. In other words, we made decisions during our previous couple of lives. And in those lives we said we wanted to complete this goal or that goal - all to the betterment of our soul. We wanted this experience. We wanted that experience. The experience of lack of money. The experience of lack of ego...self-ego though the appearance of being someone that we would not even chose today to be a friend to. We chose those lessons to toughen our soul. To rise above. To rise above. And a lot of times we don't get there in each lifetime. And this causes a reaction when we get home because when we see this - Oh Lord, look at the karma we put in place - I didn't mean to do that - I should have exercised better free will. So we look at this and it starts to fold us into a better awareness of what we would like to see and accomplish in the next lifetime. So, soul mates are chosen according to our past reincarnations, you see? Attached to that are some karmic obligations that we need to look at that we put in place and maybe we're not too happy with and we'd like to address some of those. But always the law of free will allows us to make that decision, but you don't have to. The problem is that when you get back home again, you're sort of saying: Oh darn, I had that opportunity to fix that and I chose not to do it - I listened to my mind chatter. I listened to that silly mind chatter that caused me so much problems this time and has caused me so much problems in the past. I've got to get out of that place. 

Many soul mates may have agreed to be a "mirror". This is important...really important. A soul mate may have agreed to be a mirror for you. So you may not like them. You may get angry with your parents. You may get angry with your siblings. You may get angry with family and relatives. But remember something that you cannot deny kids, you chose them to do what they're doing. How then, can you be angry with them? You may not choose to like their "behavior", but their "behavior and who they are are two different things entirely". I had someone say to me once - I went to an event and there was a medium taking the podium, and he looked down at me and said: "You know Sir, your mother loves you more than you know". And I said: "I don't think so". And he said: "I reaffirm. Your mother loves you more than you know". And so what happened with that information is that it caused me to take a look at how I was holding that relationship. And the way I was holding it was of no benefit to her, absolutely no benefit to me, and accomplished and proved absolutely nothing, except my humanness was hurt. 

So these soul mates that we'll be talking about over the next three weeks, these soul mates, are terribly, terribly important to the larger picture of who we are. So many of you struggle with this concept. But we know that everything is perfect in the universe - it needs no help. So if everything is perfect in the universe, it needs no help. how could anything be really wrong? You've heard me say at the end of each show: "You know God doesn't love anyone more in this world than you". I cannot tell you how many emails I've had from people saying: "I love that statement. I wish it applied to me. I wish I could believe that that's true". Now, how did they get to that reasoning? Right away you can see there's a lesson here. What is the lesson? You are already enough. We've gone over this many times. By letting go of the preconceived judgment, and allowing whatever soul mate or person to develop you without them even knowing it, you open yourself up to all kinds of possibilities. What if...and you've heard me say this for a long time now..."What if you found out that absolutely nothing was wrong"? That there were lessons you were supposed to learn. There are always children exceptions to every rule. You would never set up to be molested, for instance. You would never set up to be murdered, or to murder somebody. These are "human exceptions" with people who don't believe in Spirit and the Law of Life. Sometimes these are people who have very, very poor relationships with themselves...very angry with themselves. Sometimes they are literally mentally unbalanced - chemically unbalanced - rage imbalanced. But most of us will never experience any of that. Relationships as we've said, with soul mates, are arranged when you request to be incarnated. So you said you wanted to be here. You said it. Now I'm going to ask Alfred if he would step in here for me and kind of give you folks his idea of sort of what I'm talking about. I hate to do this to him...he's busy typing and doing all this stuff...

Oh, it's fine Hans. I'm right here.

Oh, well good.

Excellent. I was trying to come up with an example of a soul mate relationship that changed my life. And I came to a really funny example. For the longest time in my life, I think until I was about 35, I couldn't eat bananas. Just bananas drove me absolutely crazy. I couldn't stand the smell of bananas and...

That's strange now...

...and all of a sudden I had a friend who says: "What's wrong with you? My friend said: Why can't you eat bananas"? I said: "I don't know. The smell just drives me crazy". And so she just kept pressuring me and pressuring me - here try this banana - try this banana - take a little bit - try this little banana, try just a little bit... After about an entire year, I finally got to eat a bite of banana. Well to make a long story short, about two or three years later, bananas are one of my favorite thing. What's the point here? Is you can think of this as "she was a soul mate" that was there to help me get over...


Alfred: issue. Well what was the issue? The issue was I went and did a past life regression and back in the days when they had sails, not motors, I was sailing across from Europe to America and by the end of the voyage what's the last thing that is left on the boat is rotten bananas. And guess what? It was the smell that I remembered.


