Saturday, October 3, 2015

“Nothing Is Wrong”- by Hans Christian King Spiritual Radio Show Transcription

“Nothing is Wrong”- by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Nothing is Wrong
October 3, 2015

Hi everyone, welcome.  Today’s topic is, “Nothing Is Wrong.” In our daily life we need to view things in certain perspectives in order for us to feel that everything is okay, we’re in good shape. We need for people to say certain things, we need to hear our boss say certain things, we need constantly to be reassured that everything’s okay, everything’s alright. Right now we’re going through this terrible loss again at a another school, this is the forty-second school that this has happened to, and so our minds right away are rushing to try to comprehend the madness that’s involved with why our children kill our children. We all know why. All you have to do is turn on television or go to the movies. That’s where they’re getting all this “violence is okay.”

Alfred and I sat the other night and we watched little blurbs from all the new TV shows. Every one of them was violence. Every one we looked at had violence in it - I mean murders - everyone of them. Then we wonder why our children - where this is coming from. We know the answers but we don’t want to bring them into ourself, so that we make ourself responsible for any of this. You see?

So, when I say to you, what makes you think anything is wrong, the mind has a place inside of it that it needs to understand why this is going on. So, what I’m saying to you is, when you go to work everyday, there’s a need you have for the boss, maybe the owner, to live up to some emotional expectation you may have. If that doesn’t happen in that time frame that you have set, something’s wrong. You have a need for your partner to say a certain thing or be a certain way, when they maybe would have said, “Do you need that?” Something’s wrong. And so learning, one of the hardest things I ever tried to teach our boy here, was that nothing was wrong. And he looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

When we bring this topic up in class, which we do a lot of times, especially during the Intuitive Development Class, immediately people come up with child abuse, the Holocaust. They bring up the worst things that could have ever possibly be, and we have to sit there and say, “What makes you think anything is really wrong?” And there’s a lot of different ways for you to look at it, one of them being - is there really death? If the absolute worse things happen, mass suicides, mass killings, the school killings, the Holocaust, is there anything wrong? Did those people die? Or did the physical aspect just fade away and the soul just return to the other side to come back down for another incarnation later on. That’s what we try to describe to you, is by changing your perception of the way you look at things, instead of having a judgment of the way you’re looking at murder, the school shootings, change your perception to say - this is nothing more than a vehicle.

When you get into an accident, yes, you’re a little bit shaken up, but what do you do? You go get another car. The insurance company pays for it, or you get a rental car and you use that for a little while and then you get into another car and then off you go. Yes, there’s a little bit of emotion when you lose one car and pick up another one but is it really like that, Hans?

Alfred, as humans, we forget one specific thing. The greatest gift that the Universe gives us, that God first gives us, you’ve heard me say this for years, is free will. It is man’s free will that is creating the disasters, the murders, the inhumanity to our fellow man, not feeding our hungry. It is our own choice, maybe not yours, but somebody else’s. It’s a bunch of free will choices that are hurting the world.

We now, this beautiful country of ours, with our beautiful people, have now become the most violent nation in the western world. I saw on television today that over the last ten years, three hundred and eighty-three Americans have been killed by terrorists overseas. That’s terrible. But three hundred thousand have been killed inside the United States, by our own people who are acting like terrorists.

I just saw a lady and her husband in Tokyo and their daughter wanted to go to Columbia University in New York, and they didn’t want her to go, they said, "No.It’s too violent there, you don’t want to go there, you’ll get hurt." The daughter wanted to go, to be with her friends, and anyway she went and on her first day she was shot dead in the street. Is that a coincidence? Is that something that was supposed to happen? No. So when we say to you, what makes you think anything is wrong? You’re not reacting to a global situation, you’re reacting to a human situation. The human situation in our country has grown more and more angry, more and more fearful, and so out of that anger and out of that fear - why didn’t God stop World War I, and World War II, and the Korean War, and the Vietnamese War? God had nothing to do with those wars. Nothing.

