Saturday, November 8, 2014

“Beyond The Void” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE Radio Show

“Beyond The Void” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Beyond The Void
November 8, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE - Wisdom for Your Soul. This is Alfred, the Padawan to the Modern Day Mystic himself Hans Christian King. And we have a wonderful topic for you today "Beyond the Void". And you probably have found out about this, either through Facebook or Twitter, and we would sincerely appreciate you helping share the word about our Radio Show or anything else that we're doing. We do no traditional advertising so we do rely on your word of mouth and we do appreciate your support in helping us help others.

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Good afternoon everybody. How nice to be back with you again. This is a subject that I've heard from so many of you: Well what do I do with The Void? What's going to happen to me when The Void is over? How did I get into The Void? And throughout the years, I've tried to explain to you how important the Void is. Because at a certain time in your life... By the way Alfred, this is coming from some of our listeners, isn't that right?

That's true. This topic was sent in by one of our Spiritual Circle Members. Now you don't have to be a Spiritual Circle Member to send in a topic. But this was from one of our newer Spiritual Circle Members. And if you'd like to submit a question, you can submit it via the Radio Show Page, submit it via Contact Us.  But if you'd like us to talk about something that you deal with, send it in and it may be one of the topics that we're talking about.

Absolutely. And for everyone that I have ever known, there is a certain time in one's life, and this can occur once, but usually about two to three times in somebody's life this happens,  when the plan they've been working on, when the life they've been living, for whatever reason, appears to start getting disconnect energy. It feels like: Hm-mm, I don't know...Am I on the right track?...This isn't quite what I thought it was going to be...I feel I've done all I can do with this... And we begin to sort of back away a little bit. That's the Spirit encouraging us to look at our chalkboard. Is it full? Well, if in fact you are feeling disconnected, the board is full. 

There are things on the board you don't want to change. Or shall I say, are very reluctant to change. And so it can be a little off-putting. It can be a little fearful as you watch things begin to disappear...energies, people, jobs, relationships, children, parents... All kinds of things begin to get sort of thrown into a top-hat. It's like "I'm out of control", "I don't seem to be able to get anything to work", and the more you try to fix it, the worst it gets. 

Now I've talked a lot about The Void in the past. But again we do get questions from people saying: Well, what do I do? First of all, if you're in The Void, sit down, be quiet and recognize you're in The Void. Oh, this is scary. You have a process of letting go about to develop. And this alone scares many, many people. I talked to a lovely lady today and I had to let her know that she had to let go. And she said: How do you let go of your perceptions? That's very hard because our perceptions are so entrenched in us, our perception of our parents and how they should be, of our lovers how they should be, of our children, our bosses, our employees, our dog, our cat... We have a perception of how they need to interact in our life so we can feel good about ourself and feel safe. But sometimes folks, we come to the end of the old movie that has been playing as our life and Spirit says... I think I told you all...when I was much younger...they do it to this day. When I am to disconnect from something, the Spirit will suddenly, out of nowhere, say to me: Hans, time to go now son. And I know that at that moment, what I've been doing is about to change. Time to go now. 

And so somewhere deep inside of you, you can hear that: Time to go. Time to disengage. But there is this thing that you've heard me say throughout the years that you've been with me and that is that we tend to be frightened of the unknown. We have this tendency, I like to say, of putting a demon or a dragon in the unknown and how can we be afraid of something we don't know? It's really interesting. So when one comes to The Void, it is time to be peaceful and safe.

Alfred, I'm going to bring you in about here. I know in your teachings... How does this work with you?

Well that was a good explanation of what is The Void and basically how you  recognize it is simply that stuff that has been part of your life for a really long time, for most of the time for no reason, it just starts to fade away. And the more you try to grab at it, the more it try to pulls away from you. That's basically The Void. The Void is Spirit purposely taking things from us. Okay? And a lot of us are concerned about why Spirit we purposely take things from us and even if we could understand, how most of the time we don't, so a lot of the questions have to come from: Okay, we understand what The Void is but how do we listen to Guidance to know that they're taking things from us? How do we work with Guidance in order to get through The Void and not extend it? 