So as I was starving, the only thing that was left to eat on the boat was bananas. So this particular soul mate helped me get over that issue. It's an extremely simple lesson that people appear into your life and push your buttons and stick a banana into your side until you get over it and realize: "Oh, I can let that go. I can get on with my life now."

That old adage of "Get over yourself and get out of your way"... Great lesson.

Yes, and you don't realize it. But for example: parents present you with lessons to help you get over self-esteem issues. Friends that out of nowhere reject you and you really don't have any clue why. People push your buttons – ready? - by your request. And, you ready? For your own good. And that's the craziness about soul mate relationships. The only other thing I have to say about this is the worse the lesson, the more you should "thank" the person who's presenting it to you and...

The harder the lesson...

...the harder the lesson. Because why? Because you're on the other side and you're saying: "Okay, I've got a real tough one. Okay, I really need you to present this to me". "I don't want to be that much of a jerk"... "I really need you to be that much of a jerk"... "You know what a pain in the neck it is for me to be that much of a jerk"? "I'm sorry but I have to ask you to do this". Okay... So this person agrees, to be, for lack of a better word, to be a complete royal jerk and push your buttons for what may seem like years and you might not even "get it" in this lifetime. And then you're completely mad at this person for doing what you asked them to do. That is the definition of a soul mate. Talk about a mind-bender. So the people who present you with the hardest lessons are actually your truest friends. Granted they don't know it at the time. But that's just like your parents. My parents, your parents, Hans' parents and anybody who is a soul mate probably has parents that you absolutely don't understand. They don't know who "you" are and you're going to go back to the other side and say: "Wow, that was really tough. Thank you for presenting that to me". How's that for changing your perception?

Because it's true. It's absolutely true. And sometimes people, for instance Alfred, who we've been...let's say we have a boss and the person's been our boss for 15, 20 years...and one day they tell you they have to let you go. But they don't really say "why". They just say: "Well, we're down-sizing...or this or that". And we suddenly find our self disliking this person. "How dare this person do this? How could they do this to us?" But we never stop to think these words: "Perhaps it's time to go from this job. Perhaps this job is keeping you from moving forward”. And this individual agreed to do this “to you”, “for you” - you see? But that's not how it feels at the moment does it? It feels like: "Woe is me, look what's happened to me". So thank you Alfred...

You're welcome Hans.

Spirit delivers with the loving guidance of the universe according to your request. So they look at all the situations. They line up the people, if you will, throughout the 70-80 years that we're here. They lined up the various people who agreed to hold up a sign post, or hit us over the head with it, to get our attention, and as you now get to be a little later on in life, you kind of look back and you see the synchronicity of it all and you go: "Wow! That's amazing". “So I lost this job I thought I had to have but I had no idea that this was going to open up over here”. Or “I had to get a divorce but I had no idea that because I got a divorce, I can marry this person over here”. So I go back, always, to the preface – "Is what if you found out nothing was actually wrong"? Only sometimes, mind chattering a little...learning to cope. For those of you who have been down that long dark road of this last recession...and you found that you lost your may have lost your may have lost your relationship or your car, the pain of it, a lot of it comes from not being able to maintain which is a situation that actually was no longer maintainable. As the country shifted out of the years of gluttony and more towards the world of common sense, we all down-sized. Alfred and I did. A lot of people had to down-size. But out of the down-sizing came all kinds of wonderful opportunities and this is where various soul mates have come into play. 

Alfred and I can look back and say to you's like: "Well this person came out of nowhere and that person came out of nowhere and this thing happened that I never would have believed could have happened...not even in our wildest consciousness would we have believe that could have happened...but it did". So soul mates play a tremendous role in our life. Some come in but for a "word or two" - as the lady on the trolley car. Some come in for a week. Maybe one conversation. You ever have a conversation with somebody that just took up and you just started talking but you felt so much better because you felt like they heard you? They can hear what you're trying to say. They can see you - a soul mate passing by to reinforce you. So Spirit delivers with the loving guidance of the universe according to each and every one of your requests. When you go back and you get your Fact Sheet out and you start to check off - well, did I do this? - well that looks good, I like that one - I did that one - Ooop, I didn't like that one, I shouldn't have... All of those people, over 70, 80 years one day that all helped you will be present for you to say "Thank You" to. Even the ones that you believed caused you terrible pain. They were supposed to. You've often heard Spirit and I say to you: "Don't hold onto anything, because nothing lasts". Everything in your life is passing by...everything. Over the last 3 years I've been literally force to look at all the "stuff" that I had. And I have to tell you I had a lot of "stuff". It was years and years of collecting things...things that people left me. And now I find myself just wanting the things that mean the most to me around. And I realize that I was trying to hang on to a bunch of other family members' dreams, hopes...and I couldn't carry their hopes and their dreams. But they taught me so much. Each and every person was there for me. And I look back, and even in the roughest of times, I realize that those soul mate people, or those old soul people, you see...those soul people who agreed to help me with lessons are actually nothing more than angels helping me to get through.