And that’s exactly it. If you try to look at the situation from a human perspective, if you try to understand it, if you try to rationalize it – yes, you’re going to get frustrated, there’s going to be blame, there’s going to be stress, there’s going to be anger, but for those of a spiritual perspective, there is the law of free will, and that is the fundamental foundation of incarnation on this planet  - is that this planet allows for all experiences, all choices. You can choose to be happy. You can choose to be kind. You can choose to be mean. Now, could there ever be possibly be something good that comes out of violence, mass murder - yes. Is there something positive that could come out of poverty? Yes. What? An uprising of enlightenment, good, sharing, that there are people, for example Britain and the UK rose up against the evil that happened in World War II, there was an uprising of good. With poverty there is an uprising of super billionaires who are now funding money to end poverty.

There is the possibility to interact and experience anything you want on this earth and that is by design by the Creator that everyone has free will to experience whatever they want, however they want… and everyone knows that before they come here.

Absolutely. One of the things They say to us on our way in is, "Remember you have free will over everything. Yes, you have a dharma that speaks to learning this particular thing. Be nice to each other, be kind." Instead, when we come in right away our minds are filled with all the fears of our parents, all the fears of society. We see things on television - I saw the other day that on average, a child sees a little more than fifty-eight murders a week. Every week. On the television - with a handgun. Fifty-eight. That’s appalling. We now have a hand gun for every man, woman and child in the United States of America. No nation on earth has that many firearms.

When I was a young man, you went to the police station and you got a gun permit. Then, when you got your permit, you went to the gun place and you bought the gun and you registered the gun. Not anymore. So, when we start getting upset about our sense of the lack of free will, which is what we all feel. We feel helpless. The reason we feel helpless is because we don’t do anything to change it. We keep succumbing.

Exactly. And that is the first lesson we are telling you about. You can fall into the fear, you can fall into why is this happening? You can get upset, or you can say, “I dedicate my life, I dedicate part of my time to being peaceful,” and go within being peaceful and realize that nothing can affect
who you are. You always have the choice to be happy. Second, there was the possibility of finally the people having a greater say than the gun lobby. There is finally a possibility that the word of the people is going to overcome the NRA. That is the good that can possibly come from this.

The other side on the gun issue says, oh the second amendment - nobody is talking about taking your guns away. That is never going to happen in this country. It is part of our Constitution. What we are talking about is being responsible for the guns we sell people. That’s what we’re talking about. If the other half of the country rose up and said in a strong and forceful voice, “No. You cannot do this anymore. Let’s open a dialogue.” If that force was as loud as the force on the right that has risen up - millions and millions of dollars that have been spent to keep gun laws the way they are - then you would see change. The free will of people, but until you take a stand, until you say no I am not willing to take this anymore.

Until you change your perception and realize, “Oh, there is nothing wrong here. I’m just not acting on it.” We have tremendous laws on guns in this country, but none of them are used.

So what I want you to do is to use what I’m talking about today in several ways. How are you viewing your life? How are you viewing the conditions of your life? Alfred, I talked to a lady a couple of days ago, and she said she had the most miserable life she ever could have imagined. She said her life turned out exactly as she thought it was. She said, “I’m miserable, nobody loves me, I have a terrible job, I hardly have any money in the bank, nobody wants to be my friend.” I said, “When did you start doing this to yourself?” She went totally crazy on the phone. Totally crazy! “Why am I talking to you?” I said, “Because you need to put in a new perspective, that’s why.” She believed that everything was wrong. She became a victim of that, and she started to look at when the next shoe’s going to drop, when’s the next bad thing going to happen? Can any of you relate to that? 

Absolutely. And that leads up to our second topic for today, which has to do with looking at nothing is wrong by changing your perception and changing your judgment of the way that things are. What makes you think you have the ability to understand, to judge, to have an opinion of the way things are, to judge universal law, to judge God for allowing these things to happen?

God didn’t do that to you.

