Saturday, August 8, 2015

“Communicating With Spirit: Intuitive Development” - by Hans Christian King Spiritual Show Transcription

“Communicating With Spirit: Intuitive Development” - by Hans Christian King 
Spiritual Radio Show Transcription
with Hans Christian King
and Alfred Ricci
Topic: Communicating With Spirit
August 8, 2015

The topic for today is "Communicating With Spirit: Intuitive Development."  Hello everyone. Welcome, welcome. What a beautiful day. I'm just looking out my windows here at all the beautiful trees. I have Pine Trees, Birch Trees, Ash Trees, Poplar Trees... You name it, it's out here. A wonderful day today here in Asheville, North Carolina. 

I've been getting a few questions from people who say: How do I know what kind of gift I have? Well as most of you know, there's the ability to be clairsentient. There's the ability to be clairvoyant... clairaudient... some of you have healing energies... some of you have a combination of all of these. So let's talk about the first one - clairsentience.

Clairsentience is an ability to receive information from The Other Side without necessarily seeing it or hearing anything. And I've often said some of the greatest Mediums I have even known, never saw anything, never heard anything. But they have what we call "a quiet knowing" or "a quiet understanding." Now Alfred had that in the beginning and he was able to develop that and he's still doing so. Almost everyone, at some level, is clairsentient.

Yes. Everyone has the ability to receive information from Spirit. At least on a clairsentient level. What that means is that you can interpret the frequency and vibration and the energy of Spirit. Some call it a gut feeling, some call it woman's intuition, sometimes you've said I just feel I should do this or say that. That is clairsentience. Everyone has that. The question is whether or not you pay attention to it.

Now, in the classes that we give on-line and in-person, one of our jobs is to help you to understand the call signs for what you do have. And many of you, I'm very delighted to say, have begun to work with your clairsentient abilities, begun to help open some doors for you. And this really makes a difference when you get an impression and then you follow through with the impression. And you say: Oh my gosh, I knew that. I don't know how I knew it, but I knew it.

I'd like to talk a little bit longer about what are the possibilities in being clairsentient. And one of the possibilities is to walk with your hand holding Spirit. In other words, to believe that you are being given and fed information... not questioning it whatsoever... just knowing it. And when you do that, your broad-band of your intuitive development center opens wider. And speaking of broad-band... Alfred?

So what we're trying to say is has to do with Trust, Faith, and Belief. Trust that what is coming through is actually for you. Faith that there are people above you watching over you that are there for your highest good. Belief that you can actually receive information from your Guidance. The more that you surrender into those, the more you will be able to use your clairsentient abilities.

And the big lesson in this is Trust and Belief. If you continue to look for what you think you had you're going to block it from coming in. Your job is to "know" you have never not been disconnected. Never. You can never be disconnected from Spirit. That's impossible.

So when you begin to say: Oh, I already am connected. I'm just learning how to work with this connection. The doors open even wider. Being clairsentient means: I believe, I trust. How did that work for you in the beginning, Alfred?

It was pretty scary. 


It was really scary when you first start trying to believe that there is something that you can understand... that you've never read, that you've never talked about, that you never studied, that you never learned, you've never watched on television, but all of a sudden this information comes to you. That really scares the heck out of your brain.

It does. The brain doesn't know how to deal with it. The brain knows how to deal with what it calls a "known." But an "unknown" is another matter entirely. So folks, if you feel that you are clairsentient, then your job is to work on your belief system. That's going to be the key here, to grow that. Working on the belief system. 

So onto the next topic. Let's get over to more mediumistic skills. Clairsentience is more of a psychic skill. Psychics interpret the energy and the vibration of Spirit, of Guidance. More mediumistic skills, the first one is clairvoyance – is the ability to receive images from The Other Side.

Now, if you're clairvoyant, which so many of you are, you would have, since childhood, gotten little flashes of wisdom... little pictures... little quiet understandings. And those things tended to happen. They tended to come true. You may have seen shadows. You may have seen misty clouds. Those are all part of the development of intuitive aspects of your body. 

Spirit, in the beginning, has to readjust the electromagnetic energy in your system in order to become more in-line with their energy. So, as you raise your vibration, their job is to lower theirs. Okay? Until you get somewhere in the middle where it makes it easier to communicate. And that's exactly what happens is we teach you how to get in-line with spiritual vibration.

