Saturday, September 5, 2015

“Let Go and Let God” (Replay from October 26, 2013) - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Show Transcription

“Let Go and Let God” (Replay from October 26, 2013) - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Let Go and Let God
September 5, 2015

Hello everyone and welcome to our Show. Today we're going to be talking about “Let Go and Let God.” What does “Let Go and Let God” mean? Let Go and Let God means that probably the way you're handling a situation doesn't work. You're not getting to where you need to be, things are not going the way you would like them to go. 

And there's and old saying that says: If it ain't broke don't fix it. But you don't know that it's broken. That's the problem. You just keep trying to fix it. Over and over and over again, you keep trying to fix it. But it doesn't work. It's like fishing for a particular kind of fish in a certain stream where the fish doesn't live. 

You're determined to make certain you can catch that fish in that stream. So when we say let go, how do we mean that? What is that when we say let go? Let go means no longer trying to force something to work the way you want it to work. But instead turn to God and say: I've done all I can do with this issue. I really can't do anymore. I'm going to let go and trust that you will take this issue for me and do that which is best for me, to my highest good. 

This lesson has been very difficult in the 50 years that I've been teaching to get people to understand that they have a resource in God. They have a resource in Spirit. And they too can open that door. Let go and watch the miracles that happen when you Let go. My young Padawan is with me today and I'm going to call on him throughout the Shows to bring his perspective, his point of view across. Alfred, how have you done with letting go and letting God?

It was an incredibly difficult lesson. Because we're taught that if you want to succeed, if you want to get ahead, you have to control the outcome. You need to get the outcome the way that you want. There's an advertisement that says - You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. So much of Western Culture tells you you need to be in control. 

And one of the basic teachings that I've learned from Hans is that by being in control, yeah sure, you'll get what you understand... you'll get what your humanness, by yourself, understands. And what I've learned from Hans is by letting go of control of the outcome, by letting go of the way it needs to look, then you open yourself up to possibilities that your humanness, your poor little brain, could never understand. You open yourself up to the possibilities of the Universe. 

And remember that we are Angels in human form. We are not a human form with an Angel attachment. We are actually Spirit in human form. But because we are in human form we are susceptible to human frailties. We all know what that looks like. I knew what that looked like yesterday morning, for instance. 

So we all have to, I like to say, laugh at our mind chatter. Have you ever noticed, Alfred, that mind chatter never really tells you anything good about yourself? It always reminds you of what you're not, what you can't do, you're not good enough, you're not pretty enough, you're not thin enough? But it rarely ever says: You know, you're just wonderful the way you are and I love you. 

And that's the easiest way to understand if what is coming to you, what you're hearing is coming from your mind, your limited humanness or if it's coming from the Universe. If it's nagging you telling you what's wrong, what could be better, what you need to have, it's pretty much coming from your brain. If it is coming at you by saying: Everything's okay, we have you, trust us, there's nothing you need, just be peaceful... that's the Universe talking to you.

Right. And remember the mind chatter is a product of your history. It really isn't telling you anything true. It's very concerned about what “might” happen. Not what actually “is” happening. But its perception is if it doesn't know it, it's out of control. And if it's out of control, something could happen. 

So when you are trying to develop your spirituality and find your oneness with God and bring your Angels and Guides to work with you and to open your life to “all” that you can be, this becomes a direct threat to the mind. Because the mind feels it's out of control.

So you have the head-mind and the heart-mind. And the heart-mind will always tell you everything will be alright. The heart will tell you: Don't worry, we'll get through this. But the mind will turn and say: But how? How are we going to get through this? The rent is due, the car payment is due, you may lose your job or you've lost your job and you may never get another one. That's old mind chatter.

Oh, I've got a good one. Relationships.

We're going to be doing a lot about Relationships in these shows.

That is absolutely one of our most asked about topics and probably one of the most relevant topics in terms of Let Go and Let God. And it probably is one of the most personal topics. There's so many people that are close to us that have a choice in their relationships... to get a relationship... to determine if they should stay in the relationship... is to Let Go and Let God. And that's really what you're talking about. You can drive yourself absolutely crazy trying to figure it out on your own.

I think we try to take individuals and make them into what we'd like them to be. Rather than say just who they are in their uniqueness and their individuality is perfect for me.

How about this one? Say you want a relationship. Let's take that one for an example. That one's going to hit close to home here. Huh,  Hans?

Oh, yes.

And let's say you'd like a relationship. You've got two ways to go about it. And that's what we're trying to talk about right here. You have the choice of doing things the way that you understand them which is: Okay, let me go through my list... and let me try to figure it out... and I'm in control... and it's up to me to find somebody... “or” you can work with the Universe to find you a Soul Mate.


And surrender control, surrender the outcome. How does that sit with you Hans?

Well, it sits very well because when we try to control how a relationship will enter our life we normally fail. Because the greatest relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself. You cannot be in an all trusting, all loving relationship, unless you love yourself. Because you have no one to give if you don't know who you are. 