And that topic was about "Soul Mate Relationships". And continuing on the theme of soul mates, we're taking again a topic just before Valentine's Day of last year to help the Valentine's Day for this year. This second topic is about "Soul Mate Family, Friends and Animals" because soul mates can come in so many different forms. And again, I present to you Hans Christian King.

So hello everyone and welcome to Modern Day Mysticism being broadcast on the WorldPuja Network. Today's topic is "Soul Mate Family, Friends and Animals". And to discuss the infinite forms that soul mates come from, I present to you Hans Christian King.

Good evening everyone. Welcome, welcome, welcome. We have a tendency to forget the value of the people who are presented to us for our lessons. Those come in many different kinds. Come in parents, lovers as friends, lovers as lovers...even our little animal friends have agreed to come forward to help us to learn to love and to give unconditional love. Most of the time we reincarnate with specific parents and soul mate friends because we find it easier to work with people that we've actually worked with and have known before. So what happens is that when we have that little round table meeting that you've heard me discuss with you - and someone who was your mother last time and you were the child - says: "Well, you know you didn't get the grasp of what I was doing. How about we reverse the roles and you'll become the opposite of the last role that we had". And you say: "Why"? And your guides and helpers say: "Because you're looking at it from only one point of view". You see? Let's take the lesson for all old souls - the lesson of self-esteem, for instance. We are presented with the lesson of self-esteem because, as an old soul it is sort of “in the end”'s sort of the last of the things we have chosen to learn. Not an easy subject my friends. Not an easy subject. So we will have set in place a series of events that have a debilitating impact on the humanness of us. A parent may not ever say: "I love you". A parents may not be there, just not show up, or be working or gone all the time. A parent may not be able to see who you are, to recognize the wonder of who you are and you're always searching, searching, searching trying to get the parent to acknowledge the importance of you. 

Why would we do that? Why, why would we put our self in a situation where we couldn't been seen by the parents? We do so because our soul has chosen to rise above the appearance of humanness to be the essence of God in the form you are in at the moment in your evolutionary process. That just who you are - you've heard me say this forever now - "Just who you are is enough". This fight, what a parent might say or what a boss might say, or anybody might your job is to rise above that. And as much as you may love your parents, the fact that they can't get who you are is not your problem. It's their problem. Now you've heard me say this many, many times and I know it always sounds like it's insulting, but it isn't, it is a true-ism - "What someone thinks of you is none of your concern. What you think of what they think of you should be very much your concern". Now I have asked Alfred in the past to expound upon his parents. I have told all of you what my situation was about a father who left when I was 4 or 5 years old and a mother who loved me, there was no doubt about that, had no idea who I was. Absolutely no idea who I was. But that doesn't speak to the character of the person. It speaks to the pain of the child and the child doesn't know that it set this lesson in place. And actually, the parents don't know. So one of the things that I say to parents these days: "Take the time to find out who your child is. Not who you want the child to be, but who the child actually is". Because the child is the embodiment of the Godforce in human form. And attached to that form is a series of lessons that that child has chosen to learn. So it doesn't behoove you to be guilty because you might have said something, or might have done something... What you need to do, to help the child advance, is to recognize the child. Help the child become better than their current perception. So we reincarnate with soul mate friends, soul mate lovers, soul mate animals based on what our soul has chosen to learn. You agree in advance that your parents and friends would present karmic lessons to you. They don't know that. And you don't know that. But that's how it works. You can say to me: "Oh Hansy, I never would have done that. I would never ever have set that in motion". 