Well part of what we need to learn how to do Alfred is to help people to understand that when you're in The Void nothing is wrong. Get that craziness out of your head. Nothing is actually wrong. But when you're in the human form and The Void starts and you have to start letting go of things, I think it's just fine to go ahead and have a good moan. Lord knows I do. You may not like what is happening, but you have to understand it's to your highest good. So, when you're in The Void and you sit down, you must learn to be still. You must calm the mind chatter and say: Okay, where to from here? I'm prepared. Present me with the doors and I will follow.

So as Spirit is taking things from us, which apparently they would be purpose for our highest good, how do people look at this as an opportunity?

Because Alfred, if you have a board that is the board of your life and you write on it, at a certain place there's no place left on the board to write. You have to erase the board or you have no place to go. So letting go is getting. Most people don't know that. If I'm right-handed, and I need to pick up a glass of water and I'm holding a pen in my hand, what do I have to do with the pen? Both serve me, but I have to put one of them down. You put down what you're holding onto in the moment. And in the process of putting it down there is the power of trust that comes forward. The lesson of trust that if I put down the pen will I be able to pick up the water and then again will I be able to pick up the pen?

So when you're going through The Void Alfred, there's two sets of fears. The first fear is the fear of disconnect from what you have as the known. So the minute that starts to disconnect, fear, doubt, confusion, anxiety come up. And then on the other side of that is the fear of the unknown, the fear of The Void, what if nothing happens, what if I go through all the process of letting go, letting God, all of that good stuff, what if I do that and there's nothing over on the other side?

Let's pick a topic that a lot of people can relate to. A huge part of The Void happens to be around relationships. How many times Hans have we seen a relationship that Spirit said: You know what, it's better that you two are not together. 

Oh yes.

But one of the people refuses to believe that and keeps chasing after, and keeps chasing after, and keeps chasing after, saying: I don't know why we're splitting up. I don't know why it can't be. But Spirit is saying: It's for your highest good not to be together.

That's correct.

But the person doesn't follow Spirit's advice. Let's use this as an example of how to go against The Void and what the person should do to go with The Void. How's that Hans?

When you go against The Void on that issue Alfred, you drag a negative energy towards you. You actually disconnect from your true possibilities and the more you hang on, the more what you want will disappear. Because the energy that supported the relationship in the old is over. And the more you hold onto, the tighter your grasp of it is, the more the new that you were going to participate in, begins to dissipate. So Spirit in its wisdom pushes you back into the old energy where you will stay in nothingness.

That is how The Void gets extended.

The Void absolutely gets extended. You couldn't be more correct. The Void gets extended because people refuse to change. They just refuse to. They are going to prove that they are right, come heck, come high water.  And I know a dear lady who I absolutely adore as a human being, been a friend of mine for over 30 years, who continues to this day to go after a relationship that doesn't exist anymore. And cannot understand why the Spirit hasn't opened a new door. The Spirit can't open the door because she's standing in the way and she won't allow the Spirit to do its job which is to close down the old. She actually keeps taking the phone call, she keeps opening the emails... I've got at least 5 or 6 of these wonderful people, and at least 2 or 3 men who do the same thing, and they keep... It's like a therapist would call it a denial. I think it's far beyond denial. I think it is an utter and absolute refusal to see the benefit of letting go.

So for someone in this situation, what would be the right thing to do. How to get through The Void when Spirit is trying to take something through you. What would be the fastest way to do it?

Sit down, be still and go to the place of the simple "I am". In this moment, I am peaceful. In this moment, I trust in Spirit. In this moment, I know that letting go of this subject, (and then state the subject), it is to my highest good. I choose not to allow my mind chatter to continue to pull me back into dysfunction. I am now free. That's what has to be done.

Now a lot of times this would deal with other things that we think are real important.


Such as jobs.


Okay. How many times have people tried to get a job that didn't work for them?

I can't even tell you. I can't tell you how many people I know, and good people in our group here, our little family, Radio family, who hold onto the same job year after year after year that doesn't advance, and doesn't get them any work because they think this is where they need to be because they don't trust if they look outside. Just begin to look outside, that they would find something. And what if they found something and they got into it and they didn't like it? You see? What if they get fired? They would rather deny themselves their possibilities by hanging onto what doesn't work.

You know what this reminds me of?


The devil you know verses the devil you don't know.

Couldn't have said it better. Exactly.

But what is the devil you know? Your ego, your consciousness, your mind chatter.