We try to hold on to relationships, for instance, that don't work anymore. And most people don't realize that there's something called Soul Crossing. And in Soul Crossing we come across someone who we have agreed to come across in this lifetime by our dharma, our karma, if you will, to work through some issues... to be mirrors, growth partners for each other. But we're actually headed in a different direction. 

And so these relationships come into our lives and we think: Oh, this is it, I've got it. And they fall apart. So when you let go of your “need” to have a relationship, you're saying to God: I am available for that certain someone who can see me as I see me... and I have no judgments of me... and I love me. 

Then The Spirit... The Great Spirit begins to unlock the doors that bring that someone to you. But sometimes those someones come in for 1 day, 10 years, or 50 years. It depends on what the dharma is. But if you live each day and surrender to letting go and letting God, the relationship will go exactly where it's supposed to be. 

But your mind chatter tells you: In order to be whole, in order to be someone, you need a relationship. And nothing can be further from the truth. And people, no matter how pretty it sounds - You complete me - nothing could be further from the truth. You are not made half whole. God did not send half-baked cookies to this planet. You were whole and complete when you arrived. You were perfect... absolutely perfect. 

You had a dharma, which is a map of what you chose to work through. Some lessons you wanted to learn. Certain people on The Other Side came with you to help you to learn those. Those are our Spirit Families, our Light Groups. And many of you have worked with the same people for many, many centuries in different forms one way or the other. 

But letting go and letting God means that you no longer place a value in what other people look like... what other people think... what other people tell you you are. We have a saying that says: Not my problem. Why don't you explain that teaching that we give?

The way I like to talk about it is how much do you understand about why you're here? Your own individual life path? Your own individual karma? But, you're by yourself every single day... you're with yourself every single day. 

If you yourself do not completely understand your individual life path, your purpose in life, what lessons you have to work through... how can anybody else judge you? How can anybody else have an opinion of you? Which means how can you possibly care about what someone else says about you?

One of the things that I taught Alfred was a wonderful saying from Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker in which she said: What someone thinks of you is really none of your business. But what you think of what they think of you should be very much your concern. And he puzzled and pondered that. But I think you get that now don't you Alfred?

Yes. But say you want a good relationship. You basically have two options. One, with your limited brain, try to figure it out yourself or to let go of the outcome. Let go of what other people think. Let go of what you think. And let the Universe provide you with the outcome. 

We're going to, throughout our many Shows to come, be discussing different forms of relationships, different forms of spiritual principles and teachings. So you will not all get it this evening, all the new people. But as we go along, you'll begin to see the pattern that frees you from the sense of being in what I refer to as "The Void."

And for many of you who don't know what The Void is, and I know all our Members do know because they've been with us for awhile, but The Void is a time in life where you may have a sense that there's more going from you or leaving you than coming towards you. You have a sense of uneasiness... a sense of not belonging. It is a time between two cycles of energy. 

And it is a time when Spirit does remove from us things that don't offer us growth anymore. It can be a very off-putting time, as my English friends would say. In that, if you don't know it, it appears as fearful. You just see things leaving and nothing's filling them. And that's why I nicknamed it The Void. What I love about The Void is that it is a harbinger or the announcer of a new beginning. 

Let's try it another way. When you were all in school your teacher, he or she, always had a big chalkboard behind them and they wrote the lesson and taught the lesson on the board. But at a certain point all the lesson had been written all over the board, even in the margins, and there was no place left to start the new lesson. And the teacher would then begin to erase the chalkboard, or one of the students did. 

I was one of the students who got to erase the chalkboard. And you could hear people saying: No, no I'm not finished... I still haven't written this! And the teacher or the student erased the chalkboard anyway. And it was empty. Well, what do you do then? 

Then the Spirit hands you new chalks to begin the new journey. And on the blank board you can write anything you want. On the blank board is all the possibilities of tomorrow. Not on the board that's been written on. That's done. It's the new board, the clean board, the board with nothing on it. 

That's exactly the same principle that Spirit uses when we let go and we let God. They “know” when our chalkboard is full. And They know when it's time to let go. And you're encouraged to let go. But we hang on. We hang on to things over and over again... pretending that we're going to make them work when they won't. Okay? 

By having faith that Spirit has heard you, and heard your request, is the key to letting go. Believe. Let Go and Let God. They know exactly what's supposed to be on your chalkboard. Know and believe that an outcome is already on the way... even though, my friends, you can't see it, you can't hear it... “know” it. Try to always have no judgment or opinion of when a solution is presented. Because that's your interference - the mind chatter. 

The mind chatter desperately wants to know when and how and where and why. These are irrelevant questions. They have no bearing in spirituality. They have no bearing in the Godforce. That is human need. Nothing more, nothing less. Keep the mind chatter at bay and watch the miracles arrive. Alfred, how did you find the courage to have faith... to let go? Where did it come from?

