“The Hero's Journey” - by Hans Christian King
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King www.HansKing.com
and Alfred Ricci www.AlfredRicci.com
Topic: The Hero's Journey
November 15, 2014
Hello everyone and welcome to GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE - Wisdom for Your Soul. This is Alfred the Padawan to the Modern Day Mystic himself Hans Christian King. We have a heck of a topic today: The Hero's Journey. If you're searching for meaning in your life, then listen in. And if you think there's anyone else who would be searching for meaning in their life and would like to know more about the journey that that takes, please "share". We greatly appreciate those of you who appreciate what we do and find meaning in it and think there's others who would also find value in what we do. If you could, please "follow" us on Facebook and "share" with your friends or you can RT (re-tweet) us on Twitter. We do no traditional advertising so we really rely on you to help us get the word out. And this is one of the things that we do each week to be of pure service is simply giving away a Radio Show. Life changing lessons in a little hour package.
Here on GUIDANCE FOR YOUR LIFE we do our best to guide your soul to the best life it could possibly have. So for our topic today: The Hero's Journey. Without further ado, I present to you the Modern Day Mystic himself Hans Christian King.
You want to think sometimes about heroes, explorers if you will. People who were willing to exit the journey they were on and begin to perhaps look around. You know, the easiest thing for us all to do is to continue to paddle downstream because it's the path of least resistance. But every once in awhile, every once in awhile, we glance over to our left, or we glance over to our right. Oh look at that beautiful meadow...oh look, there's a tributary to this stream...I wonder what's up there... But that's all the further it gets. Because the path that you're on is the simplest. It presents itself as a no-brainier. It says if you do this, thus, and such, here is the result. But the result is always the same. It brings you to a place of not being fulfilled.
Great explorers got off the main stream but their canoes on their backs, like the Indians did, and went off on these different tributaries searching for another way, looking for something different, something maybe stimulating. Such is life. As humans we have been taught that the path most frequented is the right path for everyone. But if everyone did that path and everyone stayed on that path, absolutely nothing would have been discovered. There would be no Internet, there would be no Television, there would be no Airplanes. Everybody would have said: No, that can't be done. Just follow this path here, it will take you to where you need to be.
So a hero to me is somebody who says: Well, I thank you for your opinion but I'm really feeling like I want to look over here, perhaps at that meadow, or look over here perhaps at that other stream just to see where it takes me. And then society says: Aah, but wait a minute. If you go down that path you could fail. And you can say: Yes, what you're saying is true, but what is failure? Because another path, or another solution will present itself. So a hero is somebody who says: I will find another way for my life.
Alfred, you're a younger person, what say you on this subject?
And a lot of our clients, and also in my own life, there's something inside of us that helps us, tries to guide us, direct us towards that which would bring us meaning, that which is part of our life's dharma, our life's path. And a lot of the part of The Hero's Journey that we've been hearing about from our clients is the courage it takes to follow a voice inside of you that you can barely identify with. What do you tell clients Hans when they say they feel they should do something and they need courage to take that step towards that bumpy road?
What I like to remind them of Alfred, is that in my 60 years of service, I have yet to know anyone to jump off the cliff that the net did not appear. Always. When you feel you need to make a right or a left or jump off the cliff, the Spirit has your back. Because what you're saying when you say: I'm going to jump. I'm going to create something new. You're saying: I believe. I trust that there must be something better than what I'm doing. And of course always, as all of you know, the enemy in all of this is the negative mind chatter. You'll notice that the mind chatter doesn't normally support you in your decision. It sends up all kinds of fears and doubts. It says: Oh my gosh, what if, what if this, what if that...what if, what if - who cares? For every what if, a solution will appear. Always. For every what if, a solution will always appear.
There are no endings. There are no beginnings. There simply is, in and of the moment. So when you trust to take another path... I had a lovely lady the other day and she said to me: You know Hans, I have been a school principal now for 25 years. And she said: Although I love working with my students and my faculty...the staff, she said: It just isn't me. And I said to her: Well Mary, what is you? She said: Well, I did the mirror exercise like you asked me to do and I told myself I was going to find out who I was and when I did I was going to take very good care of me. And I decided I'd always wanted to go to Greece but I never could put that together. And she said: So, I did some checking around and I found several schools. And I applied for it and she said I got a job in Athens. And she said: I'm going there in a couple of weeks to start a brand new life. She says: But when I did that, all I could hear, Hans, is you saying: And the net will always appear. She said: When I made that decision, all these different doors that I had never seen suddenly appeared. And that's the courage in the hero is the "quiet knowing". I believe, I know, I understand, I am protected.