Yes. It's a refusal on the part of the individual to believe they deserve better. It's a refusal to believe that they deserve better than that. So they give themselves the limitation that they live by. There is no limitation Alfred. None. The only limitation that we have is the limitation that we impose upon ourself. And in The Void, the Spirit tries in every way they know how to get us to disconnect from what we think is our life when it doesn't work anymore. And I've seen Spirit get people let go. I've seen it. Because they wouldn't listen to the fact they needed to make a change. 

So the opportunities that are for us in The Void really are by letting go of what we have, we get which Spirit believes is for our highest good?

Absolutely. It's absolute. And so when I really think that we need to look at is what happens for us when we're in The Void. What is it the Spirit sees that we do? Does the Spirit see that we say to ourself: You know what, The Void is here, time to witness it. Okay. I know the Spirit has my back, I believe that they're going to take me where we need to go... Or do we, once again, go back to the struggle of: Do I believe that God is good? Spirit knows best. Spirit has my back. So it throws us back into consciousness of fear, consciousness of doubt. When if we truly believe, no matter what appears children, no matter what appears, we know the outcome is better than what we're going through at the moment.

That's a really good point. That's one of the main questions is: How to work with Spirit to erase the blackboard.

Yes. This is the key. Be willing to let go of what does not work anymore. We all go through Voids and it's a time when Spirit says: Time to go now. This has been played. This has been done. But what I've noticed Alfred, in The Void, is the huge amount of fear, anger and resentment that The Void pulls up in many people...some very spiritual, fabulous spiritual people that I know, when it happens to them, something's wrong. And folks, sometimes The Void lasts a little longer than we'd like...sometimes. You know a good way to get it to speed up? It's start telling yourself nothing's really wrong. It's The Void, there'll be some changes, you'll be strong because Spirit has your back. I choose to be peaceful in The Void. Choose to be peaceful in The Void. That's they key Alfred. Because when you're peaceful in The Void, you say: I believe in you. I trust in you. I know you've got my back in this Void. Even though I can't see why, it winds up to my highest good.

Here's a good one that somebody had sent in about The Void. Old souls in their 40's, you had mentioned a few times to many, many, many people, that's it around 40, 42 that people transition from whatever they were doing with their life of spirituality... How does Spirit use The Void to help them in that transition?

The Spirit uses The Void as a catalyst to say: Alright, time to move on. And they usually hit us with The Void, women about 42, men about 38, who are older souls. Most people listening to this show today are older souls. And so Spirit in its wisdom knows when the game has been played, when the script has been read, when the play has been acted, it's time to go. In human form, we look for similarity for safety. It's nice to go where everyone knows your name. Okay?  It's nice to be witnessed. It's nice to be recognized. It's nice to see the same flowers grow. The same tree send out new shoots every year. It's nice to have the appearance of continuity in one's life. But that's not the road less traveled. That's the same road, doing the same thing year after year after year.

In my life...when I was a little boy, I think most of you know this statement...when I was a little boy I said to Spirit: When I grow up I wish to be a gypsy. And my goodness everyone, I have lived up to that. I think most of you who've known me for some time have known that I have been a gypsy and I have had a very incredible life. Because no one thing holds all our answers folks. Life, true life, is about multiple emotional states, multiple ideas, multiple adventures. No one adventure is everything. No one place is everything. So when the Spirit feels you've learned whatever you've needed to learn from whatever you've been doing, then they begin to move you out and put you in The Void and 42 year old people, especially 42 year old women, between 42 and 52, you will normally see old souls make very large transitions in their life. Some people a little longer, some people a little shorter. But when you keep seeing things that don't necessarily you feel work for you, or somebody's angry with you, or somebody's trying to cause you problems, just bless them and say: I know this will pass. I will get through this. Yes Alfred?

So you can actually say that The Void helps you transition into a new part of your life...into a higher experience.


That's why I love The Void Alfred. Because it does usher up the possibility of new beginnings. And folks, in all the years, in all the years I've been in service, longer than most of you listening to this show today have been alive, I have never seen anyone jump off the cliff without Spirit providing  the net - ever. It may not necessarily show up in your exceptions, but the net always appears. When you finally believe, doors appear where previously there were no doors. It's your consciousness that dictates your own pain. Alright Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for today.

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