One of the most interesting things that you told me a long time ago and I think this is probably a good introduction to a lot of our people who are listening for the first time is “just try this.” Just try it. These things that we're teaching. Just try to incorporate them into your life and see how it goes. Because the absolute worse thing that's going to happen to you is you can go back to doing the thing that you know how to do.


You can be in control. You can do what you know. And when Hans first introduced me to these spiritual topics he said: Well, you can continue to argue and you can continue to tell me why they're not going to work “or” you can just try it. 

Try it for a month, try it for 2 months, but try it. And if for some reason you don't like it, you can go back to the way that you were because apparently you seem to understand the way that that works very well... regardless of whether it works well or not. But you understand how that works.

Well, it's yours.

Yes, it's yours. You understand it and you're in control.

There you go.

So when Hans first told me about these teachings of course I had some choice words for him about...

And folks you should've heard the words.

And he said: Fine, just try it. And that was the first introduction to all of this. I didn't have much faith. I said: Fine, I'm just gonna try it. But after a little while I said: Hhhmmm... this stuff seems to work. And after you see it work over and over and over again, you just try a little thing here, a little thing there.

Like the lessons that Hans is trying to go over: How to Let Go - How to Let God. Then all of a sudden you start having faith and trust in the Universe that Spirit actually does have your back if you let go of the control.

And the miracles show up don't they?

Yes, and the miracles show up. And that's how I started having faith, is by actually working the lessons that Hans is teaching and saying: Wow, that actually happened.

He was right.

He was right. Unfortunately 99.9% of the time Hans is right.

Well the Guidance is right.

Guidance is right.

I'm just the mouthpiece.

We'll go into Hans being a Medium later. But that's how I got faith was seeing the results time and time again and saying: Wow, if I just let go, I could actually have faith that what's going to show up is for my highest good.

And that's the key folks... is when you understand that God does not love anyone more in the world than you. Hear that again, children: God does not love anyone more in the world than you. Once you understand that concept, that the Godforce flows through you every day, your Angels, your Guides, your Helpers, your Friends, stand at the ready to help you. 

And that you can learn how to bring that love, that light, and that power into your life. Once you get it, it never leaves you. That's when your life begins to change. This is the primary reason that we do this Show. I've been working for over 56 years and helping individuals to understand how wonderful they are to God. That their God has no judgment of them and they can partner with the Force. 

One thing we bring into our Show, we attempt to bring in, we're a little serious today, but we love humor. Learning to laugh at yourself and learning to love yourself as God does. Because you know when The Spirit and when The Great Spirit looks at us, all they see is the baby Angels we are. They don't see our age, or our color, or what we're wearing, they just see the Angel that we actually all are. 

All the rest of that "stuff" is "human stuff." Alfred arrived for his teachings with so much human stuff it was mind boggling. Alfred was an International Banker. And when I told him, many years ago, that someday he'd be doing this work, writing books and teaching classes, he just looked at me and he said: I'd like to have some of whatever you're smoking.

Yes. That was the beginning of the choice words I had for Hans.

[Hans laughing in the background]

And folks, it was not the easiest of things. I probably aged a lot during the first 5 years... but it's all worked out and I'm grateful.

So if you want to know about a control freak, just ask. So for those of you who are control freaks...

And you know who you are.

Yes. I understand. This is another option. To say: Okay, if being a control freak is stressing you out and you're miserable, try this.

And that's the key everybody. Is find the humor in your control issues. Watch yourself. Try to remove yourself slightly. And watch how your mind reacts to certain key words... or certain key people. And you'll find out what Spirit sees in you every day. Oh, my goodness there she goes again. Turn on Channel 13 she's on. 

Listen to this mind chatter. Do you ever really sit back and listen to your crazies? And they run, and they run, and they wake you up at night. None of it is true. Not a thing of it is true. We have a perception that we have allowed ourselves to build and when things don't fit that perception we think something's wrong. 

Years ago I was blessed... I was in Thailand and I was up north at a very spiritual old capital called a Utica. And I met this Monk... this Buddhist Monk. And we were talking about things and he said to me: What makes you think anything is wrong? And I had a litany of things to prove my point of view. And he said: No, that's your mind chatter. I said: But, are you saying that there's absolutely nothing wrong? 

And he said: No, it's how you view it. It is your perception... and perception governs you in the Western World. For you, it's always more, or it's not enough, or it can't work, or it doesn't work. But there's no such statement as “enough”. 

And for each and every one of you, remember that who you are in this moment, no matter whether you're driving your car tonight or today I guess it is... no matter what you're doing at this moment, you are enough for God. 

Alrighty my friends, so the lesson today has been about "Let Go and Let God." For many of you this will be an old concept that you understand. But for a whole bunch of new people that are joining us today, this will be a new concept. And yes you have the power to change your life. Nobody has control over you. 

And in Dr. James Allen's wonderful book "As a Man Thinketh" he said: It is important to remember that they themselves are makers of themselves. And we'll be reviewing these things and the lessons will be different each week. 

I think that will conclude the lesson for today.

For more information about this topic, you might like:
You Are Enough
Intuitive Psychic Development

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