But you don't know that. You "think" you know that. But you don't. You don't know exactly what your lessons are. But if you keep...if you watch yourself and you keep repeating the same lesson over and over and how we choose our partners. If you find you're fishing in the same pond all the time trying to get a different result, then you have a serious problem. If you are parents, realize that you and your children have karma with each other... Here we go again. "You're not here by accident, you're in fact here by design". By design. So both parents and children have the same vested karmic interest in the lessons we have chosen to learn with each other. You see? Now I know that my father loves me. And how do I know that? I know my father loves me because he came back to a very fine medium one day in Asheville, North Carolina, and he said to me: "Son, remember that your mother only has one side of the issue. There are in fact two sides to the issue". And at that moment I realized that my mother in her anger, her rage about my father, had started manufacturing things out of her subconscious mind that actually weren't true. So that helped to free me up to help me understand that my mother had a terrific lesson – I mean really a hard lesson - because she set that in motion. And my father had agreed to do what he did, and I had agreed with my father that he would not show up in my life, and I had agreed that my mother would cause all this trouble. All that, you see - all that minutia - made me who I am today. So what you have to do is you have to look at where you “came from”, and if you're very clever, which you all are, you can watch the synchronicity as you move through your life. As a child you may have agreed to present your parents with lessons. I'm quite certain that I did. Both my parents. You did also. So as a child you have agreed to present your parents with lessons. And your parents have agreed to present you with lessons. As a parent, please look for ways that you might help your children along their path. Alfred, I would like to bring you in here and I'm going to just sit here and I want you to tell the people how you navigated through that karmic situation with your parents.

Well that's a good one Hans. That definitely is a...oh, I like to say – a mind-bender. When you start looking at karmic relationships from a human perspective because it's really difficult for the human mind to comprehend that children, for example, have a karmic obligation to present lessons to their parents. And that is really difficult to think: "Okay, I can get the fact that, as a child, my parents have presented lessons to me but at what point do I, as a child turn around and present lessons back to my parents? And what lessons are those things?" All of this of course is pre-ordained, already agreed upon, and of course we have the wonderful part of "nobody remembers anything that they agreed to"... But it is part of the enlightenment process. It does become clearer the more spiritual you become. And it does help when you follow along your own path to really just "go with the flow". Not try to blame anyone. Just simply say: "I'm following a spiritual path and if my parents want to follow that path and if they want to learn from it, great. If they don't want to learn from it, great." That's what I really got out of it.

Was that difficult for you?

It was really difficult because you have to follow the lessons of “having no expectations”. And having no expectations of saving or helping your parents is extremely difficult. I think we get that issue in every single class...

We do. Yes, it's just common.

...of when children wake up and they become spiritual and they become happy, they instinctively want to help their parents in the same way that they've been helped and that's an investment. That's an expectation. And it's incredibly hard not to have an expectation that your parents are going to understand you, what you're doing, or that they're going to want what you have. However, it's your job to present what you're doing. It is not your job to have an expectation that they're going to learn from it.

I have a question for you. I have a question for you. I know how difficult your childhood was. In the process of coming out of the "old awareness" into the "new awareness", what did you do with the anger?

That's part of the spiritual growth is as you let go of your past, of illusions, of opinions, the anger goes away instinctively. The anger is just a by-product of hanging onto the past.


And once you let go of the past, then the anger goes away. It's the same thing like we used to say in the classes that: "If you're standing in front of a fire, you can pour water over your head until Kingdom come and you're still going to be hot". What we say is: "Pour water on the fire, and then you won't be hot anymore".

(Laughing) And then you'll be fine...exactly...

So you deal with the "root cause of the symptom". The symptom is that "you're angry". What is the "root cause"? My parents abused me, I'm an abused child. Well, I'm sorry those are past events...that's your opinion of the past event and if you just let that go and live in the now you won't be angry. And that's obviously easier said than done.

Well, I think for all of us, even those of us who follow a spiritual path, I think it's still hard to deal with the inner child and sooth that child. We might be able to rationalize Alfred, that this is what we should do...there's a reason for all of this. But there is still a little wounding in the child, no matter what happens. That's for you, for me, for just about anybody listening to the show tonight. "You make the pain okay". It's okay. It's alright. And I know, with you Alfred, if I say to you: "The plate is hot". What will you do?

I'm going to touch it.

There you go. That's what I'm getting at.

I love that. It drives Hans crazy.

It drives people in restaurants crazy that are trying to serve him. And they're saying: "Hot plate". And he'll pick it up anyway!

Well, I've learned not to pick it up. I just touch it a little...nothing like a little pain to wake you up.



You got it!


You see? Nothing like a little pain to wake you up.

And that's what we try to teach people is when you feel a symptom, look for the root cause of the symptom. It's not: "Okay, I'm aggravated, let me go to the gym". "I'm aggravated, let me have a drink" or do something else. "I'm aggravated let me do meditation". No. What we try to teach you is if you're aggravated, what is the button that somebody pushed that triggered that aggravation? Look at that root cause and I'll guarantee you it has nothing to do with being in the moment. It's either: "I'm frustrated", "I'm not where I should be in the future", "I'm aggravated because something happened..."

"I don't have as much money as I thought I was going to have".

And I don't know what you're talking about...

(Chuckling) I know you well.