No. But imagine if by design, God allowed for all experiences. That we knew about World War I, World War II. We knew about the Crusades, we knew about the British coming over and taking over America, we knew about the Spanish taking over South America, before you incarnated and you said, “That’s okay, I’m going to come down there.” It was a choice, of course you don’t remember this.

The greatest gift God gives us always, is free will. Nothing is more important.

And to look at what is happening through that perception, to say, “No - I knew in advance that this was the type of world that I was going to come down into.” Instead of having a judgment of what is wrong, and judging; having the opinion that something’s wrong - look at it the way you did when you decided to come down which is: I have the judgment that I want to live my life in this incarnation and look at the good I can do for myself, look at the good I can do for my soul, look at the possibilities of being of service, because there are so many opportunities to be of service.

Go back even further than that. As mankind has evolved, God never produced anything called war. Great Spirit never produced anything called murder. Never produced anything called starvation. Mankind did that, and God always gets blamed if something goes wrong. And gets the credit when something goes right. We as a nation of people, are slowly imploding. Our current system is imploding. We are no longer even governable. We are the laughing stock of the western world. Travel overseas and see what they think about the craziness. Donald Trump for president?! Really? That’s the best we can come up with?

We need to sit back, all of us, in our personal life and say, “I choose no longer perceive my life as a loss.” Remember my friend Alexandra I’ve told you about all these years - whenever anything would go awry in her life, her first statement out of her lips was, “I wonder what’s in this for me today, what can I learn from this today?”

And that’s what we mean about looking at your judgment, looking at your perception of the situation, of the news, of what’s going on. What is there for you? Is it - oh look at this world that I live in, or is it - look there’s a lot of opportunities to serve. Is it - oh I blame God for this or no - there’s just some lost souls out there and I choose to be a soul that’s of service to others. I choose to be a soul that is happy. What is your perception, what is your opinion, your judgment, the way you view what is going on in the world and your role in the world?

Exactly. You can have the peace in your life at any time by allowing your perception to shift that there is peace. You can literally make a decision today that says my life is of value, I don’t particularly care the way it’s going right now, but I set that in motion. I’m not a victim of my circumstances any longer. I choose to know there’s nothing wrong, and that all I’m asking Spirit for is to help me change my intention. Because out of intention comes clarity. Always.

Did we get it?

Yes. That was a tough subject.

It is a tough subject because, it is inbred in us through society, good and evil, light and dark, right and wrong, poor and rich, always this dichotomy of perceptual truth. Truth is, I am. Truth is, nothing is wrong.

I had a dear friend Rita, who used to say to her students, “Over your head every day Spirit provides a tremendous amount of cookie dough. Just floating in the clouds, the cookie dough. Every day God gives you all the cookie cutters you could possibly use for your own imagination and your own heart, and it’s up to you to find one you think looks good and bring it down and put it on the tray and Spirit will bake that cookie for you.” Because she believed. Belief is the oven of joy.

Those are the two different ways you can look at life. You can look at your life - look at all the things that are bad around me or you can follow the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi that says be the change you wish to see in the world.

Change your internal mechanism. Don’t say, “I want to buy a house in Acapulco,” say, “I’m going to buy a house in Acapulco.” Don’t say, “Gee I wish I could learn to fly,” say, “Well I’m already a pilot I just need my license.” Move yourself out of your minds perception that there’s something blocking you, that there’s something wrong, move it out. I woke up today, my feet hit the ground. I have choices. I can choose to be happy, or I can choose to be miserable. Mind chatter will immediately go back to your family or your problems or you history Alfred, and start pulling that junk up once again as if any of it is real! In all those memories that you have of your younger days - they’re gone. The reality of it is nobody gives a darn, nobody knows the pain that you’re in, nobody cares that you’re in the pain. They’ll say, “Get over yourself.” Everything you want is in front of you. That’s just a memory. Would you run a race with a ten foot ball put to your foot? No. Get rid of the ball. it’s called perception.

Alrighty Alfred, I think that will conclude the lesson for today.

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