And that's what we're trying to tell you is if you're looking for what would make your life memorable, is to have faith, is to trust that voice inside of you. You may not hear it loudly, you may not hear it clearly, but it will point you in a direction you may not even understand. And hopefully you'll be able to differentiate what that voice inside of you is saying, what your Guidance is saying, what your soul is saying, and hear it differently from what your mind is telling you. And that's a lot of what we try to help you with is to help you get in touch with your inner-self, your higher-self, your true-self, your soul, your Guidance, to follow that inner voice towards meaning.
You know folks, I'm rather blunt as many of you know, but one of the things that I say to people that sort of sets them back... They will say: Well Hans what I want to do... And I say: Wait a minute, hold on. I'm not interested in what you want to do. And they look at me. I said: Tell me what you're going to do. Now folks, there's a hero there. Don't tell me what you want to do. Because when you tell me what you want to do you come from a place of lack and the energy that supports that is an energy of lack, an energy of scarcity. When you say to me: Hans, I'm going to do the following... You can add: I don't know how, but I know that my Guides, I know that my God will present me with the possibility. And folks, every time it happens. And there are times, for all of us, when we ask Spirit for something and we're willing to go down that road but we're slightly in front of the timing. I could name some people right now in our wonderful audience who sometimes jump the gun and then they wonder why the Spirit didn't support them, but they don't know the Spirit hasn't supported them because they don't know when the timing for it is. A hero is somebody who follows an idea and sees it through to the completion. And for all of you, you can be the hero in your own life.
That's a really good point. Two things here that those of you who are looking for meaning should pay attention to. When something just pops out of you. When there's a deep desire to do something and you wonder where it came from... I'll reflect upon my own life. For example, I'm 15 years old living in a group home, which basically is an orphanage, and I looked at the counselor one day and she asked me: So, what are you going to do when you get out of here? I said: Oh, I'm going to go to college and travel around the world. And she just looks at me and says: You're in a group home. And I said: I don't care. I'm going to travel around the world and go to college and that's what I'm going to do. And I looked at her and I sort of looked at me and said: Where did that come from? Anyway, when those little Aha moments happen about what you're going to do and you have no idea where it came from - pay attention. Okay?
Absolutely. That's the key. Pay attention.
Pay attention. So that's the first thing. The second thing is, as you said, you may be a little bit ahead of your time. Well eventually I graduated college and I went looking for that international job. Well I was still ahead of my time. Six years later...six years...I knew it was going to happen, I just had patience. Six years later I landed a job that allowed me to work in 18 countries. I just knew it was going to happen. And it's to have faith and trust in that inner knowing.
Now hold on for just a moment. Exactly what you're saying - to have faith and trust - and Alfred you made it okay not to know how it arrives. I think that was one of your keys is not knowing how it arrives...
...but knowing it will arrive.
...is just keep knocking on doors, keep looking at doors. But one thing that we teach, especially in Intuitive Development, is don't have an expectation of how it's going to arrive, be peaceful, be aware of vibration and energy.
That is such a key, Alfred. Because people...when it doesn't show up immediately, they start to run their crazies, they get depressed, they say God doesn't love me, or I guess my dream can't come true. It's the patience, don't you think?
Absolutely. Patience and not having an expectation of how it's going to happen. So many times people say: Well, when I get money then I'll do this. Well, no because sometimes, for example, somebody has a spare ticket, somebody has a spare seat, somebody has a spare car... Remember that? A friend of ours didn't have a car and he was asking for money and you said: No, you don't need money to have a car. And he looked at you and said you were crazy. And what was it a couple of weeks later that somebody said I have a spare car sitting in my driveway, why don't you use it.
That's right.
So make sure when you're looking to do something, do not place an expectation as to "how"...
Well Alfred that also happened to you. Remember?
In what?
In a car. Didn't someone...