Yes. So it's looking for the "root cause of the aggravation". Yes, you can do it in meditation but it's getting at the root cause of it and a lot of what we're trying to explain in this soul mate topic has to do with a lot of the things you have an opinion that are negative or hurtful or painful - really aren't. They're actually lessons that you requested people present to you.

You hit upon that...that's really, really important. You simply can't blame others for your pain. We all want to do this. We all want to believe our parents did this to us, our husband or our wife did that to us in the divorce... We all want to blame, blame, blame. But what we forget is - we set it in place. The main lessons of this soul mate topic are, for instance, don't blame others for painful relationships. Be grateful for the lessons learned from others. Kind of "relax". Sometimes soul mate friends and animals are there to have fun and provide unconditional love. Learn to see things from a different point of view. “Don't blame others for painful relationships”. If you are in a relationship with someone and you are in pain all the time, you need to ask yourself - why? And if the relationship is not working, you don't want to become a victim of it. You want to be certain that your parents know how much you love them but also how much you will not allow them to put guilt upon you. I think that's a very big lesson because that guilt is put there deliberately to demean you. It is put there deliberately to demean you because you chose for it to be put there. Your job is to turn to anybody who demeans you and say: "Excuse me, that is only "your" interpretation of who I am". My interpretation tells me I'm wonderful and my god loves me". They have no comeback for that. Be grateful. Be grateful that you have had all these lessons come into your life. Because one day, one day when you make that day, as I like to say: "You fall off your perch"... One day, you'll be able to look back with a bunch of friends and loved ones and see this last episode of your last incarnation cycle and say: "By golly, here's what I wanted to do and this is what I left having learned". And then your soul soars. Sometimes I have to say to people very difficult things. I remember when Alfred was getting started, he just fought me tooth and nail - thinking he had the answer. And time after time after time, Spirit proved he did not and it was nothing more than a lesson. So what I want you all to hear is there's no way you should ever be so angry with anyone that you loose your self-awareness, that you loose your spiritual being. There should never be a time in your life when lessons are so strong that you want to give up. Because the truth of the matter is - you put them in place. And the wonderful thing about it is, once you really begin to understand: "Oh, I see, there's a continuity what I'm doing. I keep repeating the same things over and over again." Why are you doing that? What is going on for you that you continue to do this time in, time out...over and over and over? It is because you have not learned the lesson of the lesson. You have not gotten the value. But the moment you get the value, it's like this great weight is suddenly removed from you. Relax children. Soul mate friends, soul mate animals are there for you to also have fun with and to provide unconditional love. How many of you today emailed someone who you think may be feeling alone and wished them Happy Valentine's Day? I did that this morning. I sent out Valentines to people I know who happen to be by themselves right now. Think, everyone of you, send one person, even though it's late, send one person a Valentine's greeting. Just a kind word. That's all. And watch how much better “you feel” for doing that. It will help change your life.


Many, many children who do have early childhood experiences are forced to relinquish those experiences because of the thoughts of others. For instance, oftentimes a child will say to a parent: "You know, I see people on the other side and you know, I heard this lady say something to me today, a very kind angel came to visit me today and she told me some things". Most people will say: "You have a vivid imagination child" or "Oh, that's alright, that's called your imaginary friend". And rather than say: "It's your imaginary friend", it would be very helpful for parents to understand that if they would simply say: "Well that's wonderful. What did they say? What was the experience about for you? Tell me more. Let's record it so we won't forget it when you grow up". We tend to be fearful that our children speak to us about Spirit and about seeing other people or about getting a message. I have a client for instance whose husband had passed away before the child was born. And the very first memories of the child were he could see his father. When he first started speaking, he would say: "You know daddy brought me to life. Daddy brought me here. He said to me that I had to come here to be with you". And she just couldn't bring herself...she was so honor that with the child. She hid all the father's pictures. And when the child was a little older he said: "Daddy says you have those pictures in a box in the garage and you need to bring them out so we can be a family again. And he said he especially likes the one with the motorcycle". When we listen to our children and we get past ourselves, we give our children the opportunity of that experience. You are in fact a baby angel having a human experience and once that sits in you, and you realize that you have resources, that you have tools, then you can be child-like again like the Bible says. Being child-like really means being close to the Source - which is where we came from - its is where we're going. And it gives us an opportunity to learn to live. To live the life you were meant to live. This program will give you an opportunity to stand back of yourself and view your behavior and see what's stopping you, what's keeping you from getting where you want to go. You know the program is really very simple - it's seeing past the illusion and stopping the fear. As children, we don't have that concept of fear. We don't have that concept of death. We're full of love, we're full of light. Just listen to your children and they'll tell you their story. I think that's very important to do.

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