One of the things that I think is very important is that you not try so hard. Have a quiet knowing that you're clairvoyant and The Spirit is working with you. But when you sit real hard and you try to manifest something or see something, you really lose the value of the natural flow of the energy. Alfred, any comments?

With all spiritual practices, your first job is to surrender, is to let go, is to be a blank slate. And to wait for something to come "to" you. It's not your job to go out and get the images. It's your job to be calm, to be peaceful, to be in a meditative state, and wait for Spirit to give you information. 

In this place, you're waiting for them to give you a picture. Now it's very, very important during the development of your clairvoyance is to explain to The Other Side when you get something. To say: I see red... I see blue... I see pink. A lot of times our students start out by seeing just a single color.

Yes. Oftentimes a color or a shape. A lot of times people will see circles or squares or again a puff of smoke. These are all indications that you are operating closer and closer with The Spirit. I used to tell these things to Alfred and he used to say I was not playing with a full deck. Now he doesn't say that anymore.

So as you're developing your clairvoyance, you need to communicate with The Other Side what you're getting. And the more you tell The Other Side what you're getting, the more They can say: Okay, let's try to work in a similar way and the more detailed the pictures will become.

Absolutely. So just know that yes you can. Yes you can. It's a matter of working hard at it and accepting it. And we teach you all these things on our website and in all the classes that we do. Now the next thing I'd like to talk about is one that's been very dear and near to my heart for years and that's clairaudience. 

Clairaudience is the ability to actually hear The Spirit, hear voices. Sometimes people say: Well I hear like when I walk into a certain room in my house... or I walk down the hallway, I can hear a little rustling sound or I hear what I think are voices... very muted, very muffled. What is that? You're passing very, very close to what I call a little vortex in spiritual energy that allows you to actually hear that.

That's a very good sign for those of you who are developing your clairsentient abilities. Many times, many times, you'll hear your name called. Alfred, the other day you heard you name called I think.

As clear as a bell. I thought it was Hans calling my name.

Once that process begins, over time, The Spirit begins to open the door if They see the person is not being frightened by the event. They open the door to help that person to develop their clairaudience. 

So these three things that we're talking about today are all handled in our Intuitive Development Class.

Yes. But one thing that we try to explain to you in the Class, and we're just giving you a little tidbit here, is everyone is clairsentient. Everyone can receive vibration, energy, guidance from Spirit. Some people are clairvoyant and can receive pictures. Mediumistic skills that we're talking about here, such as the ability to "hear" The Other Side are reserved for Royalty... Great Masters...


So if you're hearing voices, that's actually really good.

That's a a really good sign. And some people, like we say, are possessed of all three. But they don't know and psychiatrists tend to call it crazy.

And we're trying to telling you that's a really great thing.

Congratulations is what we're trying to say.

You can actually have communication with The Other Side as if you're having communication with someone here. And what we're trying to say here is communication, it is a two-way communication, in all three types of ways that we're reviewing. Especially in clairaudience, it's not just about "hearing," it's about your ability to speak back with The Other Side.

I had a very interesting question come in the other day. Does your environment... can it hinder or help your development? The answer to that is: Yes. If you live in a very stressful city in a very stressful place, then you need to turn your home into a sanctuary or a room into a sanctuary where peace is what you hear. Having a water feature, for instance, a little fountain which you can even produce on your computer to drown out background noise is important.

I used to have a very large group and we had always sat with a water feature because it was in the business section in Los Angeles and another one in the Bay Area. And it harmonizes better. So try to find a safe place. So for those of you who live in a big, bustling city, don't think you can't do this. You can, but with certain little preparations. 

The biggest thing we hear, where we live, are the birds. Alfred's birds. He feeds the birds. Last night Alfred was blessed to have seven raccoons on the deck. And the raccoons are now are so big that they can't get through the slats on the deck. They have to climb over the deck.

They're very well fed.

They eat better than he does, let's put it that way. Okay?

Alrighty, I think that will conclude the lesson for today.

For more information on this topic and to develop your own intuitive skills, you might like:
Intuitive Psychic Development

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