Oh, that. Yes! Yeah, I donated my car to some Breast Cancer place and all of a sudden something told me: Don't look for a car; it'll eventually show up. And I said: Really? Well, okay. Well I had a motorcycle...I was driving a motorcycle back and forth to work. It was Southern California so you didn't have to worry about rain. A week later somebody shows up, to make a long story short, had lunch with somebody I hadn't seen in 10 years and he said: Oh, we're moving to Florida and we have a car and we'd be willing to give it to you at a very cheap price if you just wait a couple of more days until we leave and then come and pick it up. Low and behold, it was the car I had been dreaming about for 3 years. The exact car. I was so happy I could not believe it, but I believed that the thing inside of me that told me just be patient, it will arrive.
I can hear people saying: Well it happened for Alfred, but those things never happen for me. That thinking will not help you. Alfred didn't know when the car would show up. He didn't know that anybody would be giving him one for a very small price. But he knew inside of him, he knew that if he just held tight, it would arrive at his doorstep. And folks, this is a key belief you must work on. A quiet knowing. When you prepare yourself as your own personal hero to make a change, to jump off a cliff if you will, having this little inner-awareness that says: I'm fine, I'm loved, and God has my back and Spirit is my navigator. When you do that, it doesn't matter whether it shows up immediately in your expectations.
What matters is that Spirit sees a belief. Energy follows thought. They look at your dharma and say: Okay, they want to go over here but they did ask us to help with this other thing here, there. Okay. And then we can get them to where they need to go.
For so many of you older souls, which most of the people who listen to the show and are members of this show are what I call an older soul. They're seekers. And I like to say the good book says: A seeker findeth always. When you have this quiet awareness and you believe that, doors will appear children where there previously were no doors. I forget who said that, but it's absolutely spiritual principle. Now I can remember when Alfred first came to see me in Los Angeles for his reading at the recommendation of a lady friend of his. And he had this intense need to be a seeker. He was dabbling in this thing that was pretty good and Reiki that was pretty good. He was looking around. And at that moment he knew he found what he needed to hear. And he changed his life. Now Alfred, have you noticed that when heroes tend to change their life other people around them think they're a little crazy?
Yes. (Laughing)
Did that apply to you too? (Laughing)
And that is part of the hero's journey. It's not just that you're a hero - doing something that scares you. Listening to this inner voice you may not completely understand, it's that you're going to have peer pressure going against you, you're going to have the media going against you, you may have your closest friends sitting you down and having an intervention saying don't do this. I had a few of those.
Who even said I can't be your friend if you go down this path. Alright?
And that was where it really takes a hero's courage. Now, is there anything wrong? No. And that's where you really have to understand that in spiritual growth, you may be going down a path that others that you've been with for many, many years, or are very close to, won't go down. And that is a hero's journey is to go down a path and leave those people you've called friends behind. Now again there's nothing wrong with where they are...you were there.
No. Not at all. And I think that's a very key element right there. Because they can't see your road doesn't make them bad people. At the moment they can't see it. But ofttimes, they circle back and see you in your happiness in your new path and say: Wow, congratulations. Job well done.
Sometimes. And there's other people that they continue doing what they're doing but...
But that's where they need to be.
...and Hans has told me many, many times: Ask Spirit to give you people, new friends, of like vibration. Like vibration, like spiritual type of friends that are according to your path. And yes, they do eventually show up. You do eventually get new friends that are of like mind.
Some of my dearest friends, throughout my life, have actually been people who don't know how to believe in what I do. But loved me, and supported me, hands down. Because they saw the belief in me that I held and then saw how other people were moved and effected. And even though they didn't know what it is exactly I did, most of all these people were extremely well educated and so to venture outside of the norm was stuff you hid. You hid it under the table. You went to see a lecture but you never told anybody you were going. That type of thing. But those people need to be where they were. Most of those people have now passed over and they're a great help to me as I move down my path.
If I had listened to every person, every doctor, who told me this would happen, that would happen, something else would happen...I was born with all these different illness and all...I would never have made it if I had listened. I heard them talking but I didn't listen to what they said. Big difference. Okay? So be the hero in your life and Spirit will always present the net when you jump. Always. No one is excluded from that truth. Okay, Alfred I think that will conclude the lesson